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my only two moods ever are tenderness and hysteria
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I wonder if anyone ever sees me and thinks “damn I’d risk it all”
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I know the answer to this!!!! It's because they're WILD strawberries. Most commercial strawberries have been selectively bred to produce much larger fruits than the wild precident!!!
Why are our strawberries so tiny
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Summer of Freedom Bucketlist
Hey everyone! I need your help. I’m creating a summer bucket list for in between by senior year of high school and freshman year of college.
The twist? Every item must be inspired by a song. This is where you guys come in. I need suggestions.
Please guys! Send me ideas. Anything goes!
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Hon I hate to break it to you but they aren't wrong 😂💕
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Looking at some old family photos of me and my best friend Lord
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First attempt at digital art; I spent entirely too long on this. Mad respect to digital artists bro, it isn’t easy
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Here’s to our king
Y'all... my friend is streaming on Twitch 🤣
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I HATE how tumblr brings up your old tags as you’re typing a new tag because I really don’t!! Want to remember!!! Some of the things I’ve said on this godforsaken site!!!!
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You guys remember this??? Well I’m just saying, if you’ve ever read and enjoyed a single book in your entire existence then you need to read this one. As a bookworm it’s incredibly hard to choose a favorite book, but this is easily my favorite. Ever. 
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Hi I love you
Aw hi I love you too
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I feel like these spot the differences just keep getting harder wtf
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why not g?
when i die please write f on my tombstone for me
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So since I started this new blog, I hit 700! I thought I’d do a little something for y’all! 
So I decided on old fashioned ships! 
Must be following me (bc its for my followers duh)
Reblog this post to get the word out 
Send in an ask with the following:
Which fandom (Marvel or Holland/Osterfield) (if you don’t do this, I will pick for you) 
A brief description of yourself
BONUS: if you would like the Bonus mentioned below, you MUST reblog one of my fics (here is my masterlist) 
Send me which fic you reblogged and your user (if different than the one you used for the ask or anon)
What You Get:
Ship & Photo of the person/character I ship you with
Why I shipped you with them
BONUS: a social media manip (examples below the cut) 
Keep reading
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Hands [smut]
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Warnings: Graphic Sex, cursing, fluff
Word Count: 3.1k
A/N: Welcome to my new blog! I was formerly @whyistomholland but I decided to switch platforms and start fresh! I will be reposting all of my works here and you can also check out my Wattpad for everything!
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Luna Lovegood💖
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