yourhealthylifenow · 5 years
Paleo Man Was A Couch Potato
Paleo man was a couch potato. Transport that paleo being forward and what have we got?
What we have is a couch potato who once was nomadic and foraged for food. Today we have a couch potato who is settled in one place and who has a seemingly endless stream of chips in the pantry and nearly unlimited food and drink in the refrigerator.
It is a situation that increasingly more often results in an overfed and overstuffed us. How did this happen? It is part physical destiny and part affluence.
Our paleo ancestors spent little more than two and a half hours a day foraging for food. As nomads that was their primary work. Really their only work. Think of the necessities: food, clothing and shelter. For nomadic paleo man clothing was a very minimal concern as was shelter. If the weather was unpleasing, the foraging too hard...it was time to move on. 
We know our paleo ancestors worked so little because some of them live among us today, unchanged. Many of the nomadic Australian Aboriginals and New Zealand Maori peoples are unchanged today. They represent a window into the paleolithic past. 
These nomads are spare in movement and for a good reason. Moving more would mean more foraging and having to move on to other fields of plenty sooner. They do not worry about physical exercise to stay well, they simply forage for what they need. That involves plenty of climbing trees and digging for root vegetables.
Take that very well adapted human being and put them in an agrarian or semi agrarian situation, as has happened for some...as foraging has become more difficult and you now have someone who is working more and eating more predictably. Still a life in balance.
A look back at photos of people in North America as recently as the the early 1900′s shows very lean looking men and women as a rule. Food was expensive, particularly animal protein. Fast forward to the 1950′s when the economy was booming and consumer prices were falling...with big agriculture providing more, if not better food.
That’s the beginning of our overfed society. Of course, we are still hard wired not to move more than necessary as a matter of our inherited physical, mental and emotional self.
There are three steps for an individual to move away from the over eating and under exercising that carry us toward obesity.
1) Walk at brisk pace for 30 minutes a day or swim. Oh sure 90 minutes would be perfect...30 minutes will do the trick. Rain or shine, dress for the weather and get outside. Treadmills aren’t my favorite. Walking a street, sidewalk or path is far better for you...your foot falls are more varied, building better strength and balance.
2) Eat a paleo diet. No red meat, no grain or rice, no cow’s milk.
3) If you live in a state or province where there are naturopathic physicians, have your thyroid levels looked at. MD’s are constrained from using research from 2002 and after that clearly shows that up to 60 percent of men and up to 80 percent of women suffer from low thyroid. The issue for MD’s is that in spite of decades old research suggesting that lab ranges for TSH are too low...they can not prescribe using anything other than those outdated lab ranges without fear of having their license to practice medicine revoked by state or provincial medical boards.
I have a personal 4th step. Embrace a cheerful approach to your day...every day.
Smile and the world smiles with you.
For more information and resources about Easy Steps for the Healthiest You Right Now™ stop by my website at: www.jeffreybabcock.com. There is a very fast moving 4 minute video about my approach on page 1.
Cheers to you and your health and wellbeing
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yourhealthylifenow · 9 years
Easy Steps for the Healthiest You...Right Now!
www.yourhealthylifenow.org from Jeffrey Babcock Author / Speaker / Consultant
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yourhealthylifenow · 9 years
Do you have stiff, inflamed joints? The answer may involve your diet. Discover which foods to eat (and which to avoid) to reduce RA symptoms and inflammation.
Beat arthritis with 8 oz of organic carrot juice. I buy 32 oz for 3.99 at Trader Joe's or another natural foods market. It takes a pound of carrots to make 8 oz. of juice...so buying fresh, high quality, refrigerated carrot juice is usually easier and more cost effective. My experience is improved joint function in 5 days. Pretty amazing.
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yourhealthylifenow · 10 years
Better Health from the Paleo Diet...even if you’re not eating it
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yourhealthylifenow · 10 years
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Why your low thyroid isn't being treated by your physician and what to do to get help. http://hypothyroidmom.com/top-5-reasons-doctors-fail-to-diagnose-hypothyroidism/
"You walk into the doctor’s office with telltale physical signs of hypothyroidism, including swelling of your face especially the eyelids and below the eyes, obvious signs of fatigue, loss of the outer third of your eyebrows, dry thinning hair, pale dry skin, red irritated dry eyes, cold clammy hands and feet, brittle ridged nails, slowed reflexes, enlarged tongue, hoarseness of voice. Your doctor has no idea your physical symptoms are due to hypothyroidism. You are a walking talking poster child for hypothyroidism, but your doctor does not notice."
Before being treated for low thyroid (i was 1.1 on a "normal scale of 1 to 5) I weighed 235 vs 190 today and had a 38 inch waist vs 33 inches now at 6'2". Every day was an exercise in feeling physically and mentally sluggish. Without adequate thyroid your testosterone, estrogen, progesterone and growth hormone can not properly function to maintain your health.
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
The single most important discovery I’ve made.
It works to turn around the aging process…you’ll sleep dramatically better, have more energy in the morning and start looking younger. Well maybe you won’t…but everyone else I’ve told about naturally restoring pituitary function has.
Pituitary function declines as we age. By age 40 we are down 30 percent. By age 60 we are down 80 percent. Secretagogue Gold helps your body naturally restore pituitary function, increasing your natural growth hormone to more optimal levels.
What this isn't. It isn't anything like taking growth hormone. Your body needs 20 different amino acids to make growth hormone. However, you only make 11 of those 20. Secretagogue Gold provides the other nine in a natural and easy to drink product. Just mix with water and drink before bedtime and watch the results in the mirror day by day.
After watching me for three months and seeing my face get tauter and my hair both start to thicken and get new color, my wife (who knows everything I'm wrong about) announced that I needed to order more as she was going to start taking it.
This product sells for $90 at GNC and other retail stores for a month's supply. The AllStarHealh link above offers it at just about half price with shipping factored in.
The external results are remarkable. What's being restored inside the body   is what makes taking this simple, natural product essential to healthy aging.
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
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A few words about passion.
Ever wondered if your considered thoughts were making a difference?
I spent a few minutes taking to someone during a break from skiing just about 10 years ago and received this LinkedIn recommendation today.
My reason for sharing it is that it reminded me how powerful passion can be.
"I met Jeffrey while snowboarding on Mount Hood almost 10 years ago. I was out of work at the time and seeking a paradigm shift as my efforts were seemingly going nowhere at the time. However, I did have a season pass to the mountain, allowing me to indulge one of my true passions during a stressful time in my life. Sitting in the lodge, Jeffrey intently listened to my story and reminded me about what I should have already realized: it is our passion that drives us to excel and succeed, and without that passion, all of the skill in the world is for not. I'd always thought that to be a cliché, but there sitting in front of me was a very successful man living it, and quite well. I have always remembered that conversation and the impact it has had on my life and career since. Do what you love, and the rest comes naturally."
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
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All Creativity Comes From Leisure Time.
Thanks to Lolly D
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
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Alternative medicine? I'd say traditional vs. conventional.
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
Winners don’t wait for chances, they take them
unknown (via taylor-babcock) That's not a drop. That's Taylor checking the wind.
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
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Chapter 3 of Your Healthy Life Now is just published.
Everything you think you know about eating breakfast may be wrong.
Read why you should eat brunch as your first meal of the day and what to eat. With research links and links to get discounts on the products I use in my brunch.
For additional posts and free chapter updates to this web-book in progress, please like the book’s facebook page: facebook.com/yourhealthylifenow.org.
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
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You are what you eat.
Shop your local fresh market.
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
Chapter 3 of Your Healthy Life Now is just published today
Everything you think you know about eating breakfast may be wrong.
Read why you should eat brunch as your first meal of the day & what to eat. With research links and links to get discounts on the products I use in my brunch.
For additional posts and free chapter updates to this web-book in progress, please like the book's facebook page: facebook.com/yourhealthylifenow.org.
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yourhealthylifenow · 11 years
Jeffrey Babcock is the author and publisher of the web-book: Your Healthy Life Now / easy steps to the healthiest you, right now
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