ylvaswrittenblog · 7 years
Ranma½ Bad girl AU drabble 3
Ok this took longer than expected to write. but now the third drabble on my AU is done. This time it will focus on a quite new ship of mine that I have started to like: Shamkyo(ShampooxUkyo). And in this AU Ukyo is non binary. 
Also a huge appreciation and a thank you to @padresmadres​ who helped me correcting it(or in fact all of my silly drabbles ily) <3 OK! I hope you’ll like it! 
“Does anyone knows you're here?” Ukyo asked in a concerned tone.
“No.” Shampoo answered. “But I can't be sure if anyone come and sees us.” She looked behind her back quite often and didn't seemed to be able to relax. Ukyo sighed and shook their head.
“Konatsu! Are you there?!”
And before anyone could blink, she stood kneeled before them with her back on the entrance.
“You called, master Ukyo?”
“ Would you go out and keep an eye if anyone is closing in to the restaurant. If anyone does, report to us immediately.”
“Yes! I will!” As quickly Konatsu had appeared, she was gone without a trace.
“You really seem to trust her a lot.” Shampoo said. She had her sight at the place Konatsu once stood.
“Well, if there's anyone who I could put my faith on completely, it's her.”
Shampoo rose an eyebrow and turned her sight right on Ukyo. “Really?”
Ukyo stood silent for a short time, and then suddenly a little snicker slipped out from their mouth.
“Well, is someone jealous or what?” Their voice sounded a little bit amused.
Shampoo frowned in an irritated look and didn't answered Ukyo's question. “So you don't even trust your other subordinates as much?”
“Well, do you?”
 “Fair point. I, if anyone, wouldn't be able to put my trust in others. Maybe except Mousse. He's after me like a loyal dog and would probably do whatever I told him.” Shampoo made a little pause and let out a sigh. Her brows were still furrowed, but now her look were more sad than irritated. “But despite that I wouldn't be able to tell him about us anyway, as you have with Konatsu. Since he has his really annoying crush on me, he probably wouldn't accept it, whatever I would say.”
Ukyo was quiet and listened while they were preparing the okonomiyaki. Ukyo felt their heart drop a little when they saw Shampoo's face. The one who's expression usually were so much of confidence and pride on the battlefield on the streets, were gloomy and had lost the sparks in her eyes.
Ukyo knew that they and Konatsu were the only ones who knew this side of Shampoo. The undefeated empress. The ruler of the streets who looked down on them all. The strong, beautiful, graceful leader who's subordinates looked up to with admiration and the enemies saw with fear.
On the streets, they were rivals. Enemies who would fight for overtaking the throne and to keep it. They would appear strong for both their respective gangs. Giving snarky remarks and make their followers rage and attack the other ones.
But they didn't rose a hand towards each others. They both says that they don't want to get their hands dirty with the other one's dirty blood. But they both knew it was a lie. It was obviously but it somehow worked. No one ever questioned them. They wouldn't dare to.
Ukyo also knew the price Shampoo pays to be the one on top. She had let it all out one evening when they had decided to battle one-on-one by themselves. Ukyo had accidentally struck a nerve and in a frustrated cry Shampoo had lost her defense and crumbled in front of them. In that moment, Ukyo didn't saw an enemy to defeat but instead a sad, lonely girl who had to put up a perfect facade to please others and protect herself from losing face. In that moment, Ukyo felt an incredibly feeling of empathy and sadness that overtook them. Before anyone knew what had happened, Ukyo had dropped their huge spatula and hugged Shampoo. No one said anything, but Shampoo had stopped to cry and instead of pushed Ukyo away, she had embraced them back instead. Squeezed them hard as she was afraid that Ukyo would disappear. It was in that moment they both knew that something bigger would happen between them.
Those feelings came back when Ukyo saw Shampoo's sad expression. It always did and Ukyo didn't like it. Sadness didn't suited this beautiful person who was sitting behind the desk. Ukyo bit their lips and left a frustrated sound.
Suddenly Ukyo jumped over the desk, stood beside a shocked Shampoo, placed their hands on her cheeks, and pressed their lips first on the forehead. Then on the right cheek and at last on the lips. The kiss on the lips were longer than the other ones. Just time enough for Shampoo to reply to the kiss by pressing back and nibble on Ukyo's upper lip. Then they slowly parted and gazed into each other's eyes.
“ You fool! The stove is on! You want to get burned?!” Shampoo suddenly busted out.
“Ooops!” Ukyo had for a moment forgotten that they were preparing okonomiyaki and had turned on the stove, in which they had jumped over. Ukyo left out an embarrassed laugh. “Haha! Well I guess I forgot it in the heat of the moment.”
Shampoo stared at Ukyo. Then a little smirk of amusement started to emerge on her face. “That was...a really bad joke.”
Ukyo smiled wide while looking at Shampoo who had left out in a giggle. Now that was something they thought would suit more of their beautiful, beloved girl.
“Hey, Ukyo?”
“Hmmm? What is it?”
“Your should look after your food.”
Ukyo's face froze. “SHIT!”
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ylvaswrittenblog · 8 years
Ranma½ Bad girl AU drabble 2
So my second drabble for my Bad girl au is up. And this time it’s more AkanexAkari centered. 
Akari leaned slowly towards Akane and before she could be aware of the situation Akari had rested her head on Akane's right shoulder. Akari lifted up her face a bit and let her nose poke  Akane's cheek.
Akane went completely stiff, her eyes went wide, and her lips turned into a straight line. She felt her cheeks start to slightly burn and her breathing started to get a little faster. Akane prayed that no one noticed the embarrassing expression that she just made. Or that Akari felt that her breathing change. She turned her head slowly to her right towards where Akari was sitting.
“What...are you doing?” Akane asked in an awkward voice.
“Shh.” Akari quietly hissed. “I am just tired, ok? Just let me be for a little while. I am not in the mood for anything else right now.”
Akane felt her eyes twitch for a second.
“Is she using me as a pillow? The fuck? How dare she?! What a bitch!” She raged in her mind.
Akane got the urge to not give a damn and push Akari away. She thought that if Akari was so sleepy she could lay on the bench or even on the ground for all that she cared.
But Akane didn't. She didn't move. She kept still and let Akari rest her head on her shoulder. All that she did was let out a loud sigh and she felt her cheeks heat up more.
“Is it the pear&amber perfume that she's using?” Akari thought to herself.
The scent was warm and soothing. It made Akari a little bit dizzy, but also filled her with comfort. Nothing that she would admit out loud though. She kept silent and closed her eyes.
Akari wasn't really tired. She just made it up to give her an excuse to get closer to Akane. She half expected the reaction Akane would make by that sudden move. Not that Akari had seen how Akane's face looked at the moment. But she could guess. Considering how she heard the faint, yet fast breathing from Akane, Akari could make a fast conclusion how the rest of Akane's body language would be. Akane was so easy to read, even if she denied and didn't want to say what was on her mind.
But Akari was still a little surprised how Akane hasn't tried to push her away or yelled at her, as she could do sometimes when Akari came too close and teased her. That was a reaction, or rather lack of, in which Akari never had experienced before with Akane.
“Now that was quite unexpected.” Akari thought. A small smile emerged on her face. “I wonder if it keeps up like this, I might-”
Akari stopped right then. She shook off the idea in her mind and almost laughed at herself for even having the thought.
“Not yet. Don't be too hasty Akari.” She reminded herself. Right now she would only allow to let her mind be swept away by the pear&amber perfume, the sound of fast breathing, and the feeling of her own heartbeat that beatet a little faster.
Neither Akane or Akari wanted to admit it to each others or to themselves, but they both hoped that this moment would last just a little bit longer.
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ylvaswrittenblog · 8 years
Ranma ½ Bad girl AU drabble
Ok. This is just a snipped of a scene from my au. I have no exactly red thread through this. I’ll just write and draw some scenes from it. 
The guy didn’t even managed to blink before Akane’s jet-black jacket flew right over his face. He furiously grabbed it and threw it aside, just as Akane expected. For a moment his guard was down and Akane seized it and threw a hard fist on his face. He flew past his gang and landed on a pile of trash. 
“I see that you finally found your rightful place.” Akane smirked and cracked her knuckles. Prepared to get her next target. 
Ryoga and Akari were standing a bit from Akane with her girl-gang and looked while Akane launched at the rest of the guy’s followers. She sent them flying on every direction. Her girls cheered her on as they saw their leader made short work of the rival gang.
Ryoga had been standing in silence for a long time, focused on Akane’s moves. Then he let out a small chuckle. And Akari, who was just beside him, heard that.
“What seems so funny to you, Sharptooth?”
“Hmmm?” Ryoga rose an eyebrow and met Akari’s suspicious stare. “No, I was just thinking. Or more like…realizing something.”
“Realizing what?” Akari asked him almost immediately.
“Well…” Ryoga started as he let his sight on Akane again, now standing with her arms in a position ready to jab someone. “…I just realized that no matter what you think about Akane. No matter how much you either like her or loath her…”
“Yes? What do you want to come to?”
Ryoga left out a huge grin that stretched from cheek to cheek in a delightful expression. “…You cannot deny that Akane definitely has some damn fine arms. I mean, I have seen firm muscles in my life. But Akane’s… well they may not be the biggest I’ve seen. But they definitely are damn fine pieces of art!”
Akari stared at Ryoga in complete silence, judged him hard in her mind.
“Come on, Akari.” Ryoga eyed at her. His grin were turned into a smug. “Even you can’t deny that. I have seen how you look at her.”
Akari was taken aback by Ryogas teasing words and turned her face away from him and stared straight towards Akane. She went to pick up and brush dirt from her jacket and threw it over her shoulders as she walked with a proud position, from a scene of grown up men all dispersed throughout the street, towards her cheering gang who were shouting and celebrated their beautiful, victorious leader. Akari felt her cheeks were slightly burning and pulled her cap lower and brushed her hair over her cheeks to try to cover it up.
“I guess you stare too much at other people, Sharptooth.” She muttered.
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ylvaswrittenblog · 8 years
Moomin Story cube part 1/4
Ok I have finally finished with the first one for the Moomin story cube requests I got months ago! First out is @tallkin  and I got these keywords to work on with:  ¤ Moominpappa, Hattifatteners, Groke, luggage, supplies, tent, fishing, coffeepot & spring 
Moominpappa and the dream of adventure
Snow fell and cowered the Moominvalley as a cold, white blanket over the sleeping habitats.
In the Moomin house the time had stopped the very moment the Moomin family had went into their hibernation. When you looked at them it seemed like they were somewhere far away.
For Moominpappa it was like that. During his hibernation he started to dream.
He was standing on a huge, grey cliff and headed his sight over the vast, grey-blue sea. He was looking at the Hattifatteners that rowed their small boats over the calm water. On this moment Moominpappa and the Hattifatteners had something in common; they should travel to a destination unknown.
With his luggage with necessary supplies ready, he took off. Moominpappa became alike Snufkin in that aspect. He walked over the lonely mountains, looked at the new surrounding that greeted him. During the day he took some small breaks and started to heat the coffee pot. If there was a river near by he would try fishing. But if he wouldn’t succeed catching some fish it would be alright. He had some pancakes and sandwiches with him that Moominmamma had prepared for him.
Moominpappa would put up the tent before the warm sun decided that it was time to go to sleep and let the moon wake up with the stars. The wind was howling and Moominpappa could sworn that he heard a distant cry of the Groke somewhere in the darkness.
Moominpappa went on on his journey. Leaving the Moominvalley behind. See other valleys. Meeting new creatures. Seeing old friends. Walking in deep forests. Travelling on wide shores. Climbing mountains. He was free and so filled with content.
But if Moominpappa would ever start to feel homesick and longing to come back to his lovely home and family in the Moominvalley, he could rest assure.
Because when spring will arrive and melt away the white snow-blanket that has been covered the valley for so long, he would certainly wake up from his adventure and come home again.
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