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did u read artem’s date “por una cabeza”? I wanna marry him I fear. Marius date is also very excellent. A feast
yes!!!! i spent 50 tears but i only got marius’s so i had to watch artem’s on yt 🥲
love that tango really is such an artem dance—stoic passion, leashed yearning, and all that. i also love the resolution of it. you get the sense that artem has grown somewhat from his childish jealousy in atmospherics to this more mature take (and the fact that he’s sober this time helps lol)
i know we’re still in rosa’s willfully oblivious stage for all the boys but i gotta say if my senior and i were rehearsing for weeks during late afternoons and nights alone repeating this really intimate dance i’d have to be like “um what are we” by the end so idk how she survived all of that without having a bit of a crisis at how hot artem is
and i loved marius’s card!!!! drunk rosa is hilarious and i love the implication that even early at this stage marius is already thinking long-term about their relationship. so much character goodness in this one and i enjoyed that it’s grounded in chinese culture, which by extension shows how rooted marius is not just in the legacy of his name but in the bonds of his family and their traditions. and more than anything this just made me curious about rosa’s family in comparison and her upbringing w luke. i just want more rosa bg in general
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// cn server spoilers
okay bye im dead
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// cn server spoilers
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im having issues with my phone so pls ignore if this get sent more than once 😭😭 but I wanted to say that I’m obsessed with Rosa. Like how are you going to mention that she’s very musically inclined, was cast on a play as the lead actress for a chance and was voted the most popular actress (against the drama department) and not elaborate? I need moree. Also did artem latest date imply that he had a crush on her in college while he was getting his doctorate (i think) or at the very least saw her play and liked her performance while she was unaware?👀👀
right????? rosa is such an artist and a creative soul. even her “amateur” drawing for marius is so spirited and cute

and more than anything i wanna know the roots of her motivation. we know she became a lawyer because she wanted to stand for justice and help people. but where does that come from? her parents? what values did they instill in her? what specifically prompted her to follow a law career as opposed to any other field? it seems like her parents and luke are science-oriented people (initially for luke anyway when he decided to study bioengineering) so what caused her to break the mold? i have a million other questions but ultimately i would love to know what specifically pushes her and what makes her tick.
and what i also love so much about her that i don’t think we acknowledge enough is her ambition. along with her ethics and sense of duty, rosa gives me the sense that she likes her accomplishments and she likes winning. obviously her morality is her ultimate priority and rosa’s too humble to brag outright but i don’t think she’d have reached where she is now if she didn’t also enjoy the constant self-directed challenge to be better and improve her skills

also i just love her humor. i love when she pulls that exasperated face towards her lis and when she teases them. i think these moments are when her self-possession and personality really shine through

lmao love a queen who knows what she wants and goes for it
and yes!!! i think there was also a mention of rosa’s brief stint in theatre during her university days in artem’s birthday card if i remember correctly. it really makes me wonder how much artem knew about her before they officially met. you think maybe his mom mentioned a student whose thesis she was advising offhandedly during dinner one day not realizing that this is going to be the same woman he’s going to fall for later?????? makes me crazy
i don’t know if it was you or another anon who mentioned that “invisible string” was such an artemrosa song but the more i learn about them the more they give me such “the course of our lives before we met were parallel but almost close enough to touch” vibes
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you know what i'm just waiting to get to the part where celestine meets marius so that she can make him flustered after he tries to flirt with her lmao
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artem and mc start dating, and in an attempt to maintain professional distance at work, they overcompensate by acting exceedingly formal and distant with one another, accidentally convincing the entire firm that they’re in the middle of a truly epic fight
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Question for ToT players
(Just noticed thar ToT makes almost an emoji crying... represents me crying in gacha but anyway)
So, how many of the Vyn MR event thingies do you have? The thingies you get with missions of the new event.
Bc I have only 3k, idk what i did wrong and i dont know how can I get the MR 😭😭😭 plz help
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Is like Artem is holding Vyn hand 👀 jksjsjsjs
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Hi Zak! I really love your writing style and interpretation of the ToT characters. You show so much depth and understanding and reading your work is always a treat. My question is, how do you find the motivation to write so often and develop all your ideas? All I have is a backlog of Dramatic scenes in my ideas doc and I can't figure out how to add enough plot to even make them into oneshots.
hello, anon ヾ(^∇^)
thank you so much for your kind words!!! im glad my fics are enjoyable :D
as for your, i think i have a lot of things that motivate me to write a bunch at the speed i do, so heres all of the motivators i can think of
a big emotional one is that....i feel palpable physical anxiety when i havent Created A Thing in a While, HAHA. and my brain's definition of "a while" is anywhere from a week to one day KJBKJS. i feel happiest and most like myself when creating and having created. this emotional motivator is v important to me bc it helps me relieve negative emotions and experience positive ones.
my brain never shuts off!! ever!!! it's throwing new ideas at me 24/7 and leaving the ideas in my brain where nobody will ever get to see it......thats Agony For Me. i write so much because i wanna be like EVERYBODY, LOOK, LOOK AT THIS CONCEPT!! DONT LEAVE ME ALONE TO THINK ABOUT THIS, THINK ABOUT IT WITH ME!!!
people tell me that my writing makes them happy or makes them laugh or gives them some kind of benefit. this is hugely rewarding for me and pushes me to make more because i want to continue to make things that people can benefit from
i write my stuff because......nobody else will. like, the stuff i enjoy is somewhat niche. i wanna see smut but it's a comedy at the same time. or i wanna see the nxx team being stupid but also being a loving found family. i wanna see nxx polycule dealing with a voyeuristic pet bird. the stuff i want....NOBODY ELSE IS GONNA WRITE IT, theyre all way too specific, so i have to be the one to write it!!!
I Just Love Writing. ive been writing fiction for more than a decade now (exactly a decade, if ur going by my ao3 fics) and it's something i'll continue doing for the rest of my life. sorry to sound cheesy, but it's deadass my passion. it's what i chose to study and major in college, it's what i do at my current job, and it's what i do in my free time. i love writing, so i do as much of it as i can.
so theres a bunch of motivators that keep me trucking on like crazy!!!!
but theres a second question here, right? i think? or am i misreading? you also ask kinda how to develop ideas/plot, yeah? because huge mood at "backlog of Dramatic scenes" tbh thats how most of my fics start in my brain HAHA.
so heres how i personally develop ideas
the dramatic scene/s (or just whatever "seed" of a fic, be it a badass line or a stupid joke in dialog) in the head? i write that down immediately. no matter what is going on, i grab my phone and scribble that thing down on a notepad. i have woken up at 2am just to blindly wordbarf an idea into my diary discord, lemme get u an example actually, heres the message:
and this single message resulted in the fic "The NXX Investigation Team In Their Natural Habitat, Unhinged: A Documentary by DAVIS"
so like no matter how un-fleshed out the idea is, get it down!!! make the backlog in ur head a backlog somewhere outside of ur head so that it doesnt disappear bc a lot of the time, those ideas need to like.....simmer. i often need to put an idea down and let it rest for a while for me to understand the concept more and then start building around it. case in point: that message was sent on November 16. the first chapter of nxx docu fic was posted November 19......okay that wasnt a great example, it only simmered for 3 days BUT MY POINT STANDS
onto the plot!!!
i personally add plot by going through at LEAST TWO STAGES OF OUTLININING. this is gonna make me sound insane, but bear with me.
this is the barebones shit. like tbh, all i put in this outline is as simple as premise, conflict, resolution. THATS IT. example of outline one of "how Puppy Pierce© conquered the world":
barest bones in the world but theyre still bones aka, theyre whats needed for a story. there is a premise, conflict, and resolution. fiction comes in all kinds of forms, but these three are the easiest and most noticeable building blocks. keeping these blocks in mind always helps me get from concept to story.
i move on now to
OUTLINE TWO: embellish the wordbarf
this is where i go insane because based on outline one, i expand as much as frigging possible. the outline one for puppierce is as short as u see above and my outline two based on it is 864 words long. this is where i get detailed and lay down scenes, sometimes i lay down the exact dialog as well. heres an excerpt of outline two from the same fic above:
BONUS: a list of things to Keep In Mind.
this is something i only do with fics that delve deep into emotions and themes but it's very very helpful for me because it allows me to have like...a guide to look towards whenever i feel blocked or stumped, it realigns my trajectory to where i want it to go. i do this in the beginning before outline one and two. heres an example from the fic "it's only ever a seed planted from outside in":
and once all that is done, tadaa!! everything is built!! and then i do the Actual Writing bit JBJKFGS
i hope this is helpful somehow? a lot of my writer friends have told me that both my motivators and my writing process is fucking insane but sdjkbkgjsd insane is what works for me. i hope you find what works for you :')
again, thank you for lovely ask!! if ever u have questions on like, writing process or story development, dont hesitate to hmu!!! my degree in creative writing has to be useful for something HAHA.
hope u have a nice day!!
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Cuddling Headcanons w/ Main 4:
Contains Vyn Richter, Artem Wing, Luke Pearce, and Marius VonHagen.
Vyn Richter:
Vyn is very affectionate when he cuddles you, but not completely overkill. He doesn’t shower you with kisses every 2 seconds, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t want to.
Rather, his style of affection is very subtle. Leaves you wanting more.
He can’t help it, honestly.
The way you look at him expectantly is too cute to pass up. He needs it to refuel.
This includes gently moving the hair, if you have any, out of your face in order to get a better look at your drowsy expression. This also includes back-of-the-hand kisses.
Small forehead kisses. Bonus points if he gently strokes his thumb across your face.
He’s not much of a talker during cuddle sessions. The most he’ll remark is how beautiful you look in his embrace or how good it feels to have you with him.
Prepare to witness him staring at you, constantly.
Not in a creepy way, of course. If you felt weird about it, he’d cease.
He just wears that love-drunk expression far too well. Half-open eyes with a small, admiring smile pulling the look together.
Morning cuddles are his favorite so don’t even think about skipping those unless absolutely necessary.
That half-asleep daze while holding the love of his life is addicting. You try to get up earlier than he plans and he’s pulling you right back in.
“I’m not finished yet. In a few, dear.” He’ll mumble in your neck, gently massaging your scalp to relax you.
Speaking of, Vyn is surprisingly really good at massages.
He knows how important sleep is, so if you’re ever having trouble with it, he’s always there to provide as much assistance as he can.
“Breathe in and out slowly and focus on the feeling, okay? You don’t have to worry about a thing while I’m here. You know that.”
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fuuuuck y'all
idk if i should roll for artem (in a suit 😫)

or if i should wait for what i've been saving for...
my man vyn... but drunk

i have 16830 s-chips at 50 pity should i risk it or nah?
oh btw vyn has a mole under his collarbone in case you didn't know :)

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So imma tell my opinion
I think is a yes for luke and vyn
Luke for me is sanguine melancholic
Vyn is just a definition of pleghmatic.... HE CAN HIDE HIS EMOTIONS SO WELL LIKE????
But in marius i see 3 temperaments, he has sanguine traits. A lot. And he is also reflexive and melancholic BUT he has choleric traits as well. When he has a point he always defend it, if someone offend or do anything he would immediately react and attack back (idk how to say contra atacar in English LoL).
So he makes me really confused
And artem... i think he is actually melancholic, but perfeccionist. He is not the type who has a lot of pride.
tot boys as the four temperaments
marius - melancholic
The melancholic temperament is fundamentally introverted and thoughtful. Melancholic people often were perceived as very (or overly) pondering and considerate, getting rather worried when they could not be on time for events. Melancholics can be highly creative in activities such as poetry and art - and can become preoccupied with the tragedy (broken dreams motif) and cruelty in the world. Often they are perfectionists. They are self-reliant and independent; one negative part of being a melancholic is that they can get so involved in what they are doing they forget to think of others.
You might not expect to think of Marius as an introvert, but I do think it fits him - he definitely portrays an outgoing persona, but it's just that: a persona. In reality he has a lot of interiority, and plays a lot of cards close to his chest. I also don't find it difficult to imagine that he gets easily drained by the company politics and level of responsibility that comes with them, and uses his art as a way to 'recharge'. I think one particular instance of him "forgetting to think of others" is his argument with Artem about Neil and Giann, and their respective innocence; he gets so caught up in what he believes to be true about his brother's disappearance and righting that wrong, that he forgets who he's speaking to and how his accusations come across. He's a passionate guy, when you get down to it. can you tell im obsessed with him
vyn - phlegmatic
The phlegmatic temperament is fundamentally relaxed and quiet, ranging from warmly attentive to lazily sluggish. Phlegmatics tend to be content with themselves and are kind. They are accepting and affectionate. They may be receptive and shy and often prefer stability to uncertainty and change. They are consistent, relaxed, calm, rational, curious, and observant, qualities that make them good administrators. They can also be passive-aggressive.
i think this speaks pretty clearly for itself! i definitely think a passive-aggressive vyn is the funniest kind
luke - sanguine
The sanguine temperament is fundamentally spontaneous and pleasure-seeking; sanguine people are sociable and charismatic. They tend to enjoy social gatherings, making new friends and tend to be boisterous. They are usually quite creative and often daydream. However, some alone time is crucial for those of this temperament. Sanguine can also mean sensitive, compassionate and thoughtful. Sanguine personalities generally struggle with following tasks all the way through, are chronically late, and tend to be forgetful and sometimes a little sarcastic. Often, when they pursue a new hobby, they lose interest as soon as it ceases to be engaging or fun. They are very much people persons. They are talkative and not shy. Sanguines generally have an almost shameless nature, certain that what they are doing is right. They have no lack of confidence.
luke is a very complex character, so i'd say this somewhat fits him - like marius, he also plays a role in some ways, though i'd say it's more for mc's benefit. he kind of regresses to the way he was as a teenager in order to keep her comfortable, trying to keep his 'darker' traits hidden. it's not an act, though - that really is who he is. this happy-go-lucky guy who loves being a detective and meeting people and kind of experiencing their lives through his work. and let's be real he can be pretty cocky too (justified tho he's kind of good at everything under the sun. godlike, perhaps)
artem - choleric
The choleric temperament is fundamentally ambitious and leader-like. They have a lot of aggression, energy, and/or passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were choleric. They like to be in charge of everything. However, cholerics also tend to be either highly disorganized or highly organized. They do not have in-between setups, only one extreme to another. As well as being leader-like and assertive, cholerics also fall into deep and sudden depression. Essentially, they are very much prone to mood swings.
i would hesitate to describe artem as someone who has mood swings, but he is very repressed and when his feelings build up, they can jump out in unexpected ways (see: SSR Atmospherics, or literally any instance of him trying to ask mc out on a date). otherwise, this is spot on; charismatic, assertive, passionate and ambitious are all words i would use to describe artem. i would also call him depressed at times, but mostly just because this man... is an emotional wreck. and we love that about him <3
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Hey an idea. Reblog with the otome game that would actually work well as an anime :
_ Tears of Themis : Rosa is her own character and human at that. She's constantly depicted as competent and it's so refreshing to see a mc who's not constantly dumbed down just so she get her ass saved. As for the love interests, they all respect her and despite some fitting into tropes they're their own character themselves, not too outlandish and not too "normal" either.
_ Cupid Parasite : I just started this game so it's not that fair but come on. Lynette is her own character too and competent at her job even though it give her a disservice in love. Despite that her perspective is totally understable. So far it's mostly for the tone that is ridiculous and wacky that I think it would do a good anime. It's not obviously stupid while trying to take itself seriously like some adaptation do
I am tempted to add VariBari as well but it's based only on the fact that the heroine is a himedere while I don't know yet the game. Hoping it's as good as it sound like!
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*john laurens voice* uh-yo-yo-yo yo yo!
I did in fact spend 100$ BUT. But. Only that. My pity was at 55, I got Vyn first and then Artem. And then !!!!! 2 Marius in one 10-pull!!!!!!!

Got Luke too of course. I spent the 15$ to unlock both sides of the rewards :P
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Pranks at the NXX Office 2: Electric Boogaloo
thank you to @thenovelartist for the brain worm i accidentally deleted this and had to take a whole ass break so i wouldnt scream lmao
also this is a mildly long continuation of this post sorry about that hehe
lets set the scene
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