your-grxce · 4 years
He took the plate from the servant, and took a bite. Then he passed the cake back, uneaten besides the one piece. It was good, but he didn’t care to finish it. The servant took it from him, and then his attention was returned fully to Heloìsa, the table of cake and the people behind it forgotten. 
          “Of course.” Domeric held out his arm for her to take. “I am always happy to see my lady. She’s entered in this contest too, so I’m sure she is around somewhere. And I am sure that he would be happy to see you as well.”
He didn’t really feel the desire to go and seek out his betrothed, at the current moment. But it would have been rather unbecoming for him to say so aloud. 
          “These celebrations are certainly exciting, aren’t they? Tournaments and baking contests. I believe there is even a masquerade ball coming up. Are you enjoying yourself, Princess?”
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Heloísa took the arm that was offered to him, moving her skirt to the side to give her room to step. Any person, Lady Calida included, should be happy to see her, the princess thought, though she wouldn’t dare say such things out loud. Instead, she smiled, “I do always enjoy when she makes her way to Aros.”
In truth, Heloísa didn’t care much for the lady, who spent much more time in the stables and with her sister than with the princesses. Still, a welcoming facade was expected.
“I always enjoy when the people of the land come to the capital,” her response was diplomatic, and expected. “It is important for the people to see their monarchs, don’t you think?” Still, something he said had piqued the youngest princess’s interest. “You mentioned a masquerade. Forgive me, Lord Domeric, but I am quite certain my mother planned no such thing.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
Domeric gave her hand a squeeze. It gave him a thrill inside to see her in the dress he’d picked out for her. It looked as wonderful as he thought it might when he put the order in to the seamstress. There was something so fun about the act of giving a gift. To watch the smile on someone’s face and know that it was him who put it there. 
Calida, most especially. The small package she handed him was a nice surprise. He took it from her with his free hand, turning it over to give it a full look. 
        “The bards will write songs about the way that you look, my lady. And if they don’t, then I will pay them to.” He let go of her hand so he could look over this gift. After glancing briefly up to flash her a smile smile, he began to unwrap the package.
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The handkerchief was simple enough, with its gold stitched border and Lord Domeric’s initials in a shade of purple that matched her sash. Calida had had her suspicions that he might have been orchestrating a matching evening, and was pleased that she was correct. A simple gift, to be sure, but a meaningful one, none the less.
She felt her face turn a shade of pink at his remark, and she looked down for a moment, concealing a small grin. 
“As long as they mention the lord by my side, I will welcome them,” Calida mused, looking back up at him. When he began to unwrap the gift, she offered a small explanation, “It could never compare to a gown, but I did think it would serve you well for the evening.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
                   “oh nonesense, your wedding will be a grand celebration too, there is no way father will let one of his daughter part from house celtigar in any other way.” amara spoke as she handed the merchant the payment for the lace she had fancied moments before, turning towards her sister with an adoring look in her grey eyes. it was a bittersweet moment for the sisters, they have known this days would come, they would both marry off to a different house and they would have to be separated from one another. “You are a thousand times more lovely, that much is sure.” She whispered to her sister before moving to the next table of goods. 
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“Of course, you’re right, as always,” Calida teased her sister. The two, while having their differences, had been nearly unseparated since birth. There was a great deal Calida knew she would miss about Amaranth, and Amara was at the top of the list. “Always right, and spoiling me. The gods truly did bless me.” Linking her arm through her sister’s, Calida moved through the market with her. “I do think it’s quite improper to make such comparisons, especially during a celebration to honor our queen.” Still, she grinned, “But you know as well as I that I’d be happy with even the simplest of ceremonies.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
at calida’s response, brannon was near unable to contain the smirk that spread across his features. “ yes, i’m quite positive lord domeric is sure to make some spectacle. in the case of grandeur however, we will have to see.”
brannon had his own feelings regarding domeric, but his interest now lay in calida’s thoughts on the matter. she had gone to belhaven in order to meet her future goodkin, but the spies in south reported that his daughter was spending her hours with lady briar, domerics sister, than with the man she was meant to marry. 
“ have you spoken much to your betrothed, calida? since we’ve arrived, that is. ” he began nonchalantly, lifting a spool of lace from a market stall & feigning interest in the swirling patterns of the fabric. he aimed to test the waters, to hopefully see his daughter’s true feelings on the match. 
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Seeing a smile from her father was a good thing. A man notoriously hard to impress, Calida had learned from a young age to stay in his good graces - to maintain her lessons, and become a proper lady. She would do house Celtigar, and her father, proud.
At his question, she turned, fully facing him. She had expected a match from a young age, to secure both her own place in the world, and to keep her family in good standing. Though her time with Lord Domeric had been short, having much preferred the company of Lady Briar, she was taking as well to the match as she could.
“Yes, father,” she nodded, a small smile playing as she explained, “After we arrived yesterday he found me with quite the surprise. He commissioned a new gown. It’s quite breathtaking...” Her voice trailed. “I do think we will find quite a bit of time together while we’re here.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
Artys snorted, which was probably not very professional of him, but he didn’t think that Lady Calida would mind overmuch. It was not every day that he was described as too kind, or even kind in general. 
          “I’m not a very kind man, Lady Calida. But I’ve seen enough of Lord Brannon by now to know that he will pull all the stops for your big day.” 
His eyes slid over the crowd. After a beat of silence, he glanced back to Calida. 
          “I have found, m’lady, that most people’s lives aren’t for them to choose.” And wasn’t that the truth, he thought, idly?
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“Between my father and Lord Domeric, I do believe I will have very little say in the day itself.” Calida mused, with a slight shrug. The marriage was for the good of the family, and the wedding would showcase that. She had the rest of her life to find places to be content, she could give her father and future husband one day, surely.
She watched Artys curiously - a good guard was always on the lookout, and he was no exception. 
“Is that so?” She wondered, letting her own eyes drift over the crowds. “How terribly unhappy that sounds...” Brushing past her thoughts, she turned back to the Knight, “Did you dream of becoming a Knight as a young boy?”
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your-grxce · 4 years
emeline’s brows raised at the mention of a fight, mind flashing back to a bit earlier in the day when two ladies did in fact go head to head for one of her designs. “was that you who brought up the idea to fight over a dress?” she teased, a laugh escaping her lips. “poor ladies didn’t understand i could very simply make another dress just like it with a bit of time. of course, i’m not so sure they would be okay with someone else having a replica.” she leaned in a bit closer towards calida, bringing her voice down to a whisper. “but shh, i’ll give you first choice so long as you come visit often.” emeline walked around the table to set the piece of lace down, looking back up towards the lady at the mention of new dresses. “most definitely. no matter the occasion, i’ll be here. i could always get started on the first one, if you’d like?”  
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Calida gave her friend a mischievous grin in response to her question, though she wasn’t able to hold her ruse for long. “No, though it was quite a sight to behold.” She shook her head at Emeline’s next words though. “Patience is not a virtue many noblewomen find themselves possessing.” She teased, speaking low, so as not to be overheard by the very ladies she was speaking of. At Emeline’s whispers, her grin returned, “You know I can never stay away.” Her eyes returned to the lace as Emeline moved, trying to picture it on an ivory gown, on her, as she stood opposite Lord Domeric. Her voice even lower than before, more afraid of gossips than those offended by her teasing, Calida spoke again. “Lord Domeric and I have begun discussing wedding preparations... I do suppose that means I will need a wedding gown.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
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           careless  and  nonchalant ,  eddard  stayed  beside  his  sister  ,  mind  a  little  bit  absent  and  heart  a  little  bit  empty  .  news  of  his  betrothal  left  him  vacant  and  he  felt  a  new  stage  of  emptiness  ,  as  though  he  discovered   a  much  darker  and  much  colder  part  of  a  pit  ,  one  that  would  not  be  so  easy  to  climb  out  of  –  he  was  going  to  need  liquor  and  lots  of  it  too  .  “  we  are  the  richest  kingdom  in  all  of  the  seven  calida  ,  all  you  have  got  to  do  is  ask  and  father  will  make  sure  your  dream  wedding  becomes  a  reality  . ”  he  picked  an  apple  from  one  of  the  merchant’s  carts  ,   thoughtlessly  throwing  a  bit  of  coin  toward  them  ,  not  even  sure  whether  it  was  the  right  amount  , “  besides  ,  ”  he  took  a  bite  of  the  apple  ,  the  sweetness  tingling  his  tastebuds  . “  i  am  sure  that  your  future  husband  could  be  generous  ,  all  you  have  got  to  do  is  batter  your  eyelashes  ,  stroke  his  arm  ,  use  your  feminine  prowess  and  you  could  have  him  do  anything  you  want  . ”
Calida had asked her elder brother to accompany her for a few reasons, though mainly because she thought being out of the castle might be good for him. Entirely dedicated to her siblings, it was hard to miss the look that had taken over his eyes since the announcement of his own betrothal. Though she knew that fresh air and time away from the bustling castle would not cure all, it was a decent start. “You and I both know that my happiness does not rely on grand riches,” her voice was soft as she watched Eddard, and she put the lace down, offering the seamstress a light smile. She would think of the gown later, for now, her attention rested on her brother. “I already know Lord Domeric to be quite generous, any prowess aside. “Is that what it will take for you to be generous to your bride?”
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your-grxce · 4 years
Lu laughed softly. “I suppose that’s fair, isn’t it? When they’re all so good.” She glanced at the sweets in front of them thoughtfully, although she didn’t reach for another plate. “I do not envy her that task. But perhaps she’s suited for it, with her wisdom.” Lu didn’t know her mother-in-law well - or any of her other in-laws, or her husband really. She kept hoping it would turn out for the best though. “Do you have a favorite so far?”
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Heloísa watched her new sister in law carefully. The woman had the potential to be the new queen, to rule by her brother’s side. What would the future of the land look like with them on the throne? Linking her arm through Lucretia’s Heloísa lead the pair away with a smile, shaking her head. “If I admit to a favorite in front of the ladies they may take it as a bode of confidence. The decision truly does lie with Mother, though, if I had my say, it would be one of Lady Camilla’s. She could feed the entire capital.” She giggled, and turned to Lucretia, “And you, sister? Do you prefer the flavors of Belhaven?”
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your-grxce · 4 years
She was beautiful, and Rafe had to work to keep his expression polite rather than letting it slip into something inappropriate. “I’m an early riser,” he said with a shrug. And he wanted to see her, but again, he needed to be appropriate. “And I wanted to be sure I caught you to let you know in person that Mairsil has been in the best of hands while awaiting your return. I trust you had a pleasant journey here?”
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Calida nodded at his explanation, as a look of contentedness danced across her features. Even if it was simply his duty, Rafe was a kind man, and Calida enjoyed the time that they spent together. No member of the Kings Guard was obligated to entertain nobility, and Calida was grateful that he took such care to keep her informed. “I do appreciate it, Rafe. You’re far too kind to me, and to Mairsil.” She smiled as she walked, before nodding. “Oh, yes. It’s nice to be back, especially for such a grand celebration. Have you been faring well?”
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your-grxce · 4 years
it was unlike brannon to take a moment for leisure, he much preferred to spend his hours in his solar, or at work in the tower of the hand. but he had spent a fair deal of time working on preparations for the tourney, and felt at fair that he at least witness the fruits of his labor. so when calida bid him to join her on her morning stroll in the markets, he agreed. after all, who was he to deny his daughter?
at her musings, however, brannon felt himself scoff. “ you forget, daughter, i was in attendance at that wedding. and you,” he paused, and turned towards calida, “ are sure to outshine her. we’ll see to that. ”
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It was a surprise when her father had agreed to accompany her, though not an unpleasant one. His duties were demanding, and while Calida frequently felt pride about her father and what he did, she also wished he found more time for breaks, if not for her sake, then for his own. She made a quick mental note to begin offering him more calming teas.
Her attention averted back to him as he spoke, and Calida offered a warm smile. It would not do well to disagree with him, she knew, and so instead, she chose her words carefully. “I am quite sure Lord Domeric will match the King himself with his grandeur.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
. 𝖕𝖗𝖎𝖓𝖈𝖊    𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖎𝖈𝖎𝖔    𝖔𝖋    𝖆𝖗𝖔𝖘     has    many    various    loves    ;    books    ,    music    ,    poetry    ,    but    nothin    will    quite    capture    his    heart    the    way    that    food    does    –    or    more    specifically    ,    the    way    desserts    do    .    having    had    a    sweet    tooth    since    he    could    remember    ,    he    annoyed    the    chefs    with    his    relentless   demands   for    everything    and    anything    sweet    .    so    it    was    almost    no    surprise    that    on    the    fourth    day    of    his    mother’s    nameday    celebrations    ,   he    sprinted    towards    the    baking    competition    ,    long    hair    had    been    tossed   and    turned    against    the    wind    and    his    boots    had    been    muddied    ,    the    laces    of    his    shirt    just    a   little    loosened    in    all    his    haste    .    not    a    very   princely    look    but    benny    never    cared    . 
❝    hmm ?   ❞    benny    looked    up    at    the    familiar    voice    ,    a    fork    just    slipping    past    his    lips    ,    the    edge    of    which    already    decorated    with    multicoloured    icing    from    all    the    cakes    he    had    managed    to    taste    since    he    had    arrived    . ❝    oh    only    about    a   few    hundred    times    .    ❞    benny    answered    in    between    his    chewing    ,     not    even    noticing    the    mess    across    his    face    . ❝    you    could   have    always    pretended    to    be    somebody    else    .    dressed    up    in    common    folk    clothes    ,    scrubbed    dirt    all    over    your    face    .    when    there    is    a    will    ,    my.   dear    heloisa    ,    there    is    a     way .    ❞
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"Benicio Darosian, you’d do well to hope our parents don’t find you looking like that!” Heloísa’s tone was light and joking, even if there was truth behind her words. Though Benicio had always had a penchant for finding trouble, Heloísa had thought that, perhaps, he would find himself falling better in line with so many visitors in their home. Perhaps that was a foolish thing to think, no matter how endearing he might have been.
Pulling a handkerchief from her own dress, she extended it towards her brother, shaking her head as her smile remained. “Will there be any left for mother to declare a winner by?” At his next words, her mouth fell in mock shock, brows raising as she held back laughter. “Benicio I think you may not know me at all. Rubbing dirt on my face? Could you honestly picture that of me?”
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your-grxce · 4 years
𝔱𝔥𝔢     𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔬𝔰𝔦𝔞𝔫      𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔠𝔢     had     taken    quite    the    liking    to    merchant    stalls    ,    he    always    used    to    try    and    evade    his    guards    and    sneak    out    during    the    day    when    he    was    a    child    ,    merely    for    the    sake    of    rebellion    and    for    seeing    his    guards    go    red    with    fury    ,    they    did    have    quite    funny    faces    .    but    as    he    got    older    ,    he    discovered    much    more    beauty    in    merchant    stalls    .    with    their    masterpieces    proudly    displayed    ,    silk    and    pastry    and    woodwork    and    swords    ,    it    made    benny    feel    like    he    was    walking    through    some    sort    of    museum    ,    where    significant    ornaments    and    wonderful    sculptures    were    exhibited    ,    their    talented    creators    standing    just    a    few    metres    behind    ,    a    full    world    of    history    behind    their    eyes    . ❝    well    no    -    one    could    ever    be    as    grand    as    my    mother    .    and    trust    me    ,    that    is    a    good    thing    .    ❞    benny    snickered    . ❝    because    she    is    quite    the    maniac    .    but    it    is    never    really    about    the    celebration    ,    more    about    the    meaning    .    and    pretty    materials    are    of    little    worth    against    a    good    meaning    .    ❞
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Calida gave a light laugh in response to the Prince’s words, though she was quite sure they were true. As she offered a curtsey, she thought she’d never take the liberty to call the Queen a maniac, but perhaps a son was allowed to say such things. Still, she was quite sure that he had a point - she didn’t necessarily want to be as grand as the woman. “You speak like one wise beyond his years, Prince Benicio.” She smiled graciously, putting the lace down, “Though I’m not sure everyone would agree. Most people seem to find quite a level of happiness in materials.” 
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your-grxce · 4 years
THERE IS TWO things that zuko is best at. fucking and eating. and here— it was eating time. “not allowed to enter? shameful! favoritism is the best thing.” he hummed. he stared down at the cake near her. it did look delicious. he couldn’t deny that. so he hummed as he reached over with the golden fork and took a bite. “mmmmmm!!!” he exclaimed before shoving more cake into his mouth.
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“I think it would be quite improper for me to agree with you,” Heloísa joked, even if she did see a bit of truth in Zuko’s words. Even still, favoritism would never truly benefit her - the youngest daughter of the bunch, she would have to fight to get what she deserved. As present as it was on her mind, Heloísa didn’t think it was a topic that needed to be discussed at present, and so, she smiled, shaking her head at Zuko’s antics. “Did you have a favorite so far?”
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your-grxce · 4 years
Who: Rafe and Calida ( @your-grxce​ ) Where: The stables When: Early morning on the third day of the celebration
Rafe would not admit that he had risen a little earlier than normal so that he could catch Lady Calida on her way for her morning ride, but it was precisely what he had done. He just wanted to greet her, and assure her that he’d kept his eye on her horse when it arrived, as he always did. If he took a little extra care in brushing his hair … well, no one would know that unless he told them, which he obviously wouldn’t do. His path took him directly into hers and he called out softly, “Good morning, my lady.” It wouldn’t be a long conversation, but it was better than nothing.
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Calida made her way across the grounds, her riding gloves in one hand and an apple for her horse, Mairsil, in the other. The hem of her skirt was getting wet from the early morning dew, and with any luck, she’d make it back to the castle in time to prepare for the day of festivities. Her long hair had been pulled into a braid, though there were already some pieces escaping and falling around her face. Upon hearing a greeting, she turned, smiling as she watched Rafe approach. “Rafe, hello!” She greeted, continuing her walk as he fell in pace. “I didn’t expect to see anyone this early.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
Lu still felt a little out of place at events like this, when people looked at her like she was a princess. She was a princess, but the reminder was a little unnerving. However, the prospect of the cakes was enough to lure her out despite that. As soon as she spotted her sister-in-law, she moved toward her; safety in numbers, and Lu wanted her in-laws to like her. “I know I certainly couldn’t have had any hope,” Lu said with a laugh. “I haven’t tried this one - is it as good as the others?”
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Heloísa smiled at her sister in law, glad for the company she offered. Lucretia was everything a noble woman should be, though Heloísa hadn’t formed an opinion on her prospects as queen just yet. Still, she wouldn’t let such thoughts muddle the day, and she offered the woman a grin before reaching out for a second plate. “My dear, each new offerings makes me forget all those before it.” She laughed, her voice lilting as she shook her head. “Mother certainly has quite the task ahead of her.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
          “I haven’t, and I think I will burst if I do.” Domeric laughed, leaning over to peer at the aforementioned cake and tilted his head to the side. He glanced sideways at Heloísa and flashed her a lopsided grin. “Though it does look rather good. I suppose another small piece couldn’t hurt.” 
He waved a lazy hand at the servant standing on the other side of the table. 
          “This one, if you would.” Then, looking back to the Princess. “My sister has a cake somewhere in the bunch. It’s a beautiful monstrosity. I rather like how it it looks, though I have yet to give it a taste.”
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Heloìsa offered a smile in Lord Domeric’s direction. “Good choice,” her voice was light as she took one last bite, before handing her plate to a nearby servant. “I do not know how mother expects to be able to choose between so many offerings,” She smiled in the direction of the Lady who had baked the cake, and turned to Domeric.
“I’m afraid I haven’t had a chance to visit the entries from Belhaven yet. Would you care to escort me?” Her grin turned mischievous for a moment as she looked up at him, “Perhaps we can visit Lady Calida on the way.”
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your-grxce · 4 years
The morning ale he’d consumed had already run its course, leaving Ser Artys painfully sober and more dour looking than usual. He was on duty at the moment, filtering through the crowd in search of trouble, as well as keeping an eye on his more important charges, Lord Brannon’s daughter being one of them. When the Lady Calida turned to offer him a smile, he met her eyes a little uncomfortably, glancing away from her and at the stalls all around them. 
          “Oh, I don’t know about that, m’lady. I am sure that your father will see to it that your wedding is just as grand.“
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While she should have expected Ser Artys to be nearby, it was still a pleasant surprise when it was his voice that responded to her musings. While Calida hoped that his response wasn’t purely out of duty to her family, she had a sinking feeling that had she been any other noble Lady, he would not have been inclined to respond.
“You’re far too kind, Ser Artys.” And, she was almost sure that there was some truth in his words. Between her father and her betrothed, her wedding was sure to be a spectacle. “I think I’d be just as happy with just the families in the gardens.” She laughed a bit, before shrugging, “I suppose it isn’t entirely for me to choose, though.”
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