Flint Winterford
15 posts
Shapeshifter; Best friend of Bambi and Thumper; You can call me Flower.
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“It must be a lovely atmosphere, especially during the Winter. I’m like you; I don’t like the Winter,” Mary smiled. She couldn’t get over the aromas that filled the store. She would have to visit more often, to buy even more flowers! Admiring the bouquet, she sniffed the flowers, delicately pressing her fingers against the petals. “These are lovely! How much would it be for four of these and two of the roses?”
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“I tend to hibernate during the winter. But when my mother needs help, I’m here.” Flint said, smiling. It had been a long time since he had anyone to talk to other than Bambi and Thumper! He was getting ahold on his shyness after all. He went over to the cash register and rang it all up. “It’s going to be two hundred for all of them. It’s normally much more but they are on special right now. You came in at the right time.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“Everyone! That would be amazing! That must make me the most famous Pumpkin King in the world!” Jack grew excited at the prospect. But sometimes he did wish that he wasn’t so famous and that he could have a somewhat normal life! Lately he had been thinking about settling down, getting married, having some kids! He would have forever to work on his horror! “I’ll be more careful, you can bet on that!” He winked. “Oh  yes, roses! There must be roses. And Forget Me Nots … yes, I think that those will do! Can you tie it in a purple ribbon, and do you do cards as well? I’ve never done anything like this before!”
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“Umm yeah..I guess you are the most famous Pumpkin King in the world.” Flint had never heard of another person being called the Pumpkin King. “Yes, thank you. My mother wouldn’t be very happy if she came back to the store and there were broken vases everywhere.” He muttered. He went into the back and brought out the roses and forget me nots that he was talking about. “Like these?” He offered them to Jack so he could smell them. “Yes to the purple ribbon and yes to the cards. I’ll just take down your message and have it printed out right away.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“Hibiscus! Hibiscus!” Harry tried saying it, and then grinned widely. “I think that is going to be my new middle name. I tried to make it Gregorio for a while because I love that name but Harry Hibiscus March! I like it. What’s your name?” He asked, curious about what sort of nicknames he could make up for this new friend. “I’m singing in the rain! That’s the only line I know from any of those songs. Is it good? I’ve never seen it. I like the silly things more. Like … Modern Times! Charlie Chaplin! He’s so funny! I always wanted to get one of those Charlie Chaplin hats. I can’t grow a mustache though so I don’t think I’d make it look as good.” He looked over the orange flowers and then nodded. “Yes! They are very orange! I like them, that’s my favorite color today. Maybe I’ll braid them into my hair!”
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“It’s a flower name, maybe not a -” Flint stopped himself from saying anything more. “You can call yourself whatever you want, I guess. Harry Hibiscus sounds nice. My name is Flint Winterford but my friends call me Flower.” He blushed more at the nickname. It was a girly one but he liked it. He did like flowers. “It’s really good. And Charlie Chaplin is good too! I like musicals more though...” He couldn’t believe that this was happening. Was he making a friend in the shop? “You can do whatever you like with them but I’m going to add in some plant food in case you want to put them in a vase instead...”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Flint. You and your mother have a lovely store. It smells wonderful in here!” Mary extended a friendly hand in greeting. She listened intently, imagining the colorful bouquet. “That sounds perfect! Just what I’m looking for! Can I see them before I buy them? I’ll want a couple of them, because I want to fill up my boutique with flowers.”
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“Oh um thank you!” Flint said. He smiled as he looked around the store. He was proud of it. “I love flowers. It’s always like Summer in here... I don’t like winter.” He realized that he was rambling and got to work on arranging the flowers that he thought she would like. The lilies were pink, the roses were pink, the daisies and chrysanthemums were white and the carnations were yellow. “The carnations come in pink too but the yellow compliments the roses.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“I am Jack Samhain! You have heard of me? Maybe even as the Pumpkin King because I go by that too!” Jack said. He was dramatical and had his arms up in the air! He almost knocked over a vase of flowers but caught it before it fell! He put it back on the shelf and apologized! “So sorry! I get ahead of myself! I’m so excited when I’m surrounded by new things! I’ve never seen most of these flowers!” He bent over so he could smell some pretty yellow ones. “You should come into the store! We’ll find something for you!” He looked at the flowers that were shown and nodded. “Yes! Both of those! And maybe something red? Her hair is the best shade of red! Like blood! And her eyes are blue so there must be blue in there too!”
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“Yeah, I’ve heard of you. Everyone has.” Flint wasn’t very excited to meet Jack Samhain, or the Pumpkin King as he introduced himself. He was someone who was scared by loud noises, shadows and turtles. He didn’t want to be friends with the King of Fright. He saw the vase almost be smashed and panicked a little, expecting the loud noise of it breaking. But luckily it had been caught. “I-it’s okay. Just try to be a little bit more careful.” He put down the flowers and wrote the names down so he could arrange a bouquet. “Roses? A lot of people love roses. I can add in some forget me nots too. They’re a very pretty color.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
Since Spring was at its arrive in Narnia very soon, Mary wanted to brighten up the boutique by filling it with various bouquets of flowers. Luckily, there was a flower shop right down the street from her boutique. Stepping into the store, she was overwhelmed by the sweet aroma of the all the flowers. She smiled at the employee, introducing herself, “Hi, I’m Mary Flores! I work right down the street, at the Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boutique, and I want to brighten it up with some flowers. If you have any suggestions, I’m willing to hear them!”
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Flint was startled by how happy this woman was! He liked to see happy people but it still made him jump a little when she talked. “I-I’m Flint. My mother owns the store. I help out sometimes.” He knew about Mary Flores. He walked past her shop a lot but never met her before! Sometimes Thumper admired the dresses and would talk about them for hours. “We have a deal on this Spring set ... it has Asiatic lilies, pink roses, daisies, chrysanthemums and mini carnations. It’s really like Spring.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
Alice nodded, glancing over the shop once again. She wondered how people made a selection when there were so many variety’s of flower. Not the mention the color selection. Alice felt rather sheepish when she realized how odd that statement must sound to people who didn’t know her. “Ah sorry, that must sound strange. There’s a story behind that I swear, albeit a bit long and equally strange.” She knew the story behind it was rather odd, she wasn’t going to hide that fact. “Hydrangeas, hmmm. Paired with the lilies it would create lovely image don’t you. The sun and a bright expanse of clear blue sky. I didn’t know you could color flowers. How do you manage that?” She asked curiously. 
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“I like daisies.” Flint said, shyly, looking away from Alice. She did have a story but if it was anything bad about daisies, he didn’t want to hear it. One of his favorite things to do in the Spring was lay down in a field full of daisies and listen to his friends talk the day away. “But some daisies are toxic to cats so I guess that’s rude...” He tried to understand where she was coming from. “Yes... I think it would look nice.” He agreed. “You cut the stems a little and place them in colored water overnight. It takes twenty-fours sometimes but the color is really vibrant.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“Tea smells really good. Especially the kinds with fruit in it. I’m working on developing my own sort of banana tea. I think it’d taste brilliant. I’ve never heard of it being done before. Imagine that, banana tea. It’ll be like you’re swimming in a banana ocean, it would smell so good!” Harry went on again, completely lost in his own ideas. It happened far too much. “Shame, this would be a great place to sell mustard.” He wasn’t bothered by being told no, he just went right onto the next thing. “It wasn’t that good of a movie. I like the really colorful movies best. Or the ones with Vincent Price. His mustache was brilliant. I want one like that. Or John Waters.” He laughed, remembering the famous mustaches of history. “Okay! I’ll buy some for myself. I don’t have a favorite color but … I like orange. I’d like seven orange flowers please!”
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“Umm... I’m sure that banana tea will be really nice. I tried hibiscus tea once... I really liked it.” Flint was not very good at making new friends but he was trying to put the effort in. He would receive scolding from his mother if she found out that he was being rude to customers. But he did wish that Thumper or Bambi were here. They were much better at being social than he was. “I’ll tell the owner of the shop that.” He smiled nervously. “I like Singing in the Rain.” It didn’t have any scary parts, that’s what he liked about it. He quickly put together orange Gerbera Daisies, carnations and asiatic lilies. “Do you like these?”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
Alice thought it over for a moment. “Lilies would be nice. I’ve always thought the yellow and red ones looked liked sunsets.” He seemed passionate when he talked. It was always nice to seen someone passionate about what they were doing. She noticed the blush that spread across his cheeks but didn’t say anything. She wrinkled her nose at the thought of daffodils. “I have to admit I never cared much for daffodils or Irises, always thought they were rude.” Of course she meant the flowers back in Wonderland who never liked her. They liked to remind her they thought of her as a weed. “Do you orchids or something a pale blue like the early morning sky.”
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“I can get you lilies.” Flint took his mother’s writing pad and jotted that down for her. His hand writing was neat and feminine in style. He held the pad close to him so that this strange girl would not be able to see that. “Umm .. okay. No rude flowers.” He had never heard anything like that before and he didn’t like the sound of it. he loved all flowers and thinking about them being mean was something out of a horror story. “We have blue hydrangeas which are close to the color of the sky.. and we have orchids but not blue ones. We can color them for you and it won’t affect the flower.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“You can buy fake ones? Really? That’s brilliant. I’m not really a fan of plants unless they are tea leaves and they can go in tea. Hey, is mustard a flower? Because I’ve heard of mustard seeds. Do you make your own mustard here?” Harry questioned quickly. He didn’t have the ability to tell when he was talking too much and making other people feel uncomfortable. “Are there fake mustard seeds?” He wondered. “Aww man, I thought that would be really cool. You know that movie The Fly? I wonder if a venus Flytrap would eat that fly. That would be a gross one, wouldn’t it? Well since I’m here, I might as well buy some flowers. Treat myself because I don’t have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or anything like that. Maybe I’ll buy them for you! What kind of flowers do you like?”
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“Umm, yeah...” Flint said. He folded his arms in front of him shyly. “Flowers are really pretty though! And they smell good.” He blurted out. He regretted it the second he did it, and took a step back. When he was shy he tended to retreat into himself. “No, we don’t make mustard here.” He shook his head and felt sorry that they didn’t. He had never met anyone so strange before! Even Thumper didn’t talk this fast. “Um, maybe, I didn’t see that movie.” He blinked and took another step back. “I umm - I like daisies. But you don’t have to buy me flowers ... I’m around them everyday. Maybe you should buy them for yourself...”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
Going into the flower shop was on of those impulse decisions Alice was known to make. She was passing by it as she walked home and thought it would be nice to pick some up. The store was empty when she entered, but the sign said they were open. “Hello.” She called out. There was no response but she could hear movement from somewhere in the back. In the mean time she contented herself with looking around at the selection they had. Alice looked up at the boy who came from the back, offering him a smile. “I just looking for something to brighten up a room, you know. My roommate keeps a garden, but since it’s winter it’s kind of barren now. I miss the color it brought, I thought picking up some flowers would be nice in an effort to try to bring it back.”
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Flint was a bit wary of dealing with customers by himself. He wasn’t used to doing it but this woman did seem like she was very nice. “Oh, we have lots of things. Daisies are really nice, and they were just picked and trimmed this morning. Or some yellow lilies! They look a bit like sunshine.” He blushed as he talked about flowers. He knew he was talking too much but he couldn’t stop because this was his job. “Daffodils are a classic too. If umm... that’s what you’re into I guess.”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
Jack went into the flower shop for a very good reason but he couldn’t remember what it was! He looked around at all of the different flowers that he saw and still the reason didn’t come to him. But then - oh yes! He was going to get some for Sally! She was awarded employee of the month for February and he wanted to give her something special! He didn’t know what sort of flowers she seemed to like though so he had to look around! He was surprised by the teenager that seemed to pop out of nowhere! “Oh hi there!” He said, friendly as can be! “I’m looking for something that sceams ‘Congratulations for being Employee of the Month!’ But not actually screams, though that would be something I would be interested in for my store, Samhain’s!”
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Flint had never seen someone with this many tattoos before. And on his face too! He knew that they were tattoos and not just make up because it was snowing outside and it would have smeared it. He caught himself staring and then looked away shyly. “Oh - are you Jack Samhain? I’ve heard of your store. My friends love it.” He said, risking a smile. “I don’t know any screaming flowers ... but maybe some lilies? Or umm... statice flowers are nice if they like purple...” He shyly showed both of these flowers.
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
“Hello, hello, hello!” Harry said. He had never been in a store like this before. He just followed the delicious smell and thought that he would come in and see what it was! It wasn’t as good as tea but it did have it’s own appeal. “Oh, are these what flowers are? How interesting! I’ve only seen them in parks and they always look really fake and rubbery to me. And I’ve never been to a park. I’ve just seen them in movies.” He laughed, slapping his own knee. “What kind of flowers are these ones? Do you have the kind that eat the bugs? I saw a horror film about them once. Or maybe it was a dream. Never can tell.”
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This strange man in a weird hat frightened Flint a little bit. He felt like shapeshifting so that he could escape from all of that strange talking! Rubber flowers and parks in movies? What was he talking about? “Y-yes. These are flowers! Real ones. You can buy fake ones but not here...” He felt uncomfortable. He wished that his mother was here to help take care of this customer. “The venus fly trap? No, we don’t sell those here. But we have lots of others.” He twitched nervously and tried to smile.
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
Flint was left in charge of his mother’s floral shop while she went and picked up something for lunch. He didn’t mind the responsibility at all. In fact, this store was like a second home to him and he felt comfortable in it as long as it wasn’t crowded. There was no one in the store right now so he thought that he would go into the back and work on the bouquets for his mother so that she would have less to do when she came back. He was just adding in some baby’s breath when he thought he heard something. He immediately grew nervous but he didn’t have any other choice but to check it out. He walked back out into the store and was surprised to see someone in there. He felt very shy again. “Hi... Is there something I can help you with?”
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youcan-callme-flower-blog · 8 years ago
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