My name is Yvonne Castellucci I am an Art Teacher, Designer, and Photographer. I currently work with elementary school students, and I do drawing and sports photography. I love to draw geometric designs and I currently work with Markers as my media. I also shoot sports photography and portrait photography. I was a school photographer for 7 years as well as a yearbook representative.
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Final Reflection Post
Final Reflection Post to a Great Journey
This is my final reflection on the time spent working towards my master’s degree. This year personally has been a struggle for me. Many life-altering changes happen and working on my master’s and seeing the goal at the end of the finish line kept me grounded. Each individual course helps me to change the way I think and helped me to develop professionally. The base that I have learned on Instructional Design is already changing how I approach projects in my current career. Below is the break-down of how each course contributed to my personal and professional development, what my biggest triumphs were, and what my final project consisted of.
Course 1: (MDL501) Mastery- Personal Development and Leadership
This course began with preparing the learner for the journey which was to come. The course grounded the learner and gave the learner skills of what is required to be a student again. Many people start their master’s and have not been a student in quite some time, so this course allowed learners to learn how to research and to collect information. Personally, this course gave me the view that I had a lot to learn when it came down to writing in APA format. I had never used this format while in college, so this gave me a glimpse of what I had to learn. My biggest triumph was completing my first Academic Paper in APA format. The final project in this course was to develop a Mastery Journal PowerPoint, which was to be posted to Tumblr.
Course 2: (IDT520) Strategies for Learner Engagement
This course began to develop a base for what the subject of instructional design entailed. This course allowed me to work in groups and developed my knowledge of the models that needed to be used in the instructional design process ( models, objectives, strategies, etc.). In this course, I learned that I had a lot to learn when it came to writing in APA format. I struggled through this course, but I grew through the process. The group work project was the final project, and each team member had a specific role to play. I took the art-centric role and developed the style in which the project developed. It was difficult to work in a group and make sure that all team members were pulling their weight, but the end product turned out a really good final project.
Course 3: (EDEM533) Visual and Verbal Communication in Instructional Design
The focus of this course was on how best to convey information to learners. The class began with a series of projects and of course a research paper. This was the first learning experience, where I had to develop an infographic. This course allowed me to grow professionally by introducing me to deadlines and how much it is required to create an infographic. The first iteration of my work required a lot of changes, and I was not happy with the quality of the work. I learned about different types of fonts and which ones worked appropriately when used online and which ones worked when they were used for a print project. I learned a great deal about designing visuals and the use of the correct font. My personal triumph was developing my infographic visuals in Adobe Illustrator and feeling satisfied with my design. I have grown a lot since this course, and I am now very comfortable in the use of Illustrator to create my infographics.
Course 4: (IDT552) Corporate Training and Motivational Development
This course required creating training for corporate clients, and a large part of the course consisted of developing presentation skills. This course completely took me out of my comfort zone, I learned that recording yourself is not easy. It is incredible how much work is required in the development of a video and how much practice is needed so that when you are recording yourself, you are making eye contact with the audience. Throughout the course, I learned the differences in making a product for the cooperate sector and making a product that is geared to students in the education sector. The course was intimidating at first, but I learned many tools which increased my knowledge of building a presentation for the classes which were to come.
Course 5: (IDT562) Instructional Design and Evaluation
This course was a make or break in this program. The course work was intense, and the professor required the work to be at a graduate level. In this course, you had to work on a training needs analysis which was partially developed. The main focus of the course was to design interventions for specific audiences and then conduct effective evaluations to ensure the training was successful. This course almost threw me over the edge, as I developed the learning outcomes and objectives, it was apparent to me that I was suffering from scope creep and try as I must it continued to occur throughout the course. My focus would take control of the individual projects that the learners were required to do instead of the needs analysis has a whole. The amount of work in this course was so overwhelming that at times I would consider if this was the right program for me. My personal triumph was keeping up with the sheer amount of work required for this course. The professor was invaluable and taught me the correct way to site using APA format. This course though it was challenging gave me a robust view of what is required of an instructional designer. This course tested my strength and taught me that every step needs to be evaluated to make sure that all the components are working together and meeting the needs of the client.
Course 6: (IDT574) Digital Media and Learning Application
The focus of the course was on the use of video, audio, and interactive learning objects for instructional purposes. This course was great, it allowed for all my creative abilities to grow. In this course, I learned to use Dreamweaver and Brackets, which gave me a beneficial understanding of how to code. My personal triumph was the creation of the interactive quiz and developing assets to be used within the exam. I was delighted with the end product of this course.
Course 7: (MUS6018) Music and Audio for Instructional Design
The focus of this course was on effective use of audio for instructional purposes. I was not sure what to expect when I started this course. The professor tested my abilities to record different groups of students to complete my Grimm’s Fairy Tale Project. This project was a personal triumph is this course. The students speaking and reading levels all varied and the recording process in an open classroom prove to be quite challenging, but the complete project proved to be worth the challenge. I learned how to control the audio recording and how to make the reading fun so that the mistakes were less noticeable. The final project in this course was the addition of a story to the Historic Osceola Pioneer Village. This allowed for the integration of my script to be recorded into audio to add to the video. This class changed my view on how I combine audio and develop my ear to listen to recordings.
Course 8: (IDT610) Filmmaking Principles for Instructional Design
The focus of this course was on the design of film production. This course centered on how to keep the learners interested by telling a story. I found that my editing skills throughout this course had improved and this I think was one of my favorite classes. My final project was on how to use watercolor pencils and spent a lot of time on the filming and creation of the visuals. I learned a great deal on how to light certain images and on how to record the audio to go with the video. My personal triumph in this course was the completion of my video. I still look at this project and think of other aspects that I could have included, this was a great project. I learned a great deal about storytelling in this course.
Course 9: (EME6227) Game Strategies and Motivation
This course centered around games and game mechanics as the instructional intervention. This course made me dig deep to discover different ways in which to create games students would enjoy playing. The game which I created used QR Codes for the learners to involve themselves in a scavenger hunt. The game required a lot of work in the creation of all the sites where the artwork would be hosted and the artist each of the students was supposed to discover. My biggest triumph is that I am going to be currently using this game in an art show being created by my students.
Course 10: (EME6630) Learning Management Systems and Organization
The focus of this course was supposed to be on learning management systems, how to use them, and how to choose which one to use. This course began as expected but in the first week many of the item due dates change and the way the course was structure changed. We learned a lot in that one has to roll with the punches and adjust. I had the opportunity to try two different LMS systems, and I began with the easier one, and I am now currently moving all the information to a much more complicated LMS system which will have a much more significant impact on my career. I started with enormous ideas as to what to include and ended up having to scale things down to be able to meet the deadlines imposed on me. The course while making us discover what LMS systems to use also had us create our proposal for the module in our LMS and a training needs analysis which entailed what was going to be in our LMS. My biggest triumph for this course was to make all the content flow together. My goal is to finish the module and advertise it online so other learners can use my module to pass the FTCE Art Education Exam.
Course 11: (IDT680) Media Asset Creation
This course was centered around the creation of the final assets which were going to be used in our LMS. I began this course with the hope of creating four separate assets. As I started to work, I quickly realized the amount of work which I had gotten into. By the second week, I scaled down my plan to two assets that were done well instead of four assets that are not that great. For my assets I had to create all the artwork that was to be used, this took a great deal of time. This course allowed me to use all the skills I had learned throughout the program. My biggest triumph was the creation of the videos at the end which presented the information learners are required to learn.
Course 12: (IDT690) Final Instructional Design and Technology Project
This course was centered around preparing me for employment. I began by creating my Behance Portfolio and compiling all my projects together. Once all the project were complete and setup I transferred my information to Adobe Portfolio. I created a visual resume to help me apply for design positions. Before this course, I would have never considered a visual resume, but now I love how clean the design looks and how less information written really is more. I am going to continue working on my visual resume.
My biggest personal triumph in this course is the creation of my adobe portfolio, before this course I never had a digital portfolio. As an artist and art teacher, I have always had a portfolio, but it was never a digital one this course showed me that a digital portfolio can be a great asset. I think I have grown through each course I have taken in this program. I now feel very accomplish when I write research papers this was a challenging hurdle to overcome for me as I am dyslexic and have trouble writing
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Personal SWOT Analysis for Media Asset Creation
My Personal SWOT Analysis for Media Asset Creation
Form created by me

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EME 6630 Learning Management System and Organization
Part One
This course centered around learning management systems, learning about different types of systems and how to use them. The course also focused on the development of the Capstone Blueprint and the beginning of planning of how to proceed with making assets in the Media Assets course.
The course was challenging in that the setup of the course changed as the class began. The incorporation of making the blueprint now is very beneficial as this gives us more time to work and develop the asset that will go along with the capstone. The learning of the LMS was enriching I began my journey with getting to know Schoology, Canvas, and Moodle.
Each had different advantages, but in the end, I settled with Schoology. The ease of use is what initially drew me in it has facebook feel to it. As I worked on it, I also went back to getting to know Canvas and have decided that this LMS is more in line with what I am looking for in the creation of my program Art Prep. This program will give Art K-12 Teachers the ability and knowledge needed to be able to pass the FTCE Art K-12 Certification exam on their first try.
Part Two
Should instructional designers be required to be industry certified to practice in the profession? Why or why not?
What road is best for becoming an instructional designer? Is a question that has many answers. According to Tess Taylor, Reuter’s stated that the eLearning market is projected to reach a value of $275 billion worldwide by the year 2022 (2018). As companies turn to bring their training in-house, instructional designers need to be prepared with the knowledge to be able to train a variety of learners. Today, colleges offer several routes to becoming an instructional designer it is up to the student to pursue what is best for their needs. Many companies require knowledge of the industry they are dealing in while others require that the ID have a degree in the field and be able to move at a fast pace of development.
That being said, while graduate programs are great, they tend to spend a lot of time teaching theory instead of teaching graduates what a business needs and do not give the graduate a real-world application to the method which they have been taught. The choice of whether to acquire a degree is a personal choice, and one should make that choice after researching what their college of choice is offering. Full Sail, for instance, gives the learner not only a grasp of the theory but all projects have real-world applications. Reiser and Dempsey (2017) state that the richest learning experience is those that go beyond the simple acquisition of knowledge (pg. 230).
Explain why continuing education in instructional design and technology is important, and how you plan to continue to develop your technical skills to remain competitive in the field
As an Educator, continuing education is imperative. One always has to stay ahead of the industry that they are to compete. One should never feel that they are done because someone will always come from behind to take ownership of what you have achieves. To be a successfully Instructional Designer, I will continue to develop knowledge on how people learn. I will continue to acquire the skill set needed to connect with the audience at any age level. Currently, I am employed as an Art Teacher at a K-5 public school. My goals are to continue being employed in the public school arena and be able to create instructional content which will help teachers teach their students.
It has been my experience that teachers are given many technological advances and do not know how to use them, so they continue to do as they always have done and do not incorporate technology into their lessons. Today students are technology sponges, they are holding their parents’ phones before they can even walk or talk by themselves. Teacher’s need to be able to incorporate the technology in their classrooms to engage students. I plan to write lessons that can be incorporated into Canvas that will help teachers learn how to use the technology available to them. My goal is to write effective copy and instructional text and incorporate it with audio and video.
Considering how quickly eLearning theories and practices have evolved, and in anticipating more changes in the future, how will you ensure that you as an instructional design professional will keep abreast of future changes? Please provide details as to the service you will provide to the community of practice, the organizations you will join, and the journals you will follow.
I plan to join the organizations which are listed below to keep up with changes in the industry.
International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE)
International Technology and Engineering Education Association (ITEEA)
The eLearning Guild
I plan to help my community by developing more programs which include bringing STEAM into the elementary classroom. The more we incorporate technology at an early age the more advantages students will have.
Reiser, R. A., & Dempsey, J. V. (2017). Trends and issues in instructional design and technology. Boston: Pearson Education
Taylor, T., Cpc, & Phr. (2018, February 28). Reasons you hire instructional designers for: skills vs. attitude. Retrieved from
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IDT 610 Filmmaking Principles and Instructional Design
IDT 610 Filmmaking Principles and Instructional Design
This project entailed the make-up of a 2-3 min storytelling storyboard. I had to select a subject from wikihow and make a how to storyboard. Photographs need to be taken of each of the camera angles which were going to be used and lighting needed to be detailed out has to where each light would be located. The complete script needed to be written along with the timing of each of the scenes. The video then needed to be shot in music title slides and final narration needed to be included to make a complete project.
This course was a great experience, it gave me the ability to work with film and narration. The project involved several iterations but it did not seem like it was an overwhelming amount of work. The way in which the course was set up allowed for a great deal of time in which to work on the project. The course did not make you feel rushed.
I learned a great deal on how to film and write storyboards. I also learned how a storytelling aspect needs to be added to the video. Lighting was also discussed and this was helpful in making sure that everything which was to be shot was well lit.
Things that I think would have worked better would probably have been to come down to the school and shot the video in a more controlled environment. Though it was not a necessity it would have probably been helpful. Lighting in hard to control when you are working with makeshift setups. I think another aspect that I would change is the way in which I described the techniques, I would probably try to phase them out a little more.
My goal for future projects is to try to use the lab to shoot my material. I think that if I am going to take the time to do the project it should be done as professional as possible. What a great class I loved it and learned a lot that I am currently using in my own teaching.
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IDT 610-0
This is Part 1 of the Instructional Watercolor Video
This is where we planned what the narration was going to be and the kind of shots that needed to be filmed in order to produce the final project.
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IDT 610-0
Instructional Watercolor Pencil Video
Week 4 Part 3 of the project
This project required that we create an instructional video based on any one of the online tutorials which we were given to view. The project required that we create a storyboard and narration that told a story. The film was created in phases starting with the storyboard, narration, video shots, editing and a combination of both the edited footage and the narration. We were also to add a title frame and appropriate titles or information slides. My target audience is elementary school students in grades 2nd-5th. The purpose of the project was to give students an understanding of how to make an abstract drawing and how to use watercolor pencil properly.
Based on the grade given by the instructor I feel that I did fairly well on the assignment. The only criticism given was that; I get rushed in the description of the five techniques and that there is a gap in the sound in the fifth technique but that overall I did a good job.
This was a great project that I really enjoyed doing.
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IDT562-0 Instructional Design and Evaluation
Hi everyone
Last month I worked through the Instructional Design and Evaluation course. The course explored the making of a training needs analysis. The project explored a variety of design strategies and how to evaluate those strategies and examine which approach works best for academic and staff training environments. This was a multiweek project that went through many iterations, which are constantly changing according to the needs of the sponsor. The basis of the project was on health and wellness. The target audience for the project was high school students. I am an educator and took the project into the realm of developing a health course to institute in a public high school setting. Though I am now currently in another course, I would like to take a moment to write my self-reflection on this experience.
This course was a learning experience, like no other. The work on the training needs analysis was extremely overwhelming at first. The project began with working on another students’ project, and using what they had created as a base for your own work. This made the project a bit confusing at first. My project showed me a need for improvement in my writing style and use of APA. By the second week, the iteration evolved into creating a plan with clear-cut goals for conducting the analysis. The third week involved choosing the ISD Model to guide the ID process, along with revising the scope and sequence of the content. This week also involved the development of a video and an assessment of the video. The final week involved the development of formative and summative evaluation plan which targeted the appropriate stakeholders.
I learned so much taking this course and realized the amount of work which is involved in the making of a training needs analysis. Projects such as this give the course a real-life experience. The project did not flow for me at first, but once I decided to make it for the public-school arena it began to piece together. The amount of time that I spent working on the activities though helpful for me to understand, was not as effective for the plan overall. The concentration on the activities took up a great deal of my time, that would have been better spent working on the evaluations in the project using formative and summative assessment.
Given more time in the course, there are several things I would have tried to accomplish. In the third week, the professor helped me to make the outcome and objectives align tightly. This hyper-focused what was required and changed the activities. It was during this time that I needed to eliminate the listing of the activities and link them so that it would not make the entire document so cumbersome for the sponsors to read. The aspect that less is more made the document flow. The need for spending more time on how to implement the training was also an aspect that I realized needed more time. Having well-planned activities is great from a teaching aspect, but has a sponsor you need to include the bottom line will these projects work? This is where more of my time should have been spent.
My goal for the future is developing educational content for art material and history in an entertaining way that teachers can use to help their students learn. This project gave me an overview of what is involved in the making of a training needs analysis. It is great to have an idea, but how will you implement that idea and how will you evaluate if the idea works are just as important as the activities which are involved.
Instructor Feedback
I have been very fortunate to have had some great instructors during this process. The instructors in this course spent a great deal of time helping me to achieve my goals. The instructor helped me to understand APA 6 and took the time to go step by step on my iteration to make sure my objective and outcomes aligned with each other. The guidance which was given helped the process of making my iterations better each time that it was reviewed. Considering all the feedback given by my instructor, I just need to bottom line what I wanted to say. I am trying to include this recommendation in my current course.
Below is a Sample of My Final Iteration.

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Reflection of Digital Media and Learning Application
This project was a great learning experience. The video chosen for this project was “An Out of This World Research Lab”. The process used to determine the questions which were asked in the interactive quiz were determined by the information which was on the video. After listening to the video several times, the questions asked were determined by the age level that the video focused on. This age level can be anywhere from age 12-17. There are a variety of multiple choice, true/false, and fill-ins the blank questions asked. Though the questions themselves were in a traditional format, the questions could not be answered if you did not watch the video. The activity and the questions worked together to make an authentic assessment, that demonstrated what the student actually learned rather than the students’ ability to do well on the quiz. At the end of the quiz, a score is developed which shows the students the number correct and their percentage of the score according to the number of questions. This helps the student analyze what they learned and apply it to their experiences. Digital media can be used in any discipline to enhance student learning. Digital media helps to reinforce concepts that are taught and allow for discussions to develop. The use of digital media complements traditional approaches of learning and engages the students’ ability to learn and retain the new knowledge. The knowledge which I have gained in this course has currently helped me in creating video projects for my current students.
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Reflection of Corporate Training and Motivational Development Course
This course was a very informative learning experience. As an art teacher, I have a good grasp of visual images and seem to advance in this area. The course tested my ability own being able to write a script, which I found was very difficult. The writing of the script came easy but when the taping started to occur, I discovered that I have a tendency to speak off script.
The taping of the video was also a portion of the class which I found to have some difficulty. It is hard with three dogs in my house to tape anything that has to be in a quiet atmosphere. So most of my video was taped in my classroom which is not appropriate to what I wanted to show. It was not until this class that I realized that you need the right setup to make a good video.
The course was a great learning experience which is currently helping me int the course which I am now taking.
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This is the final presentation from the renewable energy assignment in my Corporate Training and Motivational Development course. It in compasses the use of audio and visuals to make a video in IMOVIE.
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Illuminating Fact About Renewable Energy Project
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Renewable Energy Project
Prompt #1 Explain your process in translating the static infographic to the interactive eLearning module.
In my creation of the project, I tried to look at it as if it was going to be shown to my students. I began by trying to create a more interesting graphic then the one we were shown to do. I also went through and found other graphics that I thought would add to my presentation. I created interactivity by using the click method and typing out prompts on the screen. I tried to incorporate the tip that Golding stated about an infographic, “it must be clear by looking at it, because you aren’t there to explain it to the intended audience.�� (Golding, 2014, the infographic vs. the presentation section, 1:47). This important because you have to be sure that your infographic is telling that story. (Golding, 2014, the infographic vs. the presentation section, 2:20). I think I tried to achieve this and also included a bit more information, but enough to over whelmed the viewer.
Prompt #2 Describe the learning sciences that are addressed through effective visual and verbal communications and positive user experience through interactivity with the medium.
Effective visual and verbal communication is important, keeping background noise out of your narration is key. Up until this course I never gave this much thought and assumed that when you did a recording it just occurred, but there are many variables one has to keep in mind. As Pappas states “if your audio is too loud, distracting, or it runs the entire duration of your eLearning course, it may have the opposite effect.” (Pappas, 2016) Your tone is also important and must be kept light and conversational. Keeping this in mind helps to keep the viewer engaged with what is being taught. The interactivity of the presentation is also just has important it is a good way of letting the viewer explore the data for themselves. Shander states “it makes it more tangible and studies have shown that, adding the interactivity experience, that making it more tangible increases learning outcomes. (Shander, 2014, when to go interactive section, 5:28).
Pappas, C. (2018, March 12). Audio In eLearning: 7 Golden Rules For eLearning Professionals. Retrieved March 25, 2018, from
Shander, B. (2014). Learning data visualizations. [ tutorial]. Retrieved from ?
Golding, M. (2013, March 11). Creating infographics with Illustrator CC (2013) [ online course]. Retrieved from
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Inspirational Post I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel. —Maya Angelo
A quote by Maya Angelou. (n.d.). Retrieved January 28, 2018, from
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This is a great video Don’t Ever be Afraid to Fail
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Great Video on getting up and doing something with your life and not giving up.
Ben Lionel Scott Published on Dec 31, 2017
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