Well howdeh there. Th' name's Harpah...Harpah Alexander. Ah'm Pleasant Valley's resident poet an' doctor. Indie RP blog for Harper Alexander from 2001 Maniacs: Field of Screams. Multiverse||Multiship||Occasionally NSFW mun FC: Markiplier M!A:...
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*Dusts off this blog, coughs from the dust*
Wow it’s been awhile since I’ve been on here, and I have freaking missed it so much!
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//Oh I don’t even think I need to begin to vouch as to how true this freaking is
Fun facts about your sign here
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He looked over as he heard the voice and smiled as he seen Winter running over. He knelt down and grinned, thrilled to see her. “Well Wintah, this is a rathah pleasant surprise.”
Harper had been out working with the Mayor’s boys, handling repairs wherever they were needed. He looked down at Rufus and Lester as he felt the ladder shake underneath him. “Damnit, will yeh hol’ th’ laddah still?! Ah’d p’fer no’ t’ have t’ tend t’ mah own injuries.” He climbed down as he finished up and hit the both of them on the back of the head. “Now, go on an’ see if yer daddeh needs anythin’” he told them as he rolled his sleeves back down and going to basin to clean the dirt off.
Winter giggled from where she had been watching when Harper smacked the boys.
She quickly ran out, “mister Harper!” She exclaimed happily running up to him.
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Dixie sighed in relief and shook the gentleman’s hand, giving him a friendly smile. “Howdeh! Mah name is Dixie.” She introduced herself kindly. “It’s very nice to meet yah Harpah. But ah’m afraid Ah’m a bit lost. Did you say Pleasant Valleh? What state is this?”
He smirked as she did. “Well it’s certainleh a pleasure t’ meet yeh as well Dixie.” He nodded slightly. “Ah certainleh did, the town a’ Pleasant Valleh straight in th’ heart a’ Georgia.”
//Hi there! You willing to RP with a newbie? :3// "Well, how'd Ah get mahself into this mess?" Dixie muttered as she sat down on a rock. She'd been wandering these woods for a few hours, and hadn't seen any signs of civilization at all. Standing up and walking again, the young woman thought she'd never leave this place, until she heard the sound of an obviously busy town nearby. "Now, what could that be?" She mumbled and began walking in the direction of the noise, unsure of what she might find.
//Oh my goodness yes :3 And sorry this took so long I was on one of my other blogs for awhile xD//
Harper had been out working with the Mayor’s boys, handling repairs wherever they were needed. He looked down at Rufus and Lester as he felt the ladder shake underneath him. “Damnit, will yeh hol’ th’ laddah still?! Ah’d p’fer no’ t’ have t’ tend t’ mah own injuries.” He climbed down as he finished up and hit the both of them on the back of the head. “Now, go on an’ see if yer daddeh needs anythin’” he told them as he rolled his sleeves back down and going to basin set up next to where they had been working to wash his face off.
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He looked up as he heard another voice, and a smirk appeared as he heard the Southern drawl there in the voice. He chuckled slightly as he seen someone approaching. “Well sweet Chris’ on a crackah... wha’ d’ we have here?” He smirked and walked over to her, holding out his hand. “Well howdeh there an’ welcome t’ Pleasant Valleh. Harpah Alexandah at yer service, ma’am.”
//Hi there! You willing to RP with a newbie? :3// "Well, how'd Ah get mahself into this mess?" Dixie muttered as she sat down on a rock. She'd been wandering these woods for a few hours, and hadn't seen any signs of civilization at all. Standing up and walking again, the young woman thought she'd never leave this place, until she heard the sound of an obviously busy town nearby. "Now, what could that be?" She mumbled and began walking in the direction of the noise, unsure of what she might find.
//Oh my goodness yes :3 And sorry this took so long I was on one of my other blogs for awhile xD//
Harper had been out working with the Mayor’s boys, handling repairs wherever they were needed. He looked down at Rufus and Lester as he felt the ladder shake underneath him. “Damnit, will yeh hol’ th’ laddah still?! Ah’d p’fer no’ t’ have t’ tend t’ mah own injuries.” He climbed down as he finished up and hit the both of them on the back of the head. “Now, go on an’ see if yer daddeh needs anythin’” he told them as he rolled his sleeves back down and going to basin set up next to where they had been working to wash his face off.
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//Hi there! You willing to RP with a newbie? :3// "Well, how'd Ah get mahself into this mess?" Dixie muttered as she sat down on a rock. She'd been wandering these woods for a few hours, and hadn't seen any signs of civilization at all. Standing up and walking again, the young woman thought she'd never leave this place, until she heard the sound of an obviously busy town nearby. "Now, what could that be?" She mumbled and began walking in the direction of the noise, unsure of what she might find.
//Oh my goodness yes :3 And sorry this took so long I was on one of my other blogs for awhile xD//
Harper had been out working with the Mayor’s boys, handling repairs wherever they were needed. He looked down at Rufus and Lester as he felt the ladder shake underneath him. “Damnit, will yeh hol’ th’ laddah still?! Ah’d p’fer no’ t’ have t’ tend t’ mah own injuries.” He climbed down as he finished up and hit the both of them on the back of the head. “Now, go on an’ see if yer daddeh needs anythin’” he told them as he rolled his sleeves back down and going to basin set up next to where they had been working to wash his face off.
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Me and the boys right now


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Mun post/ head canon
// youcancrackcornonthat Petition for everyone from pleasant valley including winter to refer to winter’s mother and father as the nine month mobile home and the walking sperm bank
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He chuckled a little as she said that. “Ah think Ah’ll take mah chances wit’ it. Now th’ easiest way fer it t’ go well is t’ release it as quick as yeh can t’ get some speed behin’ it.” He threw the knife and smiled as it hit the dead center of the target.
"Harper, do you always leave your knife out? It's always so messy when you leave blood everywhere."

Harper smirked a little as she said that. “Trus’ me, yeh’d be surprised how much easiah i’ is t’ have it at quick access. Though Ah do humbleh apologize fer aneh mess tha’ may resul’ from it.”
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He smirked a little at her and rolled his eyes. “Well firs’ things firs’ yeh need t’ keep a light grip on th’ knife handle. If it’s too tigh’ an’ the release won’t go well at all.”
"Harper, do you always leave your knife out? It's always so messy when you leave blood everywhere."

Harper smirked a little as she said that. “Trus’ me, yeh’d be surprised how much easiah i’ is t’ have it at quick access. Though Ah do humbleh apologize fer aneh mess tha’ may resul’ from it.”
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He laughed a little as she said that. “Oh Ah’m definitely no’ scared t’ show-off in fron’ a’ anyone.” He looked at her and grabbed a couple of his knifes and handed one to her. “Yeh readeh t’ learn fro’ th’ best?”
"Harper, do you always leave your knife out? It's always so messy when you leave blood everywhere."

Harper smirked a little as she said that. “Trus’ me, yeh’d be surprised how much easiah i’ is t’ have it at quick access. Though Ah do humbleh apologize fer aneh mess tha’ may resul’ from it.”
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He smirked a little. “Well Ah must admit that Ah am a rather good aim wit’ a knife an’ Ah woul’ be more tha’ happeh t’ show yeh a few tricks.”
"Harper, do you always leave your knife out? It's always so messy when you leave blood everywhere."

Harper smirked a little as she said that. “Trus’ me, yeh’d be surprised how much easiah i’ is t’ have it at quick access. Though Ah do humbleh apologize fer aneh mess tha’ may resul’ from it.”
#//lol#//and i'm not sure if you've ever seen the posts#//but i do a youtube series for my tumblr muses#//where you can submit questions for me and the guys to answer#//and i definitely invite you to send some in :3
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He smiled a little as she said that. “Nah, maneh have tried but Ah’m still an incredibleh quick sho’. There ain’t been one ye’ that’s fastah than meh.”
"Harper, do you always leave your knife out? It's always so messy when you leave blood everywhere."

Harper smirked a little as she said that. “Trus’ me, yeh’d be surprised how much easiah i’ is t’ have it at quick access. Though Ah do humbleh apologize fer aneh mess tha’ may resul’ from it.”
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He looked at her and chuckled slightly. “Well thank yeh kindleh fer yer concern t’ mah well bein’. Well Ah’m definiteleh curious as t’ why yeh decided t’ grace meh wit’ yer loveleh presence.”
"Harper, do you always leave your knife out? It's always so messy when you leave blood everywhere."

Harper smirked a little as she said that. “Trus’ me, yeh’d be surprised how much easiah i’ is t’ have it at quick access. Though Ah do humbleh apologize fer aneh mess tha’ may resul’ from it.”
#//awesome :D#//glad to hear that it has arrived#//yeah those actually arrived the same day that your last letter did so that was really awesome :)
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"Harper, do you always leave your knife out? It's always so messy when you leave blood everywhere."

Harper smirked a little as she said that. “Trus’ me, yeh’d be surprised how much easiah i’ is t’ have it at quick access. Though Ah do humbleh apologize fer aneh mess tha’ may resul’ from it.”
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Send me “No, no, no, don’t die on me!” for a scenario in which my muse dies protecting yours.
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My muse has just taken a Truth Potion, send “Spill it” plus a question and they will answer.
My muse cannot give half truths, partial truths or bend the truth. They will have to spit out everything then and there!
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