Guardian Angel
200 posts
Angel Ortiz | 23 | She assist the team with communications and is a pretty good driver
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"I won the bet,” she said, as she just grinned at them. “Now you have to do as we promised,” she told them, just patting there shoulder lightly. “You’ll get to win next time,” she joked, as she sat back.
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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Angel just let out a soft hiss as they dabbed rubbing alcohol over her hand. She was carrying a bit to much at work and broke a few cups but her hand was the one thing her boss was worried about. “Easy,” she gasped, as they wrapped a bandage around her hand. “You see blood and you started to freak out,” she joked a little.
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"Maybe but if the situation is dangerous. I’d hope she’d at least stay with him or at least have Roman also keep an eye out,” she said, Hobbs would at least be more alert knowing his daughter or Lexi might be in danger. She just nodded, “Alright,” Angel would figure some way to keep them all connected or at least a faster way of notifying one another.
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“I know her too well.” He began, “She’ll slip out.” He breathed. It was true, Knowing Lexi, she would try to get out of things, Especially being with Hobbs. “Lyric and Lexi are two wild teenagers.” He chuckled, “I doubt they will stay away, but – I’ll think of something.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"Mia, I really don’t want to tell you,” she said with a frown as she just hugged her. “But you shouldn’t be left out in what’s happening,” she said, as she looked at her. “I told Dom and Tej this and now I’m telling you,” she paused, for a moment as she collected her thoughts. “Someone is after the family again,” she stated.
“I don’t understand.” Mia was confused by the sudden worried look on Angel’s face.  “Is something going on?” She asked before giving her a quick hug.  “I promise it’s going to be okay.  Whatever it is, we can fix it.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"Do you think we could get Hobbs to watch over Lexi or at least keep an eye out?” she asked, knowing she’d be safe with him. She just nodded her head “If anything, I’ll keep an eye out for her as well. Lexi’s to young and she shouldn’t have to be worrying about this,” she said softly. 
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“ I wouldn’t want Lexi into trouble either.” He agreed. “Although she will put up a fight, but she needs to understand she doesn’t belong in a world where death is present.” He explained. It was true, Dom had lost many friends before and now he didn’t want to loose a family member. “It has to be done,Angel. There is no other way.” He told her. 
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"Well, at least you can work the essentials,” she laughed, as she scanned the food court. Being with her sister was nice and not having to worry was really soothing. “Maybe because I was having a bit more fun but I’m sure when it comes to cars it would take more than one day,” she teased, as they grabbed something to eat. “They spared this dress,” she said, as she just shook the bag. “Want a philly cheese steak or noodles?” she poitned out two different places. “I’ll pay,” she added with a smile.
“Not necessarily. You really only need the essentials.” she replied back to her with a wide smile. It was nice spending this time alone with just the two of them. “Trust me, it’s been longer than that. Either way, it’s been too long. We could have been out of here and done in 30 minutes if I were the one needed some clothes.” she chuckled. “Hmm, let’s see… I don’t really know. Not this one!” she joked. “I think this is the dress with the least amount of throw up on it,” she joked with her and looped her arm into Angel’s. “Finally,” Letty spoke with relief and held her stomach, “No, I just need anything! Something!” she exaggerated jokingly.
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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Angel just let out a soft hiss as they dabbed rubbing alcohol over her hand. She was carrying a bit to much at work and broke a few cups but her hand was the one thing her boss was worried about. “Easy,” she gasped, as they wrapped a bandage around her hand. “You see blood and you started to freak out,” she joked a little.
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"She seems harmless but her lying her way out of jail probably tops it all,” she said, as she just leaned back a bit in her chair. “I guess,” she replied, work wasn’t stressing her out as much and she didn’t want to dwell on it. However, she always found herself thinking back to it.
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“Yeah,Well. People are crazy.” He chuckled as he replied about Emily, “She seems harmless.” he began. “But stalking you? That shit is crazy.” He said as he shook his head before changing subject. “But hey, let’s just chill. Let’s not worry about it, not yet.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"I can’t believe he’s after you guys because he lost,” she said in disbelief but sometimes people just harbor revenge for so long. “Taking down a ghost,” she muttered to herself with a soft sigh before pointing out she knew who Emily was. “Not comforting,” she said, as she thought about the girl. “She easily found my address and she’s visit me at least three or four times. From my apartment to my work,” she stated, Emily wasn’t doing anything to her that was threatning but she still had her guard up.
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“Nope.” He said. “Searched up this dude, nothing. Not even on my criminal records.” He locked his hands together. “I don’t know where they’re at, where they go, I don’t even know how this guy looks like. Dom must remember but I doubt it.” He shrugged. “I don’t know who rolls with him. So this guy is a ghost,basically. We just know this Emily chick – well, you do.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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She just nodded her head a little. Listening to Dom, Angel just smiled a bit at the mention of Tej and Dom protecting Letty. “I really wished it didn’t have to come down to protecting each other especially in are hometown,” she said, before she nodded her head. “If I see them I’ll let you know,” she told Dom and she completely agreed. “I don’t want even think about Lexi getting mixed up in this,” she said, she was like a younger sister to Angel.
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He listened to her before he replied. “Wanna here my end?” He asked. “I think, The men we have should be of protection to the ladies.” He began. “Tej will take care of you, Brian to Mia, Han to Gisele, and I to Letty.” He explained. “Speaking of Han and Gisele. They’ve disappeared. I haven’t heard from them.” He told Angel. “If you hear anything from them, Let me know.” He said.  “As for the rest, I’ll work it out. We can’t have Lexi or anyone else come into this.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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Talking about someone named Sebastian, she just listened at the mention of losing. Due to a race, someone was coming after the group. Angel just couldn’t believe it was all for that and her sisters life was being threatened. “Anyone else other than Sebastian?” she asked, because she knew that couldn’t possibly be the reason to kill everyone. “Like someone you guys hurt so bad that they were hospitalized or something lke that,” she asked.
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He looked at her before he was about to tell a whole story. He signed, “Well, a long ass time ago. Back in my afro days. Dom raced a dude named Sebastian. He was like, second in line to be known in the streets, besides Dom.” He began. “Dude lost, begged Dom for a second chance. Dom left him. The rest I think you know how it will go down.” He finished off. “I think it’s stupid. Over a race, Like, come on!” He said. “Everyone looses against Dom. It’s not even a big deal anymore in Race Wars.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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 “You guys shouldn't do things on your own. Sometimes its safer in numbers but it can also be dangerous,” she said, a bit worried for them all. “With what happened so far with Emily,” she paused for a moment about what to say. “I’d feel safer if you guys didn’t go anywhere without back up or someone you trust,” she expressed.
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Her words processed in his mind, Each word was taken apart and made it clearer for him to understand. That was how is mind worked. Like taking car parts apart and placing new ones together. Same was with words. “I do.” He agreed with a smirk. “But – “ He paused for a moment, looking for the right words before he proceeded to speak again. “ In the exact moment you are being held at gun point, with no one around. It’s just you and the person.” He explained. “I’v been there and although I don’t show my emotions, It is frightening.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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Watching him get up and close the blinds, Angel just told him “I told Dom. That’s why I went to you to find out who she is,” before he told her it never ends. “Tej, do you know what she’s talking about when she said you guys hurt a friend of her’s?” she asked. Angel really didn’t know much but she didn’t bother to ask. She was just happy to have them back but now she had to know.
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He frowned. He could not believe what he was hearing. Another job they have to take care of. It seemed as if it will never end. He got up and looked out the window as he walked up to it. Closing the blinds as he peeked through it before looking back at her. “God damn.” Was all he had to say. “Have you spoken to Dom?” He asked. “Shit just never ends.” He shook his head. 
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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Angel just stopped talking when he repeated himself, saying wait. Asking who, she told him “Emily Jones. Remember, she’s the one you pulled up in that criminal system you revamped,” and asking about a better place. “Whoever she’s with or whatever she plans on doing, it doesn’t sound like they plan on breaking a few bones. I think it’s more in the terms of being dead,” she said, looking down.
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He gave her a complete confused look. His eyes furrowed and his lips pursed. He didn’t understand. At all. “Wait wait wait.” He stopped her and thought for a moment. What was she trying to say? Whatever it was, he knew it was serious. She moved to sit next to her and placed a hand on hers. “Rewind.” He told her. “Who the fuck said that?” He asked curiously. “And why did they say we will be in a better place?”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"Probably right,” she said, if anyone knew what worked best for themselves it was themselves. Nodding her head, Angel just said “Maybe not a full sleep but just a moment to close your eyes is a enough,” with a soft shrug. “At least you have others watching out for you like you do for them,” she said with a smile. 
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“Not exactly.” He began, “But I know.” He declared. Dom knew what and didn’t work for him, and He knew that those things he listed did not work for him. Especially for a man like him. But truthfully, there was no man like him. He was the only  man like himself in the whole world. From Brazil, To London,  To L.A. He nodded at her comments and began again, “Well, When you live in a life where peace doesn’t exist and danger does, it’s hard to keep up with sleep.” He told her. “It’s almost as if there is no time for it.” He paused, “Actually – there isn’t room for it.”
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yourangel-ortiz-blog · 10 years ago
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"Did you try all that?” she asked, a little curios but she listened as he told her that he looked forward to that day. “I also hope you’ll get that good night sleep, Dom,” she said, patting his hand gently. “Your a good man Dom and I really wish you didn’t have this sort of trouble,” she stated. 
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“Maybe I will.” He took her advice. He looked at her for a bit before answering, “I don’t think documentaries,Working out, Movies,Tea, Or anything will put me to sleep.” He admitted before biting his lower lip a little, He signed and began to speak again. “I’m just waiting till the day comes when I’ll be able to shut my eyes and fall into a deep sleep. Won’t wake up till the next day.” He ttried to speak softly but his raspy strong voice took over. 
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