yippeesizedifgohard · 23 days
Mike and Ez Origins: pt 4
Ez lunged at Mike before he could escape
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they're each other's mama now💖
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TAGLIST: @goblinunderabridge@gt-newbie@smolcomfycat@da3dm@mouzeinsoup@xoxohihi@freshcube@tineylittledude @tinybitz@dragoncookbook @areallycoolanduniqueusername
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yippeesizedifgohard · 1 month
If you post g/t or follow the g/t tag please interact with this post in someway so I can follow you. I need to know all of the peeps so I can collect them like a g/t infinity gauntlet
Pls Reblog so that I can follow as many people as possible the goal is constant g/t on my feed :)
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yippeesizedifgohard · 2 months
hug a giant day !!!
this is just a collection of small little blurbs from my favorite characters i've written!
Rehabilitation (featuring Oliver and Goosefoot)
Oliver was coming home from a long night shift at his janitorial job. He hardly got to see his brother anymore, and he hated it.
"I'm...I'm not what he needs. He needs a father and a mother, not a brother." He admitted to Miss Goosefoot one early morning.
"You're doing the best you can," She said, side hugging his wrist. "Carter knows that."
The Date (featuring Ezra and Sal)
It had been a month or so since the date, and Ezra was excited to go to work. Sal was fairly used to him now, and a few others at the office liked him too. It had taken a lot of work, but he was happy to know that people weren't terrified of him anymore.
The morning was slow, as nobody needed to give anything to anyone else, but eventually the Boss called him in and said he needed to deliver a note to Sal. Ezra had smiled and accepted the task with a nod, quickly heading straight to Sal's office. He had to remind himself not to blush too much, as there was no way Sal would ever like him that way, especially not after the disaster of that very first date. However, he was still excited to see them again.
"Sal, the Boss had a note for you," he said, smiling through the balcony window.
"I know," Sal said, a smile on their voice. They came out onto the balcony and looked as though they were up to something instantly. "Do you want me to read it to you?" They asked, holding back a laugh. Ezra scratched the back of his neck with one hand, and offered Sal the note with the other.
"Um, am I going to regret-!" He gasped as her felt Sal wrap their small arms around his finger. He blushed hard, fingers trembling lightly before he let out a soft exhale. "May...May I pick you up for a proper one?" Sal nodded with a smile. Ezra delicately plucked them up and brought them close to his heavily beating heart and he tried not to smother them into his chest so much.
"Thank you." He said, holding them close.
Best Friends (featuring Simon and Nikki)
Nikki was still small, as it had only been a few hours since Simon had used the gun on her. He had brought her to his house during that time, regretting the fact that his desk and floor were a mess. Nikki hadn't said much, but Simon had certainly thought a lot. He was mostly circling one thought, why don't you ever think before you act?
"Uh, Simon?" Nikki asked, bringing him out of his thoughts. "Are you going to set me down anywhere?" Simon cringed, hating the thought that maybe Nikki was thinking of all the ways he could hurt her. He set her down on the desk quickly, before sitting in his chair.
"I need to figure out a way to get you back to normal." He remarked, wishing he could go back in time and fix everything. "But...I don't..." He sighed, dropping his head on the desk, causing Nikki to jump. He groaned into the wood, eyes starting to burn. That was, until there was a soft touch to the side of his head. He turned slowly to see that it was Nikki hugging the side of his head.
"Look, we'll find a way out of this, okay?"
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yippeesizedifgohard · 2 months
Rehabilitation (ft Carter, Oliver, Goosefoot, and Thimbleweed)
Prologue (to the main story)
(COMING SOON) Read the Signs (ft Caleb, Snakeweed, and Pix)
ONE-SHOTS (may be subject to becoming two shots)
The Date (will they? won't they? I don't know, but one of 'em seems scared!)
Best Friends (reckless boy meets quiet girl. what happens when recklessness leads to trouble?)
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yippeesizedifgohard · 2 months
grit (gt july day 6)
Thimbleweed had grit.
Not because they were courageous, necessarily, but because they had a set goal in mind.
A goal that needed to be accomplished, or else they would die.
Thimbleweed was trapped in a human house they despised with a human they despised even more. The human in question was cruel. He kept them in a cage. A cage they would escape.
No matter what it took.
(this is very very short, but there is a reason for that. i dont wanna give away too much too quickly for the linear story.)
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yippeesizedifgohard · 2 months
Plush (day 3 of gt July)
Carter loved his teddy bear, just as any other eight year old would love the plush they cuddled to sleep at night. But, after he had brought it to school, a rip had formed at one of the seams.
"Oliver, Bartholomew has a rip!" He whined to his big brother the morning following the incident.
"I told you it was a bad idea for you to bring it to school." Oliver tutted, pouring milk into the younger boys cereal bowl. Carter harrumphed with exaggeration. Oliver set down his breakfast, then sat across from.his little brother. "What do you want me to do about it?"
"Can't you fix it?" Carter asked, fiddling with his spoon in his cereal. "You have all that thread and the pointy thingy." Oliver smiled warmly, trying not to laugh.
"Alright, I promise it'll be all fixed when you come back home." Oliver said, grabbing his little brother's backpack. "Do you want me to walk you to school, or do you want to go with Ray and her mom?" Carter pushed out from the table and scampered to get his backpack.
"I wanna walk with Ray!" He said, excited. "Please." He added, remembering the conversation they had about being polite. Oliver opened the door.
"Okay kid, you have a good day!" He called as Carter rushed to catch up with his friend.
"Bye!" Carter yelled back. "I love you!"
Once Oliver closed the door, he knocked on the wall.
"Miss Goosefoot? Would you mind helping me out?" That was the thing Carter didn't know about the needles and thread. They weren't exactly for human use. Oliver had no idea how to sew.
Soon enough, a small woman in a dark pink dress emerged from the walls, still putting her brown hair up in a bun. Her tail flicked and her long ears perked up as she approached, walking on the countertop of the kitchen.
"What would you like me to help with?" She asked nicely. Oliver offered her a hand to stand on.
"Carter's bear has a rip." He admitted. "I was hoping you had the time to fix it?" Miss Goosefoot nodded.
"I haven't got a groundling in the program at the moment, so you grab that radio and some thread and we'll make a day of it." She winked, stepping onto his hand and sitting down gracefully. Oliver smiled, carrying her to his bedroom and dropping her off next to his alarm clock, which doubled as a radio. Once Miss Goosefoot hit the button on the side, he went off to grab the bear and thread.
When he returned, he sat at his desk right in front of Miss Goosefoot. Once she was settled and found the right position to sew up the bear, which was about five times her height, he pulled out his laptop.
"You wouldn't happen to have any advice for a resume, would you?" He asked, glancing at her.
"Well, I can't exactly write your letter of recommendation, but I do know that you are most likely qualified for whatever you wish to do." She said, threading the needle with ease. "I'm just glad you finally quit that janitorial job. I did miss you, you know. Can't blame an old lady for not staying up until midnight." She joked.
"Yeah, at this point I just want a decent paying job without being on the nightshift. Carter didn't like that much either." He sighed, propping up his head on his hand. During that time, Oliver almost never saw his brother. It was breakfast, dinner, and then he had to leave. Carter hated it, especially because he couldn't fall asleep without someone else in the house.
"Ah, yes, I remember." Miss Goosefoot replied without looking up from her stitching job. She tied the last knot and finished it off cleanly. "I just about revealed myself when he woke up crying that one night." Oliver clicked something on his computer.
"I know, and again I'm sorry you felt like you had to-"
"Oliver. You know I'm perfectly fine with humans. You and Carter don't scare me." She looked at him.
"I-I know that." He paused, closing his computer with a sigh upon realizing he wasn't going to get much job hunting done. "I'm just worried about his reaction to meeting groundlings." He ruffled his hair. "He doesn't know how to be gentle yet, I can't let him hurt anybody and he certainly can't start seeking you out, what if you have a patient and they get spooked because he started calling out for you? I refuse to jeopardize your work." Miss Goosefoot was silent.
"I appreciate all that you do for me and my patients, but maybe it would be good for Carter to learn about all of this?" She asked, not saying exactly what she wanted to, which was: If not now, then when will you let him learn?
"Not today. Probably not tomorrow either. I promise I'll find a good time, and I'll teach him."
When Carter came home, Oliver was waiting for him with Bartholomew in his hands. Carter was happy the bear was fixed.
And Miss Goosefoot was happy that her humans were happy.
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
Miss Helga Goosefoot was a groundling from all over. She had been from the wild, until her family moved into human suburbs when they began to take over their home. When she was a rebellious teenager, she had dubbed herself the name of Helga and ran off to the city. But now, she was a far more relaxed, older groundling. She now resided in a calm human home in which her safety was guaranteed. Her name was known to many by now, most groundlings referring to her as Miss Goosefoot.
But why was she so famous?
Well, that would be because of her rehabilitation program.
Because of the guaranteed safety in her house, many groundlings sought out her home after being discovered or getting injured. She would help them, for however long it took, until they were ready to move on to a new house or back out into the wild.
But the thing that made her house so safe wasn't that, perhaps, it lacked humans.
It simply contained two of the nicest ones she had ever come across.
But no one else had to know that.
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
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♡ GT July 2024 Prompt List ♡
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
g/t prompts
how a borrower might be caught
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫
1. tangled in their climbing rope
2. their home sniffed out by a dog/cat
3. sneezing too loud
4. falling into a sink, unable to climb out
5. sticky mousetrap
6. falling asleep in a human’s shirt pocket
7. lost their hook, left stranded on a counter
8. trying to watch a movie with the human
9. accidentally breaking a glass in the middle of the night
10. spilling flour/sugar all over the kitchen counter
11. singing along to the human’s music
12. setting off the fire alarm
13. choosing to reveal themselves because they need help (medicine, heat, etc.)
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
The first time Dalton shrinks in front of Bennett. The experience leaves him injured and mistrusting of Bennett, who doesn't quite understand what he's done wrong.
tw: anxiety, uncomfortable touching
character context: Dalton is a size-shifter whose height is affected by his emotions. Bennett frequently gets stuck in time loops and the only way to get the loop to end is for him to survive the day.
word count: 2.1k
-> In Which Everything Goes Wonderfully Wrong masterpost link: Here
-> character introductions and moodboards: Here
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Dalton felt an itch begin to spread across his skin. It started on his chest and it felt like his heart was being squeezed. He took in a sharp breath, gaining the attention of Bennett. His eyes snapped over to him.
“You okay?”
The itch was spreading, moving down his arms and his legs. Not now, not now, Dalton thought, his heartbeat spiking. He felt like he couldn’t catch his breath.
Bennett was staring at him with concern, briefly glancing around the library to see if anyone else had noticed his panic. Dalton’s hands were on both sides of his head and he was bent over the table. 
He had to focus. Swallow down the itch. This could not happen right now, not in a crowded place like this. Not in front of Bennett. 
Bennett reached a hand out to him. “Dude, what’s going on? Are you alright?”
The unexpected touch on Dalton’s arm pulled him out of his concentration, and he felt himself drop down a couple of inches. Once it started, there was no containing the shift in size. Without a word, Dalton stood from the table and rushed to the nearest aisle of bookshelves. 
It was just his luck, Dalton thought. The university library was a horrible place for him shrink down. What was worse, was that it was happening in front of Bennett. He had only just met the guy a couple days ago, and he was one of the only two people that knew about his abilities. Rory had left them alone for just a measly few minutes to go and find a book she needed, and now she wouldn’t be around while Dalton was small and unprotected.
He reached an isolated corner in the back of the library—just in time, too—and Dalton felt the world shift before his eyes as his stomach dropped. He fell to his knees in an attempt to lessen the temporary vertigo. With labored breaths, Dalton looked up, seeing the shelves tower high above his head. He was about half the height of a regular-sized novel right now, and he was out in the open for anyone to see. Anxiety gripped at his throat. 
Thundering footsteps caught his attention, and without a moment’s hesitation, he sprinted to the nearest bookshelf in an effort to conceal himself. 
Bennett slowly came down the aisle. “Dalton?” he called, “Where’d you go?”
Dalton shouldn’t say anything. He shouldn’t reveal his hiding space. He’d never been around Bennett small. He would be completely at his mercy. He had no idea how Bennett would react. 
Then again, Dalton was in the middle of a public library at his university. Anybody could find him, and when he was this vulnerable there would be nothing he could do if they decided to do anything to him.
His safest option would be with Bennett, no matter how unfamiliar that territory is.
Dalton peeked his head out from his hiding place. “I—I’m here,” he called. He hated how his voice trembled.
Bennett’s eyes shot down to the ground, and Dalton watched in anxiety-riddled silence as he waited for Bennett to spot him. 
He hated the fascination that took over Bennett’s features when their eyes locked. Dalton couldn’t help but to take a couple of steps back as Bennett lowered himself to the floor. 
“Holy shit!” A smile crept onto Bennett’s face. “You’re so little.”
Dalton flinched at the volume of his voice, stumbling back a couple more steps. He was nearly totally concealed by the shadows of the bookshelf, and frankly, he felt much safer in there. Even if Bennett hadn’t done anything, he couldn’t help that his flight instinct was screaming at him to run. 
“Keep your voice down,” Dalton told him, his own voice hushed. 
“What was that?” Bennett asked, leaning forwards. “I can hardly hear you.”
He was close. He was too close. “Step back,” Dalton said, voice brittle. He held out a hand as if that would do anything. 
Dalton couldn’t pinpoint the expression that painted Bennett’s face at his words, but he didn’t like the way his eyes softened. “Hey, man,” Bennett said, “it’s just me.”
Yeah, no shit. Dalton did not know Bennett. They had only just met. He had no idea how Bennett would act around him at this size. “I need you to go get Rory,” Dalton told him.
“Why? What’s she going to do that I can’t?”
She would know how Dalton was feeling. Her abilities made sure of that. And even though he would never wish this kind of anxiety on his worst enemy, having someone know exactly what was going through his mind would be better at handling him small compared to someone that Dalton only knew as… sporadic.
“No—nothing,” Dalton responded, too stressed to argue. “Just, we need to get out of here. Like, right now.”
“Okay,” Bennett nodded. “I can handle that.”
He reached out a hand and scooped Dalton into a fist. 
The claustrophobia was immediate. Dalton felt like he was being squeezed—no, he was being squeezed—and the air was quickly stolen from his lungs. His ribs felt like they were going to shatter. He was going to tell Bennett that he was holding him too tight, but his world was lurched forwards as they took a giant step forward. 
Dalton wanted to yell, wanted to demand that Bennett put him back down because he regretted his request to leave immediately, but the fear of being heard (or worse, seen) by others made him keep his mouth shut. 
“I’m gonna put you in my hoodie pocket,” Bennett said as they approached the table they had been working at. “So, I can grab our stuff.”
Without warning he was shoved into his front hoodie pocket. Dalton fought an unmanly yelp as he scrambled for purchase in the fabric.
It was hot, it was tight, it was moving, and there was nothing Dalton could do about it. Where was Bennett taking him? Was he going to tell Rory what was happening? Or would Dalton be stuck with Bennett alone until he was able to grow to his normal size?
The walk felt much too long, or much to short, Dalton couldn’t decide. Bennett’s calloused hands found their way around him again, and Dalton was forced back out into the open. His head spun as Bennett adjusted him right-side up, and Dalton was then—rather carelessly—dropped onto a hard surface. He hit hard, not prepared for the drop, and fell on his side, a hard ough! escaping his lips on impact. He propped himself up on one elbow as he took in his surroundings, afraid to find out where Bennett had taken him.
He was in a dorm room, and Dalton could only guess it was Bennett’s. It was messy—clothes scattered on the floor, loose papers sprawled across the surface of the desk—and as he looked around it seemed that Bennett caught on to what he was thinking.
“Uh, sorry about the mess.” He began to pick up his clothes and throw them into his wardrobe. “I wasn’t really expecting company.”
Dalton, finally free from his fabric prison, took this moment to catch his breath. Not being Bennett’s center of attention and being high off the floor was a lot better than what had happened to him so far.
He couldn’t bring himself to stand just yet. His stomach was still lurching from the jostling movements and his legs were weak with anxiety. Dalton watched Bennett shove his clothing into his wardrobe with enough force to snap Dalton in half at this size if Bennett felt like it. He needed to get up, needed to put himself somewhere he felt a little safer. 
Dalton sat up, the pain around his ribs almost immediate. They felt bruised—maybe worse—and Dalton knew instantly that coming here was a bad idea. He should have known that Bennett was just too curious about his abilities, and that nothing good could come from this little unwanted adventure. 
Bennett sat down at his desk, towering over Dalton’s pitiful form.
“So, now what?” Bennett asked, harshly propping his elbow up on the desk and cradling his chin in his hand. “How do we make you big again?”
Dalton swallowed thickly as he looked up at Bennett, unable to hold eye contact any longer before he forced his head to look back down. “Time,” he choked out. 
Bennett hummed, the fingers of his free hand appearing out of nowhere and grabbing hold of one of Dalton’s arms. His forearm was pinched between two fingers, squeezed just a little too tight. He was then forced to turn his arm over as Bennett examined his too-small limb. “What are you doing?” Dalton asked him, forcing his voice not to tremble.
“Just looking at you,” Bennett answered. “You’re just so small it’s actually insane.”
There was a lump in Dalton’s throat. “Please—please let go.”
“Relax, dude. I’m not gonna hurt you.”
It was too late for that, Dalton wanted to say. But he kept his mouth shut and let Bennett continue to gawk at him. He just prayed that he got bored soon. 
“Your hands are so tiny,” Bennett said. “They’re like the size of my fingertip.” 
His fingers moved down the length of Dalton’s arm, pinching his hand as he marveled at Dalton’s size. Bennett chuckled. “I can’t help but to laugh,” Bennett told him, “this is just so crazy.”
He then yanked on his arm and Dalton lurched forward. His ribs screamed with pain and without a hand to catch himself with, Dalton rolled sideways onto his shoulder. He hit the surface of the desk with an oof.
“Sorry, man.” Bennett was still chuckling, oblivious to Dalton’s discomfort. “I just…” His voice trailed off. “Wow.” 
With each prod and poke and unintentional careless action, Dalton felt more and more broken. Tears began to well in his eyes—tears that Bennett didn’t notice due to his curiosity that overpowered his sensitivity—and a sob caught in his throat. 
Dalton bit his lip, struggling with the internal conflict of wanting Bennett to understand and fearing his own vulnerability. Fear left him frozen where he fell, head and shoulder pressed against the hard surface of the desk. Bennett’s touch never relinquished.
As Bennett’s finger lingered on his side, Dalton’s breath hitched, the ache in his ribs intensifying. He wanted to speak up, to tell Bennett to be more careful, but fear held his tongue. 
A finger ran down the length of Dalton’s side with the intention to forcefully lift him from his spot on the desk. Finally, a single tear rolled down Dalton’s cheek. A choked sob escaped through his lips, and Bennett’s touch froze in its place. 
Dalton swallowed hard, his whole-body tensing as Bennett’s finger pressed against his bruised ribs again. “Bennett, please,” Dalton managed to choke out, his voice trembling.
Bennett paused, noticing the fear in Dalton’s eyes. “Oh,” he said quickly, withdrawing his hand. “Did I hurt you?”
Dalton nodded silently, his chest tight with anxiety. 
“I—I’m sorry.” Bennett was cupping his hands together, holding them close to his chest. “I didn’t realize.”
Dalton didn’t move for a few long moments. He allowed himself to cry. To grieve for a loss of normalcy that he hadn’t realized he lost. He waited for the stinging sensation in his ribs to mellow out enough for him to sit up, to look at Bennett with red, tear-stained eyes and demand that he go and get Rory so this nightmare can come to an end. 
Bennett was already crying. “I’m sorry,” he said again. “I wasn’t thinking and—”
“That’s the problem,” Dalton replied bitterly, his voice barely above a whisper. “You don’t think.”
A silence settled between them, thick and heavy with unspoken words. 
“I’m so sorry, Dalton,” Bennett finally said softly, his voice tinged with regret. “I’ll try to do better. Next time—”
“There is no next time,” Dalton interrupted. “Please, just call Rory.”
Without a word, Bennett turned away from the desk. He dialed a number on his phone and put it to his ear. 
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
okie dokie, lets do faeries v avians
General Culture:
Avians: bird like society, family is very important though each child eventually 'leaves the nest'. Their wing type and personality depends on the bird they are born of.
Faeries: cicada like society, they live in large communities underground and will emerge whenever they wish. They do still buzz like cicadas.
Agriculture: Avians don't often grow food, their diet is very bird-like and depends on their respective species diet. Faeries grow many things and enjoy eating the roots of plants. Every few months, a few emerge to go and gather tree sap which is used in teas and also drank raw.
Avians: Bird names, often based off of species OR the tree they were born in
Faeries: based off of the tree sap they were fed right after birth but sometimes the first root they ate
Human Relationships: Avians are far more likely to have relationships with humans due to the fact that they adapted to human culture and urbanization. Faeries don't often have relationships with humans because they used to be hunted for their wings since they have magical healing properties.
Communication: Avians use a whistle language in addition to the language spoken in their country or city of origin. Faeries use a buzzing language and don't often speak human languages, though they can learn them very quickly
Assorted Fun Facts:
Faeries are closer to the common groundling and suburbian groundling and thus many groundlings know how to mimic the buzzing language AND faeries know the sign language for better communication
Avians are more likely to fall in love with humans than any other small folk
Faeries do possess some magic, but its beginning to die out
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
G/T Dialogue for Story Inspiration!!
“That’s it. I’ve had it. In my pocket you go.”
“I can make that jump! You just have to trust me!”
“Little one? No please don’t hide again!”
“Christ- you’re huge. Wait- is that offensive? IM SORRY-“
“Stop moving! I don’t wanna drop you-“
“Cities look entirely different from this point of view…”
“Why are they running? I just wanted friends…”
“See this needle? You do NOT wanna be on the other side of it- big guy!”
“You literally bought me a tiny Remote control car…”
“God you’re adorable! I might just keep you like this- kidding! Unless-“
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
ALRIGHT lets talk groundlings. this is no particular order btw its essentially an infodump BUT BUT BUT. it lays a nice basis.
Groundlings (mostly those who are suburbian or common) do not understand the purpose of human currency. In their societies, trades of labor or other goods are the norm. However, some smaller communities have developed a credit system. Urban groundlings understand the purpose of money and adopted their own form of it, often using something such as buttons or other common things that humans lose. This differs by city.
General Culture:
Common: closely knit to their communities and to other communities of groundlings. They are fighters, and many collect the ribs of small animals, form them into artificial fangs, then store snake venom in them for protection. Many communities also dose their children on poison to make them resistant and also poisionous. Common groundlings are very friendly with other small folk, but can get hostile with humans. they wear clothes made of leaves and furs and do not have verbal slang, but often use certain body language or hand gestures instead
Suburbian: closely knit within their households, which can sometimes hold up to ten groundling families at once. They are the most peaceful of all the small folk, and often try to convince other groundlings of the virtues of humans. they are friendly with the common groundlings and all faeries, but the sprites consider them traitors. they wear clothing made out of human scraps for the most part, but sometimes they make traditional clothing out of leaves and do not use all human slang, but they do use human curse words
Urban: often not in large groups, many times only with their family or even just a friend or two. they use human weapons to fight off others, and are the most hostile to anything that is not human. they wear human clothes and use human slang
Agriculture is the common groundlings best friend. They rely mostly on growing food, as hunting is a struggle. However, there are many common borrower communities that scavenge as well. Scavenging is becoming more and more popular due to the fact it helps the groundlings to gather seeds, better tool building materials, and furs for clothes. Suburbian groundlings still rely on their agriculture, though they also can rely on the human household they inhabit for certain 'human exculsive' foods, essentially anything processed or bought from a store. Urbans rely only on 'human exculsive' foods.
Names are based on the regional differences as well, but here is the naming system simplified.
Common: simple names, often off of animal names or the name of a plant the groundling was born by.
Suburbian: many plant names, oftentimes shorter names. They were the first groundlings with nicknames
Urban: human names, sometimes based off of streets in their city, or even off of restaurant chains or car brands
Human relationships are pretty strained. Common groundlings have little contact with humans, thus causing stories told to children about how they can be monstrous. However, many commom groundlings can take down a human, if they have enough people to fall a giant. Suburbian groundlings are the most likely to develop relationships with humans, mostly because of their living situations and their constant close proximity to the same humans. Urban groundlings are comfortable with being around humans, but don't often form close relationships due to the idea that they are still dangerous.
Communication between two of three groundling groups(common and suburbian) includes a form of sign language that is most often used in dangerous situations
Assorted Fun Facts
despite the fact that there are common groundlings, suburbian groundlings have the most in numbers
common groundlings and urban groundlings are the most likely to have disputes, due to many common groundlings strong connection to their culture
oftentimes, there is regional mixing, though sometimes it causes resentment because of the erasure of culture on either side
every groundling type has a tail and ears that can rotate one hundred eighty degrees for better hearing.
poor eyesight is not very common, but it does occur commonly in urban groundlings
trauma is very common, thus the creation of rehabilitation centers by suburbian borrowers
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
just a little basic prelude to an upcoming borrower series so the lore can all be kept in one post for both the readers (and my own) convenience.
there are three main types of little folk:
groundlings, which split off into wild aka common, suburbian, and urban. the differences between the wild, suburbian, and urban groundlings are mainly cultural, but they have some minor physical differences as well.
faeries, which split off into avians and normal faeries. the only difference between the two groups is wing type, as avians have bird like wings and faeries have bug wings like that of a cicada or occasionally a dragonfly, depending on the region they are born in
and then sprites, which are their own thing entirely. they often do not have a completely defined physical form, and place curses on humans who get too close to their resting places, often times without the human knowing at all
each type of little folk has its own culture, and between groundlings a sense of culture is a large divider between the regional groups, especially when it comes to wild groundlings and urban groundlings.
as times have gone by, there have been more divides in culture between the avians and the faeries, as most avians adapted to human urbanization, whist faeries did not, instead choosing to stay in their forested homelands.
sprites are dying out, due to the deforestation and continued urbanization by humans. sprites are not very happy about this at all.
(each type will eventually get their own post about how cultures conflict and the regional differences)
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yippeesizedifgohard · 3 months
Very emotional sizeshifter who doesn’t have full control of their sizeshifting yet: Wow, you never grow or shrink out of control, you must have such good control of your sizeshifting and your emotions!
Non-sizeshifter friend lying about being a sizeshifter: Yep, I sure do! That’s the reason why you’ve never seen me grow or shrink ever!
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yippeesizedifgohard · 4 months
i havent seen many people talk about this, but i know it from experience so....
Misophonic Tinies !!! (misophonia is when somebody hears a trigger sound, like chewing, or seeing a trigger movement, like finger tapping/knee bouncing, and then experiencing things like extreme anger, panic/anxiety attacks, and the extreme urge to escape. i struggle with this myself and though id love to be around a giant i know this stuff would impact me badly)
explaining misophonia to a giant
never eating with the giant
flat out walking away bc you can hear the giant breathing
getting frustrated easily during conversation bc I caN HEAR YOU CHEWING THE INSIDE OF YOUR LIP QUIT IT
"you have a bird in your nose." (nose whistling iykyk)
can't lay on giant bc of normal bodily fluid noises
feeling bad bc you can't be around the giant for so long even though you care about them
never hanging out in a quiet space
the "sorry man, not tonight, I was around a dripping faucet all day" and staying on call instead
hands are good, hands don't have sounds AND I can hide in them from all the sounds
I can see. your finger. it's twitching. i can see it out of the corner of my eye please. please.
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yippeesizedifgohard · 4 months
Okay seriously. Reblog if you're OLDER than 11.
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