yoneyumyum · 20 hours
Adult friendships be like “I miss you bro, let's hang out in November"
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yoneyumyum · 21 hours
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yoneyumyum · 22 hours
8 of the world’s most bizarre flowers:
1.) Swaddled Babies
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2.) Flying Duck Orchid
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3.) Hooker’s Lips Orchid
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4.) Ballerina Orchid
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5.) Monkey Orchid
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6.) Naked Man Orchid
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7.) Laughing Bumblebee Orchid
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8.) White Egret Orchid
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yoneyumyum · 22 hours
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yoneyumyum · 1 day
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yoneyumyum · 1 day
Having ADHD is that your brain either feels like
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And it can switch in a matter of seconds.
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yoneyumyum · 1 day
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It’s time again
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yoneyumyum · 1 day
Stone faced and barely moving in the club.
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yoneyumyum · 5 days
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yoneyumyum · 5 days
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skeleton of cave bear in Bears Cave, Romania
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yoneyumyum · 8 days
pizza night is cancelled on account of the
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yoneyumyum · 9 days
"We need more unapologetically weird folks!" you guys can't even handle furries
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yoneyumyum · 9 days
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yoneyumyum · 9 days
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(about this guy)
a kiln god is a small clay sculptural creature that stays on/in/near a kiln while it’s firing, to watch over the pottery inside and protect it
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mine are all vaguely humanoid and holding pottery, but they can be anything
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a lot of people leave their kiln gods unglazed, and only ever make one or two. because I work with a shared kiln, my kiln gods have to be inside the kiln so they don’t get bumped or broken, so it makes more sense to glaze them and keep making more
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(^this one I kept, she lives on my pottery desk)
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people have lots of little traditions around kilns and pottery. there are so many variables to successfully finishing a piece of pottery, and many of the steps are out of our control. it’s nice to have a kiln god watching over our work
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if you take a pottery class, your teacher might mention the kiln gods. for some potters/studios they’re more of a concept than anything physical
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what can I say, humans just love to make little guys
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yoneyumyum · 9 days
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yoneyumyum · 11 days
It's reallly annoying that oversleeping is like. 100% inefficient. There is no benefit you gain, you basically just lost a bunch of hours from your life. You're not even less sleepy afterwards
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yoneyumyum · 11 days
put those awesome boobs away dude now isn't the time
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