yutayum · 5 months
“I love you”
A/N: hey guys! This is my first story EVER plz like and comment:) xoxo
*this story contains mature language and is 18+ read at your own risk!*
Chapter 1: The start
Mom: Y-Y/n honey please get me some Tylenol from CVS
Y/n: but mom I have to study for my upcoming entrance English exam-
*She slaps you*
Mom: Ya! What did I say about this stupid schooling. These textbooks are going to take you nowhere in life. Face it you’re born to be a druggie like me and your no good father. Now go and buy me my fucking Tylenol.
Y/n: Yes ma’am
While on your walk to the CVS you notice a bunch of girls around the same age as you walking out of the park lighting up cigarettes
Lisa: oh look girls it’s the depressed bitch from our precal class…
Jennie: what is that she’s wearing? Look like she hasn’t washed that hoodie in years!
“Those girls are made up in south koreas top 5% upper class. Why the hell are they smoking cigarettes? Isn’t their life perfect?”
You make it to the CVS and notice a cute guy
“What the is that? JAEHYUN?”
Jungkook: y/n? What are you doing here? Uhhh hellooo earth to y/n?
Y/n: h-huh? Oh! Hi jungkook
Jungkook: ohhh I see~ looking at jaehyun huh? Gosh just talk to him
Y/n: what the- no way he dosnt even know me. But anyways what are you doing here?
Jungkook: oh you know me getting the usual. Pre workout,condoms and birth control.
Y/n: woah how many girls are you knocking up ?
Jungkook: what? You wanna be one of them-
Jaehyun: next in line!
Jungkook: go get em
Y/n: hi..Um just this
Jaehyun: y/n? Aren’t you that girl who scored top 10 in the math test?
Y/n: uh yeah that’s me
Jaehyun: do you think you could tutor me one of these days? Gosh my parents won’t let me go to busan if I don’t score a 90 in my next test.
Y/n: aren’t your parents like ceo of apple? Why not get a professional tutor?
Jaehyun: well my parents have trust issues that if I bring some hot tutor they think I’ll fuck her. But it’s just you so they won’t suspect anything
Y/n: o-oh! Right um sure but it has to be after 8 since my mom doesn’t let me out and she’ll be asleep at that time.
Jaehyun: Bet sounds like a plan
I guess I’m not pretty enough for jaehyun
What was I expecting anyways…
I’ve always had a thing for him
Lisa: Get her ! Hold her down girls!
Y/n: what the hell-?! Get off me!!
Lisa:*grabbing y/n’s hair pulling it down making y/n groan in pain*
Jennie: who the fuck do you think you are to talk to jaehyun?!
Rose: did you really think you could hoe your way around him? He would never fuck a bitch like you
* all three girls punch,kick and spit on y/n leaving her there near a dark valley*
Y/n:it’s like if they left me here to die. Dad I miss you. Help…anyone…
???: Y/N!!
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