your-soft-paw · 10 months
I would love a hug
Can I please have a hug?
Of course jellybean.
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your-soft-paw · 10 months
Wanna see my cats soft paws!
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Your cat are cute, can I hug?
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your-soft-paw · 10 months
You look like you give great hugs-
Well, I'm not pretty sure. But if you say so... Wanna a hug jellybean?
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
Can I steal your hat for a little bit?
If you happy jelly bean
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
Has anyone ever asked if you were happy? If not, I'm asking now. Are you happy?
Well your the first one ask this jelly bean, and I can tell... I'm happy because I know there have someone care bout me. Then are you happy? Are you happy jelly bean?
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
Hello! Haven’t talked to ya in a couple days, felt kinda bad now that I think about it. Hope you’re having a pleasant day.
Don't feel bad don't feel bad about feeling bad too, do whatever you want to do don't you worry, you happy that's all matter jelly bean.
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
Weird question, but what would you do if I called you 'sugar'?
Well that's new, but I won't mind. Call me whatever you want jelly bean
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
*Tackles him from behind* Hey buddy!!!
*He already heard your voice come from behind so he didn't too surprised* Hey jelly bean.
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
*hand him a baggy of jelly bean and look him in the eyes* why was this in YOUR trash can? 🤨📸
Don't littering, that's it. I don't want that bother other werewolves.
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
I got a wolfcut. How ironic is that? Anyways, how’s your day/night going so far? We gonna watch movies and eat snacks?
*He look to your new haircut* I think it's kinda cute jelly bean, you're always so cute but it's more cute now. And movie... sounds good.
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
Your awake jelly bean, sleep well?
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
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Want a hug jelly bean? Here. *He give you a big hug*
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
When did you become a werewolf?
Well, it's been a long long time... Long enough forgot something.
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
It's night, you feeling sleepy then you yawn.
"Want to sleep? Just sleep jelly bean. You'll be safe here, sleep jelly bean"
You gradually close your eyes
"Sweet dreams jelly bean."
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
Can I feel your ears? You said they are stuck like that after you changed back to human and I wanna see if they’re pointy. Only if you’re okay with it though.
Of course you can jelly bean, if this make you happy.
*He turn his ear towards your*
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
I love you
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Well, thank you for liking me jelly bean. I like eh too, unconditional.
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your-soft-paw · 1 year
You wake up at a unfamiliar place, you sit up and see a shadow holding a thing walk to you "Ah you awake eh jelly bean." It's a similar voice "Here. Drink it." He hand you a drink, same drink that he prepare for you before "You through it, you do very well jelly bean."
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Might will ooc (very welcome to tell me!), have some private setting.
All gifs made from @adalwolfgang very thank you!!!
(I'll add more when I remember some)
This not my own characters, this character is come from a ASMR videos, please go to watch and support if you like!!
Friends RP account: Highwayman, Daemon
There have a little note in your pocket:
Remember you can be happy, you're loved, unconditional.
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