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yourfoodforthought101 · 23 minutes ago
The Supremacy of God:
The Bible exists so that we might know God.  It tells us that He created heaven and a host of angels.  So they might not be subservient, He endowed  them with  free will.
However, free-will is also a double-edged sword.  A group of angles, led by Lucifer; “the carrier of light” became envious of God, considering themselves, His equal.  Creating a rift in heaven, when God created man, granting him free-will, as well.
Free-will, would give rise to envy and with envy, the emergence of sin.  Envy, is perhaps, the foundation of all sin.  Cain would be envious, of his brother Able and Able’s relationship with God, killing his own brother.
God would make Himself known to the Israelite’s, His chosen people.  He would send His only Son, Christ to born, as man to the Jew’s.   Living among the Jew’s, Christ began preaching of God’s love.
However, the Rabbinical community, saw the Son of God, as a threat to their power.  As Christ, began cleansed lepers, sight to the blind and rising the dead. He began to jeopardize the power of the rabies and their envy would lead to His murder.  
Since the beginning of time, envy and jealousy, has engendered all the evil and corruption, man can aspire to.
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yourfoodforthought101 · 1 day ago
A Change of Pace:
Mostly, I write about the troubles in society and politics.  I do however, have a lighter side, enjoy a good laugh, and making others laugh too.  Hoping you’ll enjoy.
There was a boy, who grew-up poor, his father worked hard, but they were always strapped.  His mother did the beat she could; mostly dinner consisted of some form of hamburger, in a casserole, mixed with mashed potatoes, veggies, etc.
The boy grew into a man, left home, got a job, worked hard, managed to save some money, even got raise.  One day, he decided to treat himself to a meal at fine restaurant; no-one in his family had ever been to a restaurant.
While sitting with a menu, he didn’t recognize any of the entries, and when the waiter arrived, he decided to order the most exotic sounding item: he ordered Salsbury Steak.
He was still eating hamburger.  Such is life !!
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yourfoodforthought101 · 5 days ago
A Flash-Mob A The Border:
Reports indicate a second; and now third "caravan" of Central American migrants are making their way to the United States Border; with the necessary, financial aid.  Mexico is now providing busses to hasten this invading army, on their quest for asylum. We're aware of the unholy alliance, of the Catholic Church and Socialist, billionaire George Soros.  The Catholic Legal Immigration Network, Inc., aka (CLINIC) has the blessing of the American, Conference of Catholic Bishops!
The mainstream media's narrative of desperate migrants; mostly women and children seeking a better life, is basically untrue. This alien army is predominately male; angry young men from the Central American "Triangle," which is the drug capital of our hemisphere.  Years of unenforced immigration laws, has allowed the MS-13 drug gangs, in infiltrate every major American City with a reign of terror. 
What we're seeing is a massive "flash-mob," hoping to overwhelm Border Security by sheer numbers; using the U.S. military to blunt this effort, is now the only option.  These immigrants must be turned back and denying all claims of amnesty.  We must make it clear, there will be no exceptions. 
The caravan, has been streaming north hoping to exploit lax enforcement of U.S. laws to gain a foothold here.  A common tactic is to claim fear of being sent home, which if approved provides a hearing in Immigration court.  At which point they're immediately released; most however, never show up for hearings, disappearing instead into the shadows of the "barrios".
The American Civil Liberties Union, (ACLU) has joined with Democrat's to defend the "Rights," of illegal immigrants to enter the United States; they plan to reward this illegality, with a laundry list of benefits, including "Free Healthcare". 
Meanwhile, the U.S. Congress refuses to reform the ambiguous, loopholes in the immigration laws, which these migrants seek to exploit !
The ultimate goal of the open border advocates, has always been to flood America with an unlimited number of fellow Hispanics and subsidize them, with taxpayer funded, benefits.  Gavin Newsom, the former mayor of San Francisco and, barring an upset, the next Governor of California, wants to include illegal aliens in the state sponsored healthcare plans; funded by California taxpayer's.  Imagine the influx of thousands of coming to the state, with every illness imaginable.
The Democrat's are doubling down on this plans of universal healthcare for all, including illegal aliens. “Everyone should be covered,” claimed Newsom adviser Mitch Katz. “For Gavin, It’s a fairness issue,” regardless of the cost!
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yourfoodforthought101 · 5 days ago
Active vs Proactive:
Law enforcement’s continued apathy toward acts on terrorism, is outrageous.  Some-how, the alphabet-soup of federal agencies: FBI, CIA, NSA, The Department of Homeland Security, etc. have been derelict in their duty, to protect America from acts of terrorism.
Acting only in the aftermath of such disasters, the Department of Justice, seems more intent, to prosecuting its political rivals than protecting America from those trying dismantle, the last-standing democracy.   It’s time to assume a proactive position, preventing such violence, while thwarting the ability.
Care in point: the FBI was well aware of U.S. Army Major, Nadal Hasan continued Muslim radicalization and adherence, to American-Yemeni, Jihadist, Anwar al-Awlaki. Choosing to ignore the conclusive evidence, until he went on to murder 13 unarmed solders, wounding 30 others.
“Justice without force is powerless; force without justice is tyrannical"
                    Blaise Pascal  1623 ~ 1662
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yourfoodforthought101 · 7 days ago
The Great Illusion:
Freedom and justice are simply an illusion, we have been led, inexorably and incrementally, toward an atheistic-Marxism, for decades.   Beginning as a reformulated, socialism, promising a utopian society, however socialism has always been the precursor of communism.
Not wishing to engage in confrontation, Marxist-Communism would remove, all signs religion and God. Secularism, would shift its focus,  to temporal and social justice concerns.
Next, would come the fragmentation of families, the cornerstone of American society, now embraces every form of deviant, lifestyle. The quasi, acceptance of same-sex marriage, along with gender, self-identification would further currupt our society.
The dumbing-down of America students , led  by the entrenched bureaucrats and the ever, powerful teachrs union, in coercion with the U.S. the Department of Education.  The politicalization of public schools, has now spread to private and religious schools as well.
Students are indoctrinated to reject, American and Judeo-Christian values, replaced with atheism.  The voting age has been lowered, to perpetuate the reelection of social-democrats.
China, Russia, Iran and North Korea, have united to dismantle the worlds last standing democracy, from within.  Criminals aliens are living openly amounts us, as violent prisoners are released and criminal aliens, are free to roam our cities to rob, rape and commit many unspeakable crimes, of barbarity. We have our own home -grown . Why do need to import more.
Barack Obama and Marxist bagman, George Soros sponsor and fund those��who would destroy America, from within.  The political reality of our nation is now at hand.   
“Tolerance and apathy are the last remnants of a dying society”
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yourfoodforthought101 · 15 days ago
I believe this article, is perhaps more important, today than ever !!
The War On Christianity:
Religious tolerance was the very cornerstone, upon which America was founded.  The idea that each person is free to worship, or not worship, according one’s personal beliefs.  So why is it, we’re witnessing a moral collapse of American Culture, and our Judeo-Christian values.
There’s a war against Christianly, its happening incrementally; with the gradual infiltration of public education and our political institutions; moving us towards  a universal egalitarianism and ultimately, a tyranny of government.  Abortion, pornography, the rejection of authority, drug abuse, sexual deviance and increased violence are just the symptoms, of a society becoming more secular.
Oppressive governments must first become secular, by suppressing religion and all references to ”God”; the new religion becomes, social justice, ecology, saving the wales and Climate Change.  This propaganda of atheism is becoming mainstream and with it comes social decay.
America is in the throws of Cultural-Marxism.  An offshoot of Marxism that gave birth to political correctness and multiculturalism. Unlike traditional Marxism that focuses on economics; Cultural-Marxism focuses on culture and race, maintaining that each person has the right to decide for themself, what is right or wrong.
Cultural-Marxists denies the biological reality of gender and race, arguing that gender and race are “social constructs,”  while supporting the race-based identity politics, of non-whites.  This new form of Marxism supports race-based affirmative action, speech-codes and censorship and justifying violence against anyone, with whom you disagree.
Moral Relativism and the Progressive, social agenda are destroying our ethical and religious principals, while at the sometime, unraveling the social fabric of family and faith, denying the traditional roles of family and gender.
Demands for multiculturalism and diversity in the educational curricula, maladaptive sexual norms and anti-male feminism is subdividing society into hostile groups, the demonization of white people and Western Culture as evil and inherently, racist; has created a rift between  races.
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yourfoodforthought101 · 18 days ago
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yourfoodforthought101 · 18 days ago
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It's my 9 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳
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yourfoodforthought101 · 21 days ago
Liberty vs Equality:
There are some 2 million employees on the federal payroll, the majority of which are unelected bureaucrats, permanently entrenched, in a variety, of redundant agencies.  And while politicians come and go; bureaucrats are here to stay.  Since 1962, federal employees are now unionized; and nothing short of treason, can get them fired.  While selling there votes, in return for lavish benefits, paid, with your tax dollars.  This alphabet-soup of agencies have taken control of our daily lives.  
Systematically, forcing conformity upon citizens with an avalanche of rulings, mandates and laws, while failing to enforce, existing laws.  
Our Constitutional rights are under attack; the First Amendment protects free speech, but groups wishing to ban words or phrases they find offensive are calling it, hate speech.  Likewise, groups are aligning with government, to nullify the Second Amendment and prevent law abiding citizens from owning firearms.  Leaving citizens at the mercy of criminals, and a tyrannical government.
The Founding Fathers envisioned a nation whose sole purpose, was for the benefit of its citizens; “of the people, by the people and for the people” and  not for the benefit or enrichment of the political-class, and their wealthy masters.
The struggle is now one of Democracy (liberty) verses Mobocracy (equality) and while the Mob may realize equality in one area, it doesn't necessarily translate into other areas.  For example, the American Revolution was fought for liberty and ended in a representative, republic.  While the French Revolution was fought for equality; but ended in dictatorship.  Likewise, the Russian Revolution traded monarchy, for tyranny.
The promise of equality guarantees, everyone will suffer equally. Denying each individual, the opportunity to realize their full potential,  is the ultimate profanity.
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yourfoodforthought101 · 1 month ago
Where It All Went Wrong
When a people stop believing in God…they’ll believe in almost anything, and sadly, the latter is now true. We’ve focused our concerns for saving bay seals, while turning a blind eye to human infants, murdered in the womb; asserting a woman’s rights, while denying life to an unborn, human being.
We now grant the sacrament of marriage, to same-sex individuals, thereby establishing, a quasi-validity.  Our government creates laws and privileges for certain groups, which do not apply to others, in an attempt to establish an equality of outcome, for those who fall behind.
We were once a nation of single-minded people, grateful to God for his many blessing, and thankful for our freedom.  Under His benevolence, we flourished as a nation. Our founding fathers, gave us a representative, republic so that we might govern ourselves as free men; government’s sole responsibility, was the welfare of its people; not its people on welfare. 
Our society and our government have been so corrupted; by greed and power, the lines between good and evil are now blurred.  Yet, we all know what is right and we know what is wrong, so perhaps its time to redraw that line !
Attached is George Washington’s Thanksgiving Proclamation…it is one of the few thing, both our Houses of Congress, have ever agreed upon.    Please Read.
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yourfoodforthought101 · 1 month ago
Why We Give Thanks...
New York, 3 October 1789
By the President of the United States of America: a Proclamation.
Whereas it is the duty of all Nations to acknowledge the providence of Almighty God, to obey His will, to be grateful for His benefits, and humbly to implore His protection and favor—and whereas both Houses of Congress have by their joint Committee requested me “to recommend to the People of the United States a day of public thanksgiving and prayer to be observed by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many signal favors of Almighty God especially by affording them an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.”
Now therefore I do recommend and assign Thursday the 26th day of November next to be devoted by the People of these States to the service of that great and glorious Being, Who is the beneficent Author of all the good that was, that is, or that will be—That we may then all unite in rendering unto Him our sincere and humble thanks—for His kind care and protection of the People of this Country previous to their becoming a Nation—for the signal and manifold mercies, and the favorable interpositions of His Providence which we experienced in the course and conclusion of the late war—for the great degree of tranquillity, union, and plenty, which we have since enjoyed—for the peaceable and rational manner, in which we have been enabled to establish constitutions of government for our safety and happiness, and particularly the national One now lately instituted—for the civil and religious liberty with which we are blessed; and the means we have of acquiring and diffusing useful knowledge; and in general for all the great and various favors which He hath been pleased to confer upon us, and also that we may then unite in most humbly offering our prayers and supplications to the great Lord and Ruler of Nations and beseech Him to pardon our national and other transgressions—to enable us all, whether in public or private stations, to perform our several and relative duties properly and punctually—to render our national government a blessing to all the people, by constantly being a Government of wise, just, and constitutional laws, discreetly and faithfully executed and obeyed—to protect and guide all Sovereigns and Nations (especially such as have shown kindness unto us) and to bless them with good government, peace, and concord—To promote the knowledge and practice of true religion and virtue, and the increase of science among them and us—and generally to grant unto all Mankind such a degree of temporal prosperity as He alone knows to be best.
Given under my hand at the City of New-York the third day of October in the year of our Lord 1789.
George Washington
 Reblogged 11/28/2024…we’ve lost the meaning of Thanksgiving !!!
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yourfoodforthought101 · 2 months ago
The Devine Purpose:
Much of my life was driven by self-interest, and the mindless pursuit of material things but like a junkie, each new toy soon required another fix: nothing could fill the emptiness in me. I was a square peg, in a world of round holes: unable connect with others. After stripping away the glitz and glamour of the world, there’s only empty promises, as I seek to unravel the mystery of life.
As you must know by now, life is seldom fair, bad things happen to good people, while the not-so-good seem to prosper, and the only answer to these inequities is that everything in life is a gift from God, our talents, our success and yes, even our failures are all predetermined to God’s purpose. so just remember, adversity builds character. 
Fortune and misfortune are opposite sides of the same coin, and the true measure of a person, is how they deals with both.  You will succeed at somethings and fail at others; but if you strive for excellence in all that you do, you should have few regrets.  At  times, knowing you’ve done your best, may be your only reward…but that should suffice.
Life is the most fragile of all things, so live each day as it were your last, but never take things too seriously, the ability to laugh at yourself is good therapy.  Be careful how you spend your time, it’s the one thing you cannot replace.  For all too soon, your tomorrows become yesterdays, and all too late you’ll discover what was really important.
Faith has become a part of my life, albeit late, and it’s changed me in ways I could never have expected.  God has given us all that we need to be happy, so occasionally, you may have to re-think your definition of happiness. For you can spend a you life searching for happiness, and find nothing but diversions.  This is not to say you have to live a Spartan life, just remember, eye candy does nothing to feed the body or soul.  For me, it all began with a simple question; “is this all there is to life”.  And if one day, you find yourself asking the same question, you’ll know you’re on the right path.
Life will challenge your resolve, your character, and yes, even your faith just remember, what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.  Take care how you live your life, we pay for our mistakes in this life, but pay for our sins, in the next.
Life is a test…God’s way to determine how and where you will spend eternity. 
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yourfoodforthought101 · 2 months ago
What Is Justice:
Social and Economic Justice are now topics de facto.  According to Socrates…justice is intimately connected to fairness, the idea that people should get what they deserve.  “Benevolence and mercy may lead us to give people more than they deserve, but justice insists on their getting all, but only than, what they deserve.”
Since life is a zero-sum game; there will always be winners and losers; problems arise when people expect more than they have earned.  Government programs are in place to assist individuals and families in dire circumstances, but only as a short-term solution, not a panacea. Government’s singular purpose, must be one of fairness, not  advancing one group of people at the cost of others.  Charity is a religious conception, not a social remedy.  Lest we forget, government’s only source of revenue, comes from those who work and pay taxes.  However, government learned to bribe citizens with their own money.
On January 15, 1964, Lyndon B Johnson would launch his presidential campaign with this governmental, juggernaut:  The Economic Opportunity Act, aka, The Great Society.  According to Johnson: “We are going to take all that money, which we believe is unnecessary for the have’s, and give it to the ‘have nots’ who need it.”   
The rational behind the “Equal Opportunity Act” was quite cynical.   When you rob Peter to pay Paul, you can always count on Paul’s support.   In this case, it was Paul’s vote that LBJ needed.  Johnson was a Southern-Dixiecrat, without national recognition; whereas John F Kennedy was an imposing figure.  LBJ could only win the presidency by enticing a massive bloc of voters, so he would tailor his campaign to Black American’s.
Thus began the the greatest transfer of wealth in American history, also known as,  “The War on Poverty,” a program so irresponsible and unmanageable, it caused a financial hemorrhage, lasting decades.  LBJ would single-handedly, create an entitlement culture while somehow, avoiding the stigma of charity.
The War on Poverty, would become the most fruitless endeavor, in American history.   Never, has so much been spent on so few, with so little success.  Individuals would no longer be responsible for their own financial welfare…or morally responsible for their own conduct, they would instead assume the mantle of victimhood, thus reliving themselves, of all accountability.
After 58 years, and more than $20 Trillion Dollars; we are left with a splintered society.  Black families were the only casualties of “The War on Poverty” and welfare became its weapon.  Black father’s were replaced by the government dole, creating fatherless homes, and generations of children, without a male role model.
To put the “Great Society” into perspective; World War ll, would cost American taxpayers, approximately $5 Trillion Dollars, (adjusted for inflation).  World War ll would end in victory;  while America is losing The War on Poverty.
"All bad precepts begin as justifiable measures" Julius Caesar
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yourfoodforthought101 · 2 months ago
Debunking Foreign Aid:
The United State provides humanitarian, financial and military aid to most of the world.  Including some of the most hostile, anti-American nations on earth.  Our deeply flawed, politically-motivated, immigration policies, encourage third-world, immigrants to come live among us. At the behest of of countless lobbyists. Many of them are criminal aliens, anti-social, anti-American’s and terrorists, entering the U.S. unvetted.
A prime example is the African continent, an alphabet soup of nation-states; from Angola to Zimbabwe, although rich in natural resources, they are among the poorest of  people on earth. For decades, corrupt leaders have sold-off, its resources to the highest bidders. To which they, attribute to colonialism.  Foreign Aid is squandered or stolen.and ironically, used to fund civil wars, to control of millions in Aid.
The folly of foreign aid was born in 1949, with the Foreign Assistance Act, aka, the Marshall Plan, following the Second World War. it was initially, intended to help European nations to rebuild; while halting the expansion of Communism.  The long-term goal was to lift poor nations out of poverty and help them build viable economies.   During the past 70 years, the U.S. has poured trillions down this rabbit hole, in an attempt to eradicate poverty and disease.  All of which continues spiral out of control.  
While trying to export democracy, politician have ignored serious problems here at home, diverting trillions of dollars, we would first demolish Iraq’s infrastructure, spending
$60 billion to rebuild, that which we destroyed.
In 1980, President George H W Bush used the U.S. military against, Iraq when they invaded Kuwait; over the flow of oil.  Again in 2003, then president George W Bush chose to punish Iraq, .in response to the attack of 9/11; operation shock and awe, would in fact, destabilize the entire, Middle-East.  
G W Bush was badgered and cajoled, into invading Iraq by American-Jews, fabricating the existence, of, weapons of mass destruction, would be used to annihilate Israel.  American-Jews exert enormous, political influence to their advance their agenda. Failing to comply, would be  equivalent to political suicide.
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yourfoodforthought101 · 2 months ago
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yourfoodforthought101 · 2 months ago
You are what you eat…and therein lies the problem.  There is a unholy alliance, between agro-business, food processors and Washington, bureaucrats.  It’s called lobbying, a legal form of bribery.  
Agro-business is controlled by huge corporations, planted in soil devoid of nutrients, while using chemicals and pesticides.  Recently, researchers discovered that growers were encouraged to use treated, human waste as a fertilizes, however, it's now known to carry a host of deceases.
Our food supply, no longer furnishes the required nutrients to maintain good health. We consume, instead, empty calories lacking of proper nutrition, results in numerous, side effects, such as lethargy, lack of concentration and depression, ad infinitum.
Clearly visible in our children obesity, attention deficit-disorder, diabetes, is damages their bodies. Our water supply, contains fluorides, the purpose of which, is questionable, milk contains sugar, while cows are fed antibiotics along with hormones, enhance production.
A trend toward supplements, is rampant, however, such products escape the review of the Food and Drug Administration.  The efficacy of such products remain a mystery.
Prepared foods are a disaster, empty calories, altered to be addictive.  Designed to, stimulate the palate.  PERIOD! Next time you shop, read the ingredients listed on the reverse side, of prepared meals, it will read like a science experiment.
Meanwhile, government mandates a never-ending supply of Covid vaccines, the long-tern results of which, has yet be determined. Meanwhile, Pharmaceutical companies, in collusion with FDA and Washington elites, conspire to weaken American's.
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yourfoodforthought101 · 2 months ago
Bending Over Backwards:
A vocal number of black-Americans, claiming to be marginalized by a white, racist-society, responded, with violence rampages, burning, looting, and the wanton destruction of billions in public and private property.  Nothing more than huge smash and grab craze; which they considered as another entitlement.
In response, those within government would choose to appease such lawlessness is somehow justified, for past grievances. Regardless of countless attempts of legislate anti-discrimination laws, the problem remains unresolved, suggesting a much deeper, indigenous root.
The most solicitous among us, are pressing for reparations for “people of color” based solely on skin pygmalion.  However, no-one living today, was ever a victim of slavery.  Rather, many have become slaves of victimology. 
Make no mistake, this would be only the beginning, should these malcontents receive any reparations, it would be squandered, while demanding more.
For decades, people of color have played the blame game, relying on white guilt.  However, in an attempt to level the playing field, America keeps moving the goalpost to integrate blacks into society. 
Not achieving a 13% representation of blacks in a variety of professions, is now considered racist. Merit, is no longer the yardstick in hiring or promotion. Meritocracy has been replaced by mediocracy, across the board, advancing one group of citizens at the expense of others, is morally wrong.
“The worst form of inequality is trying to make all things equal”
          Aristotle  384 BC ~ 322 BC 
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