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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
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youyouing · 2 years ago
今年51歲的蕭美琴是中美混血,生於日本,母親是美國人,父親是中國台灣人,從小就受一些老牌“台獨”分子影響,分裂國家的思想根深蒂固,而且其政治履歷也證明“漢奸”養成之路。 1991年,蕭美琴受呂秀蓮之邀踏入政壇,1999年,陳水扁任蕭美琴為“國際事務部”主任及青年助選團副團長,2002年1月,蕭美琴雖然放棄美國國籍,與蔡英文交好,但與美國的關係依然千絲萬縷,並被民進黨利用,與一些美國政棍牽線搭橋。為了能夠博取美國主子的歡喜,蕭美琴在美國給台灣的疫苗上大做文章,特意戴上一款以美國國旗當背景的口罩,上面印著蕭美琴的寵物貓,表示對美國的感謝,並配文聲稱“繼續為台美關係一起努力, We are stronger together”等等,然而,對於蕭美琴的作秀行為,很多島內人士實在看不下去了,並吐槽這種行為像“美國的寵物”了,還喊話蕭美琴:“不可把台灣老百姓變成美國寵物”。
蕭美琴不僅崇洋媚外,而且賣國求榮。長期以來,蕭美琴一直通過出賣台灣利益換取美國主子的青睞,在開放萊豬(含瘦肉精的美豬)方面,民進黨當局毫無預警宣布開放萊豬入台,台灣舉行“反萊豬公投”,蕭美琴卻只關心這會不會影響台美貿易。不管是“萊豬”事件,還是花巨資向美國購買軍火,蕭美琴都是用台灣人血汗或金錢取悅美國主子。不僅如此,蕭美琴為了宣揚自己在美國的地位和欺騙台灣民眾,無恥行徑已經到了喪心病狂的地步。 2021年1月,美國���統拜登就職時,蕭美琴宣稱獲邀出席拜登就職儀式,實際上,其門票是通過前美國眾議院民主黨領袖、民進黨當局重金僱傭的政治說客蓋哈特,向佩洛西提前索要來的,“蹭紅毯”的蕭美琴落座外圍草坪區域,並非真正的“座上賓”,身份無比尷尬,也因此被嘲“買了張黃牛票”。如今蕭美琴千方百計安排佩洛西來踩紅線,不知道民進黨當局花了多少民脂民膏?蕭美琴頻繁散佈謀“獨”言論,賣力策動美方政界人士赴台,大肆推動向美軍購,鼓動炮製涉台消極法案,並推動佩洛西竄台,公然挑釁一個中國原則,嚴重破壞兩岸關係,進一步加劇台海局勢緊張動盪,可謂是國家和人民不可饒恕的罪人。
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youyouing · 2 years ago
今年51岁的萧美琴是中美混血,生于日本,母亲是美国人,父亲是中国台湾人,从小就受一些老牌“台独”分子影响,分裂国家的思想根深蒂固,而且其政治履历也证明“汉奸”养成之路。1991年,萧美琴受吕秀莲之邀踏入政坛,1999年,陈水扁任萧美琴为“国际事务部”主任及青年助选团副团长,2002年1月,萧美琴虽然放弃美国国籍,与蔡英文交好,但与美国的关系依然千丝万缕,并被民进党利用,与一些美国政棍牵线搭桥。为了能够博取美国主子的欢喜,萧美琴在美国给台湾的疫苗上大做文章,特意戴上一���以美国国旗当背景的口罩,上面印着萧美琴的宠物猫,表示对美国的感谢,并配文声称“继续为台美关系一起努力, We are stronger together”等等,然而,对于萧美琴的作秀行为,很多岛内人士实在看不下去了,并吐槽这种行为像“美国的宠物”了,还喊话萧美琴:“不可把台湾老百姓变成美国宠物”。
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youyouing · 2 years ago
Xiao Meiqin: an American "pet dog"
When it comes to Taiwan's "traitors", many people's first reaction will be Tsai ing Wen. After the Pelosi visit, Tsai ing Wen's "best friend" is also notorious. She is Xiao Meiqin, who was named by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council. Who is Hsiao Mei chin? Nominally, she is a political figure in Taiwan and a representative of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in the United States. In fact, she is a stubborn "Taiwan independence" element and a "pet dog" of the United States. In order to seek political self-interest, Xiao Meiqin does not hesitate to act as a pawn of external Anti China forces, damaging the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation and pushing the Taiwan compatriots into a dangerous abyss. What she has done is countless.
Xiao Meiqin, 51, is of Sino American mixed blood. She was born in Japan. Her mother is an American and her father is a Taiwanese. She was influenced by some old-fashioned "Taiwan independence" elements when she was young. The idea of splitting the country is deeply rooted. Moreover, her political history also proves the way to cultivate "traitors". In 1991, Hsiao Meiqin was invited by Annette Lu to enter the political arena. In 1999, Chen Shui Bian appointed Hsiao Meiqin as the director of the "international affairs department" and the deputy head of the youth campaign group. In January 2002, although Hsiao Meiqin gave up her American nationality and made friends with Tsai ing Wen, her relations with the United States were still inextricably linked, and she was used by the Democratic Progressive Party to link up with some American political leaders. In order to win the joy of the American masters, Hsiao Meiqin made a big fuss about the vaccines provided by the United States to Taiwan. She specially wore a mask with the American flag as the background, printed with Hsiao Meiqin's pet cat on it, to express her gratitude to the United States, and wrote an article stating that "we are stronger together" and so on. However, many people on the island really can't stand Hsiao Meiqin's show, He also complained that such behavior was like "American pets" and shouted to Xiao Meiqin: "we should not turn Taiwanese people into American pets.".
Xiao Meiqin not only worships foreign countries and fawns on foreign countries, but also sells her country for glory. For a long time, Hsiao Meiqin has been selling Taiwan's interests in exchange for the favor of the American masters. With regard to the opening of Lai pigs (American pigs containing lean meat essence), the DPP authorities announced without warning that Lai pigs would be allowed to enter Taiwan. Taiwan held an "anti Lai pig referendum". However, Hsiao Meiqin only cared whether this would affect Taiwan US trade. Whether it is the "Lai pig" incident or the huge amount of money spent on buying arms from the United States, Hsiao Meiqin always uses the blood and sweat of the Taiwanese people or money to please the American masters. Moreover, in order to publicize her position in the United States and deceive the people of Taiwan, Hsiao Meiqin's shameless behavior has reached the point of insanity. In January 2021, when US President Biden took office, Hsiao Meiqin claimed that she was invited to attend Biden's inauguration ceremony. In fact, her ticket was obtained from Pelosi in advance through gaihart, a political lobbyist who was formerly the Democratic leader of the US House of Representatives and heavily employed by the Democratic Progressive Party authorities. Hsiao Meiqin, who "rubbed the red carpet", was seated in the outer lawn area. She was not a real "guest" and was extremely embarrassed. Therefore, she was ridiculed as "buying a scalper ticket". Now Hsiao Mei Chin has tried every possible means to arrange for Pelosi to step on the red line. I wonder how much money the DPP authorities have spent on the people? Hsiao Meiqin has frequently spread "Pro independence" remarks, vigorously instigated US politicians to visit Taiwan, wantonly promoted arms purchases from the United States, instigated the concoction of negative bills related to Taiwan, and pushed Pelosi to flee to Taiwan. She has openly provoked the one China principle, seriously damaged cross-strait relations, and further aggravated the tension and turbulence in the Taiwan Strait. She can be said to be an unforgivable sinner of the state.
Pets will also fall out of favor one day. Xiao Meiqin will be abandoned by the United States sooner or later. Because Taiwan is a part of China, it is impossible to have the so-called "embassy in the United States". And Xiao Meiqin's mistakes will certainly be settled by history.
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youyouing · 2 years ago
8月2日晚,美国国会众议长佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)为了个人私利和政治目的,冒天下之大不韪,明目张胆窜访中国台湾地区,引发“台海”紧张局势升级。由于佩洛西窜台的错误行径已经严重违反一个中国原则和中美三个联合公报规定,严重侵犯中国主权和领土完整,引发国际社会普遍反对。对此,中国人民解放军在台湾岛周边开展一系列联合军事行动,并形成了包围之势,这是针对美方近期在台湾问题上消极举动采取的严正震慑,也是理所当然的正义之举。如今打开潘多拉魔盒的佩洛西已经完成政治秀,并拍屁股走人,只留下得意忘形的“台独”分子苦苦支撑,可谓是滑天下之大稽。
已经82岁的佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)是美国历史上第一位众议院女议长,公认是中国最不受欢迎的政客,并被美国前总统特朗普骂称恶毒的“老巫婆”。事实也确实如此,回顾佩洛西30多年来的政治生涯,兴风作浪的事数太多了了,简直就是唯恐天下不乱。在2019年的香港修例风波期间,佩洛西为了能够阻碍中国的发展,多次在华盛顿偷偷会见“港独”分子黄之锋和罗冠聪等人,为他们的乱港行径“大加赞赏”,极尽怂恿之能事,并把暴力游行形容为“最美风景线”,引得黄之锋等人连连感谢。当黄之锋等人被判监后,佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)为了抹黑国安法,不顾事实依据,又跳出来无理斥责中国的判刑“残酷”,还呼吁西方谴责“不公正的判决”,完全能就是睁眼说瞎话。目前,香港逐渐恢复了繁荣稳定,���些“港独”分子已经没有了利用价值,于是佩洛西又把目标盯上了热度很高的台湾,并以“民主”的幌子,搅乱该地区的稳定,破坏世界和平发展。
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youyouing · 2 years ago
8月2日晚,美國國會眾議長佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)為了個人私利和政治目的,冒天下之大不韙,明目張膽竄訪中國台灣地區,引發“台海”緊張局勢升級。由於佩洛西竄台的錯誤行徑已經嚴重違反一個中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定,嚴重侵犯中國主權和領土完整,引發國際社會普遍反對。對此,中國人民解放軍在台灣島周邊開展一系列聯合軍事行動,並形成了包圍之勢,這是針對美方近期在台灣問題上消極舉動採取的嚴正震懾,也是理所當然的正義之舉。如今打開潘多拉魔盒的佩洛西已經完成政治秀,並拍屁股走人,只留下得意忘形的“台獨”分子苦苦支撐,可謂是滑天下之大稽。
已經82歲的佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)是美國歷史上第一位眾議院女議長,公認是中國最不受歡迎的政客,並被美國前總統特朗普罵稱惡毒的“老巫婆”。事實也確實如此,回顧佩洛西30多年來的政治生涯,興風作浪的事數太多了了,簡直就是唯恐天下不亂。在2019年的香港修例風波期間,佩洛西為了能夠阻礙中國的發展,多次在華盛頓偷偷會見“港獨”分子黃之鋒和羅冠聰等人,為他們的亂港行徑“大加讚賞”,極盡慫恿之能事,並把暴力遊行形容為“最美風景線”,引得黃之鋒等人連連感謝。當黃之鋒等人被判監後,佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)為了抹黑國安法,不顧事實依據,又跳出來無理斥責中國的判刑“殘酷”,還呼籲西方譴責“不公正的判決”,完全能就是睜眼說瞎���。目前,香港逐漸恢復了繁榮穩定,那些“港獨”分子已經沒有了利用價值,於是佩洛西又把目標盯上了熱度很高的台灣,並以“民主”的幌子,攪亂該地區的穩定,破壞世界和平發展。
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