zamnryan · 5 years
“Oh man.. I’m honestly not picky.” He shook his head. “Who is picky when it comes to one nights anyway?” Elijah chuckled a little. “As long as you don’t get yourself a clinger.”
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“Yeah, but you don’t want to having boring sex, or sex that you don’t like.” He pointed out. Ryan smirked. “It’s all about what gets you hard.” He bluntly stated. “Now, your outfits might be your thing...but if you want to pull in a girl for one night, lay off that. Jeans, button up. Perfect. Maybe flex with a watch.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
“Wow, look at you talking about being respectful to ladies.” Elijah looked back over at him. “At least you’re getting a sniff. Then again, you’re way younger than me.”
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Ryan rolled his eyes. “It’s because I’m not boring, Eli.” He didn’t think Elijah was a complete snore. “You have a gift, have fun with it!” He shrugged. “Plus, you’re good looking. Any lady would be bound to want to fuck ya. There are plenty of ladies your age that would like a fella like you.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
“I’m gonna take a guess here
 Gabby?” He asked him. “I wouldn’t bother if I were you.” Elijah shook his head then resumed scrolling through his phone. 
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Ryan laughed. “Man, she’s fine, but bro code you know? We’re family.” He nudged him. “Nah, some other girls. Mighty fine.” He let out a low whistle. “But I gotta be respectful, ya know?”
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zamnryan · 5 years
Kicking his shoes off the moment he walked into the door, Ryan plopped himself on the couch. “Hey, cuzzo.” Ryan smirked at Elijah. “You were right about pretty faces....so many of them it’s hard to keep up.” He laughed. “Also, found a place I probably will frequent at a lot.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
Â đ‘Ąđ˜©đ‘’  𝑓𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑒  𝑟𝑒𝑡𝑱𝑟𝑛𝑒𝑑 Â đ˜©đ‘–đ‘   𝑠𝑚𝑖𝑟𝑘  while  she  quirked  a  brow  at  him.  “oh,  yeah?  i  am  happy  to  hear  that.  it  would  be  such  a  SHAME  if  you  missed out  on  all  of  the  fun.”  following  him  to  the  bathrooms,  lilith laughed  lightly  as  he  offered to  heal  her.  “how  charming.”  she  stepped toward  the  sink  and  grabbed a  paper  towel  so  she  could  start  to  wipe  the  blood  from  her  skin  —— there  really  wasn’t a  point  in  worrying  mackinley over  something  so  small.  “but  you  see
”  she  began  and  the  demon  queen  turned  to  face  him,  showing  him  that  the  scratch  was  long  gone.  “i  am  not  exactly a  DAMSEL  IN  DISTRESS.”
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“fun. i need more of that in my life.” he felt like he was in boring town where he would rather die. that was more exciting. “are you telling me that you like to have a little fun yourself?” he raised his brows at her with a smirk on his lips. his mouth opened when he noticed the scratch was gone. “oh, so you just made me bring you to the bathroom to do what? seduce me? i’m not that kind of girl.” he laughed loudly. “so what are you, gorgeous? i must know.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
“Did you see what happened?” she asked rubbing at her head just to double check she wasn’t bleeding- she wasn’t. “And, are you ok?” she asked curiously. 
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Ryan raised an eyebrow before looking at the lamp. “Kinda. It just happened out of no where.”  He shrugged. “I’m all good, sweet cheeks. Thanks for asking.” He playfully winked at her.
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zamnryan · 5 years
Â đ‘Ąđ˜©đ‘’  𝑡𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑖𝑛𝑔 Â đ‘€đ‘œđ‘Ÿđ‘‘đ‘   𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 Â đ˜©đ‘’đ‘Ÿ Â đ‘™đ‘Žđ‘ąđ‘”đ˜©  though  there  was  something CHALLENGING  about  the  look  in  her  eyes.  “are  you?”  lilith  hummed lightly  when  he  admitted  that  he  had  been  forced  to  move  here.  “i  understand.  i  would  not  be  happy  about  that  either,  BUT  wildemount can  be  quite  interesting.  there  is  a  chance  you  will  end  up  liking it.”  if  he  enjoyed  CHAOS,  anyway. “sounds  like  a  plan.  and  you  know
  for  someone  who  claims  to  be  quite  the  bad  boy,  you  have  really  good  manners.”  she  laughed before  she  walked inside.
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ryan looked her over. “i’m starting to find some reasons to like this town.” he smirked. he did like to bring a little trouble wherever he was. even though he promised eli that he wouldn’t start anything. sometimes there is no fun in that. “i can be bad, but i’m not disrespectful.” he flashed a grin before leading her to the back where the bathrooms are. he opened the restroom and guided her in. “i mean...now that you know that i have some magic...i can take away that little scratch, if you want.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
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“it’s not at all a problem, my boy. though i advise you to use your power with great caution. always a lot of dangerous creatures during the darkest of hours, as you can imagine.” casimir warned. he had his fair share of experiences that weren’t pleasant to say the least. in his defense, most did cross a line with him that he was fortunate enough to not experience this instant. he couldn’t be mad over pure coincidence. he took a step back, fingers pressed curiously on his chin.
“a hit? i usually don’t condone violence but you do have the potential to do so. but on me, i’d be very much impressed.”
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oh great, another bore. maybe him and elijah would get along and lecture him on the use of magic. life was made to be fun. “yeah well, not my intention. this town is just so boring i have nothing better to do.” he shrugged before raising an eyebrow. “are you like some sort of superman or something?” ryan cracked a laugh. 
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zamnryan · 5 years
 𝑎  𝑞𝑱𝑖𝑒𝑡 Â đ‘™đ‘Žđ‘ąđ‘”đ˜©  𝑓𝑒𝑙𝑙  𝑓𝑟𝑜𝑚 Â đ˜©đ‘’đ‘Ÿ  𝑙𝑖𝑝𝑠  when  he  FAILED  to  come  up  with  a  good  lie  ——  not  that  he  would  have  been  able  to  fool  her  anyway.  “you  know  it  can  be  quite  dangerous  to  use  your  magic  out  in  the  open  like  that.”  she  purred in  amusement.  “were  you  bored  or  frustrated?”  she  questioned as  she  followed him  toward  the  diner.  “you  can  call  me  lily.  it’s  nice  to  meet  you,  ryan  ;  in  spite  of  these
  BLOODY  CIRCUMSTANCES.”  the  demon  teased.
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“what can i say, i’m quite the bad boy.” he teased with a laugh. “a little bit of both?” if he was being honest. “forced to move here to stay with my cousin, so not exactly the best thing in life.” he shrugged. “lily.” he tested her name slowly on his tongue. “ah, yes. i’ll make sure to make it all better.” he held the door open for her to walk into the diner. “let’s get you all cleaned up first.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
As Raylin walked herself home she shivered a little. As she saw some of the street lights flicker she looked up confused. With a wrinkle of her nose she continued to walk until one pretty much exploded above her. She yelped and saw the other “Yeah, I think so?” she said shrugging. She wasn’t sure to be honest, still a little scared and in shock. 
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Ryan moved to her to look her over. She did seem fine. “Okay, good.” He didn’t want to make it seem like he was the one that is going around exploding lights. “That was too crazy.” He was telling the truth. He didn’t know he was putting that much energy in something. 
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zamnryan · 5 years
Â đ‘Ąđ˜©đ‘Žđ‘Ą  𝑟𝑒𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑘  𝑚𝑎𝑑𝑒 Â đ˜©đ‘’đ‘Ÿ Â đ‘™đ‘Žđ‘ąđ‘”đ˜©,  she  couldn’t help  it.  “i  am  not  HYSTERICAL.”  there  would  not  be  any  yelling or  slapping,  but  she  raised both  eyebrows  at  him  when  he  continued to  speak.  “for  hurting me?  is  that  you  admitting that  you  did  this?”  her  lips  twitched  in  amusement  before she  nodded  her  head.  “they  do.  and  that  is  very  sweet  of  you  to  offer.”  who  knows, maybe  she  would  take  him  up  on  it.  that  would  depend on  the  amount of  INTEREST  he  sparked.
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“good to know.” he winked playfully. “accidentally hurting you.” ryan spoke too soon before he realized what he did. well, it was already out in the open now. her reaction didn’t seem shocked or scared, so maybe that was a good thing? he lead her in the direction of the diner. “i’m ryan, and what would your name be?”
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zamnryan · 5 years
“I knew you’d say that.” He was right though, Gabby had calmed him right down. “I do wan-” He sighed now. “I do want you here, Ryan.” he told him. “Don’t get me wrong, you’re an idiot, but I’m happy to have you. Honestly.” 
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If Elijah expected that, then it must be true, too. Ryan stopped walking and looked at his cousin. “That sounded like it was hard for you to say.” He finally cracked a smile. “Is there anything fun to do in this town?”
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zamnryan · 5 years
Elijah gave him a challenging look. “Go ahead, say something about Gabby and I, I don’t care.” he shrugged. “There’s a spare bedroom for you.” He indicated to the stairs with his thumb. “The bed is all set up and the blankets are in the wardrobe in there.”
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“Fine, I’ll say it. You were less of a dick when she was around.” He huffed before going up the stairs. “You know, it’s not easy picking up your life and moving to a different country to be around someone that you know doesn’t want you here. So don’t worry, I’ll play the nice good boy and get out of your hair.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
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“A bit” She admitted playfully, another giggle escaping her before the other explained he could convince someone that it was all in their head. Well, that was probably the best course of action considering nobody would like to get burned for witchcraft or something, but it still made her laugh “Oh, so you intended on making someone question their sanity? How rude!” Aura joked, pretending to be offended by his plan, before being surprised by the kiss on her hand, a small blush appearing on her cheeks as the action took her off guard “Are you new around here?” The witch asked with a small smile while moving a golden lock to behind her ear, more to ease her own shyness than to actually start a conversation.
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He thought coming here would be a bore, but he is starting to realize there might be some things that were entertaining. “Only a little.” He joked with a laugh that followed hers. He looked at her blush and grinned. “Is it that obvious? Yeah, I’m staying with my cousin.” He smiled. “And you, beautiful? Been here long?”
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zamnryan · 5 years
“We can still go out and live our lives without fucking resorting to selling drugs! You’re lucky your mom didn’t call the cops on you.” He shook his head some. “While you’re here in England with me, try not to break the law, yeah?”
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Of course, Elijah wouldn’t understand. He was all so great. “You’re just this perfect guy, aren’t you, Eli? Always doing the right thing. Well guess what, not everyone can be you.” He pulled a smile. “Don’t worry, cuzzo, I’ll be the perfect little visitor.”
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zamnryan · 5 years
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casimir was fond of the night. in somewhere remote, he’d take the time to appreciate the stars up at the sky in comparison to how insignificant the people are below it. in fact, it was one of those days he planned to do just that. and with hands shoved in his long black coat, he made way to that said location. he was mindlessly looking up in excitement but found himself, not a star, but a shattering light. he heard a voice in the distance. he approached the young man closer, his head knocked to the side.  “don’t worry about me, son. it would take a lot more than that to kill me.” he laughed that howling laugh of his and reassured the boy with a pat on his shoulder. the glass was not at all near him so there was really no harm.
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The guy did look a bit intimidating to say the least. He looked like an important person somewhere. The last thing he needed was more trouble. His mom forced him here to stay out of it. Though, wherever Ryan was, trouble did follow. He smiled and nodded. “Thanks for understanding, man. Some people probably would have thought I did that to take a hit at them.” He laughed.
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zamnryan · 5 years
 𝑖𝑡 Â đ‘€đ‘Žđ‘   𝑛𝑜𝑡  𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑,  but  it  was  not  the  end  of  the  world  either ;  lilith  would  HEAL  right  up  in  next  to  no  time.  “what,  did  you  expect  me  to  cry  like  a  girl?”  she  fired  him  a  playful  grin  before  she  nodded  her  head.  “that  would  probably be  for  the  best.  i  don’t  think  my  dad  should  see  me  with  blood  on  my  face.”  there  was  no  need  to  send  him  straight on  a  murder spree,  was  there?
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ryan shook his head. “no, but i wouldn’t be surprised with a yelling or a slap.” he smirked a bit. “i would definitely not want a hit man out for hurting such a gorgeous woman.” he nodded towards the diner. “i feel like they might have a good bathroom to clean that all up.” and maybe he could feel out what she knows and he could heal her. “afterwards, i’ll treat you to anything you want.”
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