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The Truth Is Gardevoir.
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Heeeeey I drew some Hyrule Warriors in random outfits from Tokyo Fashion! v(≧∇≦*)
Midna ★ Zant ★ Ghirahim ★ Fi ★ Impa ★ Link ★ Zelda ★ Sheik ★ Agitha ★ Lana ★ Cia
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From the Chara Files art book.
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I had a day off this weekend from shooting Supernatural, and I was walking around downtown Vancouver on Saturday, sampling all the artisan coffee I could get my throat around. At one point I saw a pair of guys walking towards me wearing gamer shirts. Black short-sleeved, one Halo and one Call of...
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Pokemon Time Vol. 7
Release Date: July 12th (Saturday)
Note: The figure straps are delayed until July 26th.
A4 size clear files (pictured)
Mini stickers
Ballpoint Pens
Plush (pictured)
Suitcase (pictured)
Hand towels
Sparkling tin collection (pictured)
Nintendo 3DS and 3DS LL covers (pictured)
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I kinda feel like I need to apologize because I draw way too many of these.
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madoka magica has amazing monsters, and sweet collage effects. But the best part was that it was only 12 episodes so I didn’t have to trade away half my life to watch it. 
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one in seven of the cheese chips is actually incredibly spicy… i don’t even really like Doritos but the marketing was so good i bought them.
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I definitely wasn’t expecting to see a reference to my favorite plane tonight.
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I have two daughters, so I’m raising two future women. Maybe! I mean, one of them might be a guy later. It’s possible. It could happen. Someday one of my daughters could be like ‘Dad, I’m really a guy’ and I’ll be like ‘Alright well let’s get you a dick, honey. We’ll get you the nicest dick in town.’
Louis CK (reason #94826 why he’s the best comedian)
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One more time
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Beauty in either light
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So my high school called everyone’s homes yesterday to inform them that as of today, dress code will be strictly enforced and any girl wearing shorts that aren’t of appropriate length would be sent home to change. They were checking shorts at the school’s entrance today. This picture speaks for itself.
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