RP things for ye
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a sideblog for your roleplaying needs | mod is 25
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youvegotrpmemes · 3 days ago
our muses have just barely survived a terrible battle / disaster / etc….  send me   ‘ aftermath ‘   for our muses to patch up each other’s injuries / clean each other up
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youvegotrpmemes · 3 days ago
it means i want to be here, i really do 
it means that i have, whether i like it or not, more important things to do than roleplay at the moment
it means that replies are going to sit for a moment
that i care any less
that i don’t want to talk / plot with you
that you aren’t allowed to IM me or ask for my disco
Sometimes Tumblr has to take a back burner, and that’s fine! Roleplay will still be here when we get back. So take that day to yourself. Don’t worry about drafts. Don’t worry about how “slow” you are being. Everything is okay!
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youvegotrpmemes · 4 days ago
Sleeping At Last — Atlas: Space  Album  {Sentence Starters}
“I talk in circles.”
“I am desperate.”
“I leaned in and let it hurt.”
“I’ll go anywhere you want.”
“Then, suddenly, I see you.”
“We promised we’d be safe.”
“Only street lights notice me.”
“I watch for signals, for a clue.”
“Let our cuts and bruises heal.”
“‘Til the sirens sound, I’m safe.”
“And somehow I’ve fallen in love.”
“Too late to pull itself together, now.”
“So, show me where my armor ends.”
“I want to tell you, but I don’t know how.”
“I want to love you, but I don’t know how.”
“How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.”
“After a while, I thought I’d never find you.”
“Our once barren world now brims with life.”
“It was a stained glass variation of the truth.”
“Let every little fracture in me shatter out loud.”
“We were full of life. We could barely hold it in.”
“We’re young enough to try to build a better life.”
“We left our date of birth and our history behind.”
“We laid our names to rest along the dotted line.”
“Fault lines tremble underneath my glass house.”
“I convinced myself that I would never find you…”
“Make my messes matter, make this chaos count.”
“I’d give anything to hear you say it one more time.”
“We were amateurs at war… strangers to suffering.”
“I tried to write it down, but I could never find a pen.”
“You taught me the courage of stars before you left.”
“I don’t know who I am, but now I know who I’m not.”
“With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite.” 
“The universe was made just to be seen by my eyes.”
“We may fall in love every time we open up our eyes.”
“There is goodness in the heart of every broken man.”
“I was a billion little pieces, ’til you pulled me into focus.”
“Shake what’s left of me loose just to hear me cry mercy.”
“Our backs against the wall, we’re surrounded and afraid.”
“Though time is ruthless, it showed us kindness in the end.”
“We made our families proud, but scared at the same time.”
“The heaviness that I hold in my heart’s been crushing me.”
“If brokenness is a form of art, I must be a poster child prodigy.”
“I’ve been worried all my life, a nervous wreck most of the time.”
“You’re as beautiful as endless. You’re the universe I’m helpless in.”
“If brokenness is a work of art, surely this must be my masterpiece.”
“God knows, I am dissonance, waiting to be swiftly pulled into tune.”
“Still, I’m pinned under the weight of what I believed would keep me safe.”
“I guess space, and time takes violent things, angry things, and makes them kind.”
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youvegotrpmemes · 5 days ago
send me  “ how long are you going to keep feeling sorry for yourself? “   for my muse’s reaction to yours snapping this at them. 
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youvegotrpmemes · 6 days ago
AS SAID BY LELIANA - ROMANCE *  lines taken from the leliana romance in dragon age: origins
what i'm trying to say is... is that i trust you. i'm comfortable around you. i know you'll be there when i need you.
well... aren't you sweet and attentive?
oh, the games you play.
did you know your eyelids flutter when you dream? and you have such pretty eyelashes.
listen, i want to spend the night with you. there, i said it.
where's the fun in that?
now come with me before i lose my patience.
i do not regret any of the pain, the anger, the loneliness... because it brought me to you.
i... love you. it's so wonderful to say that to someone again.
there isn't much more i can say. my feelings have been laid bare. you are... very special to me.
i'm here for you.
i might need some company... and you're not too irritating. you're welcome to come along if you like.
it is settled then. you and i... wandering the world, seeking our fortunes. i can't wait.
maybe you should let your softer side show more often.
i enjoy those nights when we stand guard together, talking to pass the time in those small hours.
sometimes following your heart, not your head, leads you to remarkable places.
i enjoy the nights at camp. the night always seems more peaceful to me. safer.
sometimes i succumb and fall asleep, and wake to find you still watchful and i know you're watching out for me.
you are our leader, and my friend, and... sometimes i think that maybe we could be more than that.
i knew this would come up sooner or later.
even in the midst of this darkness, there is hope and beauty. have faith.
no more lies between us, at least in this.
it feels good to have this off my chest. thank you for listening, and understanding.
flowers? for me? oh... they're beautiful.
thank you so much for remembering.
this story is one of my favorites, a tale of love so great and so enduring that it defies death and moves the gods to action.
sometimes i ask myself, does such a love exist? can it exist?
i never expected you to say that. it is... a pleasant surprise.
i have to say there is a certain severity to you. finding a person behind that all is nice.
i'm not embarrassed! i'm just... flushed because of the heat...
you often show signs of intelligence and you're fairly good looking... most of your facial features are in the right place.
you're already helping so much by listening to me.
people are starting to look at me strangely. we will speak of this again, i promise.
you don't know how it makes me feel to hear you say that.
now it's getting late. i think i might... turn in early.
i can't help thinking about how soft and warm my bedroll is.
you know i enjoy your company.
it would be nice if you came with me.
stop pretending you don't know what i want.
i've been up for some time, but yes, i slept very well.
i've just been watching you sleep.
knowing you will be the first thing i see when i wake gives me no small amount of comfort.
i feel safe in your arms. safe, loved, and accepted. this is where i belong.
you are my dearest friend and my love. you lit my path through darkness and i will stand with you, to whatever end.
i imagine that whatever you get up to, it'll be anything but boring.
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youvegotrpmemes · 7 days ago
enemies to…. friends? allies??  … sentence starters
“Don’t touch me. You still make me sick.”
“Fine. Come with. Just stay out of my way.”
“I didn’t even need your help. You can go, now.”
“I didn’t want to admit it, but you were good in a fight.”
“Yeah, you’re funny. You’re also still a pain in my ass.”
“I think they lied to us. We aren’t that different, after all.”
“I hated you. I think I still hate you. But, I need your help.”
“If I have to rely on you for this, will I be able to trust you?”
“This doesn’t mean I like you. I still think you’re insufferable.”
“Is this what your friends always have to deal with? I pity them.”
“No, no, don’t you die, now, I just started being able to tolerate you!”
“You have a point. And that might be the scariest thing I’ve ever said.”
“Don’t get the wrong idea. You still disgust me. But you can be useful.”
“Seriously? You’re gonna finally win me over, then go get hurt like that?”
“Maybe… okay, hear me out, maybe we do have something in common.”
“You think this puts us on good terms? You’re still the enemy. You were just convenient.”
“You’re a lot different than I thought you would be. Still not sure if that’s good or bad, yet.”
“I didn’t think you’d be able to change my mind, but now I’m thinking things I never would’ve.”
“Don’t look at me, don’t talk to me, don’t touch me. Let’s get this mission over with, then never acknowledge my existence, again, got it?”
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youvegotrpmemes · 8 days ago
AS SAID BY ALISTAIR THEIRIN - PARTY BANTER *  updated version - assorted banter from dragon age: origins
they say you can get anything here. i once got pick-pocketed.
i don't know if i should take you seriously... but you scare me sometimes.
i locked myself in a cage once when i was a child. for an entire day. ahh... good times.
why do they call it a brothel? there's no broth. or is there?
couldn't you crawl into a bush somewhere and die? that would be great, thanks.
leave me alone.
i know where babies come from!
what would you do if someone told you that they loved you?
food shouldn't be frilly and pretentious like that.
we take our ingredients, throw them into the largest pot we can find, and cook them for as long as possible until everything is a uniform grey color. as soon as it looks completely bland and unappetizing, that's when i know it's done.
we're not going to be mobbed, right? that's not something they do here? mob people?
do you get the feeling things are just getting worse as we go up?
now that's just unnecessary.
i don't think we're alone. i really don't think we're alone.
is it just me, or did i do really badly back there?
excuse me while i begin projectile vomiting.
maybe she was ugly. maybe she had buck teeth. how would we know?
what is that smell? fish? and something else. oh... more fish.
uh-oh. i'm terrible at puzzles.
let's try not to get lost here. places like this can get you turned around.
i think there's something ahead. something big.
i don't even want to imagine where that leads.
you could be an utter moron, for all we know.
it used to get so quiet that i would start screaming until someone came running. i would tell them that i was just checking. you never know, right?
there's a certain allure to danger, isn't there?
i will never get over how quietly you are able to move.
i heard you often seduce your targets.
don't you wish you could have stayed there? to help more people, i mean?
i've never been very good at that. the steeling myself part. i find it better sometimes to just be a little weak. i'm all right with that, really.
i just wanted some advice.
what should i do if... if i think a woman is special...
i am not lost.
do i have a choice?
you find that curious, do you?
that's directed at me, i take it?
have you really been thinking about that all this time?
so let's talk about your mother for a moment.
why do you always go on about how stupid i am? i'm not stupid, am i?
it hurts my manly feelings, you know. all one of them.
you're not even listening to me.
you're joking, right? a five year old could answer that question.
so what's the deal with you and him, anyway? dare i ask?
that... is a ridiculous question.
i figure you'd be the sort who knows all about deception.
it's moments like this when i truly appreciate the difference between you and me.
you're... you're drunk, aren't you?
how do you manage to be constantly drunk? are we even carrying that much alcohol with us?
i guess a romance between you and i is completely out of the question.
you know a lot of big words.
you wouldn't understand.
don't you ever talk? you know, make polite conversation just to put people at ease?
i spy with my little eye... something that begins with... "G"
are you talking to me?
are we under attack?
i don't have to prove anything to you.
we're not exactly traveling in the lap of luxury here.
can you mend it? when we get back to camp?
i might catch a cold.
that's... one way of looking at it.
i have a hard time believing that.
it's not an outlandish question.
you know, of all the mages i've met you have to be the first one i can honestly say i've really liked.
why are you smiling like that?
i wasn't looking at... you know her... hind-quarters... i gazed. glanced... in that direction, maybe, but i wasn't staring... or really seeing anything even.
i hate you. you're a bad person.
i'm not an idiot. well, not most of the time.
you didn't answer my question.
if you aren't telling me, there must be a reason.
do you mind if i ask you a personal question?
have you... had many women in your time?
how do you... woo them? is there a technique?
i like my hair the way it is, thank you.
we aren't talking about this, are we? did i hit my head?
is that a smirk? are you smirking at me?
well aren't you just chock full of useless trivia today.
i suppose you don't care.
so when this is over, what do you intend to do with yourself?
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youvegotrpmemes · 9 days ago
for muses who don't understand the meaning of the phrase ' take a break ' ... sentence starters
"Why don't you just sleep?"
"Hey... hey! You're dozing off, again."
"I brought you something to eat / drink."
"The work will still be here after you rest."
"You haven't moved since I left, have you?"
"Stand up, walk around the table, at least."
"Put down the pen. You can finish that later."
"Yeah, you'll get this done, but at what cost?"
"I don't like when you get lost in work like this."
"Close your laptop. I'm mandating you a break."
"You really don't know how to take it easy, do you?"
"You have a headache? Have you had any water lately?"
"Working yourself into the ground isn't going to help anyone."
"I'm worries about you. You look like you haven't slept in days."
"If you're gonna keep working, do you at least want some coffee?"
"When was the last time you had something to eat? Or a shower?"
"Of course your eyes hurt, you've been staring at the screen for hours."
"You fell asleep on your paperwork. You need to take some time for yourself."
"You're barely staying upright. You need to lie down, they can function without you long enough for you to take a nap."
send (pluck) for sender's muse to take paperwork / pen / computer mouse away from receiver's muse.
send (hidden) for sender's muse to hide receiver's phone / writing tools in hopes of getting them to relax
send (barricade) for sender's muse to block the doorway and not let receiver's muse leave until they agree to rest
send (pillow) for sender's muse to tuck a shirt or cushion under receiver muse's head when they doze off mid-work
send (nourish) for sender's muse to set food down in front of receiver's muse, because they haven't eaten in hours
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youvegotrpmemes · 9 days ago
anon or not, send me   ‘ 📖 ‘   and i will explain a situation / setting i’ve wanted to place my muse into, but haven’t had the chance to, yet. 
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youvegotrpmemes · 10 days ago
reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m socially exhausted - i don’t have the time right now - i don’t know how to reply - i have a bad memory and got distracted - i’m having a depressive episode and don’t have the energy to socialise
not reasons i haven’t replied back:
- i’m ignoring you just because - i hate you - i’m fed up with you - i don’t want to be your friend anymore
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youvegotrpmemes · 10 days ago
headcanons based on the 5 love languages:
send one and i will answer the questions listed
Words of Affirmation
does your muse like giving compliments? 
how easy is it for your muse to say ‘ i love you’?
what is one compliment your muse is dying to hear?
what is something your muse loves being praised for?
Acts of Service
does your muse like it when people do work for them? 
does your muse enjoy giving people a hand with work?
what acts of service would your muse appreciate the most?
what is one chore your muse would prefer someone else do for them?
Receiving Gifts
does your muse enjoy giving gifts? 
what is a gift your muse is hoping to receive? 
does your muse prefer receiving more practical or fun gifts?
does your muse like it when someone spends a lot of money on them?
Quality Time 
what is your muse’s ideal date night? 
how comfortable is your muse with prolonged eye contact? 
does your muse prefer conversation or just sitting quietly with their s/o?
is it easy for your muse to devote their full attention to one person at a time?
Physical Touch
does your muse like being hugged? 
where could someone touch your muse to calm them down? 
is there anywhere on your muse’s body they want to be touched most?
does your muse find themselves subconsciously seeking out physical contact? ( ie. reaching for s/o’s hand without realizing it )
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youvegotrpmemes · 11 days ago
random headcanon q’s 
1. is your muse able to keep a secret?
2. is your muse skilled at using technology?
3. how skilled is your muse at communication? 
4. who would your muse consider their best friend?
5. are there any fears your muse still holds from childhood? 
6. what is something that ticks your muse off, no matter what?
7. what clothes does your muse feel most comfortable in? why?
8. how many fights has your muse been a part of? how did they fare?
9. does your muse have any nervous habits? (biting lip, fidgeting, etc.)
10. how often does your muse find themselves daydreaming? what about?
11. how often does your muse cry? do they cry silently, privately, or out in the open?
12. what is a lesson your muse’s parent(s)/guardian taught them that they still hold onto?
13. is your muse proficient at any musical instruments? how long did it take them to learn?
14. does your muse prefer cooler or warmer weather? how does the heat/cold affect them?
15. does your muse know how to cook? what is the most complicated dish they’re able to make?
16. is your muse argumentative? if not, what is a topic they feel strongly enough about to argue for?
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youvegotrpmemes · 11 days ago
AS SAID BY WYNNE - PARTY BANTER *  assorted banter from dragon age: origins
you must know that murder is wrong, i assume.
i feel guilty for having ever spoken to you.
i am going to walk away now. calmly. coolly. this is to save you the pain of having your brain forcibly removed through your ears.
please get to the point.
cherish this. it may not last.
you were watching her. with great interest, i might add. in fact, i believe you were enraptured.
wait... why do you have that look on your face?
what are you thinking about now? no. i don't want to know. i feel dirty. do not speak to me.
i have a name. we all do.
you do speak your mind, do you?
it was a serious question.
must you be such a child? are you incapable of a single, serious conversation?
have you changed your mind yet?
enough. i am ending this conversation.
i am going to walk away now.
we are not having this conversation.
perhaps you could save a life, instead? one for every life you have taken.
it is not a game. you either know right from wrong or you do not.
i once had my portrait painted by an artist in the square here. it wasn't very good.
now that you're in an intimate relationship, you should learn about where babies really come from.
i like you, [name]. you deserve to be happy.
you go ahead and rant, and i'll just not my head if you like.
what exactly are you implying?
be careful who you flirt with.
it would not be the first time i woke to a younger man in my bed.
you have a barbed tongue, [name]. tell me, why do you speak to others this way?
there are good reasons for the world to fear mages, even despite our best intentions.
touch nothing! i don't think they clean the surfaces in this place very often.
everyone's gone... or dead. i fear the worst.
this cannot continue.
these people don't deserve what has happened to them.
i thought it was a legend.
i could not have asked for a greater honor than to be here. i will never forget this feeling.
many enter this forest and are never seen again. let's hope we don't join them.
there's something about this place that makes my skin crawl.
i didn't expect it to be this crowded.
what hideous habits you've picked up.
can't you mend your own clothes? why do i have to do it?
stop fussing with it. you'll make it worse.
[name], if you open that wound up, i'm not going to heal it again. you can just treat it yourself.
if you decide to slaughter me out of hand, i'm sure you would at least inform me first, no?
what makes you think i have any children at all?
i suppose i'll take that as a comment on my demeanor and not my age.
why thank you, [name]. i am quite touched. i like you, too.
those who do not heed to lessons of history are doomed to repeat them.
you are dangerous, [name]. dangerous, cunning, and thoroughly deceitful.
when the end comes, i will go gladly to my rest, proud of my achievements. while you... you will see how empty your life was. you will realize that because you never had love for others, you never received love in return. and you will die alone and unmourned.
i suppose i should be flattered.
very well, let's have a taste.
what are you... never mind, i don't want to know.
i never looked at you. definitely not in that way.
i bought you a towel, a bar of soap, and a razor while we were at the market.
i am not interested in your innuendos, your propositions, or your bodily emanations.
no! keep it to yourself! i'm serious!
i do what i do because i enjoy it, because i enjoy teaching others, helping them.
i do not seek recognition for my works.
i heard you were quite happy there.
i think you're missing the point.
it is precisely this kind of talk that made them wary of you. opinions that differ from your own are always threatening.
it is sometimes so hard to believe that you have been through so much at such a young age.
i do hate being compared to wine. or cheese.
thank you, i was wondering where it got to.
do not worry for me, or for yourself. death will take us when it wills and 'til then, we shall live. truly live.
it's much warmer where you're from, isn't it? don't you feel cold?
i didn't mean to stare.
i can't even begin to tell you whats wrong with that idea.
you can stop flinching. i'm not going to harm you.
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youvegotrpmemes · 12 days ago
aches and pains … sentence starters
tw for chronic illness / chronic pain and body dysmorphia 
“Shit, it hurts!”
“I’m used to it hurting.”
“It’s nothing. It just hurts, again.”
“I just can’t ever get comfortable.”
“My whole body just feels… wrong.”
“No, it’s normal pain. I’m used to it.”
“I wish these scars would just go away…”
“It hurts too much to stand up, I need to sit.”
“I’m tired of feeling off all the time, that’s all.”
“I think I need a hot shower and some painkillers.”
“It doesn’t even feel like this body is… me, anymore.”
“God, I wish I could be healthy for one day. Just one.”
“No, it doesn’t really hurt today. It’s just uncomfortable.”
It’s a bad day, again. I might need some help getting up.”
“It just feels like there’s something in me that’s not… me.”
“I don’t even remember what it’s like to get a good night’s sleep.”
“What’s it like waking up and NOT always hurting? Must be nice.”
“Man, if I hurt this much already, it’s really gonna suck to get older.”
“I need a hand up. If I start crying, don’t stop, it’s manageable pain.”
“I’m only (age)! I shouldn’t have the aches of a 90 year old woman.”
“I feel like a burden. I wish I was healthy so no one has to look after me.”
“This doesn’t even feel like a body, anymore. It’s just a big ball of pain and ick.”
“It feels like my body’s never… right. Like there’s always something wrong with it.”
“I don’t want to stay in bed, ‘cause my brain’ll tell me I’m lazy. But, it hurts too much to stand up today.”
“I don’t want to have to ask for help. I wish I could just do these things by myself, but my body won’t let me.”
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youvegotrpmemes · 12 days ago
PROMPTS FOR THE ROMANCE OF BANTER, PLAYFUL SARCASM, AND USING JOKES TO HIDE HOW YOU REALLY FEEL ABOUT THEM *  assorted dialogue, some of which have some implied sarcasm built in (so just feel free to specify with "/s" at the end of each line), adjust as necessary
admit it. you're in love with me.
if only i had someone to go out with...
a date would be really nice right about now.
i might reconsider if you bring me flowers.
were you being serious back there?
did you just try to impress me?
was that another joke, or were you telling the truth?
we agreed that if no one asked us, we'd go together.
keep telling yourself that!
here it comes! the big love confession i've been waiting for!
you've been in love with me since the day we met.
you visited me in my dreams last night.
i know you're in love with me. you just won't say it outloud.
we can't hide this forever.
don't make me beg.
if you weren't so cute, you'd be annoying.
you're not very good at hiding how you feel.
you've been staring at me for a long time now.
is that what you really think of me?
you have feelings for me. admit it.
so what if i've been lying this whole time? for good reason!
you don't make this whole love thing any easier.
you make life difficult.
you're a piece of work.
is that how you really feel?
you're lucky you're so cute.
you're not really going out with them, are you?
i thought we... nevermind.
consider me impressed.
am i annoying you right now?
you didn't like that comment, huh.
i was only kidding!
you wish we were kissing right now.
oh, you'd just love to hear me beg.
i love our little back and forth.
sooner or later we'll have to come clean about how we feel.
i'm not good at hiding my emotions.
when were you going to tell me you were in love with me?
i actually hate your guts.
keep talking like that and you'll see how i really feel.
can your head get any bigger?
was that a joke?
were you just playing with me?
you didn't actually mean that, right?
hang on. you didn't just say that.
that was a joke, right?
this is just how we are when we're together.
i tease you, you tease me.
you and i have always been like this.
if i'm not annoying you, what's the point?
i'm allergic to tickling.
they said we'd make a cute couple. can you believe that?
are you always this annoying?
if i kiss you, will you turn into a prince? yes, i'm implying you're a frog.
you're lucky i love you so much.
you take that back!
that was uncalled for!
this means war!
this calls for a duel!
i'm challenging you to an arm wrestle.
last one there is a rotten egg!
i'm not racing you!
stop looking at me like that.
you stare at me a lot.
i know, i know. i'm irresistable.
something on my face?
a little bird told me you're in love with me.
prove me wrong.
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youvegotrpmemes · 13 days ago
if you see someone posting AI images, they might not realize it. you can tell them. be polite about it. they might have made a mistake - AI can be super deceiving sometimes, and that person may not see the obvious signs of AI slop. some sites (like pinterest) have been flooded with AI images of fake art and people are using them for graphics or moodboards without even realizing it.
be aware, be polite about pointing it out, and if they fight back and say "oh i don't care that it's AI" THEN we have a problem. until then, be respectful. have mature conversations and keep in mind that mistakes happen.
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youvegotrpmemes · 13 days ago
reblog if you are firmly against the use of AI in roleplay spaces. this is not the place for AI-written drivel or generated images.
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