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there isn't much to post but still here
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a friend asked me to explain yugioh arc v to her using memes
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Only Arc-V can make ship tease foreshadowing. 
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Arc-V and the Legacy Characters
We all know and love the characters of YGO. Ever since GX (the first spinoff) it’s always been a thing to want to incorporate the previous show characters in the newest one and that has been done before.
Grandpa Mutou in GX hanging out with Judai and gang on their field trip to Domino City
Saiou meeting up with Seto Kaiba
Judai having a duel with Yugi at the end of the series
Pegasus in GX
DMG dueling Judai
Dark Magician, Blue Eyes, DMG, Red Eyes, and Neos as legendary monsters in zexal
The little teaser Easter eggs put there and we all went fucking nuts and loved them all. GX and Arc-V are unique in the sense that both have characters from previous series in the anime but AV was the first to use them for plot related reasons rather than fan service.
Now, let’s not be blind and say there isn’t a little bit of fan service in them returning. Jack and Crow are incredibly popular characters in 5Ds, same goes with Kaito. Edo and Asuka I’m more iffy on their popularity but that’s more because I am unfamiliar with GX fandom (even Edo’s VA was surprised that his character returned). For the most part, they did pick popular characters to bring back. And better yet, they weren’t the protagonist as in previous incarnations (BBT).
Now I know what you’re thinking: “in GX, they brought Grandpa and Pegasus (who was in multiple episodes). So technically, GX did it first!”
Hm, “technically” yes. But I’m gonna reject that argument on the basis that the returning characters in GX were in fact fanservice. They did nothing to enhance or change the plot. In fact, take them out and nothing changes. Literally all of it was due to fan service. Now, I’m not gonna rag on GX for this since it was the first spin-off series and they were trying to find a rhythm. Making obvious references such as bringing back minor / familiar characters made sense as they were trying to attract an audience.
By the time AV came around, they have an audience as well as YGO formula and so had to have a plan to bring back previous characters.
Here, I will discuss the point of each character and their importance to the plot and perhaps. How they could’ve been improved upon.
Now that that’s settled, let’s begin.
Keep reading
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Ladies and gentlemen...
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YUGO IS GETTING A FUCKING CLEAR WING D-WHEEL NOW. I can't make this shit up. A high speedroid monster that's literally a Clear Wing D-Wheel. I am laughing so hard. I love this.
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y’all think about how reiji’s plan was “jump across dimensions with a bunch of teenagers and approach the nearest, highest government in this new, unexplored dimension to inform them that there is an invasion coming and they should ally with us” and then he did it? and it ended up working? absolute madman
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Guys, I'm usually not into doing this.
But @hiiragiyuna is a reposter, whoever is behind this blog is doing nothing but reposting not just arc v stolen art but also edits, they reposted one of mine just a day ago, and Tumblr staff was of no help.
So, no one follow them or reblogs from them please, probably better if you just block them.
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me: time to make meaningful comic stories!
also me: hehehehe arc v memes
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I was bored so i made a runner for Zarc.
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loving your friends so so so much
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Yuyaaa in da rain
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andd one for the forgotten chad-almost-thundercock 
sorry zack i forgot about your bday, accept the uncensored bobs as an apology 
(twitter) (pixiv) *for uncensored boobies*be warned*
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