yoursforeternity-ts4 2 years
Part 5
Aurora has been really quiet since them meeting Maggie at the cafe. "So what did you think about her? I think she's awesome!" Liz smiles.
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"I don't know...i got weird vibes from her..." Aurora sighs. "You two seemed to get along well..."
"Oh are you jelly Aurora?" Liz jokes.
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"I am not. Or is there reason to be?" Aurora questions.
"Ofcourse she's totally my new bff and now i'm going to forget you forever..."
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Aurora looks concerned.
"I'm only kidding, i said you're my number one, you have nothing to be worried about...come here..." Liz hugs Aurora tightly.
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"You did lie to her tho, or is it just my hugs you love?" Liz smirks.
Door bell rings and breaks the conversation.
"Oh by the way i invited Maggie over. She left so suddently at the cafe so i thought it would be nice." Liz grins.
"Hey girl! Sorry about before." Maggie hugs Liz
"You sure Aurora you don't wanna join this time?" She asks and Aurora shakes her head.
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"She totally hates hugs." Liz winks at Aurora.
"Can you come here for a sec?" Aurora doesn't look very pleased...she leads Elizabeth to the other side of the room. "Why would you invite her here and so soon? We know nothing about her and now she knows where we live. I don't like that you invited a total stranger in our home, and without letting me know..." She tries to keep her voice down.
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"It's fiiine, she's cool!" Liz laughs.
"You live in an old church? This place is so fucking cool!" Maggie looks around mezmerised.
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Soon she notices a bong on top of a chest.
"Wow, what do we have here? So you're stoners huh?" She laughs.
"Only me, Aurora doesn't do devils lettuce." Elizabeth smirks.
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"I don't do either. Well actually i just have never tried it, so i don't really know if i would do it." Maggie looks toughtful and starts laughing. "I'm pretty sure my brother smokes sometimes tho because sometimes his home smells really weird." She squeezes her nose with her fingers.
"Yea i don't like the smell either and this here smokes inside too..." Aurora points at Liz. ".She should smoke less anyway, it's like she's married to the bong..."
"Yea yea..." Liz rolls her eyes.
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"well i'm getting pretty tired already, it's a pity you came here at this hour..." Aurora fake yawns.
"Yea it's quite late, just say and i'm out of here. At least i got to apologize!" Maggie looks little dissapointed.
"Wait i have an idea!" Liz gets excited. "Wouldn't it super awesome if we had a slumber party?!"
"OMG! YES! I've never had one!" Maggie too gets excited.
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"Do i get to say anything to this?" Aurora looks agitated.
"Pleeease..." Liz and Maggie begs.
"Fine what ever... Where are you going to sleep then? Sofa?" Aurora questions.
"She can sleep in my bed if she wants. It's much more comfortable than our old raggedy sofa." Liz suggests.
"That's ok with me!" Maggie nods.
"Actually maybe we should show more hospitality and let her have the whole bed. You can sleep in mine with me, right Liz?
"Okay? Well let's start the slumber party then!"
Thank you for reading 馃珋
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yoursforeternity-ts4 2 years
Part 4
"I'm so happy to see you guys!" Maggie streches her arms. "I'm a hugger!" She laughs while hugging Elizabeth.
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"You too Aurora come here let's make a Lizzy sandwich!"
Great she already gave Elizabeth a nickname...
"I'm good thanks i don't do hugs..." Aurora refuses.
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Aurora used to be a really outgoing girl and she had many friends. Human friends. But when the whole becoming a ghoul thing happened, she lost them all. They didn't want to be friends with a monster.
"I'm so excited you both came to meet me. I was so sure only Lizzie would show up!" Maggie laughs. "So whats up?"
"Well i bet you know already alot about me because of my blog, so tell something about yourself!" Liz says smiling.
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"Damn this is like a job inreview...well where do i start... I love making new friends, i don't actually have any tho... I mean online i'm pretty popular but i haven't had a chance to actually meet anybody... Exept now you!" Maggie gets out of breath for talking so fast. "Sorry, like i said i'm pretty excited..." She laughs.
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"I live with my dad at the moment but he is a realtor and is helping me to find my own place. Also i have a cat! Her name is Beans and she is the cutest thing ever. Wait!" Maggie takes her phone out and starts scrolling.
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She shows a picture of a...cat?
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"She sure is a cutie, haven't seen a cat like that before. Umm where were you're from? I mean you said you live near us in the message?" Liz asks.
"We live in Strangerville. It's a great place, tho something strange has been happening there lately. People are acting strange...but it's Strangerville, there's always something strange! Did i already say strange?" Maggie laughs. "Originally we are actually from another dimension, it's pretty cool. We used to come here for vacation. Where i'm from there's alot more monsters there than here, but dad says it's alot easier to sell houses for humans."
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Aurora watches Liz is looking at Maggie. She looks mesmerized about her story.
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"I know only little about you Aurora from Lizzies blog, i want to get to know you too!"
Her too? Maggie doesn't know Liz. There's so much more to Elizabeth than what she blogs.
"She can be little shy around new people." Liz smirks. "She knows how to play every intsrument in the world and has the best greenthumb in the whole universe. She had shit tons of plants and i have no idea how she manages to keep them alive...oh sorry Aurora, you can speak for yourself..." Elizabeth laughs.
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"Well i don't know... I love music and plants..." And Liz... "I guess that's everything about me..." Aurora says quietly.
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"SHIT!" Maggie shouts suddently. "I was supposed to be at an open house today! I really have to go i'm so so sorry! Let's hang soon again!" She rushes out before Liz and Aurora could say anything.
Thank you for reading 馃珋
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yoursforeternity-ts4 2 years
Part 3
Elizabeth was excited to meet another "monster", as some used to call them. "I wonder what Maggie looks like, she did say she's different like us..."
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Aurora wasn't so sure about meeting a new person. She has had bad experience with others and her trust isn't easy to earn. Only one she can truly trust is Liz and for a long time there has been just the two of them.. What If everything changes? What If Liz only hangs out with Maggie and forgots her. What if... What if Maggie is really pretty and she falls in love with her. All these thoughts are running through her brain and she just can't stop them.
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"Earth to Aurora! Hellooo, anyone there?" Liz snaps her fingers at Aurora. "What happened? Where were you?" She laughs.
"Oh sorry...i guess i'm just a bit nervous." Aurora let's out a deep sigh.
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"Don't worry! I bet she's awesome! I wonder If she's a vampire too, or a ghoul like you! I'm so excited, this is like going on a blind date!" Liz notices Aurora looking little anxious and takes her hand. "But hey, don't worry, you will forever be my number one."
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They arrive at the Blue Garden cafe. Liz is scanning the surroundings, but she only sees humans. "Shit...now i'm nervous too..."
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Smell of pumpkin spice lingers in the caffee. It's finally autumn. Despite of Liz being a vampire she really loves coffee. She basically lives only drinking caramel plasma lattes all day everyday. Ofcourse you can't get them from a normal cafe but Liz always makes sure she carries a bottle with her.
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There's a person in all pink in the corner of the cafe. She sways on her stool and hardly stays still. "LIZ! AURORA! HERE! IT'S ME! MAGGIE!" She jumps up while shouting and waving.
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Thank you for reading 馃珋
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yoursforeternity-ts4 2 years
Aurora and Elizabeth have been living in an abandoned chuch for awhile now. Being just the two of them, it was the only one they could hardly afford. But luckily they liked the aestetic of the place.
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Liz has a blog where she likes to write about her life. She has a only few followers, but that's because there's isn't much people who's interested in an occult beings everyday life. She's really talented at writing and Aurora has many times suggested that she should try writing actual books.
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Music is what Aurora "lived" for. Name any instrument and with a 99% chance she could play it beautifully.
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She could play all day and Liz didn't mind that at all. She loved listening Auroras music while writing. It's not a surprise that the most liked blog posts were written while Aurora was playing in the backround.
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*New message!*
Wow! It has Been such a long time since Liz have had any messages. What does it say, who is it from?!
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"Hi Liz! I love your blog! 馃槏 I've been following you for a while now. I am my self a bit...umm...different...like you!聽 This is really random, but i don't have any real life friends and i was wondering if we could be? 馃ス I don't live very far from you and i was thinking if we could maybe grab some coffee together? I understand if you say no. I mean you can't really know if i'm somekind of serial killer! 馃槀 But i'm not i swear! lol 馃檲 Please write me back. 馃ズ鉂わ笍 I'm Maggie by the way!"聽
Thank you for reading 馃珋
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yoursforeternity-ts4 2 years
Part 1
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This is Aurora and Liz (short from Elizabeth).
They have been friends for eternity, since they were only kids. At the age of 18 Aurora tragically passed away. Though she couldn't rest in her grave, since there was still something important to do.
Liz was devastated and didn't want to live without her bestfriend. She thought she lost Aurora and tried to end her life, just to be found badly wounded, by who else than her bestfriend.
As a rebellious teenager Liz was dating a vampire at that time, luckily Aurora got hold of him and begged him to turn Elizabeth into one. She just couldn't imagine spending the eternity alone and she was lucky, because the vampire understood their pain and said yes.
So Liz became vampire, Aurora a ghoul and even death couldn't break the bond they have. What was the something important Aurora has to do? Well years ago she had fallen in love with Elizabeth. Problem is that if she confesses her love she might fade away, as it was the thing that's still keeping her here. But can she live an eternity without confessing her love for Liz?
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Thank you for reading 馃珋
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