your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
"I'm not saying it's a good thing but I'd rather remember and know how to cope with it than, yknow randomly fucking have an injury from it bust open and panic because I don't know what's going on."
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"B-But I-.. I-....." She sniffled, shaking head to toe. "I've already tampered with everybody else.. It's only a matter of time if you-..."
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
"In the nicest way possible, I'll never be happy and we both know that." They managed to grab the weird memory thing out of her hands, holding it up so she couldn't reach it, almost akin to some older sibling with a game controller or something, which was almost ironic. "Plus I wouldn't be surprised if in two years max it'll all slowly come back to me Fucking Somehow and just send me into a spiral so." They gestured with their free hand a bit.
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"B..But... Rez... You can't seriously say that keeping all these horrid memories is a good thing..." She mumbled, her tears rolling down her cheeks. "I don't want anybody to remember all those terrible things, so please.. Please.. Just let me do this..."
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They immediately went to grab it out of their hands, already making sure their head was out of the way just in case. "How about we don't do that, actually-"
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"B-But.. Wouldn't you.. Wouldn't you rather forget..? Forget all the trauma, the agonies.. And be h...Happy...?" She sniffled.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
"I mean I'm not like, mad really." They rocked back and forth on their heels. "I mean, mighta been a good idea to, yknow, ask, but you didn't do it maliciously, so." They just sorta, gestured. Also I don't even think Rez is thinking about the post game trauma shit rn.
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"T-Thank you.. Rez.. I just.. I wanted to fix this.. I wanted to make up for the part I had..." She said, picking up her weird little memory erasure gun. "N-Now.."
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"Please, l-let me finish the job..." Woah now
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
The anon walks up to Rio "Hey man! What's up?" they give a slight smile ~🐺
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"I'm a-okay!!! What about you?"
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They let out a soft hum. "That's because of the paranoia." They tried their best to make what they said sound lighthearted, though the locked door being the fault of their paranoia wasn't exactly a lie.
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"I-I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry-.. It's just- For the better- So everybody can be happy-.." Tia honey you're forgetting the unholy amount of post death game trauma everybody dealt with.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They clicked their tongue a bit, the most she got in terms of expression was their eyebrows raising a bit. "Yeah I think I get what you're trying to say.
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"I ju-st.. I just don't want you all to keep suffering-... with all those memories... I would have.. I would have done it to you, too.. But your door is always locked..."
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
"Can't promise a damn thing but I won't lash out at you if that's what you're worried about."
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"I'm s-so sorry I- I just- I felt so terrible about everything, I-..."
She stepped aside, showing an odd machine. It looked sort of like a gun, but with a satellite dish where the barrel should be, her hands were shaking.
"I just thought it'd be better... I-If they just f-orgot... And didn't have to live with all the terrible things- That- That-...." She stammered, trying not to cry.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They hummed a bit, just sorta following whenever she started walking, putting their hands into their pockets.
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"N-Now uhm.. Promise not to be.. Mad at me..?" She mumbled.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
*peeks at tia's tablet cause I'm bored*
>Safalin, Tia
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They raised an eyebrow at her, an expression she likely knew the Exact meaning of.
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"........." She sniffled, hiding her face under her hat, gesturing at Rez to follow her to the basement.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They just let their head limply fall to the side, tilting over and resting on their shoulder. "Girl I just popped her arm off." They clicked their tongue a bit. "And you're not really a good liar."
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"B-But I'm n-not-.." Tia's voice started to squeak, another tell-tale sign of her lies. Looks like, with the whole house having forgotten the Death Game.. We've found our first lead.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
"Well that didn't go well." They muttered, before turning to Safalin. "Oh hey, I was actually about to go look for you." They rocked back and forth on their heels more. "Yeah. Everyone's seemed to have forgotten about the death game, even Sue. Like she wholeass thought she was human."
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"But she.. Is..?" Safalin said, however something was clearly wrong with her, it was clear in her tone. Rez could tell she was lying better than any anon could, especially when those red swirls in her eyes started to swirl faster when the death game was mentioned.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They just kinda let her take the arm back. "I mean, I didn't really know how else to convince you. and it can be easily put back so" They gestured a bit.
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"Holy shit holy shit holy shit holy shi-" She said, clutching her shoulder and hyperventilating, before rushing off to her room.. Well, that didn't go off well, did it? But, just as Miley rushed up the stairs, someone else came down them.
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"O-Oh! Rez.. There you are.. I was wondering if you'd ever come out at all.. U-Uhm.. Can I ask you something? Do you know what's going on with everybody? Some anons said they've.. Forgotten things? Nothing seems off t-to me, though.."
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
They just kinda held the arm. "A human arm wouldn't be able to do this, even a prosthetic considering the fact it's like, hollow." They hummed, rocking back and forth on their heels. "Sorry if that startled or hurt you at all. I can put the arm back on if you want."
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"YES!? PLEASE DO!? WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING!?" She said, snatching her arm back to pop back on.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
"Because I wanna show you something. Watch this." They grabbed her upper arm with one hand and her shoulder with the other, rather roughly tugging on her arm.
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"HOLY FUCKING SHIT-!?" She tried to pull away from Rez before her arm was supposedly ripped off, but she was too late. But to her surprise and horror, only a pleasant *pop!* sounded out as her arm was pulled from her socket.
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your-turn-to-ask-us · 2 years
Thank god they were slouching or she would've had to fucking climb on something. They just, kept blinking "Can I have your arm real quick?" Well that came out of nowhere.
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"Uhh, sure?" She held her right arm out to Rez, chuckling. "Why though?"
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