Hm? Oh, the name's Yu Narukami. I'm new to Inaba, so. . .mind helping a man around town? [Independant Yu Narukami Account, set at the beginning of the game (post-Shadow Yosuke brawl), but willing to shift around for the sake of RP convenience.. I own nothing but the words I type, and the things beyond that belong to their respective sources]
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Truth, both to others, and to his own self was a concept that held certain integral values. When he came to Inaba in the beginning, he was faced with a choice: a choice to create a pleasing, yet empty facade, or to take the harsh road of truth. Through nothing but the dint of his circumstances, and from his comrades, he had chosen the latter. It had been nothing that could be considered easy, but the easy path would have been an empty one. More important than that would be the deprivation of these sort of situations, the sort that made him feel more in touch with his humanity, and the sort that allowed for this childish degree of warmth. Without truth, he would be left with nothing more than the bitter ashes of what might have been.
The reinforcement of was was thought in mind was done in deed. In deed, the motion of Naoto's fingertips, and the utter serenity of her restful posture. After all the ache and strife that marked their lives, it was good to have this peace. It was this love, and peace which solidified his behaviour. Turning his head downward, he looked upon the sight they both created, and rested his lips against the shell of her ear. Gentle breaths cascaded against her, followed by the words that the both of them had, perhaps, delayed in being heard.
"I have no intention to be anything other than true to my words. Whatever flights of fantasy I may have had in my younger years are gone, replaced the ideal of you. Who you are, and what you mean to me is something I will defend to the death. I love you, truly, wholly, and without any thought of guile.
There is no consequence in the world so significant, and so severe that could convince me otherwise. I might be little more than a whimsical fool, but this is the least foolish thing I've done in quite some time."
Wherever she goes, he’ll follow … now that rings pleasant to her ears. Not only had it sate her heart but eased her mind in knowing his absolute loyalty to her. Why else be capable of smiling genuinely and express her emotions with care? No one else had the liberty to be seeing the detective, out of anyone, smile. Those butterfly touches being applied to her lips and forehead gave a soothing sensation. Letting her know reality was hitting her with this man’s presence, it was enough to deprive any tension from her body. This pure ecstasy allowed a faint chill run down her spine, nearly at her peaking point. Such a tease he was being, letting the temptation sink through her body with those beautiful words.
❝ I nearly found those words hard to believe … in fact, hasn’t this been the first you ever confess words of love to me? True, the confession we’ve given to each other was a desire for one another; however … love alone … I have no idea what to say. ❞
Love … it honestly was frightful but a mystery. Though looking at him now, albeit flustered cheeks of red were displaying, love was something she could easily detect. Based on his words, his utter devotion, the loyalty … he was the perfect companion for the woman detective. Just as his affection demonstrated, finger tips danced graciously those delicate cheeks with care. Then slithered down to feel a small sample of his neck just to note for another time. Her own cheeks heated further with a smile, letting her head rest against his neck. No distance was left to deliver her own body heat for him to carry out.
❝ Be certain to keep true to your words, Yu Narukami. I’ll follow you no matter where you go because … I love you. Truly. ❞
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The pause, as Saki so eloquently pointed out, told the both of therm a story of his certainty. If he had not paused, then there would have been no merit to her query. Yet, he did, and in doing so he revealed a certain horror. Was it a united truth that they sought out, or was it only his truth? These thoughts made him feel a lot more cold, and a lot more callous than anything prior had allowed him to think.
Saki's efforts to turn the conversation towards a better light, while appreciated, did not remove his underlying angst. It appeared as though she had loosened a particular pebble, one that seemed to hold together glut of his otherwise sedated teenage angst. Now that it had been removed, the whole thing fell down around his feet. A wry, humourless sort of look was all that he could grant her, in an effort to bemoan his own fate.
"When it all comes down to it, I'm simply a well-meaning cult leader. I wish I could take as much solace in that as others seem to. I'm the shiny thing that people can't help but follow after. However I put it, it sounds like I'm manipulating them. Despite what you say, that sounds more villainous than I'd like it to be."
Idly tapping the tip of his foot against the ground, he tried to contemplate her words in a better light. Once, twice, and again he tried, only to find himself settle back towards the cult leader conclusion. Today, much to his chagrin, was not the sort of day he'd look back fondly on.
"You might not know too much about my situation, but I'll say this: If everything that they've gone through is because they're blinded by my charisma, it kills everything I thought we were trying to do."
Although Saki did not take note of the finer points, namely how the hero was gradually losing coloring; Saki did take note of his brief silence before speaking up again.
"And yet you paused all the same. Are you certain about your own words?"
Saki wanted to believe it was concern for her friends and acquaintances that made her pursue this issue. That was the most unlikely reason though, because Saki knew he hadn’t brainwashed the other teenagers.
She was merely debating for the sake of having something to talk about.
Saki gave Narukami a small nod after he expounded on his points.
"Relax. I wasn’t implying that you are doing it intentionally. If anything, I think it’s accidental. You are a charming guy and people are easily enchanted by charisma. Do you think I would have kept quiet all of this time if I thought you were using that charm for ill intentions? On purpose at that?"
Saki rocked back on the heels of her snow boots, “I don’t know a lot of about your situation, but usually I can root out people who are no good. You are…a mystery, but you aren’t villainous.”
#consumedwithcontempt#ooc: Saki is pretty much the true final boss#with the sort of gimmick that makes her nearly unbeatable#Izanami eat your heart out
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When their mind and their desires were in synergy, it was a work of art. They certainly worked well enough on their own, but together, he found himself wanting ever more. When she smiled, he too managed a smile, albeit a wider and more honest iteration. Guile was lost from his person, not to be found until yet another game started between them. As it stood, he had been magnificently outplayed, and was made to want a fair degree more than the kisses that would have otherwise left him sated.
"If I didn't know you for who you were, truly, I would have taken that declaration with shock and wonder. But, I know you well, and I know better than to question this. I know all of these things about you, and I love them," he admitted, with no lack of conviction in these words. "I love them, just as I do you, and I want nothing from the world. Nothing, save for your company."
With that statement so staunchly and openly said, there was little more to be said. All that was left was what was to be done next. And that, of course, was to be in Naoto's hands alone. This was his vow, to sacrifice much to be her loyal companion. And in loyalty, he ran his index finger across her lips, coupled with adoration, exemplified with the touch of his lips to her forehead.
"Wherever you go, I will follow. Alone, together, wherever you so choose."
❝ … Ah, is that so? Then … ❞
Has she truly left him impressed and wanting more of the detective? Never had she imagined to be deserving of being a temptress. He certainly has confessed to the definition of a true tempter from his words and appearance alone. It was a crime but she gladly risk anything for his sake. Fingers moved up to lightly stroke those silver locks, taking her time to demonstrate another supposed taste of her temptation. Honestly he was a fool she grown to fond for deeply throughout these years. Nearly losing herself to his eyes, the detective aimed for another temptation attack by giving him a light but firm kiss to the lips. Even those actions were enough to develop a deeper shade of red to her cheeks. Somehow it looked as if he was allowing her to take charge for being cruel to her earlier.
What else could she possibly do?
With that in mind, her hands released those locks before settling them against his arms. Light strokes also applied for the sake of easing his somewhat tensed look. Through those eyes, it was simple enough to see how his aching was presentable. That alone was motivation to grant an act of relieving his concerns. Leaving him with a single whisper, she retreated from those actions with a soft smile. This was like the feeling of solving a case in her mind, with results that were pleasing the detective.
❝ I believe we’ve come to a conclusion, then. It’s quite evident that we have a wanting for each other, in which I have stated in the beginning … there is no shame in wanting someone who belongs to you. Precisely, why I have left you a mark on your lips for the initiative of these actions. That is all I want … you and you alone. ❞
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An upturn of his eyebrow was his reply to her first musing, for a flaw in his statement was an investigation all its own. Just where had he erred in a situation where he held many an advantage? He had her so close, and the intimacy they shared was just so inspiring. All that they did was a sort of affectionate wonder, but he presumed to know all the outcomes. Naoto's insistence that it was otherwise intrigued him, and made him hope that she truly could prove him wrong.
As it turned out, he did not need to hope for such a conclusion. Naoto acted as he might have, but in a way that put to shame his presumed action. Her lips touched against his own, only for a moment, but what a moment it was. That sweet, soft side of her that often hid itself was revealed, adding to the wondrous sensations that coursed through him. Passion, romance, want, and longing all melded to create something, if not perfect, was sensual enough to make him think that it was.
"I think that you're underestimating your abilities," Yu offered, his tongue looking to flick across his own lips, as if to recall the sensation that occurred not a moment prior. "You are every bit a temptress as I am a tempter. The fact that I know this about you is not in the least bit unimpressive.
You have impressed me, and you have left me wanting~."
❝ …Y-You are a cruel man, Yu. The moment ammunition is delivered into your hands, you take the opportunity to fire. In any case! There’s … a flaw to your statement no matter how your intentions may be flattering. For example, there’s … oh! ❞
This certainly was a surprise. Such a thought never came to mind to deliver prompt actions of what she truly desired. As selfish as she was, there was only one object of desire the detective longed for. Full devotion, accompanied with affections, coming from this cruel man she confessed her sentiments for. Nothing else came to mind except a faint discipline. Sadly enough, her limitations of a social act aren’t to her favor. Giving her this privilege was another means of leading her to a spoiling of the sort. For that, the blush settled further through her cheeks with contemplation. Precisely what could she ask more and act for his satisfaction?
An act … this should suffice. Fingers carefully cupped underneath his chin to draw their faces together. Lips, a few inches apart, brushed those soft lips of his and ceased after a minute. That alone will serve as his punishment before chuckling softly. Granted, the punishment sufficed to develop temptation on her end.
❝ Precisely, what actions do you desire for me to partake? I’m afraid you take me lightly when it comes to experience alone. You see … There’s much I could act upon to show you what I could ever want. However, the thought itself may … bring this color you are enriching yourself to great measures. No, that … I-I admit, my lack of skills in teasing aren’t as effective as I attempt to make them. ❞
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Much as he wanted to argue with her, she did have a point with Kanji. Despite the man's overly brusque and combative behaviour in certain instances, he was much more. . .pliable than some. Agreeing with her only brought further strain on his mind, leaving him looking a fair degree more pale than was normal. He liked to think that all they did was a product of choice, and that they were free. Naturally, indoctrination wiped away the notion of that sort of 'freedom'.
"There's a difference between being impressionable, and doing what we do," Yu countered, surprised as to how ready he was to defend this otherwise pithy point. "I wouldn't act them to do this because I want it to get done. I only ask what they're willing to do for themselves! This is their team just as much as it's mine!
If it's ever anything different. . .I'll call the whole thing off."
His offer was a daring one, if he discarded the fact that the only onus he put was on himself. Calling off his merry cavalcade of bonds and values would not be an easy shot to call, but without exception, he would do so. There was no merit to seeking out truths if the only truth they could see was his own. This crazy, and ridiculous path they set out on was as much for them as it was for him.
"I'm not here to yank the leash. If that's what you're seeing, then I'm not sure if I should call you wrong, or if I've just lost sight of all this."
"…Kanji might." Saki offered up. She had known Kanji from childhood, thus she found how willingly he threw his lot in with Narukami and the rest of them to be a bit unsettling.
He had a point though. Out of all the people she knew personally, this newcomer was the more stable out of all of them.
Chie being too headstrong. Yosuke would want to show off and probably butt heads with Chie and Kanji, both would be quick to challenge the manger’s son at every turn. Yukiko…probably would have buckled under the pressure at some point.
However, simply because his allotment as leader made sense, did not mean Saki was wholly on board with it either. Then again, she was not fighting with them. She got tidbits of information from the food court meetings, but did not go through what they went through.
"Possibly" Saki added, providing only the vaguest of answers because she was not about to admit that he was right.
"Kids are impressionable though" never mind that Saki too was still a ‘kid’ herself.
#consumedwithcontempt#ooc: Saki just has that 'je ne sais quoi' that Katherine has in a different sense#in this case#her 'je ne said quoi' being able to force Yu into a values crisis
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"You're far too kind. It might have been true that I used to not have a mean bone in my body, but I've grown a couple of them. Experience has taught me that a smiling face can only get you so far, especially when certain people have decided that the only use they have for a smiling face is as a punching bag."
While he appreciated Saki's judgement of his character, it was not something that he could wholly respect. Facing all sorts of horrors within a world that might have seemed like a lunatic's wet dream did that to him. One simply couldn't summon the embodiment of several Hells while aspiring to remain pure, after all. This was not to say that he had become a callous killer, of course, but he knew that, in his heart of hearts, some part of him had been irrecoverably darkened.
Thankfully, that part of him did not seek to make him some grumbly, trench-coated caricature of what he was. All it did was linger, reminding him that he hadn't come out the same as when he dropped in. Insidious as though that thought was, it didn't prevent him from being himself. With that, his smile returned, and so too did his sense of casual ease.
"Though, I do like how you've assembled a list of 'most likely to snap and murder someone' when it comes to our class, presumably. Who is the frontrunner in that department?"
"You’re welcome, just let me know if you ever change your mind. Because I can provide more moving and profound one-liners whenever it’s call for."
As she watched his smile fade, Saki realized he was taking her serious. Going over what she said, Saki didn’t think she gave any indications of being honestly murderous.
"Relax, I would never hurt someone like that. Even if they were scum of the earth, I don’t have it within me to kill someone."
A shrug of her shoulders was added, attempting to make it casual.
"Come on, the only person less likely to murder someone than me…would probably be you. And we know you don’t have a mean bone in your body."
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"What I'm saying, my dearest detective, is something that you already know: when you blush, you make red your colour. You might say the same about me, but I know, more than anything, that you make this particular look a delight to behold."
It was surprising, even to him, that he managed to eke those words out. Only mere moments before, Naoto had surprised him, opting to continue challenging his words in her state. It was a challenge, and a challenge that was done by her own initiative. Whether it was the absence that made that touch immaculate, or that very initiative itself mattered not, for he felt as if he was swimming. He could feel the world beyond himself close away, leaving him knowing only her, feeling only her, and living in a state that only allowed for her existence.
"With that said, I think I've been cruel," he opined, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes. "I've acted so strongly towards you, that I think you should be owed the same privilege. Act, Naoto, and show me every little thing that you could ever want."
Affectionate gestures are rarely anything the sleuth could handle on her own. Making her attempts to not growing too flustered and weak was the challenge itself. He’d immediately retaliate with no hesitation to tease her or compliment her blushing was cute. Through her efforts, the sleuth began to loose her shades of red. Never had she imagined to have a man as Narukami. In the eyes of a child, she viewed him as a respectful leader who couldn’t wrong anyone no matter how his nature prevented to obtain his desires. It’d be odd to ask of him whether or not his gaze was fixated on her presence from that time. Yet she hovered by him, silently, to learn a little more by the years. Eventually, they grew apart and it led to faintly hardening her heart. Right now, her heart ached for him as much as she is noticing about him. So that explains why his grip was tightening.
Letting her arms settle in to a firm embrace, her focus was listening to his heart beat. It was wonderful to let them hear out their longing for each other. The temptation to granting him a kiss to the cheek, or lips, was growing. This would be the first for her to initiate the kiss without giving a warning. The thought allowed for the blush to return ever so deeply. Before settling her thoughts, his voice whispered its first bullet. As predicted, she expected for a compliment to come the moment he set his sights on her blush. It only enhanced the warmth of her cheeks to cover her face for a while.
❝ W-What are you saying?! I … I truly doubt that to be the case. R-Regardless, I could say the same … i-in reference to your cheeks, coated in red. ❞
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Absence had never affected him so deeply as it did in the absence of his beloved detective. For a man who prided his connections to be constant, but distant, this was of no surprise. The few relationships that broke that vow, and that criteria were to affect him in ways far deeper than they should have. He ached when he parted from her, and that ache rested deeply in his thoughts. So deep was his ache that, when they were with each other like this, he found himself forgetting everything else.
He held her as he did for quite some time more, never once thinking to shift, or to alter his patterns further. How much he held her, how much he wanted her was never more sharply revealed than in this moment. This was heaven, and only his soft breaths let him remember that he was still alive. And for that, he was glad. The rubbing of his back brought him to smile all the more fondly, and the red that he could see against her visage brought a smile all his own.
"You might be quite the stunning figure in blue, but I like you just as much when you're coated in red~."
Detecting the obvious warmth circulating his cheeks, it wasn’t necessary to fixate her gaze to note that apparent change. Truthfully, it was a change though welcoming on her end to know that she had this ability to make him flustered. If memory serves, she could never notice any blush overwhelming his cheeks over anything. A gentle stroke of his cheek took place while remaining close to his body. The sounds of his heart skipping a beat was wondrous as she noticed that metamorphosis of his usual stance. He truly was a man of mystery and a man of high interest. Yet she couldn’t tell completely her own change. Her body had felt warmer than usual whenever being embraced by him as such. She took notice of every change he was offering in order to let her know an important detail.
So he was longing for her in his absence … just as she was.
Keeping in tune with his silence, the sleuth had nothing else to comment but allow her arms to wrap themselves around his back. Now one of her hands was working to ease any forth of discomfort he was feeling around his back by rubbing it gently. They say contact, as small as this, demonstrates a good amount of affection. She wanted him to know that she cared for him deeply as well as allowing him the liberty to display his own affections for her. Though his apparent grip growing tightly … this felt nice. His nuzzles were new, but welcoming. Her own cheeks grew warm with a dark shade of red, mostly due to the sensation of his hair tickling her neck.
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"Here I was, thinking that I'd never find anything to write on my epitaph. Thanks to you, I now have that answer. 'Smarter than I look and a decent human being', your compliment will not have been in vain."
A mirthful smile crossed his lips for a moment, before it was just as quickly wiped away. Saki's casual tale of what she might have done to the perpetrator, dead and buried, caused the colour to drain from his face. He who had explored all the terrors that the world could hold, had found himself introduced to another. Not even her declaration of that being a joke could keep him from his awkward bout of coughing.
"I'm sure that there's something to be appreciated in your promptness," he murmured, running his knuckle along his lips. "If I am ever the source of your wrath, you will likely never hear from me again. For I will have gone to ground, and will have simply vanished off the face of the earth."
"You would be correct in assuming that. You are smarter than you look and a decent human being so you would never give away something that personal."
Saki does look mildly curious with how he phrased his assumed reactions to the non-existent pictures, but quickly masks that expression with her words.
"What makes you think I would wait around for someone else to discover the photos? By the time you find me, I would have had to person I trusted already dead and buried."
Grins for a moment, only to shake her head, “Just kidding. I’m not a violent person, but…I probably would already be in the process of giving the offender a stern tongue lashing by the time you got in touch with me.”
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The youth needed no further instruction than what Naoto had given him, both in word, and in body. Her touch of his cheek was enough to bring a shade of red too it, something that none but the young detective would ever be privy too. He too knew that she was responsible for the heavy beat of his heart, the gentle trembling of his palms, and the overall sense of right in his mind. Naoto was the bringer of all these wondrous feelings, and in this, proved herself a prodigy of a different sort of battlefield.
Silence overtook the normally chatty male, which came as a surprise to him most of all. The time of talking her ear off had passed, much as he loved to listen to the sound of his own voice. What time indicated at this moment was that there was time for silence, and time for satisfaction. He found himself gripping her a little tighter at that, his head falling slightly to nuzzle against her shoulder. Soon afterwards, a low gasped followed, as if he was in awe over this moment.
In awe over her, and every loving thing that she did for him.
❝ Truly, your consideration knows no bounds. I admire that you take this ultimate sacrifice for the sake of my reputation. That, in its own, provides the best reward any man has ever done for me. I suppose this is what others may refer to a touching moment. Regrettably, your actions are making me overlook the terrible teasing you’ve committed against me. The reality is harsh around the both of us, though it may not be as terrible as it is. After all … offering you myself in the comforts of my own office with no disturbance is enough, correct? Simply having you by my side, in the eyes of my superiors, makes it worthwhile to show my strength. ❞
With that, a generous smile spread across her lips. Through her own greed, she preferred this silence than showing off to others in public. Perhaps a date is accountable as their privacy and he’ll be free to display her with all his might. For now, this was enough to make the sleuth pleased. One of her arms ran up to gently caress that cheek of his, attempting to display her own longing for this man of hers.
❝ By all means, continue embracing me as much as you desire, Yu Narukami. I may have fulfilled all my duties for today in case you would arrive. ❞
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"I'll presume that, in this instance, that I'm not the one willingly given these. Despite certain. . .bodily inclinations, I'd find it in myself to turn away. I'd likely then tell you the tale of my findings, and wait to see if you wanted to watch someone burn, or if you were handing the match to me for my own burning pleasure."
"Hm…in the spirit of the hypothetical question, let’s say they were willingly provided at first, but the person they were given to decided to leak them."

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"I suppose that it's true that I'm not much for loopholes in this arrangement, but that's as much to blame of Inaba as it is of my own narrow thinking. I suppose that I simply find it hard to believe that the moment we start our public tryst, that some garbled event of it won't reach your superiors. It's probably foolish of me to think like we're in some bygone classical era, but I'd hate to be the cause of another round of discrimination against you. What I want for you is to be seen as strong, and as a worthy candidate for whatever you choose. Anything less, and our publicity would not be worth it.
As for holding you whenever i please in privacy, I think I will do just that," the youth happily insisted. Flooded by whimsy and whatever hormones had won the day in his sharp mind, he looked to wrap his arms around her. So longing was he for her, and the feeling that such touches brought, that even a simple thought was enough to bring warm tingles down his spine. "And in the name of greed, I don't think I will be letting go for quite some time."
❝ You press an interesting perspective. In a sense, I sympathize with your whimsy with my own desires for those affections as well. Granted, my teenager days, I’d reach a verdict of keeping our relationship in the utmost silence. Though I must admit you have yet to see a loophole to our choices … true, I will restrict the limitations to demonstrate absolute affection before my fellow workers; however … I never stated we could limit ourselves to the comforts of my office when others aren’t around. Truth be told, these walls are sound proof as well as no surveillance cameras are presented. This is a means of preventing hackers to come from the outside to log into my restricted files.
Aside from that, I raise no dangers of others noticing our relationship but we must behave, as appropriate adults, to remembering our occupations. My verdict is … your respect is appreciated. So we’ll keep our relationship secret unless someone else identifies us, then we’ll confess to the truth. I rather leave it to them to solve that case to prove their efficiency. Feel free to hold me as you pleas whenever we’re alone like this, Yu Narukami. ❞
#xfjustice#ooc: doing alright#just bopping between this account and some other one#what of yourself?
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"Your question leaves me torn, Naoto Shirogane. Torn between the usual issues of my whimsy, and my respect for you. On one hand, I can't deny my whimsy. I do wish to parade around with you, kissing you whenever the both of us would like, holding you in the din of a crowd. That's likely the teenager in me. On the other hand, the adult in me, tiny as he is, respects your right to privacy. I don't know what a public revelation of our relationship could do to your lifestyle, but if it harms it, I want nothing to do with publicity.
The decision is yours. Choose something that you won't regret."
❝ In an effort to avoid further confrontation, let’s admit to one matter: my obvious concerns for a terrible man that you are as well as your sate of my concerns. As greedy as you are, it’s reassuring to understand your intentions are for the sake of grasping my attention. Perhaps it’d be best for my attention to be yours until the time comes for you to frustrate me once again. Well then, may I request a moment of your time? To be honest, you’ve left with the confirmation of our relationship. Now … we must wonder if we wish to keep this in secret, away from the prying eyes of our occupation or not.
That leaves to be decided, Yu Narukami. ❞
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The words of this skeptical woman were illuminating, and not something he could call altogether misguided. It was Yu's distrust in the established authority that sparked his efforts to create a movement of his own. Distrust of authority could not be nakedly rejected, but it could not be blatantly supported either. A quirk of his lip betrayed his query, but it was not until he spoke that his musings became open.
"My position is more symbolic than anything else. If I demanded that my comrades circle around a large pyre while I declared myself King of Inaba, I doubt they would obey that. All I am is the least offensive candidate to push things forward. If there was a person more capable of stabilizing my rag-tag group, I would happily turn over my symbolic position."
Despite his words, he could not shake a few certain truth. His protests aside, it was true that he held a degree of influence, to the point that he felt a little disturbed by it. He was adviser, counselor, friend, spymaster, diplomat, war chief, and leader all in one. Shifting his weight in the silence between them, he turned his glance to the ground.
"They're free to act however they like. I think they know that. I think."
Never one to take being corrected lightly, Saki turns her head as if to tune the boy out for a moment. Then tugs at the folds of her scarf, an action with purpose to disguise nervous fidgeting; only to lower it again to speak clearer.
"Sorry, guess that I am skeptical of anyone who is in authority over others."
Holds her tongue as to how she doesn’t like how reckless these kids, people Saki thought she knew; had become over the course of this year.
She has spoken her mind on the matter, no sense dragging out the topic longer than necessary.
#consumedwithcontempt#ooc: I am very glad you're doing well#and Saki appears to have done what Katherine could not:#which is cause a crisis of conscience in this poor soul#points for her
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"A frustrating gentleman, indeed. You truly love to toy with my sentiments in order to create a reaction out of me, correct? Simply having my composure broken poses as a dilemma, if not, risky. And yet…I am not angered with you."
"On all that you charge me with, you're correct. Your reactions, Naoto Shirogane, never fail to amuse me, and never fail to engross me. Perhaps that makes me a terrible man, but that is how it is. I appreciate your measured approach to this, because I know that your anger could be a mighty thing.
In return for your sense of peace, I will peacefully choose not to rub this in any further~."
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"I wouldn't call it a case of them blindly following me," Yu countered, his emphasis punctured on the wave of a hand. "They have their own reasons for fervently supporting my cause. Out of respect for that, I'll never take them anywhere they don't truly want to go."
Send me a ■ and the muse will say aloud the first thing they think internally about your character.

"I want to trust you like the others do, but I don’t want to become like them either. They will blindly follow you anywhere and honestly that scares me as much my own secrets do."
#consumedwithcontempt#ooc: it has been some time indeed#I hope you've been well#and aren't largely bothered that I've tried to make this into a thing
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"It's nice to see you once again, Senpai. Truthfully, you have a habit of leaving your current position for unknown reasons."
"It’s ever pleasing to know that I have been missed, Naoto. If you wish, you could simply pretend that I vanish to give you yet more mysteries to solve. After all, I am nothing if not a frustrating gentleman."
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