zachofc-blog · 7 years
“the fact that the gates are locked from eight at night until seven am the next morning with no vehicle entry or exit really makes me wonder if we all just walked ourselves straight into the next round of the hunger games or a zombie nesting ground…there’s no chemical plants or science labs in the area, right?”
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"I'm down for fighting off zombies but I don't think I could go all hunger games and hurt all of you. Why would they lock us in though? We're pretty much sitting ducks to any psychos that might be living in those woods. We should check for cameras."
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“ okay, i’m a little bummed they don’t allow pets but a week where all i have to worry about is bug bites and beating everyone to the hot showers? i might never move again.”
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"I'm already having withdrawals from being away from barkley. I wasn't made for the outdoors though, at least we have Seb to fight off any bears we might come across. Let's just hope I don't end up getting eaten by cannibals that live in the woods."
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“honestly, i feel like i should be thanking you for not winding up being some kind of serial killer so…kudos, i appreciate it.”
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"I mean I could still be one and you wouldn't know. But i'm glad you trusted me enough you stay even with the possibility of me murdering you in your sleep."
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“Of course, how could I say no when you were begging for me to come pick you up?” Hadley smiled at the boy, “Do you want some coffee? Advil?” 
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“Was I really? Well thanks or coming and not leaving me stranded. I’ll make it up to you I promise. Coffee please, before I die.” he said exaggerating the last part.
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“It was certainly an experience,” Aiden smiled and finished his cup of tea, setting it down on his bedside table. “You were so handsy last night it took forever to get you to sleep, I’m scared you’ll keep me hostage again.” He had tried to keep a serious expression but eventually let out a chuckle and slid in beside Zach, letting his head fall onto his shoulder. “I miss the days I could just get drunk like that…”
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"You were the same way on our first date after like one glass, you practically begged me to kiss you." he teased as he finished the plate of eggs Aiden prepared for him. He placed a small peck on the others forehead "Thanks for the eggs daisy...and for taking care of me last night." he said softly before letting out a chuckle. "I wouldn't want to see you that drunk, I could see it now. Really bad singing and you'd probably end up table dancing."
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“All sweet mate, you were pretty messy.” He started to laugh, “Did you have a good night, at least?” 
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“Was I really that bad? I hope I didn’t like vomit or anything man.” he said before chuckling. “It was nice, as far as I remember, it’s all a blur though. I just vividly remember wandering over to your place and here I am.”
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“Yeah yeah you owe me, which means helping me hang my baby mobile and go shopping with me. How are you feeling though?”
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"I would willingly do that though. Are you having a boy or girl? I think Zach would be a pretty cool name, we can make it gender neutral. I also feel like I got hit by a truck but i'll live."
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
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What part of this family made you think that we could manage on our own?
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
‘ i feel like i should have saran wrapped you to the couch or something as a lesson for blowing my phone up so repetitively at four am but - i couldn’t just leave chess’ brother fumbling around trashed all night. ’ mac knew zach outside of chess, often being the one out right alongside him coaxing an overabundance of drinks down his throat as mac drank the same amount, but since he also knew chess mac felt like he owed her at least enough respect to look after her brother when he needed looking after. ‘ she’d have had my head if she found out i let you fall off a cliff into the ocean or something. ’ he tacked on to hide the fact that he did it for her sake instead of anyone else’s. 
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"I think saran wrapping me to the couch would have been horrible if I had to throw up, but I do appreciate it man. would have been better if you were there getting just as trashed but you didn't wanna come out." zach chuckled and stretched his arms while thinking about the night before. small bits and pieces came back in flashes and he couldn't quite remember just exactly how things got so bad. "true, chess would have murdered you. but now she'll just be murdering me for getting this bad last night."
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“You literally leaned on the doorbell for a good 3 minutes straight and sang Whitney Houston until I let you in,” Aiden chuckled, leaning against the doorframe with a cup of tea. “Mi casa es su casa, or at least, now it is. I don’t know why I haven’t invited you over before…” Aiden knew the exact reason but took a drink of his tea instead, looking at the tired boy leaning over a plate of greasy eggs he had made him.
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"You're lying, I didn't do that....Aiden." Zach covered his face in embarrassment for a moment and flashed him a smile. "I'm sorry for that. At least you finally got to see your boyfriend absolutely trashed." he shook his head before eating a forkful of eggs Aiden prepared for him. "Why are you so far away from me? Come sit in bed, your bed that i'm actually in finally." he said teasingly as he smirked at the boy.
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
“here, take this.” holding out a glass of iced water in one hand and a palm with two vitamin b pills. maia had already taken the precaution the night before, tricking zach into downing two aleve pills to hopefully help combat any potential hangover in the morning. “i’ll always have your back, you know that.” with a sigh though, she took a few steps back and perched herself on the edge of the coffee table. “zach, you were so trashed last night that i was actually WORRIED i’d have to bring you to st. vincents if you didn’t sober up a little before passing out asleep. i thought everything was looking up in life, what’s going on?”
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zach groaned and shook his head as he took the two pills out of her palm "I didn't ask for nurse maia." he said jokingly before swallowing the two pills down with a glass of water. truthfully the night had gotten a little out of control, but not nessicarily on purpose. "nothing is wrong is with me maia, I promise i'm fine." he said reassuringly beore letting out a yawn. "I just got too carried away that's all, was I really like the old zach last night?"
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
"I'm not completely sure how I ended up here last night but thanks for being the only one out of a million people I probably drunk text last night....and for letting me crash here."
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zachofc-blog · 7 years
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