yuribookclub · 8 months
what did people think of Sea You There and Us?
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yuribookclub · 9 months
the next series the yuri book club will be reading is Sea You There and Us, by MONDAY RECOVER. it’s available to read on dynasty
we will be reading it from 1/8-1/21
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yuribookclub · 9 months
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yuribookclub · 9 months
what have people thought of Pieta?
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yuribookclub · 9 months
the next series the yuri book club will be reading is Pietà, by Nanae Haruno. it’s available to read on dynasty
we will be reading it from 12/25-1/7
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yuribookclub · 9 months
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yuribookclub · 9 months
what have people thought of Hanjuku Joshi?
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yuribookclub · 9 months
the next series the yuri book club will be reading is Hanjuku Joshi, by Akiko Morishima. it’s available to read on dynasty
we will be reading it from 12/12-12/24
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yuribookclub · 9 months
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yuribookclub · 9 months
well, that's another tie, so we'll be doing a run-off poll to decide between these two
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yuribookclub · 10 months
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i haven't read it, so i can't say for myself. if it is, i'll remove it from the list, but i've seen it listed as yuri in places, which is why i've included it
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yuribookclub · 10 months
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yuribookclub · 10 months
what have people thought of We Can't Draw Love?
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yuribookclub · 10 months
the next series the yuri book club will be reading is We Can't Draw Love, by Akamaru Torao. it’s available to read on dynasty
we will be reading it from 11/27-12/10
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23 notes · View notes
yuribookclub · 10 months
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yuribookclub · 10 months
what have people thought of Eclair?
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yuribookclub · 10 months
mangadex also has some of the chapters. you can either read what's available online or find a copy through your own means (assuming you don't just want to buy it)
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