And the algorithm knows it very well.
Activist burnout isn't a moral failing of a community, it's not people being selfish. It's a natural result of how human minds work, and you can't expect communities to out-moral human psychology.
When people are exposed to the same upsetting thing over and over again, either it fucks with their mental health and makes them more depressed and anxious, or alternatively it makes them apathetic and desensitized. Neither of those things are good for a movement, and those are the ways humans are going to react to constant upsetting messages. You cannot avoid this by telling people to just be better people, you cannot use higher reasoning to make an entire community's emotions work in a fundamentally different way to how human emotions normal work.
Every successful movement account for the fact that people can't be at 100% all the time. Movements that ask for a level of extreme and undying anger, burn bright and die fast, it's a useful way of organizing a very immediate response, but cannot be done for something larger scale. If you give people, the ultimatum of either being at 100% or 0% all the time, they will choose 0% because the alternative isn't possible for most people.
If you're constantly showing the same disturbing images over and over again, they will lose their effectiveness quickly. If I see a post detailing the horrors of the current genocide, I'm probably just going to scroll past it, because it's all things I already know, and I've seen it so many times there's no emotional reaction, and this is how a lot of people are with posts like this, because you can't ask people to have the same emotional reaction to the same information hundreds of times over.
You can't stop activist burnout by being a better person because burnout isn't a choice, it's a psychological response. If your activism doesn't account for the material reality of the community (in this case being humans with human minds), then that's on you for organizing badly.
Also, if you need to hear this: you are not a bad person for experiencing compassion fatigue, it's literally part of being a person. Don't hurt yourself.
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Never underestimate the role of Ural ethnicities in the history of Russia Empire. There is no unique Russia “style”, everything comes from somewhere, everything is being influenced or influences other groups. The matter is when one tries to prove they have original characteristics bestowed by one main nation.
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We travelled there. The weather decided to change.
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#ІНАКОТОБЕР - дещо інакший #inktober! 🇺🇦
День 6: Алатир
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Works of the outstanding Ukrainian artist Mykola Pymonenko
Why did I posted this works?
'Easter Morning service' (ukr. Великодня Заутрення) was made in 1910 by 🇺🇦 realist artist Mykola Pymonenko. It shows a traditional church service on the morning of Easter. This work was in the collection of the Kherson art museum.
Now it's stolen by russian invaders
Easter in Ukraine
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давайте всі погодимось:
тег Укртумбочка - то геніально
М�� робимо Тамблер нашим одомашненим куточком💙💛
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Here are some spoilers of my contribution to "Ukrainian Bestiary," - an artbook created by 100 Ukrainian artists and a hardworking organization team of Mal'oviy. I was working on Brodnytsya with cybercelery. 🦫🌿
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Marina Abramović - Art Must Be Beautiful, Artist Must Be Beautiful, 1975
“I brush my hair with a metal brush in my right hand and simultaneously comb my hair with a metal comb in my left hand. While doing so, I continuously repeat, 'Art must be beautiful, Artist must be beautiful' until I destroy my hair and face.“
Abramović týmto dielom okrem iného odkazuje i na ženské performance umelkyne začiatkom 70. rokov, ktoré často pracovali so svojim telom a sexualitou - čím upútavali najväčšiu pozornosť verejnosti. Avšak zároveň neboli inštitúciami či ostatnými umelcami vnimané dostatočne seriózne ak sa objavovali nalíčené, či s upravenými nechtami. S čím sa naskytovala otázka, kde je hranica krásy a prečo ju chceme vidieť v umení, no v umelkyniach samotných je do istej miery odcudzovaná.
Počas videa sa viditeľne mení výraz tváre, či tón hlasu a rýchlosť rozprávania umelkyne, čo priamo odzrkadľuje nielen jej bolesť, no zároveň i prenesenia sa do akéhosi tranzu, na ktorý sa Abramović často spolieha. Dielo môže byť vnímané masochisticky - koniec koncov ako valná väščina jej skorých diel, avšak s prvkom spomínaného tranzového stavu sa Marina zo svojho tela vyslobodzuje, čím uniká pred fyzickou bolesťou či strachu zo smrti a dielo sa premiestňuje do asketickej roviny.
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It made my evening yesterday. Well, at least they managed to figure it out 😅
Tohle je geniální. Jak se to vůbec stane, že se poslanec může jen tak hrabat v rozvaděči v budově parlamentu?
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Ще один драг персонаж, Олівія. Сексі відьма з накладними цицями (і всім іншим)
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And some of Slavic people are confirming to it, especially on any "Slavic" rally organized by russians/pro-russians. Always check who sponsors what
Am I the only one here who is so damn angry about the fact that a large portion of the Slavic representation on the Western media is either Russian, Russian-coded (e.g. the Grisha Universe by Leigh Bardugo) or copies the narratives about other Slavic nations that exist in the Russian discourse about them?
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