zaynakhtar-blog · 4 years
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var namMember = new Array(
"option 1",
"option 2",
"option 3",
"option 4",
"option 5"
var lstMember = new Array();
var parent = new Array();
var equal = new Array();
var rec = new Array();
var cmp1,cmp2;
var head1,head2;
var nrec;
var numQuestion;
var totalSize;
var finishSize;
var finishFlag;
//The initialization of the variable+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
function initList(){
var n = 0;
var mid;
var i;
//The sequence that you should sort
lstMember[n] = new Array();
for (i=0; i<namMember.length; i++) {
lstMember[n][i] = i;
parent[n] = -1;
totalSize = 0;
for (i=0; i<lstMember.length; i++) {
//And element divides it in two/more than two
//Increase divided sequence of last in first member
if(lstMember[i].length>=2) {
mid = Math.ceil(lstMember[i].length/2);
lstMember[n] = new Array();
lstMember[n] = lstMember[i].slice(0,mid);
totalSize += lstMember[n].length;
parent[n] = i;
lstMember[n] = new Array();
lstMember[n] = lstMember[i].slice(mid,lstMember[i].length);
totalSize += lstMember[n].length;
parent[n] = i;
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