yomarcello · 5 days
Man on The Moon
Man on the Moon
Hey there, Welcome to the Moon People Always aim for the Stars But forget that I’m also that far I guess it’s not important to you   It’s an amazing thing, a star Shine bright and burn your car I wished to become a star But I am just a simple moon   AT least I get to see a lovely She’s down on Earth, She’s worth She works, I miss her lately But she comes eventually   By the way, I am not a moon, just a man I write poems with a pen in my hands And my girl, she is just my friend I got issues that require some plans   The moon is where I lay my tomb Raiders can’t spot me I presume They are looking for my treasure It happens to be you, dear lector   I mean nah to the intruder on my Tumblr And yah to the girl always stuck on twitter X that out honestly, You forgot about me And should I do too for my own sanity?
I don’t know, I’m just a man on a moon.
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yomarcello · 17 days
I Been Doing Well Pt.2
o/o it’s Monday, my birthday I’m in prison for something Maybe trespassing But I was just searching   The First lady I rang the doorbell to She got made and the police came through I mean I could’ve called them But the paperwork would be mayhem   I did apologize But her face was serialized She still resented me And she won’t let me be   These people acting like getting robbed is funny I worked very hard for my money and frankly If you had the chance to get by your SUV You would’ve done just like me   Hypocrite   Now for the teacher The Woman that can’t give shit to the lost and found The woman that can read a notification with sound Or the woman that claims I am a villain all around   Tell me this, why didn’t you answer the messages My case was sending hints, and you erased it I guess you can find simple traces Probably can’t tie your laces   I mean how dumb can you be Trying to blame me for your stupidity I’m trying to be calm but it out of my palm Getting me into a cage is beyond my rage   I guess I should spend my 19th birthday Looking my mother’s tear run away As her son she gave birth on that day Would be in jail to rot away
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yomarcello · 17 days
I been doing Well
I was studying, getting my education in My cellphone in my pocket, I was zoned in In the library, I was for a good minute You had to be there to feel it   I was Lazer focus Keep a dream of owning a Lotus I knew I had to stay working For one day, I won’t be a novice   This is my last assignment My schedule is good with my timing I make it work even though the alignment I did it so good, it felt like I was not trying   Keep it real the time to go was near I had to run to the next class Because my teacher will get on my ass   Being late, that wasn’t my fate I rather be early and look baked Cooked from the last night’s stay But I’ll make it anyway   So, I made it to the room No one in it but a shadow of the moon How can it be possible, it only noon Soon, I’ll realise it with doom   I got to the chair in there The sun gave a glare Like an old woman’s stare Makes your comfort disappear   I do enjoy sun light But let’s highlight the facts I don’t need all that Just enough fill my might   I got sidetracked A little like my grades But wait My airpod case   Swiftly I ran up to my old place Looked at many faces The sit was empty of traces I guess I came too late   Panic ensued Panic in my mind Panic at the Disco Playing As I feel a heavy toll   I do try to track it but find it in a residence With my anger, this person’s fate in imminent I can smell trouble like a dog smell fragrance And I know for certain I’m not ignorant   I was robbed Simple conclusion to a situation Was I in Delusion? Time to find out   o/o   It’s a Saturday afternoon, thunder ensued I’m in my living room with chicken soup My husband is gone for the weekend I guess the house is mine for the keepin’   I am kind of stressed with recent events My car got stolen in my residence I thought the car location was eminent But no trace was left of it   My husband tries to contact police The location they try to retrieve (is this long for you ruxANDa?) But all I hope is to believe   Ring Oh, that must be the robbers No one will try to bother When outside is thunder I guess I’ll let it buzzer   Ring What do these people want? I can see them through the window Tonight, I’m a widow but they should know A woman’s peace cannot be played with, for sure   Ring My daughter is panicking “Who is this rigging” I might be strong usually But now I am shaking   Ring Ring Ring Ring   My fear turns into self-confidence My patience turns into annoyance I open the door with the up most purveyance I hope that they won’t be violent   o/o   it’s Sunday morning, I woke up to stories of a young man looking for his airpod case that’s missing Just so happen to find the same thing   These stories make me sick The woman thought they would break in I was to shock to make any sense of it But I kept to the old trick   I planned to meet this student at my office I previously thought my student owed it Maybe they would notice a missing case And the case would’ve been dealt with   But I guess I messed up Because this man is persistent If he harassed an innocent woman, imagine me Lord knows I might be the next victim   I soon decide to leave it into the securities office Tell them they can give it to this Malice I told them the exact story, they were shocked Little did they know, it was made up.  (1/2)
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yomarcello · 20 days
'Kissland   A place full of money and fame Every girl knows your name You used to sing hoping for change But now that time has came   You still have the same addictions Seeking doctor’s help in relation Speaking of relations, you had a lot of it But you were as empty as the abyss   You kept your love Professional Went away from The Town of Criminals Now your adaptation is clear And that love in the sky is real near   You had once, skills that belonged to the world Now it’s a reason for your wanderlust But you made it to Kissland, a must Everything here is Pretty, but you still have tears   In the Rain'  
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yomarcello · 1 month
Do I want to be A star?
I’ll be the Greatest inside of the game The Best is the title I’m gonna claim I can’t never aspire to remain the same But i would not change for no fame
This for my mom who gave me my name She helped me through stress & pain Stunning and fly because I’m not plain Running through verse like it was my domain
Worried bout the future, cause of my past Always worried that these time won’t last Bell ringing because it’s time for class Hate school and my career path
But the present is a gift, i know that Success is patience and work, fact Discipline and consistence I lack So, every day feels a side track
Seeing my friend doing their thing One of them engage and got a ring Is it my time or will i always be remaining Single, these moments are restraining
Order and Chaos is the life’s composure Being the greatest is my life’s Order I’m so focused and concentrated My meditated state is Honour
Let’s stop with these weak raps I came from the bottom like welcome mats I got step on by the daily at that But They got Weak joints like knee caps
The game is actually for the steal And I’ll make it without being real I’ll fake it until i open the seal Make it food for thought like a meal
That nothing you know is actual That you thought was factual Is Really just some effectual lies And I’ll be break all the enemy ties
I’m heading into a place, wicked The devil has carefully picked it Music is just mind control magic Turn kids into feins and addicts
The industry is truly an evil place So is that the road i would take? I mean I did some mistakes But this one might take the cake
Will I lose my individuality? Will I go crazy and end like Britney? Spear heading a movement of adultery Making Sexuality a norm in society?
Do I want to follow that road? The industry becoming my escrow Controlling what I would undergo As I’m wheat to their bread dough
I’ll be stuck with people that hate me Just want me for the accessibility of currency Is life right now what I desire ultimately Is life all about financial legitimacy?
Do I need a mansion to show Success Do I need a billion dollars to be well dressed? Do I need a record label to say i’m the best Or do i need less to know that i’m blessed?
The man once optimistic about life Becomes sceptic about what’s right Getting rich to help people’s lives Or get rich to make my diamond bright?
So, before these thoughts i discard i light up a cigar and regard ideas Ideas I scavenged like a hyena I say: “Do I really wanna be A star?”
signed: the greatest yet
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yomarcello · 1 month
shiddy shiddy bang
Have you ever felt like you had no purpose Well that what I felt like when I wrote this But then I noticed my purpose was music And they can call me stupid or idiotic Saying my music is going to change the world, how sarcastic
But If i wanted but my energy into one thing Music will be the only way to anything I fail at everything, I can’t do right But I know that energy is found in light And I might not be bright but I know this Out working other will be my only focus And eventually I will be the main focus
Do I do it for the fame or for the chains The pretty girls with tatoos of their name? Honestly, I see myself as a man on a mission My whole group tries to make me listen
But I’m persistent, either good or bad I wish that sense is what I had Because seeing people being right about me Just makes me mad about life actually
Why do I have these aspirations? Just for me to fail at them I work hard but is that even true? on the phone from morning to noon
I can lie to you guys but not to this guy This guy dreams high like the stars in the sky This guy thinks but doesn’t realize That this guy is the product of the last guy
This guy is now and that guy is past But that guy still comes around to laugh Will he ever change? Will he ever not be this strange?
I know it come with time and Age But this man can’t behave He is always so Derange That’s his P range
I hope someone reads this and feels Not any particular emotions, just feels And I won’t ever resort to these deals Making my safe different just to appeal
But how much of it is actually ideals? Talking about meeting social seals Personality to harsh not to conceal I guess i will let time reveal
I would love to speak to my girl Not girl friend but Bestfriend “Always got my back” friend “She’s a fabric of my mind” friend
I can’t speak to anybody so I rhyme I can’t be a person that would combine Because Love is so hard to define Like is falling off part of it’s design?
We’ll if she got my back, she’s my spine And if she was an angel so divine Then she would be the one to align And if she leaves me then love is about decline
I went from hating life to hating love It’s hard to find it when you make it above I’m talking about OJ with the Glove And The angels with the Doves
Maybe that’s why I rush things But these Queen got many kings Ace of Spades, they got many tings Multi Faced, they got many strings
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yomarcello · 1 month
Dear friend I am happy to know your doing well And going to university, I’m proud as hell Will it be civil law, anything you chose Anything you do, it will be perfect draw
Cutting the chase, heading for the races Girl, I feel like I was Born to Serve Bases Throwing every curveball trying to hide it I’m afraid to erase your face by my own grace
I had a dream recently It spoke about you specifically You had a little white Puppy And I know that couldn’t be
You don’t enjoy that novelty Because You prefer cats honestly They are quiet and peaceful Dogs can just be a real toll
Anyways, you were leaving for the airport I pictured an image where I had to fight for it Running to say something to know, yourself Obviously confused, listen to yells and horns
I told you that I missed you Obsessive behaviour, that’s true But I had to tell what first came through What do I do? Tell you lies like i used to?
We talked when we had each other blocked I mean till this day I’m still at a shock Our friendship, crashed like the economy And all of it was because of me, truly
You had told me that I was a surprise to see And I see now what you meant by that 16 weeks, 16 missed calls and I came back That’s something that only happen in movies
Frankly I did want to say something I just want to ignore everything I wanted to give you a gift Which is the letter i wrote before our rift
It goes:
I’m a man that knows about art That knows what he’s apart Love isn’t what fixes the heart Because i only know to love hard
I grew up with my father on alcohol He would steal my moms money at the casino I was a little kid just wanting to play with y’all My friends and family, playing some football
After work, tired of his manual labour My father would put his anger into me I was a trouble maker but that was me I loved spending time and have laughter
I was punished many times per week His anger was transmitted to me Being a child, I felt helpless and weak So I would do anything to increase self esteem
Fast Forward 2024, my father has passed His time with the family has passed He was a broken man just how i am I never wanted to carry legacy of violence
Pictures of me young, skinny and shy All because my dad would make me cry I was scared of hearing the door opening Because what happened after was frighting
My mother did a sacrifice, she left my father And even tho we are 6 kids, that was half of our heritage
I remember that day, me and my siblings Happy to be free from my dads tyranny My older siblings were old enough to know That after what he did, he had to go
But here’s a twist, lil old me thought he would come home I thought he was about to do a visit But mom made sure he had to be banished
I hope this letter makes sense Of the the person I am This is isn’t a victim complexion More of a personal reflection
I had push you to the limit Like how my parent did But I would like to ask Something they haven’t did
To forgive.
Funny how my gift is Trauma dumping I know that this ain’t something new Even after all we been through I still find a way to shove my issues into you
Into you… Into you… I think I might still be into you And it hurts admitting it to you Because I want to befriend you
I don’t know what state I’m in These rhymes just hide the fact im falling Not in love but into dust Thanos snapped and I erupt
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yomarcello · 1 month
a lovely sense of poetry
April 27th, my day of birth Soon the day I first emerge I was the image of a character And whom father named me after
I knew this man for a short time he gave me up and had tears in his eyes He loved a girl and it was unclear why Me as a gift was his love sight
I’m now in another home I felt like they would treat me wrong After what my dad went through I had the idea of it to me too
But I’m feeling better I get constant love from my new mother She always takes care of me We even play games occasionally
Soon learned about my parents dispute Father hurt mother and it hit me harder The pain hit deeper without my armour For I wanted to scream but I was mute
I cried and grandma was by my side She told me it will be alright But still didn’t know why I wanted to have both not to divide
Mother became way happier after I asked her what happened to father She told me “he was on a new chapter” “We are better when both apart”
I’m sadden to have gone through such phase Having your family lost in a maze Often searching for help that had rarely came But as Kirby, I can’t always try to behave
Unless I eat away my pain
September 12th, the gift of life was given Being a little Autobot, it was hard to listen My human protector had gave me to her friend He was highly content and i could hear excitement
The Female was really caring about this boy For what i heard she really gave him joy And to comeback to this city was her choice To meet with her friend, she did employ
Favour, Her parents trusted her endeavour They knew this was important to each other I was kept in a bag and i heard their banter For the man was not shy of having any laughter
She soon revealed me and he looked with Glee He had seen me like I had Never felt before I knew that I made him happy  But he would look at my protector more 
It looked like he fell in love His blood was rushing like wine in a cup He knew she was the one He knew he had to give her all of the above
The days passed and months passed And my master had turn into a personal disaster He grew less capable to move from the past His immense joy turn something miserable
He would like cry out and pray  He was worried like it was doomsday Maybe the two friends we left astray Or did they decided to move away
He’d look at me, like a delusional fein He would ask me “was I too mean” Did I make myself look obscene Didn’t i try to stay serene? 
I felt his pain, losing someone so close Like me and Charlie after i hit the road But man did he feel sadden I didn’t know what had happened
But he would write songs about the previous Saying: You are my gem, You’re precious I guess someone is obsessed  Maybe he should be on his phone less
Then i saw see progress
He stayed home less and saw happiness He met new people, they help him ease He would grow into a man fearless He would still smile at me as he leaves
though my Human protector gave me as gift My gift was to see her friend grow  I hope she is doing alright So have the Goodest of nights
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