Manager of the Your Daily Queer celebrity spreadsheet!
23 posts
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The actor formerly known as Brigette Lundy-Paine has announced that they are changing their name to Jack Haven. As they shared in a social media post, the name is a nod to a relative, Haven Gillespie, who cowrote a popular holiday song. "Haven is after my great great uncle, Haven Gillespie who was a songwriter known for the xmas hit 'Santa Clause is Coming to Town,' which he wrote on the subway in 15 minutes. and first name Jack has stuck," Haven wrote on Instagram. "Two years ago in a workshop led by @saman_arastoo I began using this name. I said I was using it in safe spaces. Saman said use it in dangerous spaces. So I use it in the mens bathroom."
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 3 months ago
David Nelson died in June and his entry has been updated to reflect this
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 3 months ago
Aaaand we're done!
Everything should be up to date now!
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 3 months ago
Changelog Nov 18-24
Thomas Pentz - Moved due to a few too many sexual assault allegations
Tim Wilson - Moved due to Zionism
TJ Klune - Added ADHD
Endigo - Changed to trans woman
Todrick Hall - Added note about sexual harassment
Tony Navarrete - Moved due to multiple CSA charges
Travis Alabanza - Changed to transfeminine
Trevor Kirczenow and Trevor MacDonald are the same person. Deleted Trevor MacDonald.
Tuure Boelius - Added ADHD
Tylan Grant - changed to trans man, he/him, added dyscalculia
Venus Oshun - changed to trans woman, she/her
Vico Ortiz - Added polyamorous
Victoria de Angelis - Changed to lesbian
Vincint Cannady - Changed to nonbinary, they/them
Virginia Woolf - Moved due to ableism and antisemitism
Vivek Shraya - Added bisexual
Wentworth Miller - Added autism
Yanis Sahraoui - Changed name to Janis, nonbinary
Yorai Lahav-Hertzano - Moved due to Zionism
Zackie Achmat - Moved due's complicated
Zolita has been posted twice, under both her stage and real names
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 3 months ago
Changelog November 11-17
SJ Miller - changed to no pronouns
Sofie Hagen - changed to any pronouns and nonbinary
Sophie Melville - Added dyslexia, ADHD, and Irlen syndrome
Soraya Santiago Solla - Moved due to transmedicalism
Squimpus McGrimpus - Moved due to grooming allegations
Lady Gaga - Moved due to Zionism
Stéphane Séjourné - Added dyslexia
Stephanie Sokolinski - Added dyslexia
Steve Yuhas - Moved due to some wild homophobia
Steven Appleby - Changed name to Steven/Nancy and pronouns to he/she
Steven Bonnell - Moved due to being self-identified as right wing and a Zionist
Sufjan Stevens - Added Guillain-Barré Syndrome
Susan Allen - Changed to two spirit
Suzi Ruffell - Added dyslexia
Svetlana Surganova - Moved due to support of invasion of Ukraine
Sydney Magruder Washington - Moved due to being anti-choice
Tati Zaqui - Added endometriosis
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 4 months ago
Changelog November 3-9
Rebecca Root - Added bisexual
Remi Wolf - Added ADHD
Renato Russo - Changed to pansexual
Renee Rapp - Changed to lesbian, added ADHD
Ricky Rebel - Moved for being a huge Trump stan
Rin Chupeco - Changed to they/them and nonbinary
Rivers Solomon - Added ADHD and autism
Angel Haze - Added two spirit
Rupert Everett - Moved due to transphobia
Sandra Bernhard - Moved due to racism
Santino Rice - Moved due to being anti-vaxx and a covid denier
Saoi O'Connor - Added autism
Sara Facio - Died in June
Sarah Keyworth - Added ADHD
Sasha Lane - Added schizoaffective disorder
Seanan McGuire - Added pansexual and ADHD
Courtney Act - Added polyamorous
Shannon Purser - Added OCD
Shaparak Khorsandi - Added ADHD
Sharice Davids - Moved due to Zionism and direct involvement in providing arms to Israel
Peach PRC - Added BPD and ADHD
Shawnacy Barber - Died in January
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 4 months ago
Tumblr media
Introducing "Queersources USA," a collection of online resources for queer people USians covering a wide variety of topics, including but not limited to:
Crisis hotlines
Student's rights
Worker's rights
Affirming healthcare and patient's rights
Legal aid
Hormone therapy, surgery, voice training, and shapewear
Traveling safely with hormones
Voting while trans
Black-centered resources
Intersex and a-spectrum resources
Online community spaces
Queer history
Religion and spirituality across different traditions
I had started working on this before the election but in light of the results, I wanted to put it out here as soon as possible. All the resources are either active, or still useful even if they have not been updated recently.
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 4 months ago
Please, spread this for those who might need it right now
U.S. suicide hotline: call or text 988 (available 24 hours)
U.S. trans lifeline: (877) 565-8860 (when you call, you’ll speak to a trans/nonbinary peer operator. full anonymity and confidentiality)
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357) – provides 24/7 confidential support and referrals for individuals and families facing mental health and substance use disorders, including panic attacks and anxiety.
LGBT National Help Center: (888) 843-4564
Trevor Project: Call (866) 488-7386, text START to 678-678, or chat online.
Take care of yourself and each other. Please stay safe ♡
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 4 months ago
Changelog Oct 28-Nov 3
Nats Getty - he/him and changed to trans man
Jazzmun - Changed real name to Jazzmun Nichala Crayton
Nicky Case - Changed to she/they and trans woman
Nico Tortorella - Changed to he/him, added demisexual and polyamorous
Nikkita Oliver - Changed to genderfluid
Nikolay Alexeyev - Moved due to antisemitism
Noahfinnce - Added autism, ADHD
Oliver Gray - Changed to nonbinary, added dyslexia and dyspraxia
Paris Lees - Added bisexual
Pat Buckley - Died May 2024
Patricia Highsmith - Moved due to extreme antisemitism
Patricia Yurena Rodríguez - Changed to pansexual
Patrick Califia - Added fibromyalgia
Patti Harrison - Added ADHD
Paul Moore Jr. - Moved due to SA allegations
Paul Oscar - Added note about antisemitism
Paula Poundstone - Moved due to CSA charges
Pierre Bergé - Moved due to islamophobia
Ramona Xavier - Added autism
Raquel Pennington - Changed to multiracial (Mexican, white)
Raven Saunders - Changed to nonbinary and queer
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 4 months ago
Changelog October 21-27
Michael Steck - Changed to genderfluid
Micheline Montreuil - Changed name to Helene
Mikaela Straus - Changed to any pronouns
Misty Plowright - Added polyamorous
Morgan Karr - Changed pronouns to they/he/xe
Mounir Baatour - Moved due to outing others, sexual harassment, and zionism
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 4 months ago
Changelog - October 14-20
Larry Dean - Added autism
Laura Kate Dale - Added ADHD
Laura Pergolozzi - Changed to they/them
Laurie Penny - Added polyamorous and autism
Leonor Fini - Added polyamorous
Levi Davis - Missing presumed dead, added disappearance date
Lili Reinhart - Added alopecia
Linda Hunt - Added dwarfism
Lady Sovereign - Added cyclic vomiting syndrome and note about physical assault
Lourdes Portillo - Died in April
Lynn Conway - Died in June
Maddie Taylor - Added bisexual
Maddy Thorson - Changed to she/her and trans woman
Madison Bailey - Added BPD
Madison Beer - Added BPD
Madison Young - Changed to nonbinary
maia arson crimew - Added plural
Maia Kobabe - Changed to asexual, added dyslexia
Mal Blum - Added ADHD
Mangala Samaraweera - Died in 2021
Mara Wilson - Added OCD
Marc Almond - Added Meniere Syndrome
Marea Stamper - Changed to nonbinary
Marie Ringheim - Added OCD
Marieke Rijneveld - Changed name to Lucas
Marieke Vervoort - Died in 2019
Marissa Lenti - Changed to she/they, agender, multiracial
Marlon Brando - Moved due to domestic violence, racism, and zionism
Marlowe Peyton - Added autism
Martina Navratilova - Moved due to transphobia
Matthew Sanderson - Changed to she/they and trans woman
Matty Healy - Added ADHD
Maureen Bradley - Changed to they/them and third gender
Megan Fox - Added note about biphobia, added brachydactyly and OCD
Melissa O'Garro - Added note about assault charge
Melissa Ferrick - Changed to she/they, GNC, and queer
Melissa Lantsman - Added Crohn's
Mercedes Martinez - Added asthma
Mhairi Black - Added ADHD
Mia Mulder - Added bisexual
Michael Ben David - Moved due to sexual harassment and zionism
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 5 months ago
Changelog October 7-13
Jazmin Bean - Changed to genderless, added autism
Rita Baga - Added note about blackface
Jeffrey Klarik - Changed to Jewish
Jena Malone - Added polyamorous
Jenna Lyons - Changed to lesbian
Jennell Jaquays - Died in January
Jennifer Pritzker - Added note about NRA
Jinkx Monsoon - Changed real name to Hera, she/her, and transfeminine
Jess Glynne - Changed to queer
Jesse James Keitel - Changed to she/her, trans woman
Jessica Kellgren-Fozard - Updated disability list
Jessica Ware - Changed to bisexual
Jill Andrew - Added note about antisemitism
Jim McGreevey - Moved due to sexual harassment and endorsement of the IDF
Joanna Sternberg - Changed to Jewish, added autism and ADHD
Joanne Vannicola - Name changed to Jo
Johann Hari - Moved due to being an illegally bad journalist
Jóhanna Sigurðardóttir - Added note about fucking over sex workers
Johannes Kahrs - Moved due to corruption and harassment
John Barrowman - Added note about sexual harassment (not moved and distinction made bc it was not targeted towards anyone directly)
John Cameron Mitchell - Changed to nonbinary
John Maynard Keynes - Moved due to Zionism
Jordan Gray - Added lesbian
Jordan Raskopoulos - Added ADHD
Ginger Minj - Changed to she/her and genderfluid
Yvie Oddley - Changed to she/he/they and genderqueer
Joy Oladokun - Changed to she/they and GNC
Jude Doyle - Changed to he/they
Julia Alfrida - Changed to nonbinary
Julia Kaye - Changed to Jewish
Jussie Smollett - Added note about fake hate crime
Justin Tranter - Changed to they/them and nonbinary
Karekin Yarian - Changed name to Katherine Magdalene Rose (and removed duplicate as they were previously posted as two different people) @yourdailyqueer
Karl Lagerfeld - Moved due to so much racism and rape apologism
Nicky Doll - Changed to he/she and nonbinary
Kate Moross - Changed name to Aries
Kate Siegel - Changed to Jewish
Katie Dey - Added autism
Katy O'Brian - Added Crohn's disease
Keiynan Lonsdale - Changed to gay
Kevin Fret - Moved due to CSEM production
Kia Labeija - Change to female (she describes herself as a cis woman?)
Kiersey Clemons - Added bipolar
Kim Boekbinder - Changed pronouns to they/he
Kimberly Peirce - Changed to Jewish
Hnilmik - Changed to demigirl and demisexual
Melovin - Moved due to Zionism
K Flay - Added deaf
Krzysztof Gonciarz - Moved due to domestic violence
Kyle Lukoff - Changed to Jewish
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 5 months ago
Google Sheets has completely cut me off from hyperlinks :/ idk if they won't come up for viewers but I can't see or edit links I've added
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 5 months ago
Weekly roundup!
Felix Jaehn - Changed to they/them, nonbinary, and pansexual
Frances Forever - Changed to bisexual
Francis Spellman - Moved due to a few too many conservative attitudes
Frank Moorehouse died in 2022
Fumie Suguri is not actually queer @yourdailyqueer
Gabe Dunn - Changed to they/them, nonbinary, added bipolar and polyamorous
Gavin Creel died this week
Cherry Valentine - Changed to he/they, genderfluid, and queer
Gerald Hamilton - Moved due to support for South African apartheid
Gerome Ragni - Changed to omnisexual
Grant Morrison - Changed to they/he and genderqueer
Greta Christina - Added polyamorous
Guido Westerwelle - Moved for being extremely anti-union and anti-welfare
Hamed Sinno - Changed to they/them and nonbinary and added ADHD
Hannah Einbinder - Added ADHD
Hanne Gaby Odiele - Changed to they/them and nonbinary
Harvey Fierstein - Changed to genderqueer
Héloïse Letissier - Changed to he/him
Henryk Tomaszewski - Fixed death date and age. Had him confused with someone of the same name
Hubertus Regout - Changed to they/she
Hunter Hunt-Hendrix - Changed name to Haela
Hunter Schaefer - Added note about exorsexism (discrimination against nonbinary people), believes nonbinary people are taking up too much space in the trans community that should belong to trans women instead
Idan Roll - Moved due to his position in the Israeli government, focused on maintaining US support
Ilana Weaver - Changed to GNC
Imbar Nassi - Changed to they/he
Indya Moore - Changed to they/she and nonbinary, added polyamorous
Ingrid Jungermann - Changed to they/them, nonbinary, and queer, added polyamorous
Io Tillett Wright - Changed to trans man
Irena Klepfisz - Moved due to Zionism. It's a bit complicated but her other work is important and worth looking into
Itzik Shmuli - Moved due to Zionism
Jada Alberts - Changed to gay and added C-PTSD
Jaden Smith - Moved due to promotion of conspiracy theories
Honey Davenport - Changed to nonbinary and pansexual
James Majoos - Changed to he/him
Tyra Sanchez - Added note about suicidism (discrimination against suicidal people)
Jana Hunter - Changed to he/him and added autism and ADHD
Jane Addams - Moved for being super into eugenics
Jane Oranika - Added bipolar
Janet Devlin - Added BPD and bipolar
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 5 months ago
Weekly roundup!
Starting next week I'll also include other changes that have come up but I can't track down the ones I've already made. mostly a lot of people have come out as nonbinary since their posts were made.
Catherine Bell - Active Scientologist
Chen Aharoni - Participated in IDF promotional events
Christian Jessen - COVID denial
Cressida Dick - Enabled racist police work and sexual violence under her charge
Dan Savage - shitty comments about asexual, trans, and fat people
Shangela - sexual assault allegations
Dave Rubin - how did he even make it on here holy shit (homophobic, transphobic, zionist, every typical shitty conservative take)
David Walliams - sexual harassment of teenagers, racism
Efrat Tilma - IDF support
Eitan Ginzburg - Zionist
Eleanor Roosevelt - Antisemitism AND Zionism
Etai Pinkas - sexual assault allegations
As always A is under no obligation to agree with me or remove these posts on her own account (though I'd definitely recommend it for Dave Rubin, Dan Savage, and David Walliams at the least).
Also worth noting: I don't immediately include people as a no if they served in the IDF because of mandatory conscription laws (there are ways around them but it's not easy). IDF support means they have continued to engage with the military and/or police after their required service
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 5 months ago
Taking a break due to technical difficulties
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yourdailyqueer-spreadsheet · 5 months ago
This week's roundup of ohhh maybe let's not
Amy Winehouse: multiple physical assault charges
Ana Brnabić: denial of the Bosnian genocide and racism against Kosovans
Andrew Pierce: homophobia, opposed the legalization of same sex marriage and does not want HIV prevention and treatment to be covered under public healthcare because people shouldn't have to fund "gay people's reckless sex lives"
Angie Craig: approves of continued military aid to Israel
Ani DiFranco: transphobia (has said that asking feminist spaces to include trans women is forcing cis women to step aside in favor of others)
Antonio Gala: antisemitic comments about the current genocide in Gaza being a normal part of Jewish history
Ashok Row Kavi: supportive of Hindu nationalist politicians
Avery Haines: a uh. multifaceted comment about DEI
Awra Briguela: sexual harassment and physical assault
Billy Porter: supportive of Israel
Bonnie Dumanis: shitty cop
Brandi Glanville: several accusations of sexual harassment
BryanStars: close association with a sex offender and exploitation of minors for his channel
THESE ARE MY PERSONAL BELIEFS and I am not saying that A is obligated to move these to her nope list
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