zeena-athena · 1 hour
Foreman: you missed a trash can at (location)
Me: I was not aware of the one at (location)
Foreman: it's on your map, behind the suburb.
Me: what map? Yall got a map?
Foreman: the map of the city, with all the trash cans marked on it.
Me: I didn't get a map.
Foreman: ... how have you been getting all the other trash cans this summer without a map?
Me: I've been doing the ones that got showed to me and I just remembered where they are.
Foreman: you've been doing the whole city by memory!?
Me: well I mean obviously the whole city minus that one.
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zeena-athena · 2 hours
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Hognoses are truly the most relatable snakes
Patreon | Etsy
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zeena-athena · 4 hours
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zeena-athena · 8 hours
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zeena-athena · 8 hours
I think the first step towards the life you want is often to just say yes to more things. Accept that coffee invitation from your coworker even if it seems awkward. Sign up for that free class at the library that you're not sure you'll like. Join that club. Book that tour. Say yes to as many things as you can and kill the part of your brain that gut-reacts with a no.
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zeena-athena · 8 hours
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zeena-athena · 1 day
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zeena-athena · 1 day
I love how varied and universally weird the circumstances for making lifelong friendships are. Here's this guy I accidentally messaged once and I could not imagine my life without them now. Here's this girl I was so scared of when I met her, I would kill for her and remind her to rest on the regular. Here's this other guy we have so much in common we used to joke we were the same person in different timelines. It took us years to meet in person and I attended his wedding. There are also people who entered my life in absolutely unremarkable ways but changed it forever for the better. It's wonderful how easy it is to find people to love.
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zeena-athena · 1 day
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For cassalalia at bsky for their Waymakers donation, a Turkey Vulture! Such a fun request, I don't get to illustrate these intelligent, sweet birds nearly often enough, so thank you, truly!
Until September 30, you can donate here to help immigrant kids at the US border. Money goes to reuniting them with family, purchasing school and personal supplies, and funding volunteers and translators to make sure they're safe. If you donate, please message me and let me know what bird you would like to see!
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zeena-athena · 1 day
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does anyone know if i can like block sites from appearing in my google images searches??? i keep getting those awful ai generated things with a hand coming out of a man's neck and just straight up not what i was looking for, because this was in a search for "curly hair in medieval paintings". it happens every time i search for anything vaguely art-reference-like and it's so fucking annoying and it clutters my search results so much. i don't wanna add specific commands to the query every time too, what i need is like a browser extension or something
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zeena-athena · 2 days
have you heard about the rarebit webcomic template on neocities? it might be useful for some of your followers who want to self host
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I hadn't but this sounds AWESOME, thank you for the suggestion! Go make some websites!!
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zeena-athena · 2 days
Webtoon's new age rating standards say that a comic can't be rated All Ages if it includes "Fully censored profanity (e.g., #$%^) in a few episodes". Literally more restrictive than 1950s newspaper funnies!
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zeena-athena · 2 days
everyone loves to shit on shoebills like omg this bird is SO SCARY its TERRIFYING which like first of all shut up youre annoying second they are literally just standing there what the hell is your problem
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zeena-athena · 2 days
jack of no trades. master of fuck all
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zeena-athena · 2 days
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zeena-athena · 2 days
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zeena-athena · 2 days
What she says: I hate antis
What she really means: I don’t mind people disliking a ship for their own reason but the anti-shipping movement is driven by hate and bandwagon bullying to police what people are “allowed” to enjoy. They use fundamentally abusive and manipulative tactics on real people in the name of protecting survivors from speculative things in fiction. Antis want to act morally superior over ship wars and claim that to ship something problematic you must be a survivor. By doing this antis force survivors who may be uncomfortable with coming out with their status to out themselves and then hold them to impossible standards. Except when it does come to survivors who ship anti-deemed problematic things we are attacked, harassed, and then pushed under the bus anyway. Antis trivialize terms such as abuse, rape, and pedophilia by using them so often and out of place against a group made up of many survivors and minors– the people they claim to be protecting. They have bullied and suicide baited artists and other content creators they dislike in the name of “policing the bad ships uwu.” All antis are at fault for this, even if an anti claims not to send hate themselves they are still influencing this bad behavior because they are part of this hate group. The entire anti-shipper movement is a toxic cesspool that makes me feel sick.
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