youmeanddid · 4 years
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there is no content today, only me showing off my puppy
- casper
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youmeanddid · 4 years
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youmeanddid · 4 years
So recently I left front and found out that we had been in autopilot for a while, good news is that nothing relatively important seemed to happen besides our parents coming back from vacation, but I also realized that I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned autopilot? Like not even in our About Us page since we try not to enter autopilot as much as possible since no one remembers shit in that time frame. SO here’s a personal experience comic! Explaining what autopilot is to us as a system.
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youmeanddid · 4 years
If you experienced trauma in childhood or had a rough childhood, dude listen to me. Offer yourself play. You were deprived of it.
Keep bubbles in the house, blow bubbles in the yard, blow them in your room, get a coloring book that doesn’t have to be an adult one with mandalas, watch cartoons, laugh at stupid things, dress up as a superhero for Halloween, wear a Santa hat on Christmas and big light up snowflake earrings, lay down on the floor, lay down in the grass, eat eggos for dinner sometimes. It’s not stupid. You’re not childish. You’re giving your inner child what they had taken from them. They deserve it.
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youmeanddid · 4 years
There is no such thing as being “bad” because you are mentally ill.
There is no “good” and “bad” in mental health. There is “healthy” and “unhealthy”. There’s “coping” and “not coping”.
If my brain tells me I’m not getting enough attention, that’s not “bad”. It’s unhealthy. If I have a desire to blame someone for not giving me attention, that’s not “bad”, that’s unhealthy. If I follow through and act on those thoughts, that’s not “evil”, it’s unhealthy. I am not a bad person for having symptoms. I am unhealthy.
You are not a bad person for having symptoms. You are not evil or rude or unloveable or a disaster. You are sick.
And you don’t need to punish yourself for being sick.
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youmeanddid · 4 years
Stop seeing people as their conditions.
Yes, it's important to recognize their condition and the way it impacts their day-to-day life, but their condition is only one aspect of who they are.
For example, people tend to see me as this super well-rounded, intelligent, and independent individual until I tell them I'm autistic. Suddenly they start dumbing things down to me. I've even had people infantilize me without realizing it. Not only do people see me for my disorder, they see me with their inaccurate, stereotypical version of it.
(This is assuming they believe I'm autistic in the first place, but that's a whole other post.)
I cant even imagine what people with more stigmatized and vilified disorders go through. People with psychosis, cluster-b personality disorders, schizophrenics, DID and the like.
You are not your disorder(s). And you certainly aren't the demonized version of them that mainstream media sensationalizes for revenue. Your struggles are incredibly valid and most likely made worse by the stigmatization.
But please, listen to me. There are people out there (who don't have your disorder) who will see you as a full person. Who will want to be your friend, or your lover, or another form of partner. They'll see you for your interests and passions, the way you like your tea or lack thereof, the kinds of shoes you wear and the words you find funny, the movies you hate and the songs you love; they'll see you for you.
Please don't give up on yourself. I want you to be able to look in the mirror someday and go "I am still loved even with what I'm going through, not despite it." I want you to be able to see yourself for your full self, and eventually love who you see.
I know living with stigmatized disorders and conditions is really hard. But they do not define you, and I'll keep advocating for your personhood in the face of those who think otherwise.
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youmeanddid · 4 years
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youmeanddid · 4 years
Blue and purple for the ask, please? :3
Blue: “Anything your system and/or specific alters find calming in a time of panic?”
Firstly, I need to roast Hugo because his comfort band is THE BEASTIE BOYS!!! WHO LISTENS TO THE BEASIE BOYS TO CALM DOWN?
Anyway - we have a few pets that taking care of rlly helps ground us. We have a cat, a few fish, and just this month got a new puppy that keeps us busy. If we’re too overwhelmed to do things with them just lying with them, or watching the fish rlly helps us
Purple: How does your system and/or specific alters feel about the supernatural? Do they beleive in it?
It’s a pretty 50/50 split. Hugo and Cricket are both Wiccan (although Hugo’s practice is more based in Buddhism), and beleive in all that’s surrounds that, and the rest of us are kinda just indifferent to the whole idea. We have been considering converting to Judaism though, so that’s been fun
I think if faced with a ghost most of us would just logic our way out of it lol
- Casper
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youmeanddid · 4 years
“What kind of clothes do your system and/or specific alters like to wear? Does fashion sense differ from alter to alter?”
It’s a nightmare to get dressed because we all are alternative, but in slightly different ways. Plus, Cricket is the only femme presenting one in the system, so if she dresses us up and someone else switches out it’s uncomfortable 😅 we all try and stick to buying mostly black clothes because it’s what we can all ageee on but we also have some rlly wacky fashion choices (ahem, velvet overalls)
- casper
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youmeanddid · 4 years
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Credit to @the_depression_chronicles11 on instagram (reposted with permission)!
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youmeanddid · 4 years
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youmeanddid · 4 years
System colour asks!
Red / 🍒 - Is there any pet peeves your system and/or specific alters have?
Orange / 🍊 what are some things that your system and/or specific alters feel passionate about?
Yellow / 🍋 - Is there anything that your system and/or specific alters likes doing that makes them extremely happy?
Green / 💚 - How does music differ between alters? Does the entire system have the same music taste or does genres change from alter to alter?
Blue / 🦋 - Anything your system and/or specific alters find calming in a time of panic? any comforts?
Purple / 🔮 - How does your system and/or specific alters feel about the supernatural? Do they believe in it?
Pink / 🌸 - What kind of clothes do your system and/or specific alters like to wear? Does fashion sense differ from alter to alter?
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youmeanddid · 4 years
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This is fucking ableist cringe. Congrats to the writers for making a fictional "Dissociative Disorder" that makes people violent and heartless and adding onto the dangerous and sometimes deadly stigma that surrounds dissociative disorders, especially Dissociative Identity Disorder. This is not okay in the slightest, fiction influences reality and now people like me have to probably face a whole new wave of hatred and fear.
If y'all start making Cyberpsychosis "jokes", i will personally steal your kneecaps :)
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youmeanddid · 4 years
The feeling /as/ your splitting is unexplainable. It lies somewhere between feeling like a prisoner in your own head while you’re being possessed by a demon and realizing it’s what’s coming and almost welcoming the feeling because so you’re used to it. The feeling is so familiar then it’s almost comforting to give in because you already know that you’ll never truly fix yourself so what’s the point? Just give in.
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youmeanddid · 4 years
Post-Thanksgiving/Pre-Holiday Season reminder that:
It’s okay to eat.
It’s okay if you ate a lot/more than usual.
You 100% deserve to enjoy the holidays, no matter what your ED might tell you.
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youmeanddid · 4 years
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youmeanddid · 4 years
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