"With Liberty and Justice for All"
 persuasive commitment, to be sure but no longer, the overriding concern of the our elected officials. Taking root with the social, transformational reforms, initiated by former president, Barack Obama. Â
In the upper, echelon of Washington politics, not only have so many, betrayed their public trust by using their officer, for crimes, while enriching themselves.
They indemnify themselves of enormous, unpardonable crimes, committed by family members and cronies.
Allowing such treachery to go unpunished, is an affront to justice. Presidential pardons are simply, get out-of-prison-free cards, action not to incentive acts of corruption. Whatever, the original intent, it must be abolished. Otherwise such injustice will persist.
The overused phrase, no-one is above-the-law, is pure crap; crime demands punishment. Sentencing lawbreakers, regardless of lofty positions requires prison time. Period !
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Welcome to Deportation:
The most vehement opponents of mass deportation, left without any rationale argument, emotion is now a last resort.  The travesty of separating families is their only rebuttal.
When in fact, they have no legal right to be here. Their adversity, is not of our doing nor is it our obligation to rehabilitate. California is now overwhelmed with a Hispanic population, many of which are wards the state.  These immigrants, are the major precipitants; of city, county, state and federal welfare. California, is now the welfare capital of America.
Welfare, now represents, the third largest federal expenditure; estimated to be in excess of $1.1 Trillion dollars annually: although current figures have not been available, in recent years. Â
Needless to say, current immigration policies, are now dwarfing all previous costs of welfare estimates.
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Matters of Life and Death:
Crime is now rampant cross America and with it’s increase, punishment is no were to be found, along with it justice. We are a compassionate people, yet somehow recompense, has been stricken, from our collective.
Tolerance, now transcends facts as well as reason. The death penalty is no longer applicable in the most abhorrent crimes.  The Covid-19, crisis led to the release of inmates, based on overpopulation; a number of which were extremely, violent.
Consider, the countless offerer’s, that escape punishment, on technicalities or attorney’s able to, conjure-up reasonable doubt.  Although prisons are currently, overpopulated, imagine if all those felons, were incarcerated too.
California’s prison population indicates; 46% are Hispanic, and I would, venture to say, many are illegal aliens; the most violent of inmates, the Mexican Mafia, continue to operate the drug-trade.  These prisoners, control revery aspect, of the entire prison system.  Lest we forget, inmates are now eligible, sex reassignment surgery,at taxpayers expense.
Although, our penal system, is awash in red-ink, the status-quo, is beyond mismanagement, bordering on criminality. A cost-benefit analysis shows the per inmate cost, per aunnm is from $23 thousand  and beyond, per offenders. The total, annual cost, nation-wide, is $80 billion dollar. This is absurd !
Case-in-point: the Menendez brothers, were convicted of murdering both their parents, sentenced to life in prison, without parole. However, some bleeding-heart, liberals are demandng their release !
The reluctance to enforce the death penalty, ignores the victim’s families, deprived of justice, meanwhile costs, spiral out of control. Considering the life expectancy of inmates, might exceed, 20 to 40 years. Image the savings.
“Whosoever sheds the blood of man by man shall his blood be shed”
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The Theology of Money:
Some two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ, would drive the money-lenders from the temple, for defiling the house of God. The rapacious practice of lending money at interest, created a vast financial empire. Such was its power, it exceed that of nations and their armies.
The epicenter of banking today is Switzerland, however, its tentacles now reach every corner of the globe. The colossus of Swiss banking would be launched, by eight European banking-families, rooted in insatiable, greed. Such was its power, as to devastate economies and topple governments.
 The enormous wealth of the Rothschild family, loaned the Bank of England vast sums of gold to persecute the Napoleonic War; increasing their wealth many times over. The lack of current news; presented the opportunity for an additional windfall.
Planting the rumor, France was winning the war at Waterloo, caused a massive sell-off of British stocks: which Rothschild and associates purchased for pennies on the dollar. Not unlike, the great depression of 1929. The Federal Reserve manipulated the economy, causing the collapse of the dollar, resulting in a massive sell-off of stocks, crippling America’s thriving industries; to be sold at pennies on the dollar, also to unscrupulous financier.
The finical crisis of 2008, was the result of Wall Street greed, faced a deluge of worthless mortgages, bundled with low-grade securities and graded “A”, sold to unsuspecting, labor unions, foreign entities, etc., proved to be minuscule. Resulting in the default of several Wall Street investment banks.
The proper solution, would have been, for those involved to declare bankruptcy, instead, this massive fraud, would be bailed-out by taxpayers. Above all, this consortium of banker’s never lose money, Their malfeasance goes unpunished, while the debit always reverts, to its victims.
To the his everlasting shame, George W Bush, would knuckle-under to those parasites responsible.
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Mexico's Bitch:
For decades, Mexico has been exporting, their least productive, least desirable, citizens to America, becoming welfare recipients. Many of which are predisposed to violence and crime. A lucrative, adjunct to drug-trafficking is smuggling third-world aliens across the border. No-one, not even terrorists, are denied; access, if they can pay the price.
The beaches of San Diego, are awash with human excrement, flowing from Tijuana, fouling our beaches, daily.  Lately, revolting smells are wafting across the border, sickening residence. Mexican officials smugly ignore, repleted complaints. Such spitefulness might be curbed by restricting further trade, and if necessary, closing the border traffic.
Here in California, our prison population are mostly, Hispanic; MS-13 criminal aliens, along with countless others, from the Central-American Triangle: the most violent, corner of the world, now threaten the life and safety of our citizens.
For the past fifty-years, I’ve witnessed the Hispanicization of California; and while repressing 12% of the U.S. population, approximately 35% of all welfare recipients live here. Making the golden-state the welfare capital of Americ
Mexico, is like a poor relative who shows up at dinner time, and takes the silverware, when he leaves. Â
A history of accepting that which is wrong…will never make a thing right
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The War of Politics:
“Water, water everywhere and all the board did shrink; water, water everywhere nor any drop to drink”. The rhyme of the ancient mariner, depicts a ship becalmed by the lack of wind. A natural phenomenon.
Now, fast forward to present day California: where wind has no shortage: mixing natural phenomenon with the manmade variety, you begin to understand, depraved indifference. But why. The answer to most any question, can be found by asking, to whom do the benefits accrue.
The wildfires raging across California, cannot be explained-away, as misfortune, not even incompetence; only sheer malevolence. During the past fifty years, California’s population has tripled, and although funds had been allocated for new reservoirs, the money has been diverted. Creating the illusion of draught.
The consequences of neglect, and appeasement of so-called, conservationists, have crippled the state’s ability to function.
Reason is no longer relevant in decisions making. Never ascribe to incompetence what can be explained by malicious intent.
The destruction of America, has long been the goal of Marxist ideology; to enfeeble America, from within. Marxism has been carefully woven into our social fabric, for more than100 years, in order to advance a communist, world dominance.
Politics is simply war, without the blood.
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Were Has The Money Gone:
The absence of a nonpolitical, nonpartisan review of public spending re: city, county, state and federal government; has led to waste, fraud, misappropriation and thievery will continue, unabated. Lest we forget, they’re spending your tax dollars.
The national focus, on wild-fires raging across California, exposes governor Newson’s disregard for the lives, property and safety of its citizens; diverting a reported, $100 million from fire-fighting budget. Meanwhile, lavishing billions on illegal aliens and shielding them deportation.  What’s wrong with this picture.
If you believe government, no longer represents, its citizens but acts in its own interest; you’re absolutely, right. Begging the question, what are you going to do about it. Politics is not a spectator sport, so if you choose not to participate, you deserve the consequences.
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The Entitlement Culture:
It's not the generosity of the butcher or grocer that I enjoy my supper but the motivation of their own self-interest. Â Likewise, individuals seeking their own self-interest while providing for themselves, also contributing to a robust economy.Â
Entitlements, however, corrupt society and undermine the economy, forcing the productive to subsidize, their apathy. Charity is a religious concept not a social remedy. Those unwilling to integrate and refuse to rehabilitate, led by their own pomposity;  choosing instead to be subsidized; stifle the economy.
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How Evil Conspires:
Evil has been hiding in plain sight...a conspiracy so vast, as to be ignored. Yet today, its emerged from the shadows, to flex its muscles. If you have any doubt, consider: China, Russia, Iran and North Korea have joined forces; to dethrone America. For decades, we’ve witnessed the results; America’s decline as a world and economic power.
Prior to ascending to the presidency, Barack Obama, cryptically announced the “fundamental transformation of America” with no further explanation; all while ushering-in a Marxist ideology.
According to Josh Stalin: “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its Patriotism, its Morality and its Spiritual Life, if we undermine these three areas America will collapse from within. Without fever firing a shot.Â
By diluting America’s culture, with economic immigrants, that do not share our values; is an all-out war on our Judeo-Christian principals.
Throughout history, the few have controlled the masses. In America, the few are the Washington elite: the goal is to replace the middle-class, with third-world immigrants, that can control with meager, entitlements. Thus achieving their ultimate goal of absolute power.
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The False Narrative:
 African-American, male’s that die at the hands of police officers; are followed by the usual knee-jerk reaction of black’s, rioting in the streets. And once again thuggish behavior, would lead to the destruction of public, and private property and predictable looting, now considered an entitlement.
These scenes all too common, whenever a person of color dies at the hands of police, such laws are deemed to infringe on the rights, of black’s, caught in the act of committing crimes, are nevertheless considered, discriminatory.Â
The shooting of Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin and the beating of Rodney King, are trivialized; regardless of the facts; and regardless the violence of the suspects. Time after time witnesses, and the media selectively withhold evidence, to mitigate the severity of the offenses.
Michael Brown would be portrayed, as yet, another victim, and not the violent, combative, teen-thug, attacking a policeman. Trayvon Martin was far from the mild-mannered child portrayed in the heavily, retouched photo, the media chose to show. No mention of his record of delinquency or burglary tools found in his school locker.
Rodney King, was pursued at speeds in excess of 100 mph, with a blood alcohol level of 19 and under the influence of drugs. Furthermore, King was on parole for armed robbery and his arrest for drunk driving, would have sent him back to prison. Such facts were purposely, ignored by the media, and did not fit the narrative; of white-racist cops. Focusing instead, on the heavily redacted video of him being subdued by police.
King’s dream-team of attorneys, placed him on a strict die so he would appear less threatening, during the trial. He was in fact, enormously strong, the amount of drugs, in his system, would only serve to intensify, his strength and resistance, making him a formidable adversary.
The media never mentions the race of an offender; ethnicity is only mentioned in the event, such persons are victims.
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The Supremacy of God:
The Bible exists so that we might know God. It tells us that He created heaven and a host of angels. So they might not be subservient, He endowed them with free will.
However, free-will is also a double-edged sword. A group of angles, led by Lucifer; “the carrier of light” became envious of God, considering themselves, His equal. Creating a rift in heaven, when God created man, granting him free-will, as well.
Free-will, would give rise to envy and with envy, the emergence of sin. Envy, is perhaps, the foundation of all sin. Cain would be envious, of his brother Able and Able’s relationship with God, thus, killing his own brother.
God would make Himself known to the Israelite’s, His chosen people. He would send His only Son, Christ to be born, as man to the Jew’s.  Living among the Jew’s, Christ began preaching of God’s love.
However, the Rabbinical community, saw the Son of God, as a threat to their power. As Christ, began cleansed lepers, sight to the blind and rising the dead. He began to jeopardize the power of the rabies and their envy would lead to His murder. Â
Since the beginning of time, envy and jealousy, has engendered all the evil and corruption, man can aspire to.
Could Feminism possibly be the result of penis envy !!!
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A Change of Pace:
Mostly, I write about the troubles in society and politics. I do however, have a lighter side, enjoy a good laugh, and making others laugh too. Hoping you’ll enjoy.
There was a boy, who grew-up poor, his father worked hard, but they were always strapped. His mother did the beat she could; mostly dinner consisted of some form of hamburger, in a casserole, mixed with mashed potatoes, veggies, etc.
The boy grew into a man, left home, got a job, worked hard, managed to save some money, even got a raise. One day, he decided to treat himself to a meal at fine restaurant; no-one in his family had ever been to a restaurant.
While sitting with a menu, he didn’t recognize any of the entries, and when the waiter arrived, he decided to order the most exotic sounding item: he ordered Salsbury Steak.
He was still eating hamburger. Such is life !!
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A Flash-Mob A The Border:
Reports indicate a second; and now third "caravan" of Central American migrants are making their way to the United States Border; with the necessary, financial aid. Mexico is now providing busses to hasten this invading army, on their quest for asylum. We're aware of the unholy alliance, of the Catholic Church and Socialist, billionaire George Soros. The Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., aka (CLINIC) has the blessing of the American, Conference of Catholic Bishops!
The mainstream media's narrative of desperate migrants; mostly women and children seeking a better life, is basically untrue. This alien army is predominately male; angry young men from the Central American "Triangle," which is the drug capital of our hemisphere. Years of unenforced immigration laws, has allowed the MS-13 drug gangs, in infiltrate every major American City with a reign of terror.Â
What we're seeing is a massive "flash-mob," hoping to overwhelm Border Security by sheer numbers; using the U.S. military to blunt this effort, is now the only option. These immigrants must be turned back and denying all claims of amnesty. We must make it clear, there will be no exceptions.Â
The caravan, has been streaming north hoping to exploit lax enforcement of U.S. laws to gain a foothold here. A common tactic is to claim fear of being sent home, which if approved provides a hearing in Immigration court. At which point they're immediately released; most however, never show up for hearings, disappearing instead into the shadows of the "barrios".
The American Civil Liberties Union, (ACLU) has joined with Democrat's to defend the "Rights," of illegal immigrants to enter the United States; they plan to reward this illegality, with a laundry list of benefits, including "Free Healthcare".Â
Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress refuses to reform the ambiguous, loopholes in the immigration laws, which these migrants seek to exploit !
The ultimate goal of the open border advocates, has always been to flood America with an unlimited number of fellow Hispanics and subsidize them, with taxpayer funded, benefits. Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco and, barring an upset, the next Governor of California, wants to include illegal aliens in the state sponsored healthcare plans; funded by California taxpayer's. Imagine the influx of thousands of coming to the state, with every illness imaginable.
The Democrat's are doubling down on this plans of universal healthcare for all, including illegal aliens. “Everyone should be covered,” claimed Newsom adviser Mitch Katz. “For Gavin, It’s a fairness issue,” regardless of the cost!
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Inactive vs Proactive:
Law enforcement’s continued apathy toward acts on terrorism, is outrageous. Some-how, the alphabet-soup of federal agencies: FBI, CIA, NSA, The Department of Homeland Security, etc. have been derelict in their duty, to protect America from acts of terrorism.
Acting only in the aftermath of such disasters, the Department of Justice, seems more intent, to prosecute its political rivals than protecting America from those trying dismantle, the last-standing democracy.  It’s time to assume a proactive position, preventing such violence, while thwarting the ability.
Care in point: the FBI was well aware of U.S. Army Major, Nadal Hasan continued Muslim radicalization and adherence, to American-Yemeni, Jihadist, Anwar al-Awlaki. Choosing to ignore the conclusive evidence, until he went on to murder 13 unarmed solders, wounding 30 others.
“Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical"
          Blaise Pascal 1623 ~ 1662
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The Great Illusion:
Freedom and justice are simply an illusion, we have been led, inexorably and incrementally, toward an atheistic-Marxism, for decades.  Beginning as a reformulated, socialism, promising a utopian society, however, socialism has always been the precursor of communism.
Not wishing to engage in confrontation, Marxist-Communism would remove, religion and God from society. Secularism, would shift its focus, to temporal and social justice concerns.
Next, would come the fragmentation of families, the cornerstone of American society, now embraces every form of deviant, lifestyle. The quasi, acceptance of same-sex marriage, along with gender, self-identification would further currupt our society.
The dumbing-down of America students by entrenched bureaucrats and the ever, powerful teachers union, in coercion with the U.S. the Department of Education. The politicalization of public schools, has now spread to private and religious schools as well.
Students are indoctrinated to reject, American and Judeo-Christian values, replaced with atheism. The voting age has been lowered, to perpetuate the reelection of social-democrats.
China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, have united to dismantle the worlds last standing democracy, from within. Criminals aliens are living openly amoung us, meanwhile, violent prisoners are released and criminal aliens, are free to roam our cities to rob, rape and commit unspeakable crimes, of barbarity. We have our own home -grown criminals. Why do need to import more.
Barack Obama and Marxist bagman, George Soros sponsor and fund those who would destroy America, from within. The political reality of our nation is now at hand. Â
“Tolerance and apathy are the last remnants of a dying society”
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I believe this article, is perhaps more important, today than ever !!
The War On Christianity:
Religious tolerance was the very cornerstone, upon which America was founded. The idea that each person is free to worship, or not worship, according one’s personal beliefs. So why is it, we’re witnessing a moral collapse of American Culture, and our Judeo-Christian values.
There’s a war against Christianly, its happening incrementally; with the gradual infiltration of public education and our political institutions; moving us towards  a universal egalitarianism and ultimately, a tyranny of government. Abortion, pornography, the rejection of authority, drug abuse, sexual deviance and increased violence are just the symptoms, of a society becoming more secular.
Oppressive governments must first become secular, by suppressing religion and all references to ”God”; the new religion becomes, social justice, ecology, saving the wales and Climate Change. This propaganda of atheism is becoming mainstream and with it comes social decay.
America is in the throws of Cultural-Marxism. An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness and multiculturalism. Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics; Cultural-Marxism focuses on culture and race, maintaining that each person has the right to decide for themself, what is right or wrong.
Cultural-Marxists denies the biological reality of gender and race, arguing that gender and race are “social constructs,”  while supporting the race-based identity politics, of non-whites. This new form of Marxism supports race-based affirmative action, speech-codes and censorship and justifying violence against anyone, with whom you disagree.
Moral Relativism and the Progressive, social agenda are destroying our ethical and religious principals, while at the sometime, unraveling the social fabric of family and faith, denying the traditional roles of family and gender.
Demands for multiculturalism and diversity in the educational curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism is subdividing society into hostile groups, the demonization of white people and Western Culture as evil and inherently, racist; has created a rift between  races.
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