youreademonroyce · 4 months
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#Happy Pride Month to this guy 🏳️‍🌈
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youreademonroyce · 4 months
Picked up my university’s satire paper today! You have a way with words .
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I like the "Tumblr blogger".
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youreademonroyce · 5 months
The light startles Tommy awake. He blinks repeatedly, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness in the room and to try to wake up a little to figure out what has happened. 
Sensing movement coming from the other side of the bed, he quickly turns around, getting worried that something’s wrong with Evan. 
What he sees leaves him more confused than what he already is. Buck is sitting down, with his phone in his hands, and smiling at the screen in delight. 
“Sweetheart, what’s going on?” Tommy asks him, voice hoarse.
Buck looks at him and starts to bounce in place on the bed, his already big smile somehow getting bigger. 
“We are getting a sequel!” Buck exclaims enthusiastically. 
Tommy blinks again, trying to make sense of things. “A sequel? What are you talking about?” 
Buck starts hitting him lightly on his chest in excitement, and says, “They are working on the sequel for Red, White & Royal Blue, baby. We are getting a second movie!”
“Wait,” Tommy says, propping himself up on his elbows and feeling more awake by the news. “Seriously?”
“Yes, they’ve just announced it!” 
“Wow,” Tommy says, getting excited himself.
Tommy has always been a sucker for romcoms, so one night when they were having a night-in, they decided to watch it together. They both enjoyed it a huge amount and once the movie ended, they spent hours discussing the film and gushing about it. Buck had felt connected to Alex’s storyline of figuring out his bisexuality and Tommy felt a connection with Henry, who had to hide who he really was because of his family and societal pressure. A week later, Buck had surprised him by gifting him the actual novel and they decided to read it together, taking turns to read it aloud to one another.  It had been a wonderful bonding experience and it made them feel closer to each other. Because of that, both the movie and the book meant a lot to them. 
“I can’t believe it! This is amazing, Evan!”
“It really is, I can’t wait,” Buck beamed at him. “It must be the wedding, right?”
Tommy lies down on his side, facing Buck, and replies, “Yeah, I bet. And probably those last chapters from Henry’s POV.”
“You’re probably right, that must be it,” Buck says, putting his phone down and turning the light off.
While Tommy adjusts to the darkness, he feels Buck mirroring his position on the bed. 
“Sorry that I woke you up, but when I saw the news, I just had to tell you,” Buck whispers.
“I’m glad you did,” Tommy finds Buck’s cheek and gently caresses it. “Thank you.”
“It’s going to be so hard to wait for it, though.”
Tommy laughs and then says, “It will be but I’ll make sure to keep you busy.” 
“Oh, yeah? Perhaps you should give me a test on how you would do it,” Buck teases him. 
Not one to resist, Tommy leans in, and their lips meet in a passionate kiss.
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youreademonroyce · 5 months
There's magic het kiss what makes snow white and sleepy beauty to wake up from sleep, and then there's magic queer kiss that makes queer people wake up from thinking they are straight
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Gay boys (Henry and Tommy) saw sleeping queerness in their bisexual boys(Alex and Buck) and kiss them to wake it up. And succeeded
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
to keep up appearances, bruce asked the batkids to find reasons to excuse their various bumps and bruises:
dick was easy. gymnastics and acrobatics run deep within his veins and it’s always his “party trick”, so they just let the public come up with an answer themselves.
jason, mysterious as he is, never addressed his bumps and bruises. the public have settled on underground cage fighting.
tim’s was skateboarding and being “himself”. tim knows how he appears to the public, and as much as it pains his ego for people to see him in such a way, clumsiness fit his charming, dorky, public persona.
damian needs no excuse as he is a ‘rambunctious little ankle biter’, so bruce just lets damian straight up tell people shit like “i was engaged in battle with a duel wielding madman” and then says “kids and their wild imaginations, amiright?”.
steph insisted on fencing even though bruce argued that she would not realistically get many black eyes from fencing. she just tells people she’s very bad at it.
cass’ are from ballet duets.
duke just says “there was a spider” with no further context.
harper’s go to line is “you should see the other guy”.
and bruce is basically barbie so he comes up with a new sport each time he’s asked. and people believe it every goddamn time without question; because what else would a billionaire do with their time other than unicycle hockey and chess boxing?
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
Dick is an acrobat, which means that, compared to the rest of the bats, he's one of the lighter ones. Additionally, since he was a trapeze artist, plus his years as Robin, this means he can always, ALWAYS, stick the landing. Jason, on the other hand, is the resident tank build, which means he's the heaviest with the most strength in the arms, rivalling that of Batman himself easily. With that in mind, I present my thesis. If Nightwing is annoying Red Hood, especially in front of Commissioner Gordon, Red Hood just throws Nightwing off of the building. While on the surface it seems cold hearted of Jason, he actually knows and trusts Dicks enough to know he'll be fine, and Dick could scurry away before Jason could grab him, but chooses not to. It's a way the brothers bond. Additionally, Jason sometimes does it around the manor, but only through open windows, because Alfred doesn't appreciate needing to replace them every week.
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
Batfamily Powerpoint Night!
(mandatory team building)
Links to the full slideshows, updated as I post them!
Part 1: Bruce’s Full Slideshow:
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Part 2: Dick’s Full Slideshow:
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Part 3: Tim’s Full Slideshow:
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Jason (they forced him to be there so he’s making it everyone’s problem):
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Alfred (unexpected addition, mostly about Tim):
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
John Oliver is so crazy cus you see him and he's british and he's wearing a suit in front of a fake new york city skyline and you're like yeah another white Democrat making jokes at late night but then he starts buying and cancelling millions of medical debt and saying defund the police years before it was widely-held conversation and drawing rats fucking each other and before you know it this owl in human skin has made you a radical leftist
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
currently addicted to r/TVTooHigh
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
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Flautist Melissa Jefferson plays slaver James Madison's 200-year-old crystal flute in the Library of Congress.
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
Are there any blue roses? Like real ones. Or do they just take the white, green, or red ones then paint them as blue?
no, blue roses don’t occur in nature- but they’re easy to make artificially. just place a cut white rose into blue-dyed water and wait a bit, and eventually the rose will be blue. also why did you ask me this
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
It’s October! You know what that means... 🎃 (via kxvo)
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
2014 Tumblr wasn’t about whatever Tik Tok thinks it was about. 2014 Tumblr was about overanalyzing Captain America: The Winter Soldier and that one website that let you play Cards Against Humanity online
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
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brought to you by the song that’s been stuck in mine (and probably your) head for weeks 🌽
‘for me, i really like corn. what do you like about corn? it's corn. a big lump with knobs. it has the juice (it has the juice). i can't imagine a more beautiful thing (woo) it's corn. i can tell you all about it. i mean, look at this thing. when i tried it with butter, everything changed’
tagging squad below, lmk if you wanna be added or removed <3
@buddiextarlos @fearlessdiaz @mansikkaomenabanaani @confetti-cupcake @xxfiction-is-my-realityxx @swiftiebuckleyhan @loveyourownsmiilee @justsmilestuffhappens @prettyboyandthekid @honestlydarkprincess @corgiqueen14 @zainclaw @madneyandbuddie @djdangerlove @bifirefighters @mr-and-mr-diaz @blaidddrwg1982 @buddierights @crazyfangirlallert @imsupposedtobewritting @dickley-buddie @panicatthediaz @princessbb @jacksadventuresinwriting @prettyboybuckley @rogerzsteven @eddiediazisascorpio @daughterofbuddie @gayhoediaz
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
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youreademonroyce · 2 years
i'm not the biggest fan of the "tim's family members threaten kon with kryptonite when they learn about their relationship" trope. partly because shovel talking has a history of (usually male) family members feeling some sort of ownership over the (usually female) relative (eg. the father brings out his shotgun to intimidate the new boyfriend). partly because i don't think anyone should ever tolerate open hostility towards their relationship, especially if it's a queer one. even if it's tongue-in-cheek it leaves a bit of a sour taste in my mouth.
that being said! the biggest reason why i don't think the gag would work is... because kon, also known as conner "i literally have my own supply of kryptonite that i eagerly wait to bestow on someone with the BALLS OF STEEL to kill me dead. anyone? why are you walking away? hello?" kent would literally not care. he'd be, in fact, delighted! it'd suck the fun right out of the joke because... buddy are you good?
on the off chance one of tim's siblings do decide to threaten kon with kryptonite, kon would probably (without a hint of irony) go, "oh, it's awesome that you're all prepared! y'never know when you might need to brutally off me to prevent the end of the world, the rise of an evil empire of supervillians or something like that, haha. we can always rely on you bats, shucks. actually, do you need extra? i have some spare kryptonite if you guys are running low. lots."
the sibling would then have a moment of pause while kon continues to stare at them like :D before saying, "actually, you and tim are clearly meant for each other. go crazy."
another awkward lull, and then, "also, are you seeing anyone? no-- i know you're seeing tim, don't be obtuse-- anyone as in a mental health professional."
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