Need More Lotion
73 posts
Spork/Pansexual/Non-Binary/It's It Itself
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
New Blog
If you couldn’t tell by my new URL, I’m abandoning this blog. I’m not leaving Tumblr at all, I just have a new blog. It’s a long-ish story that doesn’t need explaining, but basically, my primary blog is dead, and I wanted my personal blog to be my new primary blog. My new Personal blog is @yourfriendlyneighborhoodspork No, It’s not this blog. If you look at my URL, there is an X. The X on this blog indicates that it is deactivated. My new art blog is @spork-scribbles Both of those blogs are still under some construction, so expect some changes. Once again, my new personal blog is @yourfriendlyneighborhoodspork and my art blog is @spork-scribbles I hope to see you all there!
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Don't be bothered with what's all going on, it'll be explained later, no worries :0
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B3 Frost plz? ;D
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ahem ahem
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frost B4 and A3 please.
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some more Frosties (:
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Please do D5 Frost! (I dare you~)
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it’s a good day when I get to draw a beat up character (:
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Here's our boy! We know him as a fighter! And cowardly... bUT A FIGHTER. HE WILL BE BACK!
Frost Memorial: In memory of our fallen Icejin
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They say no man is truly ever dead if his name continues to be spoken. That will be our wish for our dearly departed who we honor here today, Frost the Icejin, who’s race’s name was dubbed ever so lovingly as such by its creative followers.
When we were first treated to Frost, we were met with confused yet intrigued responses. To our surprise, we were presented with someone very different than what we expected, one who’s individuality and concept on his own won the hearts of many, an admiration that lasted far longer than anyone would have thought. We fell in love with the villainous space pirate who’s calm, charismatic personality and graceful form made him an icon for us.
But, after everything, our hopes were against us. One week ago from today, our hearts were crushed as we witness the unexpected and demeaning death of our beloved Icejin that left an empty hole in our souls, not only from the sudden and disrespecting decision to do so, but the reasoning behind it that to this day remains unknown.
There was sadness. There was anger. There were tears, and even mournings. There were questions, there were heavy ponders of ‘Why’. Nobody expected this, and no one was prepared. The community was shaken, and there was nothing we could have done about it, except continue to remember him, as we do tonight.
Frost was an intelligent, charming, dedicated, cunning and graceful being. We admired him for his wits, and loved him for his eccentric yet sly self. He gave us hope, gave up high expectations, possibilities; he gave us excitement, fear, and even heart aches. And even so, we only wished for his happiness. And though we never had the chance to truly see him as such, he will remain with us, in our hearts where we dream of his smile, followed by his genuine happiness.
Tonight we are gathered here to remember our beloved Icejin, to continue his legacy, to give him the justice he was so painfully denied, to remember why he admired him so, flaws and all, and hope for a better ending.
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If anyone wishes to come forth and offer some words of tribute, you are more than welcomed to do so now.
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dedicated to the evil dark toei
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Sneak peak of the Frieza sticker pack :0
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How dare you @ me! @krazyokami
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I’m looking at you tumblr
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This is my new male majin OC. I think i can call him Majin Um (plum because purple) (Ume is plum in Japanese) shortened comes Um, and I think it’s pretty good, should I consider him a villain? A little yes, but not chaotic. He likes smoothies, bubble tea, herbal teas and plants. I’m not so sure how and when to use it
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More Ume doodles
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Just a quick sketch on this trio, i feel lazy today *sob*
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I wanted to give Cell a try. He’s pretty hard to draw because he’s perfect.
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b l e p
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me: i really need to talk this out with someone 
my anxiety: ur coming off needy. isolate urself and handle it. all u need is U!
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Listen… I had to. @friezadidnothingwrong
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* strong like papa *
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