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She looks up with a smile, still continuing to pack away the ones that weren’t damaged. Ooo did she detect a hint of disapproval? That was usually the case, especially coming from strangers. She swiped a long piece of hair away when it fell over her face as she leaned back down, oh the daily struggles she had to deal with.
"Uhh, to sell them! Why else would someone be carrying three boxes of med-x, taking more than ten is a deathwish. Some of us got to make a living the unjust way, you know?" She leans back momentarily. "I take it you aren’t used to places like freeside?"
"You look like you could use a hand."
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"Yeah i appreciate the help but i’m fine without the help honey." She tosses the broken needles to the side, hopefully out of sight from anyone who didn’t appreciate that kind of product being sold here. What a waste, a box of med-x pushed out of her hands and three or four vials broken, the green tinted liqiud running in the cracks of the sidewalk. And this stuff didn’t run cheap either.
"Ha, just watch. Once i leave junkies are gonna start licking the ground right here, anything for a fix amirite? Could of been worse, the whole box could of broke."
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She looks up with a makeshift smile, all kinds of odd ones come out when there's chems involved. From the whole meeting people perspective she did love her job, even if the majority of people she 'worked' with would trade her life for a hit. The underlying danger is what makes things interesting.
Leaning off the wall she was propped up against. She slips her hand into her jacket. Obtaining  and flipping through a worn looking notebook that bared all kinds of scribbles and sloppy handwriting. Got to have some system of inventory.
"Yeah sure baby, i'm assuming you know what most of them do. If you need a description or anything just ask." She flips another page over, clearing her throat. "Lets see here, i got Hydra, Jet, Med-x, Psycho, Rebound, Steady, Buffout, aaand Mentants." She tucks the list back into her pocket, blinking expectantly.
"If i missed anything you might want i have other people i can point you to."
   A little busy rabbit made it’s way into the scene. His nose twitched and wrinkled from the surrounding smells. It had been a while since he peered his head from the little makeshift burrow at the Strip. He’d gotten used to people with a sense of hygiene. He guessed it was about time he scurried out of his hole and came in touch with reality again.
   Besides, his special stash was running low. How disappointed his ‘clients’ would be if he didn’t spice things up before the show. Fingers brushed back wild strands of his long hair. Jack had spotted a few interesting vendors, but one in particular caught his attention.
   He approached, briefly fixed on her nails. God, she could claw his eyes out with them. Wouldn’t that be so fun?
  “Surprise me. How ‘bout you list what you have and I pick out what I want? Yeah?”
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As boring as waiting around for people was, she did feel fortunate to be able to watch people pass. One a little more grimier than the next, coming out here was a little confidence boost for herself from time to time. Most of these people were missing most of their teeth or looked like they spend most of their time rolling in brahmin manure. Makes a girl feel a little bit better about herself.
There was no doubt people knew what she was standing around here for. The usual junkies liked to pace around before deciding they really could use some of what she was selling. She inspects her nails, barely looking up at the approaching footsteps.
"Med-x went up to 55 caps. Sorry if that’s what you’re looking for. What do you need?"
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thececengineer replied to your post: thececengineer asked:"I did a bad...
"No, I think I really, really like Med-X."
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"OH!" She gives him a hard slap on the back. "Well welcome to the drug club honey, wish i had a sticker to give you or something. You're probably going to be seeing me around a whole lot more if that's the case."
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As boring as waiting around for people was, she did feel fortunate to be able to watch people pass. One a little more grimier than the next, coming out here was a little confidence boost for herself from time to time. Most of these people were missing most of their teeth or looked like they spend most of their time rolling in brahmin manure. Makes a girl feel a little bit better about herself.
There was no doubt people knew what she was standing around here for. The usual junkies liked to pace around before deciding they really could use some of what she was selling. She inspects her nails, barely looking up at the approaching footsteps.
"Med-x went up to 55 caps. Sorry if that's what you're looking for. What do you need?"
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"I did a bad thing."
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She folds her arms, giving one of her usual skeptical looks. Well, long as it didn't involve her she guessed she could help out.
"What? Did you rob a casino or something? Or hit on a strip bosses girl or something? Actually i'm going to go with tripped over a puppy. Seems the most logical."
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"You'll regret this."
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"Heh, no i wont. Its a common thing that happens, all business you know? So what if i care that a few people overdose on my product. I give all the warning i’m supposed to give. Not my fault if they can’t follow them. Its not like i’m directly killing them.”
"Besides, money is money, this is more than a job. Chem selling is a lifestyle, ya know? I’m not going to regret anything when i’m living comfortably without having to sell my ass for 20+ years."
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"I am not doing that."
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"Awww why nooott? Its not often i give out free hits of jet. Boss has been bringing in surplus lately, and i'm not going to huff it all myself."
"And don't give me the whole 'you know what that's made of' crap. A high is a high. I'll even throw in a free hit for junior there."
She winks.
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send me one for my muse's reaction
"Are we really doing this?"
"Are you doing this to upset me?"
"Friends don't look at each other like that."
"Give me a chance."
"I am not doing that."
"I can prove you wrong."
"I can show you the world."
"I did a bad thing."
"I don't want to love you, but I do."
"I missed you."
"I regret last night."
"I think we can pull through."
"I think you need to get in my bed. Now."
"I thought you were gone forever."
"I want you naked. Now."
"I'm a bad person."
"I'm breaking up with you."
"I'm not who you think I am."
"I'm pregnant."
"If you and I were the only two people alive on the planet, I still wouldn't have sex you."
"Marry me?"
"Please, don't do this."
"Stop yelling at me."
"That outfit would look better on my bedroom floor."
"There is no one I hate more than you."
"This is not fair."
"This is not the time nor place."
"We are not getting a pet."
"We can't do this anymore."
"What are you doing?"
"Who do you think you are?"
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"Why aren't you answering my calls?"
"You shouldn't have done that."
"You'll regret this."
"You're being inappropriate."
"You're the one person I actually trust."
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"Oops, did I do that?.. Oh well."
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So much for helping this poor girl string her necklace, an unexpected bump of someone backing into her made the string slip though her fingertips. At least he wasn't one of the ones who took the opportunity to cop a quick feel, those really got on her nerves. If she could roll her eyes more openly she would, instead she stooped to start picking back up the old pearls that scattered around the hard wood. They should really tell these girls got to wear family heirlooms where some drunk solider is going to tug on them, a lot of tears were spilt over broken jewelry. 
"Great, yeah that's just great. Small little slippery objects around all these drunk people, what can go wrong. You know our job would be a little easier without people bumping into us all the damn time."
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"You look like you could use a hand."
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"Yeah i appreciate the help but i'm fine without the help honey." She tosses the broken needles to the side, hopefully out of sight from anyone who didn't appreciate that kind of product being sold here. What a waste, a box of med-x pushed out of her hands and three or four vials broken, the green tinted liqiud running in the cracks of the sidewalk. And this stuff didn't run cheap either.
"Ha, just watch. Once i leave junkies are gonna start licking the ground right here, anything for a fix amirite? Could of been worse, the whole box could of broke."
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"How would you like to be full of holes?"
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"E-fucking-scuse me?"
So he didn't want chems, fine whatever. But there were better ways to turn someone away. Whats with all the violence in the wastes these days? Society is going downhill fast.
"Is that any fucking way to treat a lady? God i should go to your mothers house and kick her ass for raising you like that. So you don't want chems, fine. Doesn't deserve a death threat though."
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"You look like you could use a hand."
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She snorts, quickly picking the boxes back up. Careful not to shift the contents inside too much, precious cargo and all that. She wasn't about to lose her months supply to someone deciding to 'help' her. She almost had someone try and run off with a big load, luckily he didn't outrun a few bullets. She rolls her eyes, stacking them back in her arms.
"Aha, like i haven't heard that one before. Take a few steps back unless you're asking for some lead in you."
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Hey doctor Sugar I think I got hold of a bad box of sugar bombs, what do you recommend?
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"I’d recommend drinking some abraxo cleaner to chase it down. Tastes bad, but i assure you it works just as quick. I wouldn’t lie to you would i? Its against my medical practice.”
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§ [ why not?]
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Considering this was part of her day job, things like this weren’t a rarity. Gomorrah’s guards were most likely not doing their job, so dealing with drunks was part of her occupation now. Reviving a sympathetic look from one of the other dancers, she inwardly sighed at her current situation as her back hit the wall. She stood, trying to seem as disinterested as possible until he himself got bored. She was almost off the clock too, leave it to this guy to come along. She gives an annoyed and sarcastic look when he finally broke away, falling back to her usual snobby demeanor with a quick tilt of the head. She clears her throat, forcing a smile.
"Yeah that’s gonna be thirty caps."
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§ Hello
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She jumps at the hard embrace of brick wall against bare back, and the simple and easy assumption that she was just being mugged disappeared with the smush of lips against hers. All restraint to kick this guy in the balls was calmed with tight clenched fists against her sides, which she roughly slammed against his chest to push him back a few feet. She scoffs, gaining back her breath and spitting at his feet. 
"This ain’t a fucking free grope asshole! Get out of here before i decide weather to pull out a gun or not."
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