yousayiamloved · 5 months
an introduction of sorts
hello everyone, thank you for visiting my blog~ now, uhhhh, you’re probably wondering who the heck i am :P please note, first of all, that if my interaction with you makes you uncomfortable in any way, feel free to block me (/g). i am not formally educated in any religion or faith. all i have is my own personal research.
i will not disclose my real name at this time, if ever. what i will tell you is that i am in my mid-twenties, i am ridiculously gay and identify as genderqueer 🏳️‍🌈 my pronouns are strictly they/them. i am pro-choice and my beliefs are on the left side of the spectrum.
it is worth noting that i don’t think any religion is more valid than any other. in my personal opinion, the universe is full of love and life. there is a force behind it all, i think, that we humans can’t comprehend. so to make it more palatable for our minds, we give this force different name(s) and different stories. but behind all of it is love. i just want to spread love and acceptance towards all to the best of my abilities.
any people of any faith (or lack thereof) are welcome here. buddhist? you’re welcome here. muslim? you’re welcome here. pagan? you’re welcome here. atheist or agnostic? you’re welcome here. etc. i think you get what im trying to say. if you are here out of love and free from malicious intent, you are welcome here.
if you are LGBTQIA+ (the 'a' stands for asexual and aromantic, people!) you are also welcome too! this includes poc of any gender or sexuality, including trans people. and yes, that includes trans women.
all of this is my personal opinion. i am not here to spread the word or coerce people into any sort of church or way of life. i just want people to feel loved. if i ever say something to offend anyone on accident i am deeply sorry. feel free to call me out so i don't make that mistake again.
what’s your point?
i believe the title of this blog will suffice. i am a deeply spiritual person; always have been and always will be. maybe this blog will be a blip in the universe, never to be seen or remembered, but i wish to spread the love that i feel within my heart. it is worth noting that i suffer from major depression, and sometimes the love isn’t felt. but it always comes back to me. i hope to share some of that love and peace with you.
oh god, you’re not some jesus/christianity freak, are you?
lol, no, not in the slightest. while it is true that much of my faith and practices lie in catholicism (as almost all of my family is catholic) i am not here to preach or be holier than thou. i am not a baptized catholic. i believe in reincarnation, the ability to sense and alter the energy around oneself, and magick. i am deeply interested in animism, too, among other things. i pray the rosary and meditate whenever i can.
are you baptized?
nope! however, my heart is filled with love and kindness, and i just want to help people. i have studied multiple religions over the course of my life (it is a bit of a hyper obsession of mine lol). i have a basic grasp on a few religions. while i haven’t been officially baptized by a church, i was ‘baptized’ by my mother as a child; she sprinkled holy water on my head and said a few words. imo, this is just as valid. it was an event performed by one of the people i love the most in this world and the memory of that is clear in my mind.
uh….. are you, uh……. having delusions of religious grandeur….?
nope! well, i dont think i am. i am not claiming to be a religious figurehead or prophet or anything of that sort. im just a regular person who wants to spread some love in this hellscape we all seem to be living in.
love, my friends, is the answer.
(please give this a like if you've read this far! have a wonderful day!)
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