Zara J. Moore
19 posts
unstoppable binge reader. fairly inexperienced writer. harry potter lover
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
have been hibernating for several weeks because I have so. much. real life work but this makes me want to come out of hiding to write a fic about this garden party. obsessed
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garden party 💚
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
all i can think about is a hansy one-shot in which pansy pureblood-princess parkinson explains all this and more to a bewildered harry boy-who-wouldn’t-know-fashion-sense-if-it-bit-him-in-the-arse potter while trying to dress him for hermione and draco’s wedding
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Mens Fashion  -
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
I made a cake? (this is a Bending Light post)
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So I have this tradition of giving myself cravings with my own writing (see: me buying a countertop juicer after the orange juice chapter of Bending Light or my Après Ski hot chocolate adventure) and when I was writing the latest Bending Light chapter I dun did it again. This time it was a cake, specifically an Italian torta di mele or apple cake (or pie? depending on your translation -- I am *not* an Italian speaker, so please if you are, feel free to correct/educate me). I got curious after researching and decided to try my hand at making one, using this intriguing recipe. I'll let the author of that post tell you why this version is molto Italiano:
Most Italian cakes are made with oil instead of butter.
The flour is always sifted with the baking powder.
90 percent of the time lemon is an added ingredient. Just as it is in this Apple Cake. And because Italians cannot live without lemon!
The finished cake is rarely drizzled or frosted unless of course you are making a birthday cake or a Tiramisu.
Most Italian cakes are dusted with powdered sugar.
These types of cakes are often served at Breakfast and as a snack with an espresso.
The perfect cake to serve when a friend comes to visit.
Anyway, results are pictured above. Pretty, I think -- and it was very tasty too! Much less sweet than an American style cake and well-paired with a cup of coffee.
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
This has broken my heart. Such a beautiful soul. Forever and always our Aunt Polly. We will love and miss you.
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
Helen McCrory has sadly passed away at the age of 52 from a battle with Cancer; leaving behind her husband and 2 teenage children.
Rest easy, the perfect actress for Narcissa Malfoy; you will be greatly missed⚡️
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
Chapter 22 Sneak Peek
It’s that time of week. Enjoy the preview.
“We’re sending a team to canvas the area and stationing guards outside of your wards. I would advise you to move the location of this event.” Malfoy toyed with the silver cuff link, clearly reluctant about his next words. “My mother will likely volunteer our home for the new venue.”
“Of course.” That made perfect sense. “I—”
“Will you stay with them until I return?”
There was intensity in his expression that told Hermione this was more potent than a request. This was him tapping into the piece of himself he had given her last month with the kettle he’d left on.
She knew this wasn’t easy for him.
“I will.”
See you all on 4/23/2021!
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
people on this website be like “it’s actually school’s fault that i don’t know how to read because i wanted to write my essay on the divergent trilogy and that BITCH mrs. clarkson made us study 1984 instead. anyway here’s a 10 tweet thread of easily disproven misinformation about a 3 year old news story and btw, who is toni morrison?”
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
This chapter 😀 destroyed me 😀 I am not okay 😀 If you haven’t read Measure of a Man go read it IMMEDIATELY 😀 goodbye 😀
As I stated in my AO3 comment, I am going to go scream into a pillow now. Repeatedly. For the next two weeks.
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Measure Of A Man
Twenty One - Bridge Over Troubled Water
To truly know someone is to differentiate between who they once were, who they are now, and who they're capable of being. Hermione realises the duality of one man as she rectifies what she knows of the past and begins to understand the pieces of who Draco Malfoy is now: a father, a son, and a man.
Her odd sense of foreboding only grew when she entered the conservatory. Harry exited the back door to summon Andromeda while Hermione approached Malfoy, who was frowning at the small Venus flytrap on her table next to the Touch-Me-Not.
“It’s for James.”
Malfoy cast a look at her. “Do you always give odd plants as gifts?”
"Not always." Hermione bit back a small smile. “He suddenly wants a dog and Harry decided to use this as a test when he returns.”
Malfoy looked puzzled, but he didn’t realise just what a plant could teach a child.
“It’s something he has to feed and take care of.” She wanted him to understand the purpose. “It’ll either teach him responsibility or Harry will be catching bugs to feed his son’s plant. Either way, I’ve done my part.”
“I see.”
Hermione watched as he ran a slow finger down the spine of the Touch-Me-Not, which reacted by closing up. Thoughts of the last time he’d touched the plant were fresh on her mind.
“Thank you for coming.”
“I’m not here for sentimental reasons, Granger.”
“It doesn’t matter why you’re here, only that you are.”
FFN || AO3
Banner by the lovely @dreamsofdramione 😍
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
me reading every dramione fic tagged “mutual pining” & “love triangle” in one sitting
I know some fic writers get stressed about writing tropes they think are too popular or overdone, and I need you all to know that I just spent 4 hours reading every iteration of the same exact fic plot I could find, and they all brought me an indescribable amount of joy. Listen. Listen. Sometimes you want cakes of many flavours and sometimes you want Nine Carrot Cakes
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
feeling exceptionally frantic waiting for this chapter
Still editing this bad boy but Chapter 21 preview!
Her odd sense of foreboding only grew when she entered the conservatory. Harry exited the back door to summon Andromeda while Hermione approached Malfoy, who was frowning at the small Venus flytrap on her table next to the Touch-Me-Not.
“It’s for James.”
Malfoy cast a look at her. “Do you always give odd plants as gifts?”
"Not always." Hermione bit back a small smile. “He suddenly wants a dog and Harry decided to use this as a test when he returns.”
Malfoy looked puzzled, but he didn’t realise just what a plant could teach a child.
“It’s something he has to feed and take care of.” She wanted him to understand the purpose. “It’ll either teach him responsibility or Harry will be catching bugs to feed his son’s plant. Either way, I’ve done my part.”
“I see.”
Hermione watched as he ran a slow finger down the spine of the Touch-Me-Not, which reacted by closing up. Thoughts of the last time he’d touched the plant were fresh on her mind.
“Thank you for coming.”
“I’m not here for sentimental reasons, Granger.”
“It doesn’t matter why you’re here, only that you are.”
See you all next Friday!
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
Hi Olivie!! Okay, FIRST OF ALL, I feel compelled to tell you that I’m a HUGE FAN. I read TCG a few weeks ago, and it’s weird to say since it was so recent, but I really feel like it changed my life. I literally had to explain the entire plot and the idea of a “Muggle Royalty AU” to my deeply bemused therapist in order to spend the next three sessions talking about the Life Revelations I had as a result of TCG. I’ve been working my way through the rest of your hp fics since then (currently reading Paradox) and just bought TA6 (which I am saving for a time when I am less busy so I can really savor it). All this to say, you’ve had a massive impact on my life, you remind me of me (smart girls are told to be lawyers will live rent free in my head for eternity and your law school -> published author track has made me, a future law school student & new writer, think long and hard about what I want in my life and why), you inspire me, etc etc etc.
Now onto the question! I saw this post talking about writing big friend groups, and I had a related question. I’ve been trying and struggling to write a large friend group as part of my current WIP (inspired by the insane and wonderful friend group in TCG which, after reading multiple times, I feel like I am a part of) but I feel like I can’t get the big group dynamic down? Like the individual relationships between characters are fine, but when they’re all in the same place, just hanging out, I feel like it falls flat. Do you have any advice on that?
Okay, that’s all for now! Thank you so much!
hello yay I’m so glad you’re enjoying All Of This (ambiguous hand waves) and that you, too, have now had to explain this labyrinthine subculture to your therapist—I’ve had to do this with my therapist as well and she doesn’t even have any familiarity with harry potter so like, what a use of an hour am I right—and anyway thank you for all of this and for allowing me to tamper with your thoughts. l’chaim!!
I will happily address this question for monday’s video, which feels well-timed since the other questions have been sleepover-y in nature and talking about fictional friendship totally counts. thanks for asking!
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
This is kind of the type of fashion I envision when I think about Daphne and Pansy’s new Muggle-Wizard fusion line in The Engagement. Ziad Nakad’s is just a bit more risqué than I think PG Designs would be. But the capes! The shawls! The billowy sleeves! Very muggle-wizard fusion chic!
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Ziad Nakad | Spring/Summer 2021 Couture
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
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2021 Redraw of Padma and Parvati in their Yule Ball outfits!
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
As you all know, I’m new to Tumblr, so I replied to this post but wasn’t sure if I should be reblogging it. Thus, I am doing both. Anyway, sorry for the self promo, but I’m currently writing a WIP like this! D/H were in a secret relationship & are in love, but D gets engaged to A for... reasons. Complicated reasons. The Slytherins and Gryffindors are all friends with strong B&H and T&H friendships! It’s called The Engagement and it’s available on AO3!
Hullo! Any love triangle Draco/Astoria/Hermione recommendations? Thinking of something like Fixing What You Broke by LadyKenz347 or Tango by MrBenzedrine89, ideally where Hermione is friendly with Blaise/Theo and Astoria isn't turned into a total evil villainess.
we don;t have much but we of course have a tag:
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zarajmoore · 4 years ago
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S.P.E.L.L. Presents:
TOO MUCH: How Victorian Constraints Still Bind Women Today by Rachel Vorona Cote
While last month’s historical romance was a perfect example of how entire genres are built on the (very enjoyable!) romanticization of the Regency, Victorian, and Edwardian eras, this month we’re discussing how stigma from those eras may have contributed to today’s gender politics. In the context of the recent events of violence against women, it seems particularly relevant to keep one eye on how sex, gender, and power contribute to a social fabric that our media and/or politics don’t always accurately identify or name.
The central thesis of this book is that a woman who is “Too Much” is a woman who defies Victorian social constraints and expectations; aptly, the sections of the book are broken up into Too Much qualities: women who feel too much (chatterbox: hysterical women), women with gumption (nerve: demanding women), women who are too close to other women (close: wlw), women who take up space (plus: fat women), women with mental illness (crazy), women who self-harm (cut), women who enjoy sex (horny), women who cheat (cheat: also sluts), loud women (loud) and of course, a classic: old women (old). 
I can’t remember a time that I haven’t been told that I’m “a lot.” I’ve been called a bitch, high-strung, the kind of woman who needs to “chill out,” “take a chill pill,” “did you forget your meds this morning?” only to be congratulated whenever I manage to hide it; “you’ve really chilled out,” said a boy I knew from high school who sat next to me on a plane ride home in college. I know what it is to be rewarded for being quiet, for not laughing too loudly, for managing my mental health, for being crazy only in a way that makes me ethereal and interesting rather than unstable or in need of help. I am familiar with wondering: is there something wrong with me for wanting sex for my own pleasure, or for resenting the expectation that when it comes to anything from intimacy to food, I should starve? So there was a lot of validation for me in this book, by acknowledging that the aberrations I feel in myself are actually rooted in some gendered need to keep me contained. It reminded me a lot of our ORLANDO read in that way, particularly with the way Woolf’s gender non-conforming Orlando reflects on the social disparity in the Victorian age. 
Keep reading
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