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The glare behind the mask was real, this wouldn’t be the first someone thought he was crazy, but everyone in Gotham knew who he was and knew what he did. He was the dark knight, the caped crusader; he was B A T M A N. Everyone feared him &  some respected him to a certain extent but he didn’t have time to prove some some girl he was legit.
“His name is Robin actually.” Batman said darkly, he didn’t like it when people called him Birdboy, besides Robin didn’t like it  either and if he was here, oh boy would they have a field day.
“I’m not going to waste my time with you and trying to prove to you I’m not crazy. My apologies for stalking you.” Of course he wasn’t really stalking, but he didn’t want to argue at all.
“But I will ask this, have you heard of Superman? Wonderwoman? maybe even The Flash?” How could anyone not know The Flash? As public as he is? Staring at her, he thought of a good way to get more information about her. Getting a name was out of the question so he’d tried something else.
“You say you never heard of me where you come from, where is that exactly?”
"Robin." She repeats, doing her best to not burst out laughing. "Birdboy's name is Robin. Like --- robin, the bird species." Rose stated in order to confirm she had heard correctly. "I'm not the only one seeing the joke here, right? I mean --- either he has a really good sense of humor or he's completely unaware of the amount of jokes a person can make with that name."
She truly didn't mean to insult anyone (not that she feared repercussions; Rose only didn't want to offend) but her brain to mouth filter was pretty much non-existent. What she had to say, she would.
"Hey, I've heard of crazier things than a masked vigilante. I wouldn't be surprised if you were one. Being a masked vigilante doesn't cancel the possibility of you being crazy, though." Rose lightly offers with a shrug.
"Like I said. Where I come from, we have more important matters to attend to than masked people running around and saving others. I haven't heard of any of them --- and by the way, who comes up with these names? Is it the press? Cuz they seriously suck."
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She laughs (a very unladylike snort, more like it) at his question. As if she was going to answer that to a complete stranger. "How about we make a deal --- you take off the mask and I'll tell you." Because why should she give such an information to a random guy in a mask, right? Just like he very likely wouldn't want his identity to be revealed, she saw no reason to share her origins.
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“ You did. And now I’m strongly regretting not having anything  to  record  it.  Must be both your  boyfriend and  your new  status  rubbing off on you,  Guardian Hathaway.  The job kind of requires  being as  lawful as you can manage to. ” she teased, lightly elbowing her friend  —  what must’ve felt like a breeze,  really, considering  that even if she  had wanted to,  hitting and kicking  wasn’t her thing. “  What  Sonya’s doing with spirit, it’s  helping, even if  I don’t know whether she   realizes  it  or  not.  ”  Lissa  added,  her   tone thoughtful.  “  If  there’s  a way to simply stop people from turning Strigoi, they won’t need more dhampirs. Actually,  it could  even make your jobs easier too.  ” She  twisted  the  fabric  of  her  jacket between her fingers,  a small smile making the corners of her lips twitch.  “  If I could  manage to,  I probably would.  ” she  admitted.  “  As  for  the queen stuff,  you guys threw me in this by nominating me in the first place. Or, Tasha, Adrian and Christian did. I don’t know if I should thank them  —  except for Tasha — or curse them. ”
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“I resent that statement! I’m still a rule breaker at heart. Some things just had to change. I like to think of myself as simply evolving. I’m a grown ass woman now!” Though her statement is the contrary of serious, the quirk of her lips not allowing the facade of seriousness to remain for long. “It’s not about making the job easier. I knew what I was signing up for when I decided I wanted to become your Guardian, Lissa. I know the dangers, all dhampir guardians know the danger --- It’s about keeping you safe. You and everyone that could potentially become strigoi, that could be attacked. That and make sure that you can be happy with your magic. Spirit users like you and Adrian, you go through too much to end up afraid of doing the least thing with what you can do.” Rose offers with a firm nod before lightly nudging Lissa’s shoulder, a grin appearing as she words escape her lips. “Oh, shush! You like it! It’s a lot of work, granted, but you belong on that throne. My best friend is the most kick ass queen that has ever sat on that throne.”
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Sydney laughed, hugging Rose back, lingering for a second before pulling away. ❝ About as good as anybody can be in my line of work. And you? Still creating trouble? ❞
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Rose shakes her head, a very serious expression overcoming her features. “Oh, no! Haven’t you heard? I’m a very respectful and extreme rule follower guardian now.” She pauses for dramatic effect before bursting out laughing. “Nah, still the same Rose you met in a foreign country. Except now I have more rules to break.”
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           she’d  once  been well versed in switching dialects on a whim. when                the vampiress had travelled the world without a destination, she had                quickly  (  or rather, so it seemed to a thousand year old vampire  )                 found herself  fluent in many, many languages, and at least FAMILIAR                with most. the last  c e n t u r i e s  however had given the blonde                 little need to use any of them, and instead she’d turned her attention                to adjusting to all the technology she had missed out on.
                           ❝ russian’s never come easily. it’s easier to ASSUME people                                                          will accommodate than attempt it. ❞
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           rebekah laughed,  e n t i r e l y  to herself. had her brothers been                there, it would have been THEM she chatted idly in english to,                 intentionally surrounding themselves with those who wouldn’t                 understand them. not that the girl was the worst company in the                 world — so far. with a passing glance at the man attending the bar                in order to catch his attention, she tapped the wood beside her empty                glass & silently motioned for another. 
                           ❝ how lovely. do you often come to bars to completely                                                                           kill the mood? ❞
          russian was not, in fact, a language she knew much of. the few words she           could speak in such a language had been taught to her by the man she'd           come to bring peace to, terms of endearment, not meant to be used in a           bar unless you intended on SEDUCING someone --- considering the current           situation rose found herself in, that was the last thing running through her mind.
                    "my russian's a bit rusty --- not to mention i know little of it in the                     first place. tried to order COFFEE yesterday and they brought me                     cheese & crackers."
          a quirk of her lips at the blonde's words on her mood --- the first attempt at a           smile in days, if not weeks. rose finally lifts the glass, taking a small sip of           the amber liquid, the burning sensation it provided & bitter after taste a           distraction from what she knew she had to do soon --- she'd come so far           to do that exactly and wouldn't back down even if it KILLED her.
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                    "every so often I enjoy being the debby downer of a place. i'm always                     such a ray of sunshine that i give myself a rest day. whiskey is my                     companion for today’s episode of rose’s stupid mistakes. i don’t even                     like this crap, to be honest!!"
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‘You do realize,I still have my cellphone?What’s going on Rose?’Said Girl had been a visitor at her old Highschool for a few months,and they had struck up a friendship solely because she had seen through the compulsion Lissa had been putting on everyone for the lack of information she had been giving.
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“Yeah, I know. I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to just disappear like that. The unexpected and unwanted happened.” She’d meant to call Clary as she and Lissa ran away from the Guardians that had come to retrieve them, but she hadn’t exactly managed to escape in the first place. And in between the lack of a cellphone at the Academy and finishing her training --- no contact. “The Guardians found us and took us back. After that it was kinda hard to escape at all. They had all eyes on us.”
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VA/Bloodlines Meme â– [2/9] Quotes: â€œAngels fall, Rose.“
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                  “Ladys don’t punch people, Rose. Another proof that you’re definitely not one. ___ Nah, thank you but my pet is cool where he is. After all, you like the couch, don’t you?”
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        “Ah, there is is --- the proof I needed that you haven’t met a lady yet, cuz y’know, ladies do punch, and they don’t fool around when they do. I’m more than available to show you. For educational purposes, of course. --- Being your pet would imply you own me. And I’m my own person, no one owns me. So keep calling me your pet and I’ll show you how hard a dhampir can bite.”
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Sometimes it gets so crazy and confusing that you need a best friend to tell you “It’s ok. It’s all life, at least until they come up with a better word for it”. Unfortunately, you can’t all have a Rose Hathaway. I’m very lucky that she’s mine.
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Please stop, you’re scaring me…
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