yukidust21 · 15 days
Journal UTS 9/6/24
Monday- there is no class because its suspended due to the rain. Then i just doing same as usual chores and playing games.
Wednesday- i woke up but feels lazy because due the rain but still need to get up to go school. Our first subject we gonna have a quiz. And our second subject we doing practice for roleplay. And our third subject listening new lesson. Then we can take break. And our last subject is p.e its our first lesson.we are done classes i go to the faculty room to find sir but he's not there it's about the journal i hope i can still pass it for my first week. Then i go home and take a break and sleep.
Friday- i pretty late wake up i didn't know there is class today on our first subject well there is no wifi that early morning so i couldn't join sadly. After that im gonna do a some left of homework to do. After finish it i just gonna do a usual doing playing a games.
Name: Palestroque, Jen Uriel T.
Section: BSIT101A
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yukidust21 · 29 days
Journal 8/23/24
Monday- i woke up early to go a school. After that im going to school and waiting to start a lesson but my teacher got little late and we only do a pre test and our homework to pass on him. All i can do listening and take a notes important there saying. And later it was announced that there is no school until 12pm due to the volcano. And we got early home. I say to my friends that im going home early because im quite tired due to my less sleep. When i was going home. When i was at home i go to sleep because im really tired. Then i woke up i realize myself i should be careful my health and try sleep early when there is school. Then im just usual routine playing games and doing some chores.
Wednesday- same as usual wake early to go a school. Then we have a lesson discussion is about the philosophers and about their ideas. Well just waiting after lesson is over. After school is over i check the place where i can buy uniform that i haven't bought one time. Then there's no stock is already sold. So i just gonna buy next time. Then i say to my friends goodbye i gonna go home and sleep again. I woke up and just playing my phone usual because i want to finish the story. Even i know my self need limit but still i want to play it and learn their story and is also good to play. Before playing i cook dinner for myself to eat. After finish it time to eat and while watching a anime. Just finish then go back playing a game.
Friday- i woke up a afternoon well i sleep a almost morning due to a i playing. I go to a refrigerator to take a frozen food and wait to melt and cook for my lunch. Before cooking i did a dishwashing so later I won't do anything. Then i cook a bacon for my lunch. After finish eating a bacon i relax a bit and just watching listening video. Then almost night time i doing a homework to finish it all so I won't do a any much later. Just self manage so i can relax after finish all homework and i can do a advance reading or playing games.
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Name: Palestroque, Jen Uriel T.
Subject: UTS
Link: https://www.tumblr.com/yukidust21?source=share
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