youmademe-stay · 4 years
hyunjin x (y/n) - oneshot [part 1/8]
You checked your phone one last time as you turned around the corner. the time read "11:45 am" and you were about 5 minutes late.
 "she's going to kill me", you thought to yourself as you put your phone back into your handbag and ran a hand through your styled hair. when your mother messaged you about having a meeting today, it really threw you off as you had planned to have two separate meetings with the company's lawyers before taking a break at your favourite café - but obviously, that was now out of the question, as you had to swap your comfy boots for your medium-sized black heels, a long dark green dress that almost completely outlined your body perfectly but at the same time left enough space for modesty and a black blazer that you left lying on top of your handbag, which you held by the handles
 as you came closer to the room, you practised your smile. the message you got in the morning was of course, like most messages from your mother, vague as fuck. "meeting in room 45, the fourth floor" this could've meant anything - a meeting with an important shareholder, a potential future Commander or Chief, or even an upset client
 you were finally there. the infamous Room 45, of the 4th floor. this room had always been, and always would be as far as you were concerned, one of the only rooms that were reserved only for family members to book - so basically, you and your mother.
 you placed a hand on the glass of the door and pushed it open, giving a bright smile to the guests - a man and a woman, before lowering your head to greet them and doing the same towards your mother, who was giving you a cheeky smile beneath her thick layers of lipstick
 'Good morning, my name is (y/n)(l/n). it's an honour to meet you two today' you coolly placed your bag down next to your seat before holding your hands out to greet the two of them. from your first initial scan of them, the woman was older than your mother but still relatively young, and the man with her was either her son or nephew and looked to be around your age or a few years younger
 'it's very nice to meet you too, (y/n) - ah' the lady replied with a warm smile, throwing you off slightly because of how she warmed up to you so quickly. you shook her hand with both hands, and after she let go, turned to the man, and held just one hand out to him
 'nice to meet you too Mr...'
 'Hyunjin' he said with a strict face as he shook your hand back. you forced yourself to not make any "extra" facial reaction when realising how soft his hand felt and how gentle his handshake was, and how much it contrasted with his strict face. he held onto your hand for a few seconds, but for you, it was one or two seconds too long, so you curved the ends of your fingers slightly inwards and let your nails touch his skin. 
 just as you wanted and expected, he let go of your hand. you then sat down and let your mother fill you in on the reason why this meeting was happening
 'so, (y/n) - ah,' your mother started off, 'this is Mrs Hwang, and her son Hwang Hyunjin. I've known Mrs Hwang for a few years now, thanks to some overlapping business conferences. she and her son own a company like our own!'
 'that's amazing, Mrs Hwang. I always find it very inspiring when I see women of any age in charge and responsible for companies like ours' you mentioned in a low voice, catching her eye as you said this. you smiled brightly as she smiled too, and you could've sworn from the corner of your eye, that you saw the Hyunjin dude roll his eyes
 'thank you (y/n)' you winced on the inside when she added the little touch of affection at the end of your name. it wasn't something you were used to, at all. 
 'but (y/n), as you know what issues we're facing right now...' you snapped back and paid attention to your mother, 'I had a talk with Mrs Hwang and her son here, and we both thought of something...'
 'Which is? oh, are we going to go into a merger? or a collaboration?'
 you turned slightly in your chair to face your mother, scanning her face for any clues on what she was about to say. no number of skills that you built in your mind over the years would've prepared you for the words that were about to hit your ears...
 'We were hoping you and Hyunjin would be willing...to get married, as part of a merger'
 your mouth dropped open before you could even force yourself to control your facial expressions. you glanced over at the two people sitting opposite you - Hyunjin had the same facial expression he had when you walked in, a strict and blank one, whilst his mother smiled at you, just a little less brightly than when you complimented her
 'I know it's a big thing to ask for' Mrs Hwang started to say. it hit you at that point why she was being so affectionate in the way she spoke to you, despite this being the first time you both had met, 'it's probably not what you had in mind at all coming here today. naturally, as a woman, I would never want you to be stripped of your right for something so beautiful like your marriage, but I've known your mother for years now, and I need to let you know that I would never come to this sort of plan with anyone else but her'
 'if you think about it this way, us getting married will benefit a lot of people. so, let's not be selfish here, and just do it' Hyunjin suddenly exclaimed. you immediately turned your head in his direction and glared into his large eyes. 
 as if his mother could read what you were trying to express through your eyes, she reached her arm out and hit Hyunjin on the arm, causing him to break the staring contest and wince in pain from the hit
 'Hyunjin-ah, don't interrupt me' she muttered in a low but audible voice in his direction. 'anyways, (y/n) - ah' she addressed you again. 'I know it's a big deal to ask of you. but as my son just put it, albeit it being very unprofessional, the fact that a lot of people will benefit from this...merger, if you call it, is true.'
 '(y/n)' you felt your mother's hand go on top of yours. her hand was warm and small, fitting cutely over your freezing cold large ones. 'I know it's a big decision, but you know I would never ask this of you if it weren't for current times. right?'
 you lowered your head slightly and glanced at hers and your hand on top of your right thigh, your heartbeat going quicker than the thoughts in your head. your mind was full of so many questions and excuses that ultimately, you were speechless
 'I...Mr Hyunjin' you looked up and gulped silently as you looked directly into his eyes once again, this time not in anger but in determination for the truth - something you were good at scanning for, regardless of how flustered you are.
 'are you okay with, all of this?'
 'well - ' he made eye contact with his mother, then sat up and continued speaking, 'I am okay with this. it was as shocking to me as it was to you, but since I only found out yesterday, I've already had a whole day to understand and come to terms with it. so, I will marry you'
 '(y/n), if you say no, then it's okay...we will find another way' you felt your mother's hand on you squeeze your hand a little bit. 'you know that your opinion to me matters more than anything - especially the company'
 now it was your turn to smile. 'mother, you know that the company matters a lot more than anything right now. while I can't, ' you sighed, 'while I can't believe that I'll have to get married right now, you and I both know that I will do what I have to do'
 '(y/n) - ah, that's amazing to hear' Mrs Hwang said
 'However,' you placed your other hand on top of your mother's and lightly pulled it off. 'I do have a few conditions'
 'first of all, there's no way I can get married straight away, especially to a stranger. I need at least a week in order to make a final decision. the second condition is that if at the end of the time period, I really can't come to terms with the idea of marrying Mr Hyunjin, then the marriage cannot happen, but, if possible I'd like to propose another way our companies can work together to deal with the issues we have. which comes to the third condition - if this marriage really doesn't happen, I really don't want any friendships to be ruined because of it' you emphasised the last one in particular towards your mother, since out of the four of you, only she and Mrs Hwang were the ones who actually had a friendship.
 'picky, aren't you?' You heard Hyunjin mutter, but you chose to ignore him. This was, after all, your speciality. Business 
 'this marriage, if it is to happen, is going to happen because of business purposes. To help strengthen the merger and make any current issues disappear. So, I feel like it is necessary we get through all the details now, so if anyone wants to back out,' you glanced in Hyunjin' s direction for a second before looking back at his mother, 'then we can figure out other solutions for our problems' 
 'will you need a contract to be signed too?' Mrs Hwang asked. Your feeling of anger immediately dropped when hearing the genuine concern in her voice - of course, you were angry at the fact that you had to get married and spend time with the loser called Hyunjin, but when his mother spoke, you realised that this really was as big of a deal to the mothers as it was for you and him
 'no, I don't think we should go that far' you replied to her, in a much more calmed down voice. "I'll save the anger for him" you mentally told yourself as the mothers began chatting excitedly at the idea of having a brand-new relationship between them: in-laws 
 As the two of them spoke and breezed through things like where yours and Hyunjin's week would be spent together, where the wedding would be, who would get invited etc, you couldn't help but stare at him. 
 Hwang Hyunjin. Such a regal name, but at the same time, it was fitting of him. You couldn't deny that he was good looking, because you could always get angry at someone but never become delusional. His face completely fit the Prince of your dreams that you would've had at age 10 or maybe a little more, regardless of how his black hair was growing into a mullet whilst the price of your dreams had always had undercuts. 
 Whilst you stared at him, he looked away from the ground and directly into your eyes. Naturally, you would have and should have looked away, but there was someone in his eyes that forced you to keep on looking - something, maybe your gut feeling, was telling you that he was hiding a lot more than he revealed...he might be "okay" with the idea of getting married... But being "okay" is not all he was
 'Is there something on my face?' he suddenly asked out loud, throwing you off the tracks of your thoughts and back into reality. You gulped, realising that both your mothers had stopped speaking as well in order to see what the conversation between the two of you was going to be like 
 'No, but I feel like I've met you somewhere before today' you blurted out without thinking 
 Hyunjin smiled weakly, with to your surprise, making a little dimple pop out of nowhere on his cheek. 'I was wondering if you'd realise today or by the time we'd get married. I met you at the wedding, didn't I?' 
 'the wedding?' 
 'you said you remembered. Bang Chan's wedding with - '
 Your eyes widened on their own as you realised what he was talking about. Despite the meeting him before thing, was fake as soon as you heard "Bang Chan" you knew that you actually HAD met him before. After all, there aren't many people you know that had a unique name like Bang Chan's
 'we met at the wedding, didn't we?' 
 'yes... That's what I just told you' 
 'can someone explain to us old ladies too?' your mother asked
 'mother, remember when I went to Maria's wedding and I told you some jerk - I mean, some guy, jumped and took her bouquet when it was coming in my direction?' 
 'oh my, was that Hyunjin?!' 
 You nodded with a little pout on your lips - but to your disappointment, instead of getting his mum to hit him again and have your mother console you over him stealing the bouquet that was clearly intended for you - the mothers began squealing like little children, exclaiming repeatedly about how it was "destiny" for the two of you to meet beforehand and the bouquet was a sign for yours and his future... Together
 ''I should've pretended to not know'' you thought to yourself as Hyunjin smirked at you. this little bitch not only stole your only shot at getting married happily for the first time - he stole the bouquet you and your best friend Maria spent a full 2 hours organising together!
 'ah, (y/n) - ah, you made my old heart feel very happy by telling me that. thank you' his mother said to you once her and your mother's childish talk ended. 'although my child has the habit of being quite immature every now and then, I assure you he also knows how to be mature. especially when it comes to taking care of those around him'
 you nodded and glanced at your mother, who made eye contact with you. after sending her a quick eye signal, she announced to the other two that you had a meeting elsewhere. "thank god she got it" you sighed in relief - the last time you sent her an eye signal to indicate that you had to be elsewhere, she did not understand and that ended up being a very awkward moment for you, her and all 50 employees in the same room...
 you slipped your blazer out from under your handbag's handles and as you stood up, flipped it around your so it rested on your shoulders comfortably. you then picked your bag up and slipped it into your left hand so you could shake Mrs Hwang's hand. you didn't offer a hand to Hyunjin this time, and simply left
 once you had gone, you opened your bag and checked your messages. one of your closest Chiefs thought you were dead because you hadn't checked your messages in half an hour, and another messaged you asking if someone had kidnapped you or not. you smiled at this and slipped your phone into your right hand, ready to type out a response to their messages, when all of a sudden...
 you felt your blazer being pulled off your right shoulder. using your left hand, you turned one foot and tried to stop it from falling onto the ground, when as "destiny" would have it - Hyunjin was there. holding onto one of your blazer sleeves with a look of confusion
 'what - '
 'Sorry, I thought it was your arm' he let go of the blazer, causing it to fall onto the ground. you deadpanned. he made a clicking sound with his teeth, before leaning down and picking it up for you.
 'sorry, again' he handed it back to you. 
 'what are you doing here? are you leaving too?'
 'what? no, I...I had something to tell you'
 you crossed your arms and gave him an expectant look. 'go on'
 'this was the first time we properly met and spoke to each other, and I don't think you have the best impression of me right now, in your head'
 'you don't say'
 'you're not exactly shining in my eyes either Miss (y/n)'
 you narrowed your eyes at him. 'what's your point, Mr Hyunjin?'
 'I think we should forget about the bouquet, and the meeting just now, when the week officially starts. neither of us will benefit if we keep feelings of distaste for each other during the week - do you get what I'm trying to say?'
 you relaxed your eyes and nodded. as much as you'd prefer for him to be wrong, he was right. wasting time and energy being mad at him for small reasons wouldn't help anyone, especially your mother with all her high hopes
 'fine. let's truce from when the week begins to when the week finishes' you held your right hand out and he, for some reason, high-fived it instead of giving you a handshake. "maybe it's only the suit that makes him look mature", you questioned in your head
 'I'll need your number, by the way. my mum said so, and your mum agreed' 
 you couldn't help but chuckle at this. he raised an eyebrow at your reaction
 'what's so funny?'
 'nothing. you sound like a little child getting permission from his mother or something'
 a corner of his lips went up and he chuckled too. 'very funny. I doubt you're older than me. I was born in 2000'
 'that's nice to know' you replied blandly as you opened your Contacts page up on your phone and selected the option to add a new contact. 'here, add your number'
 'aren't you going to tell me when you were born?'
 'maybe I will, maybe I won't. will I get your number today or after the week?'
 he deadpanned but took the phone and typed his number out.
 'if the week goes well, you have to let me know' he told you with an amused smile as he returned your phone. 
 you nodded and turned around and began to make your way again to the lift. "what bullshit" you thought to yourself as you checked your Contacts list to find his number. "why's he so desperate to know my birthday?"
 you looked through your entire list of numbers but couldn't find one with his name on it. making your eyebrows furrow, you checked once again and read carefully, all the names you had to make sure you didn't miss one out. that's when you found it
 "My Handsome One Week Fiancé Jinnie"
 your eyebrows relaxed as you couldn't stop yourself from laughing out loud. as you reached the lifts, you tried to calm yourself down, so you distracted yourself by pressing a button that made the doors open to an empty lift and stepped in. but as soon as you stepped into the lift the giggles returned and you burst out laughing once again
 what you didn't notice was the fact that Hyunjin, after giving you your phone back, hadn't left to go back to Room 45. he was still standing in the same spot you left him at, and when hearing you laugh, knew that you saw his contact name and chuckled quietly to himself too
 as your lift made its way down to the first floor, you finally managed to calm down and edit his name, changing it from "My Handsome One Week Fiancé Jinnie" to "The Bouquet Thief". as you looked at the new name, you unknowingly smiled to yourself as a small thought came to your mind: "maybe this week will be more bearable than it sounds"
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youmademe-stay · 4 years
seungmin x (y/n) - oneshot
'don't you dare Kim seungmin!' you held your arms out with your hands perfectly straight, replicating the first martial arts move that came to your mind whilst staring straight into the shook boy's eyes
he slowly lifted his hands up and turned them into fists as he got into his own fight pose. 'all I said was - '
 'I'm not hearing it. today was meant to be my day off, there's no way I'm wasting it on you'
his eyes narrowed at this remark. 'I love how specific your dislike towards me is, but this isn't for me. my friend asked I go with them, and I obviously can't go alone'
'you can. you don't need me to be there. what good would I be anyways?' 
'(y/n)' he put his hands down and his expression changed from one of fear to one resembling the pouty emoji. 'it's a blind date. if my friend is going to be set up with someone, and I go with them, then I obviously need to go with someone else. please, help me out a little'
you looked deep into his eyes and scanned for the truth. which he was telling. you lowered your arms and stood up straight, mentally rolling your eyes at the scenario you were in
'and I'm the only girl you can take?' 
'No, but you're the only girl I'd want to take on a blind date for a few hours'
'a few hours?!' seungmin rolled his eyes at your sudden outburst
'yes (y/n), 3 hours tops. seriously, is it just because you're tired or have you never been on a blind date before?'
you narrowed your eyes and glared at him, causing him to immediately drop the sarcasm and go back to pouty seungmin
'but I'm tired~'
'but I'll be buying you so much food!'
'I have food at home!'
'we're going to watch the fireworks at the park after eating, that'll be more fun than watching some drama alone in the dark?'
you considered this and shook your head. his shoulders dropped significantly as you began to say,
'I'd rather watch my drama...'
and quickly sprang back up when you added,
'but fine. but this is the first and last time you make me go out on my day off'
he smiled cutely at you and held a hand up to his forehead, saying 'yes ma'am!' before putting his hand down and moving closer to hug you
'yeah, yeah. I know I'm amazing' you mumbled into his shoulder as you hugged him back.
he moved back and, on his way, out, shouted, 'Mr and Mrs (l/n) I'm going to take (y/n) out on a date tonight!' as he closed the door.
before you could pounce on him for that unneeded action, that you already know would be the source of your family's jokes for at least a MONTH, he turned his head and said in a lower voice to just you,
'and because it's a blind date, I'll take you to the venue, but we have to pretend we don't know each other'
you rushed to the door, but he closed it just before you could grab him by his collar. you spent about 5 seconds considering whether or not you should open the door and chase after him, but then decided against it. "he didn't even mention when we had to leave" you thought to yourself as you dragged your legs over to your closet and opened it up.
'and the venue's formal, so wear a dress or something' 
you turn around just in time to see the door close again. "this bitch" you say in your head as knots form in your stomach at the thought of wearing a dress. luckily, you shaved your legs the night before, but that didn't mean shit to you since the last time you checked you only had two dresses: a bright pink one from your 5-year-old sister's Peppa Pig themed party and a black funeral gown.
you quickly began to scan through your clothes with your hands, ignoring the endless rows of hoodies and shirts that screamed for your attention, and that's when you saw it
it was a silky red gown that ended at your knees. it had no shoulders and fitted perfectly around your shoulders, without it looking like it would show too much cleavage either. the hem at the back of the dress was a bit longer compared to the front, but that gave it more of an elegant appearance. you normally would've spent a few good minutes staring at it and wondering where it even came from, but because of the fact that seungmin could walk in at any moment to drop another fact bomb on you lingered in your head, you quickly took the dress out of the closet and chose an appropriate pair of undergarments before rushing to your en suite bathroom
after putting the dress and undergarments on, you stared blankly at yourself in the mirror. "damn...I look different" you thought to yourself as you removed the clutch on your head and let your locks fall gracefully onto your shoulders and around your face.
'different, but still sexy' you gave your reflection a wink before proceeding to do your hair. once you got your hair to look classy and not like you just woke up, you left the bathroom and began to do your make up
'(y/n) we need to leave - '
seungmin froze as soon as he saw you with your mouth open as you applied your favourite shade of lipstick, and you froze when realising seungmin just walked in and saw your secret stash of makeup. although you didn't realise it, both of you simultaneously had the same thought at that moment:
'erm, I erm...just came to say that we're leaving in 15 minutes. don't...get that on your teeth. it'll look kinda creepy' he said in a weirded-out tone before leaving. as soon as the door closed you sighed loudly and proceeded to check if any lipstick was on your teeth.
one of your favourite things to do on your days off was put on tons of makeup just for the fun of it, and seungmin knew you liked to put on some eyeliner or lip gloss every now and then - but now...you'd just been exposed. and you wrote a mental note to yourself because of it:
''if he ever uses this against me, I'm going to tell every crush he's ever had that he simped over them"
and with that thought having been memorised, you happily resumed to putting your makeup on. although you'd never really gone out with a full face, except maybe for an odd wedding or two, something kept telling you in your heart that you were going to look amazing for the date
to finish everything up before meeting seungmin downstairs, you put a cute pair of red high heels on. now whilst you were god-level when it came to makeup when it came to high heels you were below Felix's level of Korean when you first met him - and that was (no offence)...low.
you took a few steps in the shoes and managed to grab onto your desk chair before crashing onto the floor. "okay, plan two", you thought to yourself as you reached out for a comfy pair of slippers and placed them into your handbag. you stood up again, with the heels still on, and step by step made your way to the door of your room with your handbag.
'yah (y/n) we need - '
the door suddenly sprung open, scaring the shit out of you and seungmin alike as you moved back and slipped, and he moved closer and grabbed you by your elbows. when he did that, you were both in the weirdest way, frozen. he was doing a mega lunge by trying to keep you and himself off the ground, and you were stuck between saying to him "let me go" and "don't you dare let me go you asshole"
but luckily - for the both of you - you didn't have to choose. your parents, who were silently laughing and watching on the side decided to help for once and whilst your dad put an arm around your back and helped you up, your mum pulled Seungmin back so he could let you go and stand up straight without pulling a muscle
'I know you're excited to take my (y/n) out tonight seungmin, but please think about her siblings - they're underaged' you dad jokes as he kissed you on the top of your head.
'dad, this isn't something I agreed to - '
'make sure you remember to call me when you get there (y/n), and if you guys want to spend the night out, just tell me beforehand' you mum kidded. you watched your parents high five each other and rolled your eyes, not realising that seungmin was blushing like crazy at their remarks
'we erm, let's, should we - '
'let's go?' you asked seungmin, who looked like he lost the ability to speak thanks to the two comments your parents made. he nodded and you grabbed him by the arm and as you two made your way to the stairs you could hear your siblings make vomiting sounds as you walked past their rooms
once you two were in the car, you slipped your heels off and swapped them for the slippers, ignoring the fact that seungmin had his eyes on your already bruised ankles
'why wear them if they hurt you?' he asked in a concerned voice
you responded sarcastically by saying, 'why take me out when I could be relaxing after working hard for two weeks straight?'
'(y/n), don't be sarcastic with me~'
'Fine, I won't. I'm wearing them because they suit the dress'
he mumbled something, but before you could ask him, your phone rang. when you answered it all you could hear, apart from the sound of even louder vomiting, was your mother asking,
'so are you guys going to stay out tonight?'
you handed your phone over to seungmin, who took it and after waiting a few minutes, said, 
'yes, Mrs (l/n) I'll make sure she doesn't fall over and break something. good night~'
after that, the two of you made your way to the venue, which you didn't realise was one of your family's favourite places to go until you were at the car park
'did you choose this venue?' you turned in your seat and looked directly at him, scanning his face for any signs of a lie. he shook his head and turned to face you and smiled
'No, but I know you like this place. my friend does too, so maybe you two will get along well'
'is your friend handsome?'
you laughed as his smiled dropped at your question. 'why does that matter?'
'because if this doesn't go well for him, I can always, you know~'
he smiled at this and nodded, 'sure, let's see how it goes'
he opened his door and stepped out, then walked over to your side and pulled it open and waited for you to realise that you had to swap your shoes once again once you did, he looped his arm with yours and the two of you made your way to the main building. 
'you look really pretty, by the way' you snapped out of your thoughts when he suddenly said this.
'erm, thanks?'
'even though you don't normally...you know, have your makeup on like this, I think it really suits you. you could be a makeup artist if you wanted'
he smiled at you when saying this, which made you realise he was telling the truth. "quick (y/n) say something nice back" you thought to yourself
'your teeth look cute when you smile. do it more often'
you mentally face palmed yourself when hearing him laugh at this, then proceeded to mentally dig a ditch to hide in when he thanked you for caring so much about his teeth
the two of you used the elevator to go to the right floor - and to save your dying ankles - and after checking in with the waiter, met Seungmin's friend and - 
'hi, seungmin! hi, seungmin's blind date!' a tall girl in a baby blue dress and 6-inch heels walked up to you two and hugged the each of you, forcing him to leave your arm for a few seconds as you hugged the girl and the anxious yet smexy guy she was with
'took you long enough' the girl kidded once all of you got to sit down. the girl and her date sat opposite each other, so you had to end up sitting with the girl and have seungmin sit opposite you.
'sorry, Ye-Na. I misplaced my shoes, so it took me a bit longer to find them' seungmin replied. that's when it hit you - the reason why he didn't answer whether his friend was handsome or not!
'so, you and seungmin are good friends?' you asked the girl. she nodded, then asked you back
'I've known him for a year or so because I work in stage production. I'm guessing you've known him for, a few days. or did he ask you out this morning?'
you fake laughed at this, making eye contact with a blushing seungmin, before responding. 'no, I actually asked him out and he rejected me. then he called me back yesterday and asked if I wanted to go on a double date with a friend of his, so I said yes'
'ooh, seungmin~ I guess you couldn't get her out of your mind, huh?' Ye-Na's date joked, nudging seungmin in the arm with his fist. 
as Ye - Na and her date continued to talk and find out things about each other - since this was still a blind date - you secretly tried to change out of your heels and into your slippers. it was a lot easier said than done, since waiters kept moving around and glancing at your feet, causing you to repeatedly move back in your seat
just as you were about to give up on the idea of comfort, seungmin got out of his chair and kneeled next to your bag, taking out your slippers before you could say anything. you glanced over at Ye-Na and realised that she was too immersed in her conversation with Mr Smexy. whilst you were checking to see if they had noticed seungmin missing, you yourself missed out on seungmin taking your heels off and placing the slippers on. you only realised when your bag accidentally hit your foot as he stood back up.
you both made eye contact and you mouthed "thank you". he smiled, showing his goofy teeth, before getting Ye-Na's attention and excusing himself to the bathroom
'i have to say (y/n), I love your dress!' Mr Smexy commented after Seungmin left. 'it looks classy, but not too elegant for a formal night out'
you smiled and complimented both his attire and Ye-Na's.
'I love how you and Seungmin were co-ordinated in your outfits.' Ye-Na added after receiving her compliment. you gave her a confused look, but she didn't realise and continued to say, 'something is giving me the idea that you and seungmin know each other a lot more than what is allowed for a blind date' before you could respond a voice from behind you spoke up
'actually, you're wrong. we just happened to be co-ordinated.' seungmin said in a confident voice as he pulled his seat out and proceeded to sit down. as he sat down, you quickly scanned him and realised what Ye-Na had meant: whilst you were wearing a beautiful red gown and had a creme bag, Seungmin was wearing a dark maroon shirt with all the buttons done except the first two and perfectly un - creased creme trousers and black shoes. 
'wow...' you accidentally said out loud, still immersed in his clothes. as you felt everyone looking at you, you quickly looked away from him and laughed, adding, 
'I didn't even notice he was missing, I thought the chair was talking for a second!' Ye-Na chuckled at this, and so did her date, but you could tell it was just to avoid making the situation more awkward. you looked away from them at seungmin and could see that within his innocent face, he was trying so hard to not laugh
the waiters came and took all your food orders and whilst you all waited, Ye - Na decided to explain her profession and so did Dong - Mu, her date. by the time they finished explaining the history of stage production and interior design, all your food orders came. 
"thank god," you thought to yourself as everyone began to tuck into their food. you checked for your napkin and found it, then peeked to see if seungmin had begun his food or not. to your surprise, he looked confused and as if he was searching for something without making a big deal out of it. your instincts told you that he was missing a napkin or something to clean his hands with, so without thinking you folded your napkin in half and held it out for him he looked at it and smiled a little before taking it. as he unfolded it, he mouthed to you "thank you"
about 30 minutes passed where there was nothing annoying you as you blissfully enjoyed your food - Ye - Na and Dong - Mu kept talking whilst eating, but luckily, they didn't include you in the conversation, and even more luckily, Seungmin knew you hated it when you were forced to have a conversation during eating time, so he didn't say anything to you either
after the main meals were done, you were informed by the head of the restaurant that it was officially 8:00 pm, which meant that it was officially dancing and drinking time!
you obviously knew what this meant, but since it was Dong - Mu's first time at the restaurant you explained to him
'before 8:00 pm the waiters only hand out water and sodas as drinks, but now they're going to allow people to have wine or vodka. that's the drinking part. if anyone doesn't want to drink, then they can continue to eat their food and sit down or they can go dance at the front of the room' you pointed out to a bunch of tables near the front of the room and added, 'they're going to move those tables so people can dance. at 9:00, if anyone feels like singing, after checking what song it is, they will bring out a small band and let someone sing a song'
'wow, it sounds like you've been here a lot (y/n)!' seungmin said. you forced yourself to not facepalm and simply nod
'(y/n) what would be your preferred thing to do? dance, drink or sing?' Dong - Mu asked as a waiter poured him a glass of wine.
'none' you responded happily. 'when I come here with family, they all always dance or sing so I prefer to sit back and eat their food whilst they make a fool out of themselves'
'well, I think you should change that today, here!' Dong - Mu handed his glass of wine over to you, but before you could deny it, Ye - Na picked up your water glass and firmly placed the glass of wine down
'i agree. today's a date, let's liven up and have fun~' she said happily despite you looking shook af
the stealing food reason wasn't the only reason you chose to sit down; the other reason was that you were a major lightweight and couldn't stand drinking or being around drunk/tipsy people. seungmin knew it, your family knew it - goddamn, your teacher at university even knew it.
you laughed weakly for the two of them and said a simple, 'ok'
'you don't have to though (y/n)' seungmin said loudly. you looked over at him and despite the two of you being very fake the whole time you'd been there, you could feel like he was talking to the actual you, not you, you were pretending to be in front of Ye - Na and Dong - Mu. you could see the concern in his eyes, that had been there ever since Dong - Mu lifted his glass up in your direction
'thanks, seungmin. I'll take that into account' you responded with a weak, but true, smile
as the night continued, you all got your deserts and continued to talk here and there, but the level of socialness that was there at the beginning of the date was basically gone. you sensed it disappear the moment you tried to refuse the wine, and now you knew that both Ye - Na and Dong - Mu were simply waiting for you to have some wine in order to start being social again
"ah...fuck it," you thought to yourself. you looked down at your lap and sighed loudly, before looking back up directly at the wine glass, picking it up and taking a big gulp of wine
when you put the glass down you could hear Ye - Na and Dong - Mu shout in celebration and clap, but you could also feel Seungmin stare in shock at you.  when defining "lightweight", if you had a chance to change the definition you would - and simply replace it with your name. it hadn't even been a few minutes when the wine was entered your body that you felt the need to have one hand permanently holding the table. you could hear Ye - Na and Dong - Mu say something about dancing and felt the shifting of seats resonate throughout your body like a large echo as they got up and began to walk to the front of your room. 
as you were trying to ask them where they were going, you felt a hand hold yours and you felt fingers being entwined in yours. the fingers were warm, sweaty, and slim, opposing your cold ones. you felt another hand go on your waist as you got pulled towards something. once you felt something warm behind you, you leaned your head back and rested on it
'it's okay, I got you' seungmin's voice kept saying. you squeezed his hand tightly and giggled a little at the thought of how you must be looking in that situation 'seungminnie' you whispered.
'Yeah?' normally, he was always loud near you, to your dislike. but at that moment, his voice was so soft and quiet, you almost forgot that it was him speaking
'do I look ugly right now?'
'no, why would you?'
'because I'm...a lightweight. and I'm resting on a hippo's back right now'
you could feel him stifling a laugh as he explained. 'your head is on my shoulder (y/n). not a hippo, but close'
you giggled at this.
'you look very pretty and sophisticated' he added
'you do too~. seungminnie'
'why is my head on your shoulder?'
'well (y/n), if you want it to be on the floor, then I'm sorry but as your date, that can't happen'
you giggled again. normally, he wasn't anything close to hilarious but for some reason at that moment, the words coming out of his mouth were the funniest you'd ever heard
'i can't believe it' you whispered
'that I'm on a date with you. that I took a sip of wine. that I think you're actually funny right now'
he chuckled at this and moved his head closer to yours. you could feel the heat of his breath as he whispered into your ear,
'I can't believe I'm on a date with you either. thank you for making this an unforgettable night. I love you'
you smiled and sat up, turning to him, and saying, 'I love you too!' before resting back on his shoulder. 
after that, you shut your eyes and let seungmin tell you what was going around the two of you. somehow, Ye - Na managed to do something that made Dong - Mu upset, then when she tried to make it better, she ended up getting upset - and Dong - Mu spilt a bowl over himself, which was either all mixed up information or just the result of a very weird blind date combination
'(y/n) - ah, can I know something?'
you felt the hand on your waist tighten a little. 'why did you drink the wine?'
 you opened your eyes and noticed your eyesight become much clearer. the wine's effect was going down. 'I don't know. I thought that if I did, the whole mood would've become better'
he sighed, and you anticipated his answer that would follow that sigh - just before you could get it though, you could feel his phone vibrate from his trouser pocket.
'pick your phone up' you mumbled as you sat up and shake his hands off you. as he did, you waved at Ye - Na and Dong - Mu as you saw them make their way to the table.
'Dong - Mu what's wrong?' you asked with big eyes, not noticing the large af damp spot on his dark blue blazer
'(y/n) do you wanna dance?' Dong - Mu asked with a sneaky look at Ye - Na. normally, you would've said no, but for some reason, you got the weirdest idea that dancing would shake you out of your small tipsy state
'sure!' you stood up and took his extended hand. just as you were about to turn to wave goodbye at seungmin, you heard a loud laugh that forced you to turn back and face Dong - Mu.
'I'm sorry - but are you going to change those?' 
you looked down at what he was pointing at, and that's when it hit you that you were still wearing your slippers. your old, worn out, lemon-coloured slippers.
'oh yeah,' you giggled, hoping that this was another situation you could laugh out of without feeling embarrassed.
'I mean, if you don't want to' Dong - Mu tried to suggest whilst trying to hide his laughter. clearly, he wasn't very good at it. you dropped your smile and started to feel your cheeks turn red when he didn't stop laughing after a minute or two. you could feel Seungmin looking at you and could feel his anger level rising
'I'm, sorry - '
'don't be' seungmin grabbed Dong - Mu's wrist and pulled his hand away from yours, entwining your fingers with his as he added in a stern voice, 'she'll have more fun dancing with me'
Dong - Mu's face straightened almost immediately. 'no, it's okay I will'
'no, I will. how about you focus on the reason you're actually here tonight, which is my friend Ye - Na'
'how about you calm down - '
'how about you two go dance' you let go of seungmin's hand and smiled at the two of them, 'and I go to the bathroom?'
before anyone could object or say anything,  you picked up your phone and headed to the bathrooms, your head lowered as you ignored the laughing and cheering around you from other people
once you were in the bathroom, you let out the big breath of air that you were holding in and let the embarrassment go through your mind. you brought a hand up to your eyes and took a few deep breathes and slowly let them out bit by bit until you could feel your heart rate go back to normal
"it's just a pair of shoes. everyone would've forgotten by now. after this, you're going to go home and never see these people again. except seungmin. you'll see him tomorrow and pretend tonight never happened"
you opened your phone and opened your chats to text seungmin. as you were typing out your message, you got a call - and luckily, it was from the very person you needed at that moment
'seungminnie' you called out with a small smile
'(y/n) is everything okay? do you need anything? should I ask a waitress of Ye - Na to go to the bathroom?'
'Kim seungmin'
'what, why? why do you keep saying my name like that, I'm getting worried'
'i like your name' you giggled after saying this. you weren't sure if at that moment, your mind was speaking or the leftover wine in your system
'are you okay??'
'can we leave?'
'you want to go home?'
you nodded, then remembered that he couldn't see you through the phone. 'can we skip the fireworks and just go home or something?'
'erm...' you could hear the waiter talking in the background about the bill of the food. 
'I'm going to bring your stuff to you, so meet me outside the bathroom okay?' 'thank you seungmin'
after the call ended, you got a tissue and quickly dabbed at your forehead, removing the small signs of sweat that formed when you were still stressed, and once you finished you left and were greeted by a tired-looking but still handsome seungmin. 
'let's go. where are the others?' you asked as the two of you made your way to the elevator. 
'they went ahead because the fireworks began. when you asked me, it was after they left, so...'
'we should go?'
'I mean if you don't want to - '
'no, let's go' you looked over at him and smiled. 'let's just not be next to them as the fireworks are happening'
he smiled and nodded. 'good idea'. you felt his arm go around your waist and on a normal day, this would've been enough to earn him a jab to Adam's apple, but since that night was nothing of the ordinary, you rested your head on his shoulder and thought to yourself:
"I'm so glad you're here"
the two of you made your way to the car park like this, with his arm around you and your head leaning against him, and even when you passed random people and remembered how you were still in your slippers, the fact that he was there, right with you, calmed you down and made you feel slightly more confident about your footwear
once in the car, you guys decided to take the detour to the park, which was where the fireworks were happening. to soothe the mood and forget the annoyance that was Dong - Mu, you stole Seungmin's phone and played his playlist of rap songs, causing him to rap every now and then and when he couldn't, you mocked him and rapped how he did (just with a more nasally tone) once the two of you got there, and seungmin parked the car, you opened your bag and got your heels out.
'(y/n), if you don't want to, you don't have to wear them' he said in a soft voice. you glanced over at him and almost immediately agreed with him, but a little voice in your head tried to tell you otherwise
'but lemon really doesn't go with my dress'
'(y/n) you know that that does not matter. you could be wearing a bin bag and I'd still think you're prettier than anyone'
for a second, you felt your heart stop as you looked deep into his eyes. without realising, you smiled at him
he took the heels away from you and threw them into the back seats of the car, and brought back a black blazer
'you should wear this. it's getting a bit chilly'
before you could object, he got out of the car and closed his door. you stared at the black blazer in your hands and almost burst out laughing.
this wasn't any old blazer. this was a blazer you had made him buy for himself - the memory was as clear as day in your eyes. he used to hate wearing blazers, especially the super fancy ones, but when he got his car you forced him to buy one and always keep it in the car in case he was forced to go somewhere where formal attire was needed and he wasn't already wearing something formal
after putting the blazer on, you opened your door and joined him in the small walk to the sitting area, where many other couples on dates were sitting to watch the fireworks.
even though you weren't purposefully looking, to your delight you couldn't see a baby blue dress or dark blue suit in site. you sighed loudly in relief, because of this
'is everything okay?' you turned your head to seungmin, who was already looking very concern-fully at you. 
'yup. do you think it was a good idea to ditch Ye - Na and - '
'Ye - Na is a good person, so she'll be able to deal with him. so, don't worry' 
'that's good'
'listen, about tonight, I...I'm sorry for all the skinship that happened. I couldn't help myself when I saw you drink the wine - I was scared you'd faint, or do something you'd regret - '
'i don't regret drinking it' you smiled weakly as your heart pumped loudly in your chest at your sudden confession. 'sure, I regret being born as a lightweight, but if it weren't for you, I really would've struggled tonight'. you took a quick breath of air before adding, 'if it were anyone else with me tonight, I don't think I would've had enough courage to drink. you're the only guy that I can trust enough to be around'
'what I do regret is not thanking you for this dress as soon as I saw what you were wearing' you grinned as his eyes grew bigger at the fact that you realised the truth behind the beautiful dress you were wearing.
'How did you...?'
'come on, seungminnie. you can't look at your outfit, and look at mine, and say that they weren't coordinated. when did you have time to even put it there?'
he laughed at your comment. '(y/n), when you're busy and out of your house, you only wear two or three good outfits. so, most of your time your closet is untouched'
'oof' you placed a hand on your chest and mimicked pain 'touché bitch'
'what I don't regret' he suddenly added in a more serious tone, 'is declining Ye - Na's request for the blind date'
'wait, what? why?'
'that dress...was supposed to be for our own date. I...I planned to ask you out yesterday when you'd finish working because I knew today was your free day, but then Ye - Na called me...'
he looked away from you and once again you could feel your heart pumping loudly inside of you. you tried to think of what you could say, but your throat was all of a sudden, too dry.
'i really, really like you (y/n). you're a good person to me, and I feel like if I didn't have anyone in my life but you, then it would still be a life worth living.' 'seungminnie...'
'I know, maybe you have different opinions about me. and I will respect them - '
'Kim seungmin.'  he looked up and straight into your eyes at the sudden declaration of his name, as if he'd never hear you say it before. 'do you think, that for any other guy I would've sacrificed my day off? that, for any other guy I would have put on my good makeup, my good but impractical heels, and used my good bag? for any other guy, I would have drunk flipping wine and not straight up passed out?'
'what - '
'you're an actual idiot Kim seungmin. but so am I' you felt tears quickly collecting up in your eyes, and this time it was not due to the wine, but in fact, the truth. 'I really like you too, but I didn't even realise how much I liked you. it took me a pretty shit, bad blind date to realise it;
'When I said "I love you" earlier tonight, that wasn't because of the mood I was in or because of the wine. it was because of you'
'(y/n) I...I love you too' you noticed his eyes become a little bit glossy too and quickly put your hands on his shoulders, bringing him closer for a hug. 
just before you two could hug, however, he put a hand on your face, stopping you, and whispered, 'i've wanted to do this for a long time',
before pulling your face closer to his and giving you a kiss on the lips at the first instant moment, your eyes widened as your brain couldn't take in what was happening - but then, a second or two later, your brain switched off as your heart understood, and just like him, you closed your eyes and kissed him back.
when you two broke off a minute or two later, the first time you noticed was how much he was smiling. 
'why you smiling, weirdo?' you asked in a whisper
'because, you weirdo, you stole my confession. I was meant to say "I love you" first' you smiled at him, and replied, 'well you stole my day off. it's justified'
'well then, I guess this means I'm going to continue stealing them'
'if you ever steal another one of my days off, I'm going to superglue my heels onto your feet' 'deal. I'd go through that much for you. plus, I think they suit my complexion better'
you giggled at his sudden burst of confidence, before pulling him into another kiss 
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youmademe-stay · 4 years
lee know/minho x (y/n) oneshot
I felt the buzz of my phone from my pocket and sighed. I am never going to get any work done if I keep getting messages from people. "I'm too famous," I think to myself as I place my paintbrush down and take my phone out of my pocket
'let's see who -' I say out loud to myself as I unlock my phone before I realised what the message is for I can't believe this My Uber Eats guy cancelled my meal It takes me a minute or two to understand this, but when it fully hit me it hurt even more than when I came home and sat on my bed and found an open red tube of paint underneath my covers. He is never cancelled on me... I've known him for 3 days, I thought this was going to last forever I sigh, before putting my phone back into my pocket and picking my paintbrush again. This is why my mother taught me to be independent - you can't trust anyone.  
 I stroke the paint onto the canvas lightly and move my wrist ever so slightly once a stroke is done and a new one begins, to get the perfect look of the wind. this painting was meant to inspired by the weather, but now that's it's been a few hours since I started it, it's beginning to remind me more of my bedroom on a bad day
 I put the paintbrush down again and stretch my arms. I feel the buzz of my phone again and use one hand to take it out of my pocket again, leaving the other suspended in the air. I swear to god Uber Eats if you don't find me a new guy I - 
 I stop complaining and freeze. then let my other arm fall to my side. then smile.
 "babe it's time" I read for the third time in a row. it's time? seriously - he made me wake up at 6 in the morning and now it's fine?!
 "okay. on my way" I message back before putting the phone down and rushing to my bed, where my outfit of the day is already laid out. I change out of my black painting slacks into a white jumper crop top and leggings, with a pair of jeans overalls over the leggings. as I take my hair out of my lazy attempt at a messy bun and brush it with a comb, I hear the phone buzz a few more times from where I left it.
 i slip my socks on as well as my birthday bracelet before walking back to my desk and picking up my phone and unlocking it
 "it's okay, take your time"
"Actually, don't take your time, I'm very emotional right now"
"Actually, just hurry up. I feel like killing jisung right now. we're sitting on your patio"
I couldn't help but smile. god, as much as I deny it when he says he is, he can be so cute sometimes. I rush out of the room with my backpack and towards the front of the house, quickly slipping on some converses before opening the door, seeing the backs of two grown men sitting on my patio, smiling at the both of them, and locking the door
 I assume at the sound of the lock, they realised I was actually behind them because when I turned around after locking it they were both facing me, one with a cardboard box in his arms and another with a cheesy grin on his face
 '(y/n) noona, why did you have to come so soon, i wasn't done annoying hyung~' jisung teased as he approached me with his arms open. i threw my bag into his arms and instead of hugging him like he expected, grabbed one of his cheeks with my thumb and forefinger, like how my mother did, forcing him to turn around
 'my boyfriend is not the type you can tease, is that understood Mr. Han jisung?'
 'ah, noona, please~' he whined in a slurred voice. I let go of his cheek and patted it lightly before taking my bag away from him
 'I mean, you can tease him, but only when I'm there, so I can help'
 jisung laughs loudly at this, much to my amusement. it's great to remember how hilarious I am sometimes...
 'you're not funny ((y/n))' Minho mutters in an annoyed voice. damn it. I forgot he could practically read my mind
 'I actually am though, dear boyfriend'
 'you're actually not though, dear girlfriend' he mocked back. on a normal day, we probably could have kept arguing for hours on end, but luckily, he had reminded me so much about this day before it happened that, I knew today wasn't the day to argue with him
'I’m going to leave now (y/n) noona. take care of hyung, he's a bit sensitive because of "you know what"' he winked at me and smiled cheesily again before jumping off the patio and off my front lawn.
 when he reached the end of it he turned around and shouted, 'he's probably on his period!' before immediately running
 'i feel so bad' Minho sighed as he moved closer to me. i put my backpack on and tried to take the box from him, but he shrugged my offer off and just kept looking into my eyes
 'I’d hug you right now, but...' 
 'it's okay' i smiled, 'i know it's tough for you, so the hugging can happen later'
 'the first house is about 5 minutes away from here, and the others are close by. that's why i didn't bring the car'
 'and also because...' i could tell what he was about to say, but i didn't interrupt anyways. it's not right to interrupt a normally emotional - less person, especially on a day like this. 'i want to spend as much time with them as possible'
 i glanced at the box and noticed the little holes at the top. around each hole was some sort of scribble, which i assume was meant to be the name of each kitten. i couldn't help but smile at this.
 'what?' he asked in a sad voice. he must've noticed me smile, since he isn't even trying to look directly at the box
 'it's nothing. let's go' we made our way off the patio and as we walked to the first house, i kissed my first two fingers and pressed them against his cheek
 'I'm sorry I can't kiss you right now. it's not like I don't want to, I just...'
 'it's okay, i understand mama Minho'
 on an average day, he would've rolled his eyes at this old nickname, but today instead he smiled weakly and shook his head
 'I'm going to miss being called that'
 'I mean, I'm the one who called you, it. the kittens didn't really understand how to speak'
 'yeah, but they gave the name, purpose'
 'well, you still have jisung right? just adopt him'
 i watched him carefully as his sad face changed into one of disgust, prompting both of us to laugh out loud. even though I can't stop him from being in his feels today - not that I'd ever do it anyway - I'm glad I can be with him to get through them
 we arrive at the house and stay at the door as the couple who live there open the box Minho was holding for so long and carefully take out two baby kittens. it took me a while, like 1 or 2 weeks, but when they were newborns I was taught each of their names, and even though I didn't see much of its point before, I'm so glad I did now
 'that's Mini, the girl' I told the lady, and then to the man, 'and that's blueberry, the boy'
 'please take care of them' Minho added in a low voice.
 the couple promised that they would, and after some friendly small talk, we left to go to the next house
 'i shouldn't be this sad' he suddenly said once we started to walk again.
 'what do you mean, it's completely okay to'
 'but I'm on the verge of crying when I haven't even known these cats for more than 2 months'
 'and? who said 2 months is a short time? it's quality, not quantity, and you spent every minute breathing with them, Minho. you have every right to be in your feels right now'
 'I guess that's true' he sighed. I glanced at the box and felt an urge to take it from him and hold it until we got there, but it didn't matter since we arrived there a lot quicker than I realised
 we made our way to the front of the house, made small talk with the parents and the little kid to whom Pringles the kitten was going to, before leaving. there were only a few cats left, but I could feel his sadness growing and I was at this point, running out of ideas on what to do to make him feel better
 'so, how're your paintings going?' he suddenly asked. thank you, god, for giving me a boyfriend who can read my mind, and instantly know when my awkwardness spikes
 'they're going good'
 'going good? don't you mean, going well?'
we made eye contact and I smiled and rolled my eyes at the sight of his cheeky smile. 'listen, i took art as my career because as much as my parents wanted it, there was no way i was going to take literature when i can't even speak right'
'you mean speak correctly?'
 'if you weren't holding the box I'd punch you' i warn as he laughs.
 'so, what were you doing before I messaged you'
 'nothing much, just finishing a painting for my gallery'
 'are we all still invited after...' 
 I look over at him and sigh, nodding my head. 'even though you destroyed one of my paintings by replacing all the eyes with printouts of all your ugly faces, you're all still invited. I need someone to be there to distract my parents from lecturing me'
 'should I ask my parents to visit?'
 'depends on whether or not they're okay with talking about marriage with mine'
'oh, I think they'll be fine with that. my mother still questions why I decided to be an idol when i can be 24 with a housewife and 2 kids at this point'
 now it was my turn to laugh. 'parents really think just because we're out of school and earning money, we should use that money on marriage and kids'
 'yeah. I want to settle when you're ready to settle'
 'yeah same, i - what?!' 
 I stopped walking and stared at him as he turned around and smiled at me.
'you're kidding right?' 
 he shook his head. 'have you never thought about us getting married one day?'
 I mean....of course I did. but I thought I was the only one
 'Yeah, but...how can you be so confident about it? shouldn't you be saying "when my fiancé is ready"?'
 'in my eyes, you're already my fiancé' he admits, in a weird yet cool way
 at this point, I'm stuck between wanting to punch him and being starstruck. like, god Minho, way to be straightforward. 
 'i can see why your fans like you, Mr. straight-to-the-point' i try to say without mixing up my words and looking dumb, 'c'mon, we need to get to the next place'
 I grab his arm and proceed walking, even though he's the one out of the two that knows where the next house is
 'After we're done, let's go to your place' he says after a bit of silence. I don't say anything and just nod. but then i take it in and realise what he said
 'why not your place?' I ask
 'it's a bit messy right now. had a struggle getting all the kittens together this morning'
 'oh, okay'
 'you still have some of my clothes, there right?'
 I glare at him and smack his arm and hard as I can, but not so hard that the remaining kittens feel it through the box
 'weirdo. yes, I do, but they're mine now' I state loudly and clearly, ignoring the people around us that saw me smack him
 'just like how you're mine huh?'
my jaw drops a little as I look into his eyes and this...revolting statement. god, if he sleeps over today, I'm going to have to listen to this jisung - level cringe for.....how long??
 'oh yeah. if you think that was cringe, I got a whole lot more coming up' he said as he nudged my elbow with this. 'you can thank jisung and changbin later for all the inspiration they gave me'
 #a few hours later#
 'can i put this here?'
 i turn around and see him place the box down on the sofa. as much as I’d appreciate it to go in the recycling, there's no way i can say it to him, so i nod and walk up to him, looping my arms around his waist as i rest my head on his chest and snuggle into it
 'it's been a long day' I say in a low voice. 'and I'm really proud of what you did. all those kittens will get the love and care they deserve Minho'
 'but what if they don't?'
 'then we'll take them back. i will attack the owners for not caring for them, and you take them, and we'll raise them here' I look up at him and smile. he smiles back, and despite it being a little bit fake, i take it and kiss him on the lips
 'What did I do to deserve that?' he asked after the kiss.
 I laugh and respond with, 'not much, but since today your inner mother is a bit hurt, I'll be nice to you. go ahead and wash up and I'll make something for us to eat'
 'don't you want to finish your painting?'
 'well, are you going to stay over tonight? is your schedule for tomorrow busy?'
 he looked away from me and thought about it, before looking back down and shaking his head.
 'well, that's good. when you sleep, I'll finish the painting off. so, from now until midnight we can do whatever you want'
 'and what if I don't sleep?' he asked with a smile that I know and have seen too much of.
 'then I will give you sleeping pills and make you watch literal paint dry until you do' I smile back as I unloop my arms and begin to make my way to the kitchen. ha take that Mr. I - know - I'm - sexy - when - i- do - this - smile. you just got served...
 whilst he went off to wash up and be weird, i stripped out of my overalls, leaving just my crop top and leggings on, and got out the ingredients for some pasta. thankfully, out of the two of us, I'm the better cook, so I'm not always desperate for his food - unless Chan made it - and I'm never starving.
 once I finish the prep work for the pasta and it's in the water, I go over to the freezer and take a frozen cake out as well as a tub of ice cream. this is all textbook breakup food, but since he let go of his "children" today I think that the food gods will allow an exception.
 i leave the cake on top of a plate in order to defrost along with the ice cream and go back to the pasta, doing all the things i need to do before i can take a break and check up on Minho
 'it's pasta day?' i suddenly feel two hands on my hips and his sharp jaw rest on my shoulder. jheez, this guy reads my mind too much these days...
 'not only pasta but cake and ice cream day!'
 'you want me to eat all of them together?'
'well if you want, yes. me, on the other hand, will enjoy them all separately'
 he chuckles and hugs me tight, mumbling, 'I’m sorry for being a mess today...'
 'it's okay' i say in a low voice
'this was the first time i had to do this and...it felt right, but wrong at the same time. i felt like i was giving a part of myself away each time one of them left the box'
i open my mouth to respond, but then close it without saying anything. in these times, it's better to let him say it all out so he can get it all out of his heart
'and yeah, i know that now each family will be happier, but those kittens reminded me of when i got my first ones....and when i was younger and more carefree too'
 'those kittens gave me time to distract myself from everything. work, social life, stress. all of that. and i....god (y/n) look!'
 my eyes enlarge as i realised that the water in the pot was overspilling. i let go of his hands I’d been holding onto as he spoke and lowered the flame and put the lid on the pot, allowing the water level to lower a bit
 'sorry, i was listening to you and - '
 'no, I’m sorry. I’ll help defrost the cake and ice cream, so you don't get distracted'
 before i could say no i felt his arms leave my sides and suddenly felt too cold. i watch him as he took the cake and placed it in the microwave and put the setting "defrost" on before opening the ice cream tub, getting two bowls out with spoons and forcing the still - frozen ice cream into the two bowls.
 once he finished, he closed the tub and put it away and picked up the two bowls and walked to my room. i guess he isn't in a movie mood then.
 once he's out of my eyesight, i continue making the pasta and getting it tasting just like how he likes it. i get two wine glasses out and fill them with sprite and ice -cubes, and take the cake out of the microwave.
 as the pasta is finished and i begin to put it all in a large container for the two of us to share, he comes back and takes the wine glasses
 'fancy a bit of the bubbly sir?' i ask in my best British accent. my heart warms as i see his blank face break into a smile as he replies in probably the worst accent I’ve ever heard,
 'if the madam wants it, the madam shall have'
 he leaves and i take the container and the cake to my room and - 
 how i didn't drop the food I’ll never know.
 he...somehow (?) cleaned up my room, made the massive pile of laundry near the window disappear and had my laptop sitting on top of my bed table, with the wine glasses on either side of the laptop and the ice cream bowls next to the glasses
 'i put your clothes in a bundle, so you can not trip up when you bring the real food in' he smirks as he snuggles into his side of the bed. i made my way towards the bed table, place the cake on my side and the pasta on his and sit down, giving him a kiss on the cheek immediately after
 'you didn't have to tidy up, but you did. so thank you'
 'you're so cute'
 I scrunch my nose at this remark. 'not as much as you think, but let's not argue in front of the food. c'mon, what d'you wanna watch?'
 'I don't mind anything. you can choose, YouTube, drama, a variety you name it'
 we ended up watching Knowing Brothers, one of my favourite shows now and enjoyed the food as we went through a random selection of episodes, and although he did laugh some of the time, most of the time he just sat back and had his arm around my waist and stayed silent.
 eventually, he did what I thought he'd do and lie down and pretend to go to sleep. he didn't nag me to put the food away or to make the videos quieter - he just went to "sleep". as he "slept" I quietly packed the food away and put each thing on the floor one by one, before closing the laptop and putting it and the bed table away too. once it was all gone, I shut the lights and lied down too, snuggling my face into his back and my arm around his middle
 in the silence, I felt his hand touch mine and held it tightly. he started to quiver a little, and I could tell it wasn't because he was cold. I said nothing as he cried, and waited until he turned around and let me hug him to speak
'it's okay Minho. I've got you. it's okay' I kept whispering as I stroked the back of his head.
eventually, he stopped crying and shaking, so I assume that meant the crying tired him out and he fell asleep.
 'I love you Minho. and so, do the kittens. and so, do Soonie, Doongi and Dori. and so, do all your fans and members and family...I'll accept you as a mean old grandpa, a weird on-drugs uncle, a sarky homosexual boyfriend to jisung, and as a caring and sensitive person. you can always cry to me, and I'll always be there to hug you' I whisper as tears fill up in my eyes. every word, I mean from the heart, and if he was awake right now, he'd know since he always knows what I'm thinking or feeling
 suddenly, his arm went around my waist as he hugged me tight and said, 'i love you too'
 god damn, he's a good actor. although i feel a bit annoyed that he heard all of it, I’m more glad than annoyed. 
 'i love you and want to grow old with you'
 'i love you and want you to be my fiancé'
 'i love you and want to be your wife'
 he moved his head back and has the funniest look of surprise, excitement and confusion written all over his face
 'what, did you think you were the only one who thought about marriage?' i joke, my heart beating like crazy at my confidence
 'no but, does this mean...'
 'yes Minho. i accept your lame ass proposal from before. now, let me say now i don't want to marry soon - '
 before i could finish my sentence he pulled me closer and we kissed. very deeply. i almost forgot, during the kiss, what we were talking about before it.
 a minute or maybe two passed before he moved back and let air enter both of our lungs
 'i will marry you whenever you're ready, and if you're never ready then i will stay by your side as all those things you mentioned - as an grandpa, a drugged uncle whatever you want'
 'Minho...i - '
 'and today wasn't my intent to propose - i actually had so much planned and - '
 'Minho - yah'
 'yes ((y/n))'
 'i love you'
 'i... i love you too'
 and that's when i saw it. today's first, full, genuine smile. 'can we kiss again?'
 'if that' what madam wants, that's - '
 I kissed him before he ended the sentence. god, I need to tell him soon that...if we are getting married one day, he'll have to promise me in the wedding vows, to never use that accent again
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