yuukililith · 2 years
man, if this jk rowling transphobia marathon has taught me anything it’s that you can never trust cis ‘always be kind ✨’ disneyhead ‘let people enjoy things’ fandom types
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yuukililith · 3 years
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“Chimera” by Thierry Mugler, fall 1997-98
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yuukililith · 3 years
I was thinking about how in video games “temple” is basically a word for “building with lots of pillars that has loot in it” and then I was like “haha what if there was a post apocalyptic game where you just looted megachurches” and wAIT GOOD IDEA ACTUALLY
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yuukililith · 3 years
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Sweet dreams こちらも展示からの一枚
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yuukililith · 3 years
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Okay I made a sexy infographic pls signal boost for my bestie!
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yuukililith · 3 years
happy juneteenth🤍!!! here's a list of black gfms that have yet to meet their goals! (black ppl feel free to link your or others donation posts in a reblog! reblogs from nonblack ppl appreciated!)
help teej's sister get a breast reduction.
help audi, a closeted black lesbian, move out of a toxic household.
help shay, a black nonbinary, with their moving expenses.
help gaia afford a house for her father suffering with homelessness and stage 3 colon cancer.
help a autistic transmasc lesbian move out of an ableist and abusive household.
help sapphire, a black transwoman, get out of an abusive household.
help sol, a black transwoman, with her transition and other necessities.
help melanie with her gender affirming surgery.
help a disabled incoming freshman pay for college.
help micah, a black queer transmasc person move.
help silver, a gnc black lesbian get a new camera and laptop.
help zora, a nonbinary transfem, move and transition.
help noelle, a black transwoman afford surgery and other basic necessities.
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yuukililith · 3 years
My most trusted older cousin up in Trenton just informed me that my mom is going to attempt to find me sometime between tomorrow night and Wednesday because they work at the same grocery store and, not only did she take time off, but she expressed her intentions. I feel like I’m being fucking hunted. My mother doesn’t know my new address (I’ve kept that shit MAJORLY on the down low), but the island I’m on is super small...and because I work with the wildlife on and off here, a lot of the clammies here know “of” me, so even if they don’t know who I am exactly. They definitely know my face. There is also an insane amount of police here and that is how my mother has managed to find me before: by claiming that I am a danger to myself (I DO have a mental health record due to the severe CPTSD I have to this day due to my father’s sexual and physical abuse and blatant torture and my mothers neglect and “suck it up, I had it way worse” attitude) and she is so incredibly manipulative this bullshit has worked. This woman is Dangerous and she always has been and no one cares. This woman broke my nose and barely anyone batted an eye. I’ve had friends leave me because I didn’t just leave her..when hello....that’s not the safest thing to do when dealing with a highly abusive, volatile person!!!
I am so scared. I have NO ONE to ask for help. I don’t really have family I can trust to stay with (the ones I DO TRUST ARE ALL THE WAY IN FLORIDA, dealing with their own issues) and I’m petrified of staying at a friend’s home and my mother hurting them or damaging their reputation. Javier is leaving this week (he’ll be back in late September)...so I can’t ask him for protection either. I’m FUCKED. I know I’m going to either die or be beaten so badly...
I know the state can put you in a hotel room for a day or two, but they typically leave you in the same county and I just... don’t feel like that is a good option for me and, besides, that option is for people who are thrown out onto the street without warning (it’s emergency homeless help) and I don’t want to take that help from someone just because I am afraid.
I honestly think my safest option would be to stay in an out of county hotel or even one that is out of state and low profile.
The cheapest hotels I can find are in the $170 range, all with at least a $50 security deposit for locals. These are all really dingy places too, the last one I stayed at didn’t even have a lock on the door, just a huge kitchen knife in the dresser closest to the door 😐 (I posted about it, I’ll try to find it) but all these crappy little places are pricey because they are in south Jersey and it’s tourist season (thanks again, tourists). The hotels in central Jersey are all super priced and mainly for traveling businessmen and there is no way I am venturing into NORTH Jersey.
I’m looking at some camp ground cabins that look safe and fairly priced...
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$80/ night for 3 nights would be $240 plus I can bring my service dog for free and there is only a $30 service fee.
So.... no matter what I do, and I have to ACT FAST, I need $220- 270 (~$250)
I have $78 in my account thanks to you lovely people. I’m so sorry I keep begging, I don’t know what to do. I have a protective order against my mother, but she doesn’t care. I’ve called the cops and they don’t care unless she’s already hurt or killed me. The closest shelter is in Atlantic City and, honestly, that scares me a little. I do not trust my neighbors well enough to ask if I can spend a few nights with them and I do not think it’s fair to throw myself into a mental health ward just because my mother is insane. I work 40-50 hours a week, I volunteer and contribute to my community as much as I can. I am not a “free loader” looking for handouts. If anyone has any suggestions or tips, please please please I AM BEGGING FOR HELP. Advice, well wishes, prayers to the gods you worship, anything. I am legitimately afraid.
*please feel free to ask anyone I talk to regularly on here, or snoop through my blog, I have a very long history with this and have documented my mother’s abuse on here for almost an entire decade and have spoken to many of my friends on here about it. The truth is, there is very little help for women my age and in my situation. We are burdens on society and are treated as such by most.*
$78/ $250
Please help, I AM OUT OF OPTIONS.
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yuukililith · 4 years
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"This is an extreme emergency, this is stressing me out and I cannot keep silent about it. I owe 1.2k that's due this week, I know it's an impossibility to get this cash so I'm preparing for the arrest and imprisonment that is to come in the future if I cant make due. All of this is wild because its discrimination and yet I'm powerless to do anything. There is little I can really do. I dont have a lawyer, nor access to such care. My social workers are unable to help me with this kind of thing and I'm at a loss. Remember I said I'm better at losing? This is another brick in the road I have to overcome. If I'm jailed I'll be prepared for it. I do not have or will get a stimulus check because I do not qualify. If anyone can give any advice I'd much appreciate it"- @galacticfaemua
Cashapp: $GoddessJvpiter8
Venmo: Jupiter-Jones-2
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yuukililith · 4 years
elcias hernandez ortiz is the only survivor of the atlanta shooting. he's in intensive care and his family still hasn't raised enough money to cover his medical expenses. please donate if you can.
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yuukililith · 4 years
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hey so i had to get rid of my previous rollator due to leaving a bedbug situation. can y'all help me raise another 140 dollars for a new one? I really need it to get around because of my eds and pots. need to eventually get a wheelchair but this will do for now!
Cashapp: $asteronauts
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yuukililith · 4 years
As much as I do love the ‘SpaceX is just burning money for no reason, Elon Musk is personally designing these rockets badly, the whole company is a joke, Elon’s going to blow up on his way to Mars’ banter, I think it’s important to reckon with the actual reality of SpaceX as a military contractor.
Their ‘Starship’ is not, and never was designed to fly to Mars - that’s a marketing scheme, and it makes no sense if you actually look at the vehicle. SpaceX is able to throw money at this project because they’ve got a military contract to produce it as a military cargo drone. Their ‘Starship’ is designed to deliver a C-130′s load of US military cargo to anywhere in the world within an hour.
SpaceX, from before its first ever launch, has been partnered with the US military - as noted in the incident where the company stranded its workers without food on an island owned by the US Army. SpaceX’s constant failures with their rocket come from a simple calculation - cost versus time. To slowly and methodically design a rocket such that, by your first test flight, you’re confident in it, is just that: slow. Blowing up rocket after rocket and iterating is fast, but expensive - but when you have military contractor money, it’s worth it.
This is far from SpaceX’s only time contracting for the military, having launched military payloads with their Falcon rockets, and even designed satellites for the military. There’s a reason only USAmerican citizens are allowed to work at SpaceX.
The image of SpaceX as an eccentric billionaire’s quest to colonise Mars serves as a marketing ploy which distracts from the company’s real existence as part of the US military industrial complex, beholden not to the Reddit-fueled whims of an egocentric moron, but to the massive economic and structural forces of modern capitalism.
Keep reading
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yuukililith · 4 years
get a vpn i use mullvad it’s p cheap and just gives you an account number set it to switzerland theyve got nice solid privacy laws and arent part of the main surveillance agreements between the us and its allies (5 eyes, 9 eyes, or 14 eyes) opt out of everything the websites you visit give you the option to opt out of (bc of eu and swiss privacy laws p much every website will give you that option and breakdown clearly what info they wont let you opt out of and what theyll do with it) and install it on both your phone and computer
follow these instructions to keep google from harvesting and keeping your data. altho honestly they probably still keep that data so just avoid google when possible. on that note the google search alternative i use is startpage it uses google results but anonymizes your search bc lets be honest duck duck go kind of sucks and if a service is subpar youll probably just revert to the better one so. startpage.
use firefox google chrome is the devil why are you using google chrome. it’s terrible and you can easily import everything to firefox. clear your cookies frequently.
get rid of your alexa or google home or whatever you do not need it and dont buy one if you dont already have one. dont buy a doorbell cam and if you really need or want one definitely do not buy a Ring doorbell cam. dont buy anything you can avoid thats attached to the Internet Of Things. invite tech companies into your home as little as you possibly can
install ublock origin and privacy badger theyll block a lot of ads and trackers. also install the google analytics opt out extension which will prevent some of your activity from being reported back to google (it doesnt opt out of all google analytics functions tho)
install facebook container, twitter container, and amazon container. this will help prevent them from following you around the web at least a little. also stop visiting those sites as much as you can and uninstall their apps. this includes instagram which is rife with privacy issues. disable or uninstall as many google apps as you can and your phone will allow.
use signal for messaging (available on desktop and mobile and can be used for video, voice, and text/photo chat) and protonmail (choose the .ch domain name) for email. bc i am…..broke and dont really want to have another subscription so i can have two protonmail aliases i use a tutanota account (based in germany which is part of the 9 eyes) for random stuff i want to sign up for and protonmail for personal email.
stop using google news and flipboard they store everything you read and tailor your feed. i use inoreader for now which is an rss feed so you just subscribe to the news sources you trust but i am also searching for a better rss feed app with a good ui to use instead bc inoreader still collects user data, but they dont tailor your content at least.
theres not really a good alternative i know of for youtube but the best thing you can do there is remain aware of past and the latest right-wing dog-whistles so if you accidentally stumble on a shitty covertly alt-right video bc youtube is constantly pushing them, you can avoid that.
do not submit your dna to ancestry websites and vocally encourage your family members not to as much as you can.
im not a Tech person at all so all this is just the best i can do as a random person who doesnt want companies esp companies that notoriously cooperate with the us government given what we’re headed towards to have every tiny piece of my info.
read this article by a Tech Guy telling you all the information google and facebook have on you and some tips he has on how to delete or prevent it i might have forgotten which was the first thing to really properly scare the shit out of me about tech companies a couple years back. also this series about a journalist’s experience trying to avoid the big five tech companies for a week each and how mindblowingly difficult that was. in terms of documentaries lately ive watched the social dilemma (which was infuriating but had lots of interviews with Tech Guys who were formerly high up in many tech companies completely avoiding responsibility for their actions but also telling you all the shit they do) and the great hack about cambridge analytica. also thank you to user @crowleyraejepsen for being your friendly neighborhood librarian helping me do my bare minimum to protect my privacy
i know if anyone reads this massive rambling post theres gonna be a million people in my inbox with “well what if i NEED to do this or CANT avoid them for THIS REASON” and my answer is: then do it! why do you care about or want my approval! i know there are plenty of scenarios where these services are basically essential or unavoidable so just use them when you have to and avoid them when you dont. or do nothing! but be aware of the choice youre making at least
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yuukililith · 4 years
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yuukililith · 4 years
As you may have heard, the UK’s Conservative government is pushing through a new bill that essentially makes any kind of protest illegal. Anyone participating in a protest that is considered to be “noisy” or a “serious annoyance”, including one-person protests, can fall foul of the proposed new law, and it includes a sentence of ten years in prison for damaging a statue or memorial. Essentially, police will have the power to break up any protest that isn’t you whispering quietly in a corner, which is to say, any protest that would be in any way impactful or effective.
They’ve pushed this bill through in the wake of a peaceful vigil for a woman murdered by a police officer that was violently broken up by police earlier in the week.
Needless to say, there are concerns. Not that they were enough to stop it passing, mind you, given that the Tories can push through any piece of shit they want with their majority; the first-past-the-post system of voting we have here in the UK favours them heavily, and it’s no coincidence that they’re also changing the voting system for the London mayor, for Police and Crime Commissioners in England and Wales, and elected mayors in nine English authorities to that very same system. It’s not great!
(There’s other bullshit in this bill, including things that criminalise an already-disadvantaged group in the Traveller/Roma community. They can now be fined and have their vehicles taken if they don’t possess a so-called “Traveller’s License”. It’s just all around a really shitty bill.)
The reason I’m talking to you about this, though, the very specific reason I wanted to make this post, is that the discussion around this bill is a fucking minefield for anyone who seriously subscribes to Tumblr’s classic black-and-white moral/political compass.
Everyone pretty much agrees that the bill is terrible and that it’s a draconian, authoritarian nightmare. However, there are all kinds of people arguing against it for their own reasons, which means that it’s not one of those cases wherein you can just look at the people who are arguing for or against it, see which of them best represent you and your ideals, and decide whether it is Good or Bad.
One one side of the fence, we’ve got people who are basically decent and who see this for the blatant attack on free speech that it is, a bill pretty transparently being pushed through by a government that is sensing just how hated and mistrusted it is and wants to squash any potential uprisings by the unwashed masses before they happen. So it’s Bad, right? It’s a Bad bill and you are Good if you argue against it.
But then, on the other side of the fence, we’ve got all of those people who were getting mad because they couldn’t go to the pub or get a haircut, who were angrily complaining about every lockdown and claiming that they were being oppressed, that their rights were being taken away because they were being told to stay at home. They also hate this bill, because they think this is about them. There’s swathes of these types on Twitter and elsewhere, saying things like “OH, IT’S DIFFERENT NOW THAT YOUR LOT CAN’T PROTEST, IS IT?? IT WAS FINE FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO SILENCE US UNTIL IT STARTED AFFECTING THE LEFT!!!” So they hate it too, because they think it’s just an extension of the injustice they’ve (allegedly) faced already over the course of the last 12 months or so.
So where does that leave you? If people like that are arguing against this bill, and they’re Bad, surely that means that the bill is Good and you should be arguing for it and against the Bad people. Right?
No. It’s a bad bill. It’s a fucking terrible bill and the most blatantly fascist thing the Tories have tried to do in the last ten years. As a long-term disabled person, I can tell you that they’ve been fascist as hell this whole time, but this is some mask off shit, as the kids say these days. Bad times are coming if this goes through and becomes law. It’s going to be difficult to navigate the protest against it, given that that protest is going to be riddled with anti-mask, anti-lockdown fuckwits who will no doubt make it very hard for the rest of us to be taken seriously, but we do have to protest.
God. Imagine thinking that our bourgeois capitalist Tory government actually wanted to put us in lockdown.
They’ve made a lot of claims about what this bill is actually supposed to achieve, from COVID safety to improving safety for women and girls, but considering that the bill talks about protests that are “noisy” or a “serious annoyance” and has fuck all to do with social distancing or masks or any other COVID prevention measures, and considering that you’ll go to jail for longer for hurting a statue than you would for raping a woman, I think it’s safe to say that they’re lying.
Protest. Protest against this fucking bill, and protest against Tory fascism.
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yuukililith · 4 years
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Hungarian language and its two closest relatives: Khanty and Mansi
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yuukililith · 4 years
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yuukililith · 4 years
here is a twitter thread and constantly updating, currently active google doc that contains the gofundmes, paypals, cashapps, etc of victims of anti-asian hate crimes, asian-owned small business, and asians who need financial aid. please consider donating and/or boosting and adding more donations links if you have them.
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