Your Boyfriend AU Ideas
2 posts
A collection of small works
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yourboyfriendauideas · 3 years ago
Backrooms AU
The walls were a muted beige, the white tiled floor reflected the flickering fluorescent lights buzzing incessantly overhead. The abandoned clinic that you and your friends Lucy and TK were exploring was as dull and empty as you had anticipated, and the thrill of exploring had long since worn off as you trudged through the halls trying to remember where the exit was. Everything seemed to look the same in this place, just blank empty rooms that vaguely reminded you of the old hotel near your home, the deja vu feeling just adding to the unnerving nature of the long-forgotten halls. You lean against the wall with a sigh. Or at least, that’s what you tried to do, but instead of a leaning on a solid surface the wall behind you seemingly disappeared, and you fell backwards into nothingness. The stench of moist fabric reaches your nose, and you open your eyes to the dirty tan coloured carpet of a completely different room. The walls lined with patterned wallpaper with a similar beige colour to that of the wet carpet, that you’re pretty sure was growing moss, and there wasn’t a single piece of furniture in sight. You try to leave back the way you came, only to have the horrifying revelation that the wall was now as solid as it should have been when you tried to lean on it. You bang in the wall as hard as you can, as if that would somehow break whatever spell had caused you to pass through to here and return you to the rooms you were in before. You huff in frustration, and, still believing yourself to be somewhere within the old clinic, try to figure out where you are now. You don’t recognise the weirdly divided rooms. Just a series of disjointed openings leading on and on as far as the eye could see. Still, the building wasn’t too large, and you reason that you could probably find a map on the wall somewhere nearby. Twenty minutes later and you’re not so sure about still being in the same building. The only object you’d found in any of the rooms was a single blue plastic school chair sat in the middle of a room. You sit down in it, head hung in defeat as you contemplate your options, letting out a sigh. And then you hear it. The quiet sound of four clawed feet scraping along carpet, quickly moving closer and closer. A low growl has you up and out of the seat, turning in place to see a blurred shape lunge towards you. You dodge to the side, and it scratches your skin, causing beads of blood to fall onto the carpet. This only serves to encourage the beast, which turns and lunges again when- Bang! The beast fell to the side with a heavy thud. You turn in shock to the source of the noise to see a heavily armoured man with a gun step between you and the creature. You look up, and your eyes meet through his visor, they were a gorgeous blue but you couldn’t help but feel pierced by the intensity of his gaze. He reaches out to your injured arm, tilting his head in a curious manner. You offer it out to him and he bandages it delicately, his fingers barely ghosting over your skin. You shiver slightly at his touch, and he pulls back, his hands still hovering it that same position as if longing to touch you once more. “Who are you” you ask, but he doesn’t reply. Instead guiding you upright and gesturing to the body before pointing down the long hallway where you can distantly make out the sounds of movement. More were coming, and whilst one could be dispatched of easily it was easily understood that a group were much more dangerous. He makes a quiet motion towards a nearby doorway, and you follow him as he guides you through the repeating hallways, making turns seemingly at random. You notice as you walk that the geometry of the halls doesn’t make sense, with some entrances leading through the way you just walked despite not being there previously. It was unnerving and you quickened your pace slightly, moving closer to him, as you walked. He glances down at you seemingly in concern and offers his hand once more. You take it, and together the two of you walk onwards. ____ His heart was pounding out his chest, his cheeks felt they were on fire, and, despite the danger, he could not take his eyes off this new arrival. Everything about them was perfect, beautiful, ethereal, too good to be true and yet far too real all at the same time. He couldn’t think. He couldn’t speak. He couldn’t do anything but stare as they wandered lost through the halls. They took a turn, and he followed. He couldn’t lose them, not now, not when he had just found them. They made a few more turns before turning around to walk back the way they came, and he ducked behind a wall, his heart racing even faster than before. They almost saw him! Almost made eye contact, almost shared what would assuredly be a loving gaze, one that would lead to them getting closer and closer together, their hearts beating as one as they approached. Touching them would be like electricity sparking along his fingertips, a delicious burning heat he could never get enough of. Just thinking about it sent shivers down his spine, as his breath picked up. He risked another glance, seeing them walking back to the entrance. That wasn’t good. The howlers would make sure that the creatures that stalked the accursed halls knew all too well where their next prey had wandered in from. He’s have to be quick if he wanted to save his darling from disaster. He pulls his gun. He had taken one from a dead Counter Entity a while ago. They were a rare spawn so high up, especially in a state where their armour was up for grabs too. Still it favoured him now, as it gave him a means to defend his beloved. It was a Hound, quadrupedal, with bony limbs and sharp claws, a cruel mimicry of the human it once was before being bitten. He would not let it bite his darling. It went to lunge, and he stared it down, stopping it mid movement and giving him the angle to shoot. The shot hit centre mass, and it fell to the side with a thud. He breathed a sigh of relief, they were safe. Then he saw it, the claw marks along their arm, the creature had attacked and injured his poor sweet darling. He immediately pulled out his last bandage, not even hesitating to reach for their arm, only to freeze mesmerised by their gorgeous eyes. He could get lost in these for days on end, such a gorgeous colour. They glanced down and his eyes followed their gaze to the bandages. He glanced up, tongue tied, and settled for tilting his head. They nodded in response and he oh so carefully bandaged their soft and delicate skin, his fingertips lingered feeling the warmth against his cold hands. They shivered and he reluctantly pulled back, not wanting to scare them off but oh so desperate for more. “Who are you” they asked, and he went to respond, before he heard it. The scraping of claws along the old carpet. There were more, and they were coming fast. He quickly gestures to the body and pointed down the hall, before offering up a quiet hand. They miss it, but that’s okay because they were following him, like a duckling, so small and fragile. It was so cute the way they followed him, glancing around in such a curious and innocent manner, an adorable little frown on their face as they tried to figure out where a newly spawned door came from. Ah it was just too much. And then they moved closer, pulling up against his side, looking up to him with those gorgeous eyes, and he offers his arm once more. They took it, and his skin felt like it was on fire, an overwhelming sense of warmth and tranquility the likes of which he had never felt before. He breathed out deeply trying to stabilise himself, as they pulled themself closer still. This was just too much! But he persevered. It wouldn’t do to scare them off, not when they were this close, not when they trusted him so dearly. No no no he would be holding on to this feeling for a very very long time. And so they walked, through the endless hallways. Together.
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yourboyfriendauideas · 3 years ago
Your Boyfriend Pokémon AU
Today was the day. You had spent months working with Professor Juniper at the Pokémon research lab in Nuvema town, getting to know your partner Pokémon, and the day had finally come where the two of you would set off on your journey together.
You grab your gear and head out to the lab, enjoying the sea breeze as you made your way up the path. “There you are! Where were you?” You hear a voice from the front of the lab. It was TK, your fellow program member. “The session starts now! You’re late!” They exclaim. You go to head in together when “Looks like you two are in a hurry” comes from behind you, and you turn to see Lucy, her signature smirk adorned on her face. “We’re gonna be late if we don’t get in there Lucy!” Says TK nervously, as you collectively walk up to the lab doors. You walk in together and  are greeted by Professor Juniper. “Hi there! Welcome back to the Pokémon lab! I hope you’re ready for your final day, this is the all important last step before your travels. During your journey, you will meet many Pokémon and people with different personalities and points of view! I really hope you find what is important to you in all of these travels… That's right! Befriend new people and Pokémon and grow as a person! That is the most important goal for your journey! Alright, let’s get everyone together again!” She throws out three Pokéballs, and they open to reveal your friends. TK’s Rowlet coos appreciatively at the sight of them waving, whilst Lucy’s Salazzle seems more aloof and unaffected by her arrival. Your own Pokémon seems pleased to see you as well, excited to finally get started. The professor pulls out a Pokédex with a flourish. “I’m sure you’re all familiar with what a Pokédex does, so I’ll get straight to the point. I want you three to travel to many distant places and meet all of the Pokémon in the Unova region! “ TK smiles and Lucy smirks at her proclamation, and you feel yourself getting pumped to finally head on out with your partner. She hands out the Pokédexes and Pokéballs, and you head outside with the group to meet once more at the entrance. “Having Pokémon battle one another is particularly popular, and it deepens the bonds between people and Pokémon. And that is why I research Pokémon. So for today, as your final task, I want you to try battling one another with your newfound friends!” Being the less energetic of the two Lucy seems okay with letting TK battle first. “Don’t go easy on us now YN, we’re gonna give it our all, so you’d better do the same!” They say, as Rowlet flies forwards to land on the marked arena on the ground. Your own Pokémon moves to match them, signalling to you that they’re ready to fight. _____ Your Boyfriend sighed appreciatively from afar, watching your battle with a loving gaze. His darling was so amazing, to think that they were finally starting their journey just like he had not long before. What he wouldn’t give to be by their side, battling with them, training with them, being with them completely and utterly… His Seviper, Rat, was happily wrapped around the tree next to where he was perched, and nuzzled up to his side amusedly. Your Boyfriend himself was rather uncomfortable, having been crouched in a tree for quite some time now. Still it was more than worth it for the view. He absentmindedly pet Rat as she rubbed against his side. YN battling in all their glory, their body tense and ready, as they yelled out their commands over the battlefield. In complete control of everything, masterfully directing their Pokémon, as a sheen of sweat dripped over their perfect form. You were so stunning like this, so strong, so powerful, so absolutely breathtaking. He swooned at the thought of you using such a tone with him. Commanding him to his knees, as he opened his mouth wide to… No. Focus. Today was the day he finally got to introduce himself to you. You were just starting your journey and he wanted, no needed, to take the role of rival from those annoying idiots that were always stealing your attention away from him. Only he could be your rival. Only he was deserving of such a title. Only he was worthy of your attention. He longed to face you in battle, to have you recognise his strength, his power, his ability to provide for you, so you could finally see the future you would build together. Or perhaps you would win, and as your prize you would claim him completely and utterly, marking his body as your own as the two of you descended into lustful ecstasy… He was hard again. Not for the first time  today, and he shifted uncomfortably, trying to ignore the rising in his pants as he strained to watch your fight. He wouldn’t miss this for the world, your first official battle! And though it pained him that it would be against somebody else just the knowledge that he got to witness such an occasion made him giddy with happiness. What a blessing this was! ____ After finishing the second battle against Lucy, Professor Juniper began speaking again. “It feels as though your Pokémon have already begun to trust you in battle. I’m sure you’re all proud of how far you’ve come together. Let’s get you started on your journey!” You recollect your gear from where you had stashed it for the fight, before getting ready to head out to Route 1. TK and Lucy opt to join you, and the three of you walk down the short pathway from the lab to Accumala town, stopping to battle some wild Pokémon along the way. Once you reach Accumala town the three of you decide to split up, Lucy chatting with one of her friends who lived nearby, and TK heading up some steps to get a view out over the town. You head to the Pokémon centre. After healing your Pokémon you decide to sit down on the park bench with your Pokémon and plan your next move. Sitting back and relaxing for a short while you close your eyes and take a deep breath, only to be startled to alertness by a sudden sound to your side. “You’re a jumpy one, aren’t ya?”
((With thanks to @your-so​ @yourboyfriendwritting​ and @y0ur-beta-b0yfriend​ for the encouragement))
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