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"Indeed, to Allah we belong and to Allah we shall return" . Repentance, Patience, Gratitude, Improvement
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
1. Make Continuous Istighfaar:
"And said: 'Ask forgiveness from your Lord, verily, He is Oft-Forgiving; 'He will send rain to you in abundance, increase you in wealth and children, and bestow on you gardens and bestow on you rivers." [71:10-12]
2. Fear Allah ﺳﺒﺤﺎﻧﻪ ﻭﺗﻌﺎﻟﻰ. Have Taqwa:
"Whosoever fears Allah 'keeps his duty to Him', He will make a way for him to get out from every difficulty. And He will provide for him from (sources) he could never imagine." [65:2-3]
3. Depend on Allah:
Umar said, "I heard the Messenger of Allah, ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ, say, 'If you were to rely on Allaah as He should be relied on, He would provide for you as He provides for the birds. They go out early in the morning hungry and return in the evening full'." [Narrated by At-Tirmidhi and he said, "Hadith Hassan"]
4. Visit Your Kinship:
Imaam Bukhaari and Muslim said the Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said as reported by Anas ﺭﺿﻲ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ"He who desires that he be granted more wealth/provisions, and his life be prolonged should maintain good ties with his kinship."
In the book of Imam Ahmad and At-Tirmidhi and At-Tabaraani the Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said, "Maintaining good ties with kinship brings love between relatives, and increases wealth, and prolongs life."
5. Giving charity:
"Whatsoever you spend of anything for Allaah, He will replace it. He is the best of those who grant Sustenance." [34:39]
Imaam Bukhaari and Muslim said, Abu Hurayrah reported that the Messenger of Allaah, ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ, said, "Allaah Almighty says, 'Son of Adam, spend and you will be spent on'."
In At-Tabaraani, The Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ visited Bilaal when he was ill. Bilaal ﺭﺿﻲ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻨﻪ pulled out some dates. The prophet said, 'what is that Bilaal?'
He said, 'dates, I saved for you'.
The Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said, 'Oh Bilaal, spend it and do not fear it becoming less'.
In At-Tirmidhi, The Prophet ﺻﻠﻰ ﺍﻟﻠﻪ ﻋﻠﻴﻪ ﻭﺳﻠﻢ said, "I can take an oath on 3 things: [one of them] Sadaqah (charity) does not reduce one's wealth."
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
❝Be sure that there is something waiting for you after much patience, to astonish you to a degree that you forget the bitterness of the pain.❞
— Ali (R.A.)
❝Waiting for relief (from hardship) is worship, for verily the trials don't last forever.❞
— Ibn Rajab
[Majmoo' Rasaa'il Ibn Rajab 3/155]
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
Your deen - is your deen. A spouse might improve it - or they might not. Your relationship with Allah depends on you - your prayers, your #dhikr, your #Quran.
When looking for a spouse - you cannot expect them to have qualities you don't have.
1) If you don't have 5 prayers down - do that first. Forget finding someone to better yourself, use an alarm clock, use an app, use your friends and fix yourself. I'm sure you expect your future children to have a fundamental pillar of Islam down - but you don't even have it down! 24 hours in a day, if you take 5 mins in each prayer (even though you shouldn't quicken it), it's still only 25 minutes. Allah gives you 24 hours, and you're too selfish and ungrateful to give back even half an hour?
2) This is more for sisters who dream about their husbands having amazing recitation voices: when was the last time you picked up the Quran and recited the words so the angels could hear you. Recited - not shyly, but loudly, feeling the words hit your heart.
3) "I don't want my wife to have any guy friends" okay cool, are you done hanging out with your coed groups too? & vice versa. But the thing is - are you really going to text "bye" to all your friends the opposite gender, the night before you wedding? Is that when you delete all the opposite gender off your facebook?
4) "I'm going to start practicing (hijaab/qiyaam/Quran/etc) after I get married in-sha'-Allah" - yeah? Says who? Is there some magic button the rest of the married couples missed out on? What if your significant other isn't okay with how you plan on practicing your deen - don't you think that if you want to become practicing and have someone who wants a practicing spouse - they too want someone who is *already* practicing?
5) "I want someone who cooks" - guess what. "Both genders should know how to cook because neither feminism or sexism is going to help you when you're hungry." - at least some basic items.
6) & For those of you who want that extra practicing person. Man, how awesome it would be to have someone who pray #tahajjud and #duha and fasts on Mondays and Thursdays and reads Quran every single day. Well - be that person. Why should Allah gift you something, where is your relationship with Allah? & Just because you may end up with someone who is on point with their nawafil - does not mean that it will for sure rub off on you and you'll get it.
(& Since we're on the topic - their past is none of your business. Religiousness changes - people change. None of you came out of the womb practicing your deen. Everyone has flaws. What you look at is the present. You can't look at things that Allah already forgave. If you see someone whose pious now - why on earth would you expose a past sin - it means Allah took them in already. And if they're worthy of Allah's forgiveness - who are you to be judging?)
We have to all get back on track. Get back into full gear. Become this unstoppable force of nature. Go to the step you're afraid of taking. #Fajr on time - yes. Tahajjud every single day - yes. Duha during the day - yes. A page of Quran every day - yes. Just make a list and keep checking things off. You have no idea how far you can go. It is Allah who facilitates it for you.
At the end of the day - you face Allah alone.
Your pile of deeds are not split between you and your spouse. It is your pile. Your grave. Your life. Your questioning.
#Jannah is yours - Allah talks to you directly in the Quran, to enter His garden. Just you.
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
Beware of sadness (احذروا الحزن)
· Ibn Al Qayyim may Allah have mercy on him said the word (الحزن) – (sadness) does not appear in the Quran only in the form of forbidding it (ولا تهنو ولاتحزنوا) or in the form of negating it (فلاخوف عليهم ولا هم يحزنون).
And the reason for this is because there is no benefit for having sadness in the heart. The most beloved thing to the shaitan is to make the believing slave sad by taking him off track.
· The Prophet (ﷺ) sought refuge in Allah (swt) from sadness (اللهم إني أعوذ بك من الهم والحزن)
· Ibn Al Qayyim said: Sadness weakness the heart and diminishes determination and wanting to go forward. And there is nothing more beloved to the shaitan than sadness of a believer.
· For this reason, be happy, optimistic and think good about Allah (swt). Have trust in what Allah (swt) is able to do and depend on Him. You will find happiness and pleasure in all situations.
· Ibn Al Qayyim said: Don’t ruin your happiness with worry, and don’t ruin your mind with pessimism. Don’t ruin your success with deception and don’t ruin the optimism of others by destroying it. Don’t ruin your day by looking back at yesterday.
· If you think about your situation, you will find that Allah (swt) has given you things without asking, so have trust in Allah (swt) that He doesn’t prevent anything you want except there is goodness for you.
· You could be sleeping and the doors of the heavens are being opened with dua’as being made on your behalf, subhan Allah: perhaps from someone poor whom you helped, or someone sad whom you brought joy, or someone passing by and you smiled to him, or someone in distraught and you removed it.. so don’t ever underestimate any good deeds.
· On the righteous predecessors said: I make dua’a to Allah (swt) for something I want, and if He gives it to me then I’m happy once and if He doesn’t give it to me then I’m happy ten times because the first was my choice and the second was Allah’s choice.
· As Sa’ady may Allah have mercy on him said: life is short so don’t shorten it with worries, grief, and sadness.
· So be the owner of a heart that breathes happiness and satisfaction.
· May Allah (swt) make your times happy and may Allah (swt) forgive us all. Ameen.
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
ALLAH has perfect timing; never early, never late. It takes a little patience and it takes a lot of faith but it’s worth the wait. I don’t know what tomorrow holds! but I know who holds tomorrow! Everything has already been determined for you. So don’t worry, and don’t be sad. Your rizq is with Allah. All He asks is that you worship Him with a sincere heart and a strong intention.
"Put your Trust in Allah if you are believers indeed." (5:23)
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
When you sit to recite the Quran, your phone will ring.
When you stand to pray two rak’ah(s), a message will ping you.
When you intend to do a righteous act, a distraction or disturbance will surface.
Ibn al-Qayyim (رحمه الله) said, “When the servant embarks on a devotional act, Allah sends diversions to him to test his truthfulness. If he fights, endures, and stands his ground, these diversions are soon replaced by that which assists him in devotion.”
قال ابن القيم: إذا أقبل العبد على طاعة، بعث الله له الصوارف ليتبيّن صِدقه، فإذا جاهد وصبر وثابت، عادت هذه الصّوارف في حقّه معاونات على الطّاعة.
O Allah, make us genuinely Yours this Ramadan.
- Sh Muhammad Elshinawy.
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
The 4 Unbreakable Promises :)
1. "So remember Me; I will remember you" (Baqarah : 152)
2. "If you are grateful, I will surely increase you [in favors]..." (Ibrahim : 7)
3. "Call upon Me, I will respond to you..." (Ghafir : 60)
4."...And Allah will not punish them, while they seek forgiveness..." (Anfaal : 33)
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
"Once a Muslim woman's dear husband passed away. He passed away & left her alone. A few days later, one of her friends asked her how she would take care of her family. How could she provide for herself & her children now that her husband had died. The woman answered, "My husband was not Ar-Razzaq [The Ever Provider], Allah is."
"Verily, Allâh is the All-Provider, Owner of Power, the Most Strong." [The Qur'an 51:58]
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
❝Do not carry the worries of this life because this is for Allah. And do not carry the worries of sustenance because it is from Allah. And do not carry the anxiety for the future because it is in the Hands of Allah.❞
— Imam Ibn al-Qayyim (rahimahullah)
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
You must be patient. Even if the pains of waiting and wishing and praying tire you, Be Patient.
Even when long periods of time passed by and others are blessed with what they have been praying for while you still wait, BE PATIENT.
For Allah does not waste the efforts of the doers of good. He delays His response only to hear you call to Him more,
For what awaits you is sweeter than the bitterness of longing.
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
“If Allah has put you in a difficult situation in this world, it’s a chance to earn ease in the hereafter through patience.”
— Shaykh Omar Suleiman
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
“Allah’s plan is better than your dreams.”
— Abdulbary Yahya
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
Do you sometimes feel your Imaan (faith) is getting weaker? Do you feel when you pray you cannot concentrate, you cannot have koushou? You don’t feel like praying or read Qur’an? You read Qur’an without concentration? Does this feeling really bother you and you are not sure what to do about it or how to snap out of it? And sometimes you find your imaan stronger, you pray with koushou and you enjoy reading the Qur’an with focus and understanding, you do dhikr and you are so motivated and happy when you do any form of worship.You are not alone!!! We all go through these ups and downs phases. There are many reasons to that and once we know them we can help ourselves stay in the higher phase of Imaan most of the time.When you feel your imaan is getting weaker make sure you do the following:
1. Go back with your memory and recall what have you been doing in the past few days, weeks? May be gossiped or watched too much T.V. and delayed your prayers or did not wake up to pray fajr or you are not giving sadaqa…etc.Every time you do something which Allah doesn’t approve of, your heart gets covered with a layer which thickens with time until it weakens your Iman.Allah SWT said in the Qura’: (Nay! But on their hearts is the Ran (covering of sins and evil deeds) which they used to earn).Find those reasons and start working on them.
2. Sit down peacefully and recall Allah’s blessings on you…..your health, your children, your education, your rizq, you being a Muslim, you being better than millions, you being in a safe home instead of the street, you being warm instead of cold, you being able to pay sadaqa, you not needing to beg others for rizq and many many blessings which Allah granted you and is granting you every single day. Imagine life without your loved ones, imagine life without your sight, imagine life with a serious disease, and imagine life without guidance and without Islam. This should help you appreciate and say Alhamdulilah and see the nea’mah of Allah on you which will help you focus more and worship with appreciation.
3. Sit down and picture your death, lay down on the floor and close your eyes and imagine them undressing you, moving you from one side to the other washing you and there is nothing you can do, you can’t even cover yourself and your awrah, they have to do that instead…. Completely helpless, the body you strived to cover all your life is being exposed.The dress you are wearing which was once yours is not yours anymore and those shoes used to be yours but not anymore and the beautiful handbag which you used to love carrying is no longer yours……nothing is yours any more…they say it was hers or his……you left all your belongings at home, your family are still with you but as soon as they put you in the grave you are alone… alone with just your deeds, just your sadaqa, just your prayer, just your thikr. You moved from the phase of Amal (work) and no hissab (Judgment) to the phase of hissab and no Amal.
4. Wake up at night just 40 min. to one hour before fajr, it is the time when Allah SWT comes to Sama’a dunia (the first heavens) and calls: anyone is looking for maghfirah and I forgive them, anyone needs anything and I grant them….wake up and pray and talk to him, tell him how you feel…tell him ya Allah my heart is becoming so hard… iman is going down. Do istighfaar at that time so Allah can lift those layers which are weakening, your iman and you will be registered in shaa Allah from those who do Qeyyamu Layl…. Just few minutes earlier than the time you always wake up and you get tons of ajr and maghfirah, how can you waste that time in sleeping?
5. Search the net (YouTube is full of beautiful lectures from different Sheikhs) or find a book and read about Islam or Imaan or anything that will help you scrap those hard layers from your heart. Don’t just sit and feel bad about it, strive to better yourself and Allah will always open a door for you. Imaan is like a mizan (scale) it increases and decreases based on our daily deeds. It’s a constant battle but if you follow these techniques you will always be the winner In-sha'-Allah. Don’t listen to the shaitan when he comes to you and tells you: you have been bad, how can you dare ask Allah for anything, you have no right to do so….!!! That is his way to keep you away from dua and from Allah. He plays with you the game of guilt so you stop talking to Allah SWT and you stay away under the reason of guilt. Don’t give him a chance. Go back to Allah and ask him for tawfiq (success). May Allah guide us and keep us on the path of Imaan until we die Ameen.
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
Look at the story of Abdullahi Ibn Abubakar and Atikah bint Zaid.
Atikah was so beautiful, one of the most beautiful female companions.
They were so in love, that they were mad about each other, if they could swallow each other they would have done that.
Abdullahi was crazy about her, to the
extent that he started missing Salat and Jihad, until Abubakar Siddiq (RA) commanded Abdullahi to divorce her.
Abdullahi became depressed that
he started singing love poems about Atikah up and down at home.
This was what made Abubakkar(RA) to re-consider the issue and eventually Abdullahi and Atikah were back together again, and Abdullahi even made
Atikah to promise him that she won't marry any other man after his death.
The Prophet (SAW)
said, a woman will be with her final husband in Jannah (Tirmidhi).
Abu Darda and Umm Darda were also another lovebirds, to the extent that when Abu Darda died, Umm Darda refused to get married again because she thought no other man can replace Abu Darda.
When Muawiyah proposed to her, she declined and said, am already engaged to
Abu Darda in paradise.
How sweet! That's eternal love.
Marriage can be made beautiful or terrible, it all depends on the spouses.
When Umm Silah, the wife of Ahmad Ibn Hanbal died, he wept and said, I have lived with this woman for the past 30 years and we never quarrelled for once.
People asked him, how is that
He said, whenever I am getting angry
she keeps quiet and whenever she is getting angry I keep quiet, so we never had a mutual argument.
How romantic!
How many couples today can spend a week without
Brothers and sisters learn to be romantic
and sweet, some of you are even shy of
expressing your love for your partners.
If you don't tell them your feelings, who
Ahmad Ibn Hanbal said,
women love to be told clearly that they are loved.
It strengthens the feelings and affection.
If you refuse to express your feelings for her, it will create a barrier of harshness between you and her.
These are just a few instances.
Islam is not a boring religion.
Jokes, sports, love and romance are all allowed in Islam.
In fact, Islam is the epitome of love, kindness, tenderness, mercy and compassion.
Islam has a better alternative to the western civilisation.
So instead of reading the western lovely stories like that Romeo and Juliet, Paolo and Francesca, Antony and Cleopatra, Tristan and Isolde, Lancelot and Queen Guinevere etc...which often end in tragedy, so read the lovely stories of the companions to see the best form of love and romance which is pure and sanctimonios.
Read the lovely story of Khadijah Bint Khuwaylad - the best love ever,
Atika and Abdullah - two love birds,
Hanzalah and Jameelah - blissful of honeymoon,
Umm and Ikramah - love on the run,
Umm Sulaym - Islam is my bride price,
Hind Bint Umayyah - jealous but pious,
Umar and Ummu Khulthum - couple and social work to mentioned but few.
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zalimoneous · 5 years ago
One of the greatest gifts Allah has given us is the ability to forget. It may take a while but you eventually forget the feeling of pain you once felt. #Alhumdullilah
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