Scheduled reblog 3 of 3
Hello everyone!!
I am moving blogs. Nothing is changing AT ALL except for where I will be located on the internet. If you follow me and would like to continue to see my content, please follow me @angrynixhound! 
I’ve been working hard transferring all my posts and data and blah blah EVERYTHING! I will be redirecting all traffic from this old blog to the new one that I set up.
Thank you all so much for your continuing support, I hope to be posting some more original TES content soon!
I moved blogs. Follow me @angrynixhound
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Scheduled reblog 2 of 3
Hello everyone!!
I am moving blogs. Nothing is changing AT ALL except for where I will be located on the internet. If you follow me and would like to continue to see my content, please follow me @angrynixhound! 
I’ve been working hard transferring all my posts and data and blah blah EVERYTHING! I will be redirecting all traffic from this old blog to the new one that I set up.
Thank you all so much for your continuing support, I hope to be posting some more original TES content soon!
I moved blogs. Follow me @angrynixhound
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Scheduled reblog 1 of 3
Hello everyone!!
I am moving blogs. Nothing is changing AT ALL except for where I will be located on the internet. If you follow me and would like to continue to see my content, please follow me @angrynixhound! 
I’ve been working hard transferring all my posts and data and blah blah EVERYTHING! I will be redirecting all traffic from this old blog to the new one that I set up.
Thank you all so much for your continuing support, I hope to be posting some more original TES content soon!
I moved blogs. Follow me @angrynixhound
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Hello everyone!!
I am moving blogs. Nothing is changing AT ALL except for where I will be located on the internet. If you follow me and would like to continue to see my content, please follow me @angrynixhound! 
I’ve been working hard transferring all my posts and data and blah blah EVERYTHING! I will be redirecting all traffic from this old blog to the new one that I set up.
Thank you all so much for your continuing support, I hope to be posting some more original TES content soon!
I moved blogs. Follow me @angrynixhound
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Shrine to Saint Jiub the Eradicator Ald Velothi, Vvardenfell, early 4th Era
(Step by step on Patreon)
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Alright guys let’s be real for a hot second:
I’m all for having fun and pretending life’s problems don’t exist for a couple hours when I use tumblr. I assume that many who follow my blog feel the same, that we are just some low-key people who lead stressful lives in our own ways and just need some time to escape stress and wind down. To me, if you can’t tell, clever little jokes about TES, beautiful fan art (God, you all are so talented by the way), and thoughtful headcanons are all things that let me escape from stress for a minute. 
But anyways, this is what I’m getting at:
I am a full-time university student pursuing a degree in Biochemistry. This means that I generally have either absolutely no time to be on tumblr or an extremely limited amount of time. More often than not, I fall into the first camp of “I seriously cannot use tumblr for the following 2 months because if I do I will be distracting myself from my schoolwork and I cannot afford that at this time.”
This being said, I do not always have the time to thoroughly check over those who follow me or posts I reblog on a whim. And I must take responsibility for this. If anything I reblog is from a fascist, racist, hate-mongering, etc. account, then it is my own damn fault for being careless enough to not see it for what it is.
I’m saying this because it recently came to my attention that I had reblogged a post from a fascist, antisemite account. And moreover, I didn’t even notice until someone was kind enough to reach out to me and tell me about my mistake.
I feel duped. I feel like an idiot. This should not have happened, and I am deeply sorry. I do not and will not stand for hate of any kind. 
This is my plea to all of my followers:
1. If you are fascist, racist, sexist, hate-mongering or etc. of any kind, just unfollow my blog right now. 
2. If you notice that I have a post up from said fascist, racist, sexist, hate-mongering or etc. of any kind, PLEASE let me know. I will remove that post as soon as I see your message.
3. It is okay to be angry about this. I am angry about this. There should be a safe place to disconnect from stress by immersing yourself in a fandom. It is disgusting that hate finds its way into every facet of life.
Okay. I have said what I needed to say for now. If you feel like it, you can reblog this overtly-long post if you want this message to go out to your followers. But mostly this is directed to all of you guys. I want you all to know where I stand on this issue and frankly, I’m tired of the bullshit.
Be kind to one another, and don’t be afraid to hold love in your heart.
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On Trama Root
Trama shrub is an invasive species that will spread into large thickets, choking out other plantlife if left unchecked. Thankfully, the shrub only thrives in the mineral rich soil of the ashlands. However, First Era chimer alchemists observed that the thorns of the trama root secrete a non-lethal, but poisonous sap that causes lethargy and lightheadedness in the afflicted. Some of these symptoms were traced back to the trama root’s -previously unknown- natural levitative properties. After this discovery, trama root quickly became a desirable ingredient especially among what would become the modern day Telvanni settlements where levitation is a staple of everyday life. But the trama shrub’s affinity for growing in ashy soil continued to be an inconvenient limitation for many farmers until the Telvanni found that the cut trama thorns could be grafted into nearly any woodlike material. The foreign trama would then grow like a parasite on its host plant, but lacked the ability to spread at any concerning rate into the unideal soil around it.
This led to speculation regarding how trama processes the mineral rich soil in the ashlands since it could inherit comparatively mineral poor nutrients from its grafted host but could not distill it on its own in the same soil. Experts still disagree on the subject, but the most popular explanation is that trama roots supplement their more mundane nutritional needs by draining magical essence from the soil itself. When grafted to another plant, the trama root can feed on the magical essence of the host as a substitute for what it otherwise draws from the salts of the ashlands - but obviously with decreased efficacy. It is common knowledge that crystalline ash salt possesses storative properties similar to many other morpholithic crystals but there aren’t many documented practical applications. Ashlanders use ash salts in their dream rituals and believe that the salt crystals contain memories of what they call the “Red Moment” - their folktales spin a tale of trama roots feeding on the painful memories of that time. But as with many other Ashlander legends and prophecies, this belief is not founded on any tangible evidence.
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Red Mountain/Ghostfence
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Only sometimes though ;) [x x x x]
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Me: *having some vacation on Morrowind* What do I have to eat?
Dunmer Chef: Bugs…
Me: Aw fu-
Dunmer Chef: …in a pool of cheese
Me: …-ck yeah
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Found on iFunny
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for @armentarius ♥
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Full rez
Battle of Red Mountain, circa 700 1E
The Battle of Red Mountain was a battle that marked the culmination of the War of the First Council.
There are many versions of the event and the only thing they all agree on is that it was fought between the Dwemer against the Great Houses of the Chimer. Pictured is Voryn Dagoth and Nerevar Indoril leading the Chimer army into battle, while the Dwemer protect their falling keep. I want to point out that this is a commission and since Voryn’s appearance is unknown, I used the client’s character as reference. 
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