ymbryned · 3 years
hi everyone!!
i am almost completely certain this fandom is dead, but, it’s been so long that i wanted to say howdy!!
i started this blog when i was 12-13 ish(?), so it’s really crazy to revisit now that i’m a senior in high school getting ready to move halfway across the country for university. time truly is a flat circle.
despite getting locked out of this account long ago (and honestly, drifting away from this fandom), it brings a huge smile to my face to see all of this nostalgia that i had a part in creating, like a digital time capsule :)
i definitely hope to breathe some form of life back into this blog, but maybe shift the focus to my evolved interests (more to come???)
i really hope you’ve all been well in the event that any of you have stuck along long enough to see this ordeal come back full circle!
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ymbryned · 3 years
oh my golly gosh!!
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ymbryned · 4 years
ruined? how so ?
I just generally feel like Ransom has destroyed the original intent of the story and overall dismantled the plot direction. He introduced so many new characters that he failed to develop the original cast in a way that was natural, and I think it’s led to a lot of neglect and has made reading AMOD feel overwhelming. I also think that he only brought Fiona back to pander to the audience, as it wasn’t reintroduced in a way that contributed to the story line. I hate to say this, but him bringing back Fiona killed any chance Hugh had to develop a solidified character ark. I also felt like over time I grew to hate Jacob as a protagonist and found his and Emma’s plot dynamic toxic in a way that further soured my love for the series. Jacob and Emma were DEFINITELY a toxic couple and weren’t together for the right reasons, but Riggs’ inability to patch things up in a decent way flopped extremely hard. I wish he would’ve tied the book off at AMOD and left it there, because a lot of people agree (at least, who I’ve talked to) that COTB was too far of a stretch for the story and didn’t move the universe along in a way that engaged the reader, especially compared to the prior books in the series. 
I hope this makes sense, I didn’t mean to go on a tangent. I get heated sometimes, like Emma when she realizes Jacob isn’t Abe.
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ymbryned · 4 years
Ransom Riggs going in to write the next MPHFPC book knowing that he’s completely derailed the series and destroyed the plot direction / character development
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ymbryned · 4 years
Enoch X Car??? .... Lightning McQueen-
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ymbryned · 4 years
Hi!! I absolutely LOVE your blog and I was wondering what was happening with Ms Swans home?
Hey!! I swear she’ll come eventually!! Everything is ready for it I just wanna go to extra mile and figure out how I want to post for it :^)
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ymbryned · 4 years
Bronwyn: Girl thoughts, head lesbian.
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ymbryned · 4 years
How to kiss Horace Somnusson, a guide by Enoch O’Connor
1. Lean in close.
2. Put your hands in his pockets.
3. Grab his wallet.
4. Don’t kiss him.
5. Run.
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ymbryned · 4 years
if you see me crying over hugh apiston mind your business.
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ymbryned · 4 years
Also I started a Mystic Messenger MC Chat Bot blog, if that’s something you’re interested in!!
And with the slam of a door, I was transported to a world that previously laid well-hidden under my eyes,
a skew of new faces lighting up what would redirect the course of my young life.
Despite the fresh circumstances,
a ping of familiarity seemed to light up my insides;
What should’ve been a new beginning, feeling more like an old memory…
“Have you received mysterious messages?”
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Loading save file ‘MINJEE.exe’ from location ‘MYSTICMESSENGER’…
New Character Added to Lineup… Finalizing download..
Files Successfully Loaded: CHOI MINJEE has been added!
Hello world, my name is Minjee Choi! Welcome to my blog, a platform of which I have debated heavily about opening up for this corner of the internet to view. Due to my circumstances, however, I thought it would be a most pleasant outlet to share my thoughts, and meet new people along the way! Before I tell you who I am now, I suppose I should give you insight on how I became this person…
Once upon a time a long time ago, I was lured into a highly secured apartment in a town in South Korea, by a person of which I was not familiar with at the time (stupid, I know). Upon entering this apartment, I was mysteriously added to a group chat operated by members of an elite charity organization called the RFA. During my time in the group chat, I was offered a position as their primary party planner, and have held that position since then. We have hosted many parties, and I have created a bond with each and every single member of the organization. Alongside my experiences on a business perspective, I have collected a variety of odd experiences and have gone onto endure many adventures with my fellow members. With this in mind, I have decided to create this blog as a way to write and document them as they come, as well as use this space for a few creative endeavors of my own…
With all of that in mind, allow me to tell you about myself!
- I am from Byron Bay, Australia. I came to South Korea to attend university, as I myself am Korean.
- Outside of being a student and the RFA, I can be found lending a hand at a local coffee shoppe.
- I was born February the 18th, making me a relatively flamboyant Aquarius.
- I am an INTJ, and my hobbies include various forms of journalism and the arts, playing video games, ice skating, learning new languages, and fashion.
- I play the bass, the piano, and the harp.
- I am currently learning about photography from my fellow RFA member Jihyun. Additionally, in the past my members have taught me many things! Jumin has taught me how to brew tea, Saeyoung has taught me about coding, Yoosung about his various video game pursuits, so on and so forth…
- I have a Himalayan cat named Bean.
As you might be able to tell, I’m not the best as describing myself… If there’s anything you would like to know about me that I haven’t mentioned, feel free to ask!
About the blog…
This blog will post about but is not limited to…
- General Mystic Messenger HC’s / Imagines / Timestamps / Drabbles (MC x RFA primarily, sometimes Character x Character or solo characters)
- MysMes AU’s (Primarily focusing on MC & RFA)
- Fan art (MC X Character candids, respectively)
- Roleplay (Plotted, full length RP in DMS exclusively, there is a rules list; primarily MC x Character with the occasionally MC x MC)
- Ask box (Questions, character interactions, anything else!)
Any questions or suggestions of additional content? Feel free to send an ask!
Additional Notes…
- All RFA content will encompass all main story and deep story members, as well as Jihyun & Saeran
- Minjee Choi is a MC OC, meaning that this is a roleplay account! Feel free to speak in the lense of a MysMes character or as yourself! All asks are encouraged, as Minjee does love to make friends!
- Navigations, rules / about me pages, and tags will be created soon for convenience if there an established need!
- This blog might contain NSFW content such as smut! If such content does occur, it will ALWAYS be marked to ensure safety.
Requests: Coming soon…
Roleplay DMs: Open!
Ask box: Open!
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Well, that’s enough about me for today! I hope we can all become friends, and you all stick around to hear about my adventures as a member of the RFA. Thank you all for reading !~
Minjee! has left the chatroom.
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ymbryned · 4 years
i am back.
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ymbryned · 5 years
Things this fandom forgets (expanded from my Discord post)
Jacob is canonically Jewish
Jacob’s mother is heavily implied to be an alcoholic
Angelica has/is coded to have depression
Jacob has trust issues
Noor’s parents are dead
Noor is heavily implied to have been abused in the foster system
Hugh has chubby cheeks
Myron is actually really tall (he has to bend over so Emma and Jacob can see his eyes clearly)
Fiona has/is coded to have PTSD and/or Selective Mutism
The AMoD characters in general
The POC characters
Enoch (book and movie) is implied to have used his peculiarity on real human corpses
Myron was likely incredibly abusive to characters like Sharon, Nim, Mother Dust, Reynaldo, and Kim
Jacob has Acute Stress Disorder
Jacob was/might still be chubby
Enoch is chubby
Abe traumatized his own son
Frankie is a cannibal
Frank Portman is a complex character
That Emma was nearly sold into human trafficking when she was 10
Feel free to add
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ymbryned · 5 years
enoch: everything is gay culture if you forget straight people exist.
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ymbryned · 5 years
Okay #1 CONGRATS!! you totally deserve that 2k followers! Okayyy so my name is isabella or bella for short. I'm 17 years old just about to turn 18, I have longish dark brown hair and I'm 5'5 ft. Personality traits include booksmart (I just love to read okay?), slytherin 100% and I'm very protective over my twin sister. I also care a lot about my friends and try to give advice whenever its needed. Although that may be a problem because I put others before myself. That's pretty much it
Bronwyn or Millard!!
I think the protectiveness is definitely similar to Bronwyn, and she would value that trait and the love you hold for your friends. I think Millard would love having someone to discuss books with, and once again how caring your personality is.
(this might be kind of bad? WOW i didn’t realize how rusty my shipping skills were o:)
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ymbryned · 5 years
we hit 2,000!
so on sunday we sat at around 1,950 and i was like “wow cool, i might hit 2k at the end of the week.”
right now i am almost at 2.1k, so that’s a nice sentiment!
thank you all so so SO much for following and supporting my very not always cool part of this hellsite! i remember hitting 1k and thinking i was literally jesus, so now my ego is through the roof and i am indescribably grateful for every single one of you who has enjoyed and followed my journey since the beginning.
in honor of 2k lovely peculiar children, i will be opening ships for the next week! send in a description of yourself and i’ll ship you with the character i think you fit with most! i’ll also try to push out some additional posts and finally giving you a look at the schedule for ms. swans blog :^)
 once again thank you all so much, my time on this blog has opened me up to a whole new world of amazing people and i love you all so much it’s crazy. <3
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ymbryned · 5 years
ruby im so proud of you, you're bringing the fandom back to life! you were the first person i followed on this godforsaken website, in like... 2017? and i'm so glad you're back and thriving💕💕
thank you so much!! I missed this community so much :'^)💞
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ymbryned · 5 years
can i just say how proud i am of you, babydoll?? i literally watched you take over this fandom all the way back in 2017, and you've contributed so much to the community and i think that's awesome. i'm so excited for your new project, i can't wait for you to fully come back and reclaim your title as queen of the community.
hey, thank you so much! not sure about being the queen of the community, but this means a lot and i’m so happy to know a lot of people from early on in my blogs existence are still around! i have a feel i know who this is, uwu
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