My friends say I was kissed by fire
66 posts
Hello It's Ygritte Wilde, I'm 21 and currently in the army.
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
arya stark week - [day 2] favourite season: one
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
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Natalie Dormer on MTV’s “Cooking with Thrones”, 2013
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
She paused. Even after everything that happened at the bar, Ygritte realized she still wanted to be friends with him.
"Erm… thanks," she replied awkwardly, not having a single clue where this conversation would head.
"Hey Jon, can we talk? I know I've been a total bitch in the past, but I just don't want us to end on a bad note... Hell, you don't have to like me, but if we could be friends or acquaintances..." Ygritte laughed into her phone, realizing how bloody idiotic this voicemail had become. She mentally shot herself with an arrow, for ever thinking this was a good idea. "Well, uh, you don't have to call if you hate me, but-" There was an automatic beep and a voice saying her message had ended.
Jon felt weird. He definitely wouldn’t expect something like this from her, so he had no reaction to that, but stand there in the middle of the living room, trying to understand what just happened… And especially trying to understand the feelings that just came up. 
First it was like remorse, as if it’s never been fair of him to hate her, but well, she had never been the most friendly person he’s known… Deep in his heart, he knew that at that time they were just too childish to get along, but right now, this could be left behind. But there’s more… why call him? Why would she want to contact him so fast and why is he feeling so eager to talk to her again?
Lost in his thoughts, he just realized he called her back when a raspy voice answered the phone. He was speechless. “Erm… hey, i— I heard your message. I just… yeah, no hard feelings… about that.” He cleared his throat and laughed nervously while waiting for her answer.
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
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Even though Ygritte hated to admit it, Jon Snow’s words hurt more than an arrow would. She tried to keep her expression passive, but Ygritte had a feeling she wasn’t exactly doing a good job. She didn’t know why she cared so much about his opinion, he was just another stupid bastard…
"Fuck you Jon," Ygritte tried to keep her voice steady.
…but Ygritte knew she was bullshitting herself. Somehow he was more than that and for some damned reason she cared a lot about what he thought. Screw this. Ygritte abruptly stood up and headed for the exit.
Ygritte leaned up against the bar table in the local pub. She fiddled with her beer glass and sighed outwardly. Her mind was elsewhere; while she was just sitting here, other people around the world were dying. Ygritte hated the fact she wasn't doing anything to help, she missed being in the army. There was a voice that brought her back to reality, a voice that she remembered from her past. "Jon Stark," she whispered.
Jon was out with some other guys, apparently a bit louder than he supposed to be. He didn’t agree to go out to a bar in the first place, he had lots of work piled up and a murder suspect he had to visit under his alias.
Of course, none of them would’ve listen to his bad excuses and he could never tell what he was really gonna do today… Jon always have been a terrible liar - sometimes his nice looks got him out of trouble, but with no help of the bad lies he used to say. That was a weakness and he had to work on that.
Thus, there he was, a lot more drunk than he should be and behaving like a 5 year old with Theon and Pyp. Something in the back of his mind told him that he was way out of his limits, but Theon kept filling his glasses and he already had no control of his body to stop his hand from taking the glass up on his lips. Theon leaned towards him and whispered about a pretty redhead girl sitting across the bar. One more time, his conscience warned him to stop, but there he was completely shit-faced, standing in front of her.
"heeey" He said in a low hoarse voice while the boys bursted out laughing behind him. He looked back smiling and feeling encouraged by them.    
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
Ygritte steadied the battered up boy and lead him towards her truck. She noticed some similar face features to another person she used to know... Ygritte shook that thought aside as she helped him into the passenger seat.
"We're heading to the hospital...Is there anyone you want me to call?" she asked.
"Seven Hells, are you alright?"
Robb groaned, holding his head as he slowly came to. When he opened it eyes, it was positively blinding, and he squeezed them shut, hissing quietly as the air blew out between his clenched teeth. What the hell happened last night?
He looked down and found that his shirt was soaked in blood, one of his shoes was missing, and his hands were the dirtiest they’d ever been. He must have gotten into a scrap with someone while he was in his wolf form… And it had really fucked him up, that was for sure.
"I’m… I’m fine." He coughed up blood immediately after saying so, and the redheaded girl hoisted him to his feet, muttering how she was going to take him to the hospital.
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
"Ooohh my favourite," Ygritte said as she watched Alys pour the drinks.
She propped her elbows against the bar table and leaned forward, "so tell me about the new Alys,"
Ygritte stood at the entrance of the pub and glanced down at the piece of paper Alys had given to her earlier. With one hand she opened up the entrance and searched the room for a familiar face.
Even over the noise of the bar, Alys was still able to hear the light ding as the door chimed open. She stood on her tiptoes and saw a familiar redhead, strolling the length of the bar. Alys waved her over, calling out, “Ygritte, over here!” with a smile on her face. The soldier caught sight of her and grinned back, jogging towards the counter.
"I’m glad you could make it," Alys said, already in the midst of pouring them each a rum and coke.
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 10 years ago
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Ygritte Appreciation Week: [Day 7] Whatever I Want → You’ll be missed! ∟ After my final take, I was given my bow and arrow. They changed the handle on the bow, replacing the grubby Wildling wrap with white leather. On one side of the handle was an emblem of a red rose. On the other was a silver placard that read, ‘Kissed by Fire.’ Everybody huddled around. I felt very privileged. It was absolutely beautiful.
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
Catelyn: "Ma'am, I need you to breathe for me, in and out, okay. I can't help you if you don't tell me what's going on. Now, what happened?"
Ygritte's mind was all scattered and her vision was blurred. The bright flashing lights were too much and she couldn't feel her legs. I don't know! I don't know! she tried to scream, but nothing came out except a quiet pathetic whimper.
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
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→ She is the salt of the earth
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
    “Cersei…might I have this dance?”
    It was her wedding to Robert.  Robert looked almost as old as Tywin did, deep in his dark eyes.  But Tywin had turned to his daughter, after asking Robert’s leave.
    “Father?  I-“    “You are my daughter…it is traditional for the father and daughter to dance at her wedding.”
    Carefully, the new queen stood, and took her father’s hand.  She looked up to meet his deep green gaze, which was darker than hers or either of her brothers’, and found an old gentility there.  The sort that had, after he’d been struck by the king, let him allow she and Jaime to tickle him and ‘conquer’ the lion of the Rock…and curl up with them until sleep claimed them.  This was her father.  Not the Lord of the Rock, not the Warden of the West, not the old Hand of the King…her father, Tywin.  Who was watching her get married.
    Tywin smiled softly as she nodded and let him lead her down the stairs to the floor.  And they danced, Tywin leading her with a graceful ease e suspected she did not know he possessed.
    “Father…you never joined in my dancing lessons…”    “One of the few lordly lessons I was taught and heeded…your mother loved to dance.”
    She fell silent, but continued to dance with him.  Robert and the Stark boy - Tywin could only see them as boys, although they were young men - were chatting softly, the Stark lad’s eyes dark and stoic.  He would be returning North then…Tywin would be paying him a visit soon, he had a criminal who had fled the North into the West…and he wanted to get to know his fellow Warden.
    Cersei sent him a glare, and he pulled his mind out of the thought.  He was her father today…not the Warden.  He twitched the faintest, most private smile for her.
    “My apologies, Cersei…it is a challenge to keep my mind on personal matters.  Are you happy?”    “Yes…he is very handsome, father…and kind to me.”
    They danced for awhile longer, Robert admitting he had no real skill for it, before Robert quietly asked if they might retire.  Tywin, unlike most of the other lords, did not bend the knee upon the man’s request.  Instead, he bowed, deep but not servile, and nodded.
    “I must return the Rock tomorrow…I have a long ride ahead of me.  It is growing late.  Enjoy your wedding Cersei…your Grace.”
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
oberyn having snakes and breeding snakes and hes just like ” ellaria what would you do if i released all of my snakes into cersei lannister’s house ” and she just stares at him like ” bruh” 
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
The "new"real dorky Ygritte wanted to go up, and hug Alys right there and ramble on about everything that had happened and hear about Alys' adventures. But the old Ygritte everyone else knew (the annoying little red head) wouldn't dare do something like that. This time Ygritte didn't have to worry about her past and who she was, because this was Alys... Seven hells, it was loving, badass, amazing Alys! Ygritte lost her self control and bear hugged Alys. "I fucking missed you mate," Ygritte hooted, she hadn't been this happy in ages, and forgot what it was like. "I would also love to get drunk at your pub."
"We used to be best friends."
Ygritte sighed and look at Alys; she missed the days she spent with her, talking about whatever the two felt like. Of course young Ygritte was naïve and a bit of a bitch to everyone, which was why Alys had found new and better friends. Ygritte didn’t blame her to be honest, but after what Ygritte had experienced, she had changed in a good way. “I hope we can become friends again,” was all she said.
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ygritte-kissedbyfire · 11 years ago
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 What should you be called? | I could call myself after my mother.
Sansa & Catelyn parallels (requested by anonymous.)
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