yulin-art · 5 days
With Dawntrail coming I decided I wanted to talk about my character.
I'm very excited for Dawntrail This is my Miqo'te boy Ala. I took these pictures a few years ago, but nothing recent I've taken shows him as well as this haha.
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Now this is him in the benchmark character creator. I do not remember all of his details because I play on PS4. This was the best I could do, especially since the default hairstyles does not have my favorite (shown above) among them.
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I am not sure if he was tan or as pale as possible... I believe I intentionally made him tan, but I think ill go with the lightest option with the Dawntrail fantasia, because I believe it looks better now. The before pictures have neutral bright lights from group pose so he appears brighter. These are some old pictures
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The white glam is largely the same to my current glam for WHM, but for some reason I am lacking in pictures for it... yet for some reason I have plenty of pictures of his gold glams...
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So yes I am very excited. The new graphics look very soft, so I like it very much. However, and perhaps it is because I chose the wrong options, his face looks significantly rounder, perhaps even squishier, and his eyes seem further apart. Maybe it is due to the lack of my preferred hairstyle, but he does not have the same "energy" I had in mind for him. I don't know how to articulate that "energy", but perhaps it is closest to a mischievous, older brother. When it comes to familial terms however, peoples perception of what that is can vary greatly, so I do not know if that description is accurate.
He will always be my boy though. I will wait until I can see him properly, and adjust as needed, before I make a complete opinion. Either way I am sure I will learn to love him just as much. He is a representation of hope in my life. i was very depressed when i first made this character, but back then he was a female Au Ra who was very dark and cool...
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I had her like this up until I reached Il Mheg when Shadowbringers first came out. She looked like this because of my depression, when wounds were fresh. Now he is a silly kitty, who despite having gone through so much, still finds hope and clings to it. He is what my healing looks like. In some ways he is like a role model to me. In no way is my life perfect now, in fact it often gets worse, but I have managed to cope far better thanks to his existence.
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With all the relevant themes carefully crafted into FFXIV I just thought it would be a good time to talk about how much Ala means to me when dealing with things like depressions and despair, as well as finding hope and moving on. I look forward to more years of adventure to come with him.
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yulin-art · 16 days
Haven't finished my blog yet
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enjoying making bunny/rabbit hybrids practicing a pose but gave up. position is hard to draw.
one day ill post about the bunny hybrids as a race, as well as a lot about the world they and other hybrids are in. I wanted to post them now though :)
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