your-chihiro · 23 days
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Diabolik Lovers oc
Draws // Ryuu x Ayato.
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your-chihiro · 2 months
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w- why tho 😳
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your-chihiro · 2 months
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Hi, so i didn’t see if anyone here has posted something similar before, if so? So I apologize.
i was in a rush to make some birthday cards for one of my ocs and I was looking for a “clean” background of the twisted wonderland cards to use and the only one I found was on a not so reliable website, besides the quality of the image was not good,so I decided to do it myself using the image I had as a base (and looking the original cards to fix some mistakes), so after a lot of back pain and going to sleep at 6 in the morning, here they are!
Feel free to use, it’s not necessary to give credits (because i just sort of “improved” the quality of what already existed), just republish the post to reach more people who need it ;)
And also, I had the idea to post this because of one of this person’s posts : @unfinished-projects-galore
Just a warning: English is not my native language, so I’m sorry for any spelling mistakes, if i have to correct someone…… then google translate is the one who needs to be corrected!
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your-chihiro · 2 months
Riddle Rosehearts
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@your__chihiro on X
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your-chihiro · 3 months
EDITION: @your-chihiro it's my new signature!!!
Twisted Wonderland Bloom Birthday Template
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Hi! Because I haven't seen people doing this yet, I felt compelled to edit and make the Broom Birthday card template. So you don't struggle to make it yourself 💜 if you're going to use it give me credits please by tagging me @/phantom-grid here on Tumblr!!!
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your-chihiro · 3 months
Malleus’ Overblot Theme and Crying
While I was working on analyzing some of the TWST BGMs, I noticed something curious about Malleus’ Overblot theme (dubbing it as ‘Lord of the Abyss’ for now). Around the middle, the strong and dramatic guitar and orchestra pause for these sounds, which does sound ‘creepy and unsettling’ at first.
But as I kept repeating this part, I realized that it sounded like Baby Malleus’ screams in Lilia’s dream.
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And interestingly enough, in the Lord of the Abyss theme, it almost sounds like wind or just a creepy sound effect. But that’s exactly it- for some reason, only Lilia could hear Baby Malleus crying and screaming from loneliness within his egg. Baul says he only hears ‘wind and thunder,’ but Lilia repeatedly recognizes that it’s Malleus crying. (Translation credits to Otome Ayui!)
Baby Malleus cries at two main points: when he’s lonely in the egg and nearly dying, and when the Senate takes him away from Lilia’s arms.
In there Lord of the Abyss theme, there are also two screams/cries. And I wonder…I wonder if this part in his theme song is not only representative of his past as Eggleus, but also his present self.
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Currently, Malleus feels completely isolated and is “dying,” in a sense from his Overblot. Although he can keep feeding from the nature of his surroundings, I feel as though there has to be a breaking point in his Overblot. He’s currently stuck in a loop of his despair and his phantom feeding on it- completely alone in his barrier (which very lowkey resembles his egg) with everyone asleep
And secondly, Lilia is suddenly leaving- perhaps Malleus feels like Lilia is “taken away” from him just like how he was as a baby.
I don’t know…this part of his Overblot theme really stuck with me. It’s very dramatic, it’s “final boss” type of music, there’s Latin choir and overbearing guitars and orchestra- but then there are these two cries in the middle, like Malleus’ sorrow and internally calling for help the same way he did as a baby (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
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your-chihiro · 4 months
Emergency comms for my partner!
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ok so my partner has been hit with a financial emergency that is wildly out of her control (as it is personal i wont be going into details), and I wanted to help somehow. I got her permission to post this- (her blog is @precariii)
I would really, really appreciate it if this could be spread around or reblogged given the hard time she's having. If you're interested, you can fill out the form here, and she will get in touch with you to discuss the comm:
We'd be grateful for any orders or extra reach! <3
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your-chihiro · 4 months
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Malleus fanart.
Well, i love so much this man, and i love so much he in the halloween event, so, hope yo like it 🖤💚❤️
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your-chihiro · 4 months
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your-chihiro · 4 months
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your-chihiro · 4 months
The Night Ravens - 「Piece of my World」
The very first official soundtrack for Twisted Wonderland just released today, and one of the tracks included was the long-awaited full version of the opening theme, "Piece of my World". I took a crack at translating it, which you can view after the cut!
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聞こえるだろう 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
You hear it, don't you? What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
ドキドキいつも欲しいんだ [さあ 合図して]
I'm always on the hunt for an adrenaline rush [Now give me the signal]
瞬きなんてしちゃダメさ [魔法は始まるよ]
Don't even blink [The magic's just beginning]
誰もがそうさ 負けられない [月が煽る]
I know people say it all the time, but I'm not going to lose [The moon's urging us on]
尖る靴音鳴らしていこう ほら 夜が明ける前に
Let the sharp clang of your footsteps resound Come on, before day breaks
手探りだね 僕のカタチ 貫く熱は在るのに
I'm fumbling around, still trying to figure out who I am I know I can keep pushing on, and yet-
ねじれた リズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rythym The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて 扉の向こう キミを待ってる 行こうぜ Wonderland!
Go ahead, take a look What's there beyond the door is waiting for you Let's go to Wonderland!
時計の針が滑り出す 「さあもっと上げて」
The clock inches ever forward [Now turn it up even more]
逸つ靴音 弾ける鼓動 ほら 誰よりも前へ
Your piercing footsteps, this throbbing beat Surpass everyone and everything
描いていた 僕のカタチ 歪さも気に入ってるのに
The concept of myself I've come up with I adore how distorted it is, and yet-
ねじれた世界で歌おう ざわめく胸の熱はほんとうさ シラけちゃうジョーシキ破り捨てていいんじゃない? スリルは僕らが輝くピース 闇の中 見つけ出せるさ 繋がる答えを
Let's sing together in this twisted world This warmth stirring deep in my chest, I know it's real I'm sick and tired of these societal rules So why don't we just rip them up and throw them all away? The thrills we seek become part of us - look at how they shine It's here within the darkness that we're able to find the answer that connects us all
夜が分かつ時 超えてゆけるだろう [ねじれた世界が導く…]
When the night drives us apart, I'm sure we'll get through it [Guided by this twisted world…]
僕だけの運命が 拒めないように
So that I won't be denied my destiny
溢れだす魔法飲み干し 痛み苛立ちが邪魔をしても かまわないよ 全部 手に入れて見せるさ
I'll drink up this overflowing magic until there isn't a single drop left No amount of pain, no amount of frustration will stop me The world will be mine, just you watch
ねじれたリズムで踊ろう 俯き張る 意地も愛嬌さ かまわないよ ちょっとワルいくらいがいいじゃない? 刺激は僕であるためのピース 闇の中魅せてあげるよ イカした世界を
Let's dance to this twisted rhythm The way you hang your head, acting all stubborn, there's a certain charm to it Don't worry. There's nothing wrong with being a little bad, you know? The thrill of it all makes me who I am, it's a piece of me Here within the darkness, I'll captivate the entire world
覗いてみて扉の向こう キミの中へ繋ぐWonderland!
Go ahead, take a look There beyond the door connecting to your heart lies Wonderland!
A-ha NaNaNa… Yeah-- Come along Wonderland!
TL Notes: This is not a 1-to-1 translation, and I took creative liberties with it :)
And many thanks to my friend Yuurei-san for helping me parse through this!!
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your-chihiro · 4 months
Ooooooh my goooooood earworm 🙏🏻
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your-chihiro · 4 months
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Twisted Wonderland OC Bernadette Laurent&Grim on SR and Groovy card.
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your-chihiro · 4 months
I lived, bitch. I did it,,, I made an animatic again after 2 years…! And it’s not an old thing just dumped out! 😭 I’mma be honest, it’s not reaaaally spoilers exactly… but it sorta falls into it in a zig-zagged way. The timing’s off slightly for my liking, but at this point I shouldn’t complain about little things like that when making one at all was the huge hurdle. Rip my subscribers. THANKS AND BYE.
Original audio: Maleficent (2014)
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your-chihiro · 4 months
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Malleus when he was a child (((((cute boy)))))
this is my first post on tumblr、 so... hello?
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your-chihiro · 4 months
New post!!!!
Thanks everyone for support me,
I appreciate it (*´з`) ~♡
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your-chihiro · 5 months
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Twisted wonderland - Master chef event ✨
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