yumeka · 3 months
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From Yuhki Kamatani’s official twitter!
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yumeka · 3 months
“silence is a language she speaks so well.”
— iambrillyant 
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yumeka · 4 months
@raiiryuu asked : ( you're a good person. )
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She knew that. She Knew That. They knew the truth behind those words, and they knew Laxus was right. But when it was just the two of them standing away from everyone else in the guild, their glares only being deterred by the presence of said dragon, it was almost like it was nonsense he was signing. They tried, they really tried. Monday knew they were wrong, but...
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« am I ?? »
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yumeka · 4 months
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would anyone like a monday interaction to be in the dream world / their muses dreams ?? could be monday working or they were just invited in by your muse
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yumeka · 4 months
@quiiscnt asked : ❪ friends? ❫ // a clumsy sign from olexa
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Monday was never one to be very vocal about her appreciation of things ( or vocal about anything, but that was besides the point ), but that didn't mean it didn't warm their heart whenever they saw someone sign to them. It was no means necessary, they could hear just fine, but the fact that someone would make the effort to communicate to them in their language meant the stars to the dream mage.
A smile broke onto Monday's lips as Olexa's hands stumbled along to form the sign, before reaching out and wrapping their own hands around the musicians. With a reassuring squeeze, Monday nodded, releasing their hold and signing back with practiced fluidity.
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« Of course !! You didn't even have to ask !! »
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yumeka · 4 months
Send “📂“ for a random yet completely useless headcanon I have
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yumeka · 4 months
*signing prompts
a collection of prompts featuring sign language. 
❪ i missed you. ❫
❪ how was your day? ❫
❪ i have an idea. ❫ 
❪ i can go. ❫ 
❪ it’s real, you know? ❫
❪ i love you, too. ❫
❪ i’m right here. ❫ 
❪ you’re a good person. ❫ 
❪ can i hug you? ❫
❪ i could cry. ❫
❪ do you know how much i love you? ❫
❪ you’re you. that should be enough. ❫
❪ i trusted them. ❫
❪ you had us worried. ❫
❪ if you ever pull a stunt like that again – ❫
❪ can i borrow this? ❫
❪ we should go. ❫
❪ can we talk? ❫
❪ what did you imagine? ❫
❪ was it a nice dream? ❫
❪ what’s up? ❫ 
❪ i did it. ❫
❪ where were you? ❫
❪ i don’t remember. ❫
❪ i’m not angry. i’m disappointed. ❫ 
❪ it’s alright. ❫
❪ everyone pretends. ❫
❪ it reminded me of you. ❫
❪ you should take care of you. ❫
❪ i was lost. ❫
❪ it happens. ❫
❪ hey. ❫
❪ what do you feel? ❫  
❪ hold my hand. ❫
❪ is that blood? ❫
❪ you’re bleeding. ❫
❪ run. ❫
❪ sorry. ❫
❪ are they gone? ❫
❪ does it hurt? ❫ 
❪ don’t go anywhere. i’ll be right back. ❫
❪ take it easy. ❫
❪ what are you doing out of bed? ❫
❪ how do you feel? ❫
❪ would i lie to you? ❫ 
❪ i don’t like to talk about it. ❫
❪ i didn’t know. ❫ 
❪ you’re wrong. ❫
❪ it was my choice. ❫
❪ what are you thinking about? ❫
❪ can you walk? ❫
❪ this is going to hurt. ❫
❪ you’re safe now. ❫
❪ i was worried. ❫
❪ i’m okay. ❫
❪ i’m scared. ❫
❪ i don’t know how i feel. ❫
❪ i was messed up. i didn’t mean any of that. ❫
❪ can you stay? ❫
❪ i needed that. ❫
❪ time for bed. ❫
❪ it’s getting late. ❫
❪ don’t go. ❫
❪ are you sick? ❫
❪ you’re burning up. ❫
❪ promise. ❫
❪ thank you. ❫
❪ see you later. ❫
❪ i’m a survivor. ❫
❪ i don’t lose. ❫
❪ i don’t care. ❫
❪ fuck you. ❫ 
❪ unbelievable. ❫ 
❪ asshole. ❫ 
❪ shit. ❫ 
❪ yes. ❫
❪ no. ❫
❪ friends? ❫
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yumeka · 4 months
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yumeka · 4 months
META ASKS: If Your OC Was Canon.
What changes do you think would be made between your muse as they exist in your head vs how they would be treated as part of canon?
What plot points would change due to the inclusion of your character in canon?
What role would your character play in the story? Are they a major player, or a one scene wonder?
If there are multiple adaptions/If they are part of a multi-part franchise, which ones would your character appear in?
Besides your face/voiceclaim, who do you think would be cast as your character?
If your character had a breakout show/film/comic, what would the plot be? Who would be in their supporting cast?
What headcanons/theories do you believe fandom would invent about your character?
What do you think the fandom for your character would be like? Are they a fan favorite, a love to hate villain, derided for whatever reason, or something else?
What feelings does your character most often instill in their fans? Affection? A desire to protect? Open lust? A love/hate dynamic? Why do you think their fans feel this way?
By contrast, what would their haters dislike about your character? Is it a petty complaint? A mischaracterization of the character or their intentions? Are they just a woman in a largely male-centric series?
What controversies/drama would your character incite in fandom?
What fan-material would exist for your character in fandom?
Is your character the subject of ‘imagines’ or ‘x reader’ style blogs?
Are there any tropes fandom would put upon your character, for better or for worse?
What would be the ‘incorrect but wildly popular’ interpretation of your character in fandom?
What corners of fandom would consider your character blorbo material?
What do you imagine the most popular ship(s) for your character would be?
Are there ship wars? Are they a popular character to ship, or the kind of character that gets shuffled off and away from shipping for whatever reason?
How does fandom characterize/mischaracterize your characters ship in fanworks?
If your character isn’t designed for shipping/isn’t interested in shipping, how hard does fandom have to mangle them to make them shipping material/open to a relationship?
Be honest. What song is playing over an AMV/tiktok of scenes between your character and their love interest?
What is the wildest crackship you can imagine for your character, whether in-universe or in crossover?
What is the quote between your character and their love interest/whoever they might be shipped with that their fans would latch onto?
What’s the discourse surrounding your ship?
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yumeka · 4 months
@raiiryuu asked : meta: alvarez
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I genuinely have so many meta's about Alvarez I am probably gonna have to space myself out with them, but for now, have one on Holidays and celebrations!
In Terms of Holidays, its very similar to Fiore in the sense that a lot of them are very specific to a region / town due to Alvarez as a country being extremely young, and a lot of the individual celebrations of each region remained intact. The only two celebrations that are wide spread across the entire country is the day of unification, when Alvarez was properly established under Zeref, and the new years, which follows the Lunar Cycle, and have celebrations similar to lunar new year celebrations in asian countries
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yumeka · 4 months
@quiiscnt asked : peacock blue , reddish brass , tea orange , crimson , baby blossoms , cadmium yellow , chartreuse , black
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peacock blue: is your muse honest? what sorts of lies do they tell, if not?
Monday likes to consider themselves an honest person, but above all else they are kind. Monday is the type of person who would lie or withhold information if it means protecting someones feelings or emotions. There are instances where they are honest to the point of almost being cruel, but that only really happens in circumstances involving their work.
reddish brass: how likely is your muse to step up and take the role of a leader? are they willing to take the challenge, or are they more apt to being a follower?
answered here!
tea orange: what is something that your muse is fascinated with?
Outside of things relating to their magic, Monday has a deep fascination for culture and traditions. It's a large reason as to why they moved to Fiore and left Alakitasia as a whole. They have such a fascination on others holidays and celebrations and how they go about their lives.
crimson: how passionate is your muse about the things they love most?
If you give Monday your full and undivided attention, they could ramble for hours and hours about dreams and cultures and literally anything unless ( politely ) stopped. Monday's parents joke that the universe made them mute to prevent them from talking someones ear off once she starts.
baby blossoms: does your muse have a favorite scent? what is it, and why?
Lavender and chamomile, both due to their inherent relaxing capability and links with helping people sleep.
cadmium yellow: what subjects or topics does your muse avoid, because they bring up harmful / painful memories?
While they have gotten better with age, Monday is very good at avoiding conversations about many diseases and chronic illnesses. They will participate in them if directly brought up and is able to manage having to deal with those conversations in work settings, but she tends to be more reserved during those conversations, as they bring back a lot of memories of her spending a good portion of her childhood in hospitals and an unknown disease being the cause of Monday's muteness.
chartreuse: if you had to describe your muse with a color, what color would it be and why?
It's hard to pick a specific color, but royal blues and indigo work well with their association with the night and the mysteriousness lurking in its silence, but honestly pastels would work just as well due to their soft and comforting effect.
black: does your muse have a 'bucket list?' list some things your muse wants to accomplish before they die.
No, actually. Monday is a big fan of living in the moment and letting life play out its course. The closest thing to a bucket list they have is making sure to pass on their magic to someone else before they go so it doesn't end up lost to time.
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yumeka · 4 months
@biisutoarm asked : reddish brass: how likely is your muse to step up and take the role of a leader? are they willing to take the challenge, or are they more apt to being a follower?
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Monday very much runs off the principle of following whoever would be deemed the expert in a situation, thus typically falls into the role of a follower more often than not. There's only a few instances where Monday will step forward to take charge, but it's only when they can tell whoever is in charge is truly out of their depths or lost beyond a reasonable doubt. They are fine being support and assisting, but only will take charge when they are either the only option or the best option.
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yumeka · 4 months
@raiiryuu cont. ☾
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As much as Monday wanted to be angry at everyone, it was impossible for her to find actual blame in their reactions. The timing of her joining the guild and the sub-sequential declaration of war against their home country would be suspicious no matter what side you looked at it from. That didn't mean it didn't hurt the way they all looked at her, like she was going to betray them all and abandon all the friendships that have just started to bloom because Alvarez was where they called home.
She didn't know if she was surprised that Laxus managed to find her hiding spot, wanting to get away from the hateful glares of the rest of them. Ruby eyes followed the slightly clumsy movement, the smallest smile forming on their lips at the sentiment of the action more than anything else. He was still rough with some signs ( even changing the meaning of one accidentally ), but the fact that he chose ASL versus FSL spoke volumes to where he stood in the entire situation.
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« don't let the other's see you sign that, they'll probably think you're gonna betray them. »
There was a certain jerkiness to their signing, indirectly showing their frustration toward everything in place of their lack of a tone. They shifted their gaze away from the dragon for a moment, before leaning against him, eyes trained on the stars above.
« i wish i could be more angry at all of them than I actually am. »
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yumeka · 4 months
Send 3 assumptions and I'll tell you how many are right
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yumeka · 4 months
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dream world / alt monday fc acquired
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yumeka · 4 months
@quiiscnt asked : meta: weaknesses
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As predictable as it may be ( if not a tad ironic ) in terms of weaknesses toward their magic, insomnia is genuinely the biggest one. Monday's magic is very reliant on someone being asleep and staying asleep to be its most effective. If someone had issues falling asleep or maintaining sleep, it puts a severe hinderance on their own abilities and makes them typically a sitting duck in most situations ( it's the main reason Monday had learned the basic form of sleep magic, to hopefully help circumnavigate this issue )
In terms of personal weaknesses, most of them revolve around their ability to communicate. Monday is a very passionate person and has a lot of strong emotions and opinions, and typically is one to actively share them in moments that matter. However, due to their muteness and their self developed way of communication, it's very easy for people to ignore her and what she is trying to say ( whether its accidental or intentional, it frustrates Monday all the same ). Crowds and loud settings are the worst for Monday, as its extremely difficult for them to be able to keep someone's attention long enough for them to notice what they are saying, no matter how large or flashy they make their text bubble, people will always be distracted and drawn to noise first.
This leads into another issue with Monday, their temper. Monday is a very patient person, and tries to be as understanding as possible, and it does take a lot to push them to their limit, but the moment that limit is reached, all cards are off the table. Monday does not respond well to being ignored and belittled, and while their passive magic is an altered form of script magic that makes their script harmless, the key point is that it is altered. Monday is a master in script magic and has on multiple occasions caused words to explode, spark, or straight up scream to get people to pay attention to them so they can get their two cents into a conversation, and in most of these scenarios have happened in settings where these sorts of actions caused more issues than they have solved.
Typically after large out bursts, Monday will retreat into themselves in shame and embarrassment, resulting in them using sign language to communicate rather than their magic. She's also prone to running away when embarrassed and finding somewhere to hide ( and on more extreme cases have actively hunted down someone asleep / napping to hide in their dreams until they don't feel embarrassed anymore )
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yumeka · 4 months
@quiiscnt & @raiiryuu asked: meta: her own dreams
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Monday has a very unique relationship with dreams, especially her own. When she was younger and before she began learning her magic, her dreams were as hyperactive and bizarre as any small child's would be growing up in a world full of magic. Grand adventures, questionable and sometimes humorous sights, all would dot the landscape of her dreams whenever she drifted off to sleep, and the strangeness of it all is what drew Monday into learning Dream Magic, wanting to know more and understand how the subconscious worked to create such sights.
As Monday's magic grew stronger, and especially once they began learning Dream Walker, her own ability to dream had largely diminished. Because a large aspect of her magic is being able to view and manipulate the dreams of those around her, their magic ( even if unintentionally ) suppresses her own subconscious' ability to dream in the place of other's dreams. If you were to ask Monday when the last time they had properly 'dreamed' while asleep, they wouldn't be able to give you an actual answer, but could easily recount different aspects of people dreams around them.
Of course, Monday's imagination is still as active as it was when they were a child, and finds themselves more prone to daydreaming than anything. It's actually quite common for them to zone out, lost in their own thoughts and imagination and having to be dragged back to reality by someone around them. Occasionally someone else's dreams will invade their day dreaming, but this is a much rarer occurrence due to most people not being in a deep enough sleep to formulate dreams during the waking hours, which allows Monday to reserve this period of the day to their own dreaming, even if it isn't in the same sense as everyone else.
Most of their dreams revolve around their work, and new ways of helping those plagued by nightmares and night terrors. As much as they wouldn't classify themselves as a fighter, sometimes the more violent dreams require excessive force to tame and alter, leading to Monday constantly thinking about different strategies and methods of combatting them. That's not to say they don't have the typical dreams of their future, potential romance and all things in between, but their dedication to their craft does tend to take up most of those thoughts.
As for goals for herself, Monday really can't say they have a plan in mind as to where they want to go. They love their work and being able to help, and wouldn't mind taking on an apprentice to spread dream magic outside of Alvarez, but all of that is much further down the line. For now they're just content with traveling about and helping those who would like their assistance.
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