Limerence - Obi Wan X Reader
18+ | f!reader x Obi Wan | eventual smut | minors dni | 1k words
Hello my loves! Here is chapter two of the master x master fic I'm working on. I was considering making it longer but I was so excited I just had to get this part out asap! Future chapters will definitely be longer. Enjoy!! Chapter one is linked directly below vvv

BTW we are now in *this* era of Master Kenobi !!!!
It had been four months since that night on the balcony and plenty had happened since then. You had decided to take time to carry out missions on your own and simultaneously work toward becoming a Jedi Consular. In the past few months you’d stayed within the inner rim, often visiting the neighboring planets as a Jedi Ambassador to assist in resolving conflict. Your powerful connection to the force makes you an asset to the high council. Master Yoda had begun to take you under his wing and further teach you about connecting to the force and manipulating it. For days at a time, you would meditate morning and night, working on gathering up enough self-discipline to meditate for hours at a time. A portion of the knowledge one could happen upon through meditation was based on feelings. The great masters even spoke of being able to hear the voices of fallen Jedi as clear as day. Then, one afternoon you felt it, a disturbance in the force. You felt something dark. It felt as if something truly evil was standing directly behind you and though everything inside of you screamed at you to open your eyes, you stayed still. You couldn’t gauge where the presence was coming from. It didn’t feel as though it was within the temple, but it was certainly close by. The feeling continued to intensify and then you heard it, screams. It wasn’t just one voice, you heard millions cry out in agony. The noise rang in your ears and you couldn’t take it anymore, you opened your eyes with a gasp. Of course, you were alone in the room, the blinds were drawn and it was dead silent. You had to see Master Yoda. You hurried through the temple, your mind racing a million miles a minute. When you finally reached the room where Master Yoda typically spent his time you rushed through the threshold.
“Master Yoda,” you blurted out, sounding a bit out of breath.
Before you could say anything else your brain finally comprehended what was going on inside the small room. Sitting across from Yoda was Obi Wan, who had apparently returned from his mission. Yoda seemed relatively unphased by your crusade but Obi Wan was staring up at you as if you were the last person he’d expected to be entering into the room in such a hurry.
“Obi Wan,” you stopped in your tracks, looking the young man up and down.
“Y/n,” he replied, just as surprised as you.
“Forgive me,” you apologized, “I should’ve knocked.”
“Worry not, young Y/n,” Yoda smiled, his unwavering patience always seemed to baffle you, “Tell us, what is so important?”
“No, it’s alright I can come back,” you took a step backwards toward the door.
“Please, sit,” Yoda ignored you, “Catching up, we were.”
“Are you sure?”
You looked at Obi Wan who had seemingly found his composure and he nodded. You hesitantly took a seat on one of the cushions beside the two masters.
“Something important to tell us, have you?” Yoda asked, his hands clasped in his lap.
You eyed Obi Wan once more before giving in, “I sense something, a disturbance in the force.”
Yoda furrowed his brows.
“It felt as if something dark and powerful was nearby. It was so unbelievably heavy, I could hardly breathe,” you told the pair earnestly, “I fear the Sith we’ve been searching for is closer than we thought.”
“Felt this same power I have,” Yoda nodded and turned to Obi Wan, “What say you, Master Kenobi?”
“I’ve felt it too, ever since Darth Maul revealed himself,” Obi Wan replied, “Perhaps someone within our ranks?”
“No,” you shook your head, “I haven’t sensed anything unusual within the temple.”
“Nor have I,” Yoda agreed, “Meditate, we must, for the fight against the dark side has only just begun.”
You looked up at Obi Wan, concern written on both of your faces.
You left Yoda alone in the room, with Obi Wan following close behind. Your conversation had left you with more questions than answers, and you couldn’t tear your mind away from the whole ordeal. It wasn’t until you felt Obi Wan’s hand on your shoulder that you realized he had said something. You turned to look at him with wide eyes.
“Y/n,” Obi Wan said softly, “Are you alright?”
“I think so,” you nodded, “Hi by the way.”
A smile crossed Obi Wan's face, “Hi.”
“How was your mission?” You asked, starting to walk again, this time, with Obi Wan at your side.
“Good. It ran long but it was good,” Obi Wan ran a hand through his hair, “Anakin seems to be learning fast.”
His hair was almost past that awkward stage where it grows straight out, and sat somewhat messily atop his head. He looked less tired than before, but still exhausted.
“Master Yoda tells me you’re leaning towards being a Consular,” Obi Wan continues.
“I am,” you smile, “I at least need to practice patience before I try and take on a padawan.”
Obi Wan laughed, “Right.”
“How Master Qui Gon managed to tame you is beyond me,” you tease, letting yourself enjoy the warm energy between the two of you.
“Believe me, I’m just as surprised as you are,” Obi Wan chuckled, “I’m certainly getting my karma with Anakin.”
“Oh but he absolutely adores you,” you remind him.
“Maybe, but once he sets his sights on something, trying to get him to switch paths is nearly impossible. The boy’s as stubborn as a boulder,” Obi Wan watches as you let out a laugh.
As you round the corner you find yourselves face to face with Master Windu. The tall man looks only mildly surprised as he registers your faces.
“Ah, Master Kenobi,” Master Windu starts, “May I have a word?”
“Of course,” Obi Wan replies with a gentle smile.
“Follow me,” Master Windu motions for him to follow.
Obi Wan gives you one last look before following the older man in the direction you’d come from. As you turned to leave, you couldn’t help the grin on your face.
Hours had passed yet the screams stayed fresh in your mind. The sounds and feelings that had plagued you while meditating replayed in your head over and over. It all felt wrong. You had returned to that same room and began to meditate once more. You opened yourself up to the force, reaching out to any and all information hoping the situation would become more clear. You sat and listened for longer than usual, just waiting to catch the slightest tremor in the force with no avail. You were growing frustrated, feeling somehow punished for demanding clarity. The force does not exist solely for the Jedi, the force is everywhere. It’s unpredictable, it’s the only true balance in the galaxy. As you calmed yourself and steadied your breathing, you decided it was time to forget about it for the evening.
You hadn’t planned on going anywhere in particular when you’d left the meditation room, but subconsciously you’d lead yourself straight to the door of Obi Wan’s dorm. You hesitated for only a moment before knocking gently on the door. After a few moments the door slid open to reveal Obi Wan. His hair was messy and for once he was wearing a regular shirt.
“Hey,” you smile, “Are you busy?”
“No,” he shook his head and stepped aside, “Come in.”
You stepped into the room to see Anakin asleep on the very edge of the bed. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. Obi Wan walked ahead of you and motioned toward the door to the balcony. You followed him out into the night air and leaned up against the railing. Obi Wan mirrored your action and you smiled to yourself as you realized you’d managed to find yourselves in almost the exact same situation as you had all those months ago. Your shoulder brushed up against his as you enjoyed being in each other's presence. You had nothing to say to him, but it didn’t bother you. Being around Obi Wan calmed you like no other, and to simply stand beside him under the night sky was enough. Obi Wan sensed it too, you didn’t need him to say anything, you just wanted to be near him. You couldn’t help yourself as you rested your head on his shoulder. What you hadn’t expected was for him to lean further into you, welcoming your show of affection. You let out a sigh of contentment, wanting to stay like that forever. Your feelings for Obi Wan were complicated and taboo. You knew no matter how deeply you cared for him, you could never be anything more than friends. There were moments where you wished you could just reach out and hold him. You wished you didn’t feel for him in the way that you did but you can’t help it. Growing up together, you knew him as well as anyone could. You had tried to ignore all of the flirting and lingering glances. Back then it was merely intrigue. You had felt so plain and wondered why someone so beautiful inside and out would pay attention to you. It wasn’t until you’d gotten older, right when he started to become more responsible and mature, that you truly developed feelings for him. But you’d never act on them. Being around him was enough. Getting to call him your friend was enough. You remember him knocking on your door with tears in his eyes when Qui Gon had passed. He’d sat on your bed across from you fighting the pain he felt. You’d wiped away his tears and comforted him. He knew you cared for him, he was comfortable enough around you to express such a private emotion. Even if attachment weren’t forbidden, you don’t think he would ever reciprocate your feelings. It was better to keep it under wraps, to avoid letting any of it show through the cracks. But tonight, standing beside him with your head on his shoulder, you wondered if maybe, just maybe, he felt the same. You felt his stare and lifted your head from his shoulder. He was looking at you earnestly, taking in your beauty beneath the soft moonlight. If you hadn’t known better, you could’ve sworn he was staring at your lips. And then he began to lean in. Your heart was no longer just fluttering, it was pounding as his lips came closer. Slowly, you mirrored his action. Your lips were mere centimeters apart, you could feel his breath on your face. His eyelids were heavy, beginning to shut but before you could close the distance between you, you heard light footsteps coming up behind you.
“Master Obi Wan?” Anakin’s tired voice pulled you from your thoughts.
“You had another bad dream?” Obi Wan asked softly.
The boy nodded and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.
“I should go,” you told Obi Wan.
He nodded and the two of you followed Anakin inside. You idled for a moment, watching as Obi Wan crouched down in front of Anakin and comforted him before exiting the dorm.
#obi wan x reader#obiwan#obi wan kenobi#star wars prequels#star wars x reader#star wars#kenobi x reader#friends to lovers#tatooine#smut#eventual smut#forbidden love#fluff#ben kenobi#kenobi
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Limerence - Obi Wan X Reader
Ok this is the first chapter of the master x master fic !!! the story will inevitably be 18+ so minors stay away for the love of god.
1k words | AFAB Reader | I have wayyyy too much time on my hands and I wrote this in less than a day so I'll for sure post the second part soon!! Enjoy my loves!!
Limerence- An old-fashioned way to describe intense feelings of obsession or infatuation with someone.
The Jedi Order has been your whole life. Since you were seven months old, you’d been raised to live the Jedi way. People respected the Jedi, they were peacekeepers. Whispers of their greatness could be heard throughout the galaxy. But the reality of the Jedi was not as glamorous as it was made out to be. Of course, it was a privilege to be a part of something so important, but sacrifices had to be made to maintain its importance. Some of it was easy, practicing honesty, self discipline, and honoring the Jedi Order as a whole. Defending the weak and upholding your duties to the Republic felt easy enough, even letting go of attachments was something you had been successful at for the most part. No matter how disciplined padawans could be, once they had reached their late teens and early adult years, the tension was so thick it could be cut through with a blade. Thankfully, constant missions and tasks ensured that padawans rarely had time to socialize let alone give into any desires. You had even experienced some of the tension, unable to avoid someone eyeing you flirtatiously, there was no harm in flirting after all. And young Obi Wan Kenobi was no exception. Of course, if you told Anakin that his rule-following master was once young and defiant he’d call you a liar. Obi Wan was a year or so older than you and came from the planet Stewjon. He was bubbly and excited when you’d first met him, so much life bursting at the seams, but as he grew older he became more quiet and determined. People often joked that Qui Gon Jinn managed to tame young Kenobi by being even more unpredictable. In his earlier years, Kenobi had teasingly flirted with his fair share of fellow initiates but always seemed to pay a little extra attention to you. Intimidated by the idea of being thrown out of the Jedi Order for rule breaking, you’d shied away from any provoking compliments he paid you. As the years had gone on and missions had become more consistent, you saw less and less of the striking young Jedi, and came into your own. Under the watch of Master Luthra you’d become a powerful and disciplined Jedi and passed the trials with flying colors. Obi Wan on the other hand, had already managed to find himself a padawan to give him a run for his money, a young boy named Anakin. Things had been going well for you, you’d been helping around the temple and were ready to take on a padawan. There were even rumors that you’d be offered a seat on the council within the coming months. You hadn’t seen Obi Wan since Qui Gon had died a few months back, when one afternoon he returned. You heard the pair before you saw them, Anakin was always quite animated when he returned from a successful mission. The young boy bounded through the halls excitedly as Obi Wan followed closely behind with an exhausted look on his face. A smile crossed your lips as Anakin let everyone in the dining hall know that his master had taught him how to swim. You turned to watch Anakin rush through the dining hall and off into one of the many corridors attached. Obi Wan brushing past you gently pulled you from your thoughts.
“You taught him how to swim?” You asked, an almost undetectable undertone of playfulness in your voice.
Obi Wan grunted in response, “I taught him how to swim.”
You saw Obi Wan later that evening when everyone else had gone to sleep. You were standing out on a balcony that overlooked the steps to the temple. In the distance, Coruscant was buzzing with life. Sometimes you wondered what it would have been like if you hadn’t been born force sensitive. You knew nothing about where you came from, you’d been at the temple since you were seven months old. You’d given up on trying to envision your parents years ago, but every once in a while, that same curiosity returned. The sound of footsteps approaching pulled you from your thoughts. You looked over your shoulder to see Obi Wan heading your way. He no longer had a padawan braid and his hair was starting to grow out from the blunt buzzcut he used to sport. Even in the dark he was beautiful. It was no secret that he was attractive, it had been a common topic during your training days, but you’d tried your best to ignore it. But when he was walking over to you with those glistening blue eyes, it was impossible to deny.
“Mind if I join you?” He asked.
“Please,” you replied, stepping to the side to allow him more room.
He stepped forward and casually rested his arms on the balcony railing, looking out over the city. You stood in silence for a moment, admiring his features in the moonlight.
Obi Wan turned to you, “I heard you took the trials.”
You hum in response.
“Congratulations, Master Y/n,” he says cooly.
A light chuckle escapes your lips as you turn to face the city, “Thank you. How was your mission?”
He pauses for a moment, looking for the right words, “It was certainly an experience. Anakin is a bit of a handful, but he means well.”
“And you finally taught him to swim,” you reminded him with a giggle, “Tell me, what did that look like?”
You returned your gaze to him as an exaggerated sigh left his mouth.
“It felt like teaching a newborn Eopie to run.”
“That bad?”
“He learned fast enough but it felt so wrong,” Obi Wan let out a real laugh, one you hadn’t heard from him in what felt like ages, “I’ve never seen him struggle so much.”
You laughed with him, envisioning the young boy splashing around. You stood in comfortable silence for a few minutes, enjoying the night breeze, before Obi Wan turned to you once more.
“The boy and I leave tomorrow morning,” he told you flatly.
For whatever reason, you felt your heart sink, “Where to?”
“The outer rim,” he replied, “We’ll be out there for a month or two at least.”
You looked away and bit your lip. There was nothing between you, he had stopped blatantly flirting with anyone years ago, but whenever you two crossed paths the air felt heavy. It felt as if there were an infinite amount of words unsaid. But, no matter how thick the tension felt, neither of you had ever crossed that line. And you wouldn’t tonight. So you turned on your heel and headed toward the door.
“I’m gonna get some sleep,” you told him with a sad smile, “I’ll see you later, okay?”
“Okay,” he repeated, mirroring your expression, “Goodnight, Y/n.”
“Goodnight, Obi Wan.”
The next morning he was gone.
#obi wan x reader#obi wan kenobi#obiwan#star wars x reader#star wars#kenobi x reader#tatooine#smut#forbidden love#fluff#ben kenobi#kenobi#friends to lovers#star wars prequels
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ok so I have a couple ideas for an ObiWanXReader fanfic and I need help deciding.
You are a Padawan and your master dies so blah blah blah you end up as Obi Wan's second Padawan and things get spicy yk oooh forbidden love
after Revenge Of The Sith, (when Obi Wan moves into his depression cave) you live in one of the houses between there and town and you see this emo ex Jedi hiding in a cave and try to befriend him
Politician X Kenobi, obi and ani have to protect you like they did padme and things get spicy
You're both masters at the Jedi temple on coruscant and boom another forbidden love
post order 66, you and obi are both in hiding and cross paths on Tatooine. friends to lovers
anyway lmk cuz I have another fic I was working on that's heavily inspired by another work I read but I don't wanna steal their idea so
#obi wan x reader#obiwan#obi wan kenobi#ben kenobi#smut#star wars x reader#star wars#kenobi x reader#tatooine#fluff#kenobi#forbidden love#ineedideaspleashelp
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what's good
yo. i'm dia, welcome to my blog! I love writing, I love Star Wars, boom, recipe for a bad fan fiction account. gonna be writing an Obi Wan x reader fanfic :) v excited. join me on my journey and buckle the fuck up!!
#star wars#kenobi#obiwan#obi wan kenobi#obi wan x reader#star wars x reader#kenobi x reader#ben kenobi#fluff#smut#tatooine
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