Chapter 4: The Order
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||The Prophecy Series||
She knew for 15 years that this day would come. She knew her destiny had already been written. That her death had been foretold.
She knew she would have to stop him. She knew she would have to kill him. And she thought she was prepared for all of it. But the day she met him she realized how wrong she was…
Set in Season 10
Pairing: MoC!Dean x Female!OC
Episode mapping: After episode 4 of season 10 "Paper Moon"
Warnings: the usual SPN, language
Note: The events of this story are following season 10 of Supernatural and are taking place between October 2014 and July 2015. I tried to make sure that all the references to weapons, tech, etc. are accurate with the time period.
AN: This is my first time writing a fanfic but the story has been in my head for too long and it just needed to get out. I hope you like it.
AN: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
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"Checking biometric data…" a male voice comes from the car's speakers. "Identity confirmed. Hello, Emilia. Loading your last destination…" "Change the destination to mission location." I say to the computer. "Destination changed. 40 miles to the target, which is 64 kilometers" the computer announces. "Yeh, like I don't know that already." I mutter under my breath. "Seatbelt." I say to Sam. "What?" He is looking at the car's dashboard with astonishment. "Put the seatbelt on." I repeat and he looks at me, realizing that I already have mine in place. He puts his on and I start the car. After 10 minutes of driving in silence, Sam says. "When you said a car, I didn't imagine that. I have never seen anything like this." Well… I can not deny that the matt black Jeep Wrangler Unlimited Rubicon is kind of impressive and with all the customizations it is not something you can see every day.
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"How is it that it recognizes your voice commands? And it shows everything in both miles and in kilometers." Despite everything Sam just can't hold back his curiosity. "It's a voice assistant. And I made some improvements before I came here. On top of everything else that was done to it." "What do you mean?" "Well… You don't think I have only one gun and a couple of knives, do you?" The pain is getting worse with every minute but I keep my focus on the Impala in front of me. "So… there are more weapons here? Is that why you so desperately wanted us to get it?" "No, damn it!" I'm starting to lose my temper. "I wanted you to get it, because there are things in this car that can not fall into the wrong hands. So they are protected. And if someone has the brilliant idea to try to steal that car it will protect itself. I stop for a second and when I see the look at Sam's face I know that he has no idea what I'm trying to say. I sigh and continue. "There is a self destruction mechanism… It will blow up." He is finally looking at me with understanding.
"So… What do you have?" "I suppose pretty much the same as you do in the Impala. For example…" I press several buttons on the dashboard and after a couple of seconds the console between the front seats opens, revealing a shotgun and 2 boxes with 12 rock salt buckshot each. "I'll have no problem handling a ghost." I push the buttons again and the shotgun disappears. "And what about that?" Sam looks at the bag in the back seat. "Those are my clothes." I smile.
I park the Jeep in front of the bunker. Dean is already out of his car and is coming to us. I take a breath and pull out the key from the ignition. I climb out of the vehicle without any grace and almost stumble on the ground. My legs are wobbly and the pain is making everything fuzzy. But I straighten my back and resume my stand with my hands clasped behind me. Sam grabs the bag from the backseat and emerges from the other side of the vehicle. The brothers start walking and I follow. Dean is in front of me, Sam is behind, never lowering his gun.
"So… talk!" Dean commands me and gives me two pills and a glass of water.  I take the pills and swallow them.  I'm sitting in a chair in the main area of the bunker. Sam had insisted on taking me to the devil's trap room, but Dean deemed it unnecessary, so, as a compromise, I was cuffed to the chair.
"In 1878, after significant changes in the geopolitics map of Europe, the Men of Letters desidet to drastically change too. There was the revolutionary idea to work side by side with the hunters and with the Witches' High Council. The British chapter, however, was strongly against this idea. They started a vicious campaign to stop it at any cost. There were massacres of witches and there was a real threat that the situation could escalate and restart the witch-hunts. So the British chapter of the Men of Letters was allowed to separate itself from the other parts. The leaders of the American chapter saw their opportunity and also negotiated their autonomy.  The Order was formed in Europe and Asia. The headquarters of The European Division of The Order is in Prague in a bunker just like this one. There are other smaller bunkers in other countries. The European Division is also responsible for the Middle East. The Asian Division's headquarters is situated in Japan. The British chapter of the Men of Letters isolated themselves and the Americans had their freedom too. An agreement was signed. The three separate organizations will not interfere with the work and the government of each other in fear of starting a new dark ages. However The Order and The American chapter of the Men of Letters continued to work together and exchange information, knowledge, and technologies. Until the Americans were wiped out overnight. A protocol was activated automatically and locked down all the bunkers in the States and an observation system was started so that The Order was notified if there was a threat to any of the facilities.  Over the years, members of The Order were sent to investigate different signals, but they were always insignificant events or nothing at all. There were a couple of demonic break in attempts but none of them were successful. About three weeks ago we received a signal that this bunker was attacked by demons. So I was sent here to investigate and, if needed, to neutralize the threat and secure and lock the bunker again. I never found what had triggered the alarm but I figured if you were here you had handled it." I finish my explanation. The boys exchange looks between themselves. They obviously know what has triggered the alarm. "Nice history lesson." Dean snorts. "What about the part about you killing Dean?" Sam asks. "Well... That's another history lesson." I declare and Dean rolls his eyes.  "My father's side of the family is something called 'Warriors of the Fates'. In every couple of generations, a member of my family line receives a prophecy predicting their lives and usually the task that they're given. In most cases, something that will change the course of history. I have received such a prophecy and everything it predicted had happened. The last part, the most important part, says that I will be the only one that will be able to kill some unstoppable dark monster." "And how do you know that that monster is Dean?" Sam asks. I look at Dean's arm and that's the only answer he needs. "He may never become like Cain! He may find a way to resist this mark and to control it." Sam protests but his brother doesn’t. I stay silent. How am I supposed to convince Sam that his brother will become something unspeakable? If I was in his place, I would never believe it. "Sammy, we both know that this is not true." Dean answers instead of me. "I already went down this path. And the fact that she is here just confirms the inevitable." "And I brought you back. And I'll do it again. As many times as I need to. We have no proof that you are the thing she is supposed to kill. It could be not related to us at all. We are talking about a prophecy for God's sake! A prophecy! It might not be real at all!" "Really? You believe that?" "And since when do you believe in prophecies? In destiny? In all this 'someone already decided it and we have no choice' bullshit?"
"I know it will all start when I'm bounded by 64 and four blood lines." I say softly and my words stop their argument. 
We are all silent for a long time after that.
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Chapter 5 - Coming soon
||The Prophecy Series||
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Chapter 3: The stand-off
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||The Prophecy Series||
She knew for 15 years that this day would come. She knew her destiny had already been written. That her death had been foretold.
She knew she would have to stop him. She knew she would have to kill him. And she thought she was prepared for all of it. But the day she met him she realized how wrong she was…
Set in Season 10
Pairing: MoC!Dean x Female!OC
Episode mapping: After episode 4 of season 10 "Paper Moon"
Warnings: the usual SPN, language
Note: The events of this story are following season 10 of Supernatural and are taking place between October 2014 and July 2015. I tried to make sure that all the references to weapons, tech, etc. are accurate with the time period.
AN: This is my first time writing a fanfic but the story has been in my head for too long and it just needed to get out. I hope you like it.
AN: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
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I pull out my gun and point it at the woman in front of me. Sam does the same. She doesn't even flinch. She stands motionless and expressionless in front of us. "Not now, obviously!" The annoyance in her voice is evident. "At least, now I know which one I'm supposed to kill…" She mutters. She is looking at my arm. The right sleeve of my shirt is now to my elbow, revealing the red mark there. "... and which one is going to kill me…" She looks at Sammy. "Not now… like I said." I hesitate for a moment but slowly lower my weapon. "Dean! What are you doing?" Sam hisses at me. "Well, she insists that she is not going to kill me now. At least, let's hear what she has to say." I say to my brother. Then I turn to the woman in front of us. "So, you know what this is?" I point to my arm. "Yes, I do." She replies with a well trained emotionless voice. She waits for a while and when she sees that we are expecting a clarification, she continues.  "This is The Mark of Cain. It turned Cain himself into a demon. I suspect, at some point, it will do the same to you. It will turn you into an unstoppable dark monster, only I can kill…" The last part sounded like a well memorized phrase, a one that was repeated over and over again. "What is that supposed to mean?" Sam asks impatiently. "I will explain everything when we go back to the bunker. But right now, I need you to go grab my car." "What do you mean, go back to the bunker?" Sam asks. "We are not going to grab your car!" I exclaim. She looks first at Sam, then at me, takes a deep breath, and suppresses her obvious annoyance.
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"I need you two, to go and get my car." I repeat slowly. "It can not sit there for anyone to stumble upon it. It's kind of unsafe to leave it there. Someone might try to take it and… Well It's not exactly safe to try to do that. I can not go further. Like I said earlier, there is something wrong with your bunker. As you know, those things are running partially on magic, so it has bound me to itself and until it's fixed, I can not go further than 64 kilometers from it. That was what the nose bleeding was all about." The Winchesters look at me with confusion and disbelief. "I'm not going anywhere. Believe me. I can't. Even if I want to." Sam is still pointing his gun on me. "I'm not leaving you out of my sight!" He declares. "You can disarm me, if it will make you feel better." They exchange looks, realizing that I still have all my weapons. And, I hope, they appreciate the fact that I have not attempted to use them. Dean starts walking to me. "I have a gun on my waistband," I start "and a knife, another three throwing knives in my right boot and a dagger in my hair. The keys to my car are in my left pocket."
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He takes the gun from the holster in the back of my jeans and looks at me, realizing that my hand was only centimeters away from it this entire time. Then he takes the knife next to it. And those from my boot. I'm not attached to the gun, but with every knife he takes, I feel more and more exposed and naked.  It's a strange feeling.  I'm not at all defenseless without them but my blades are not just weapons for me.  He checks me for other hidden weapons and when he reaches for my hair to take the dagger I told him I have there, he looks at me with confusion. "May I?" I offer. He makes a gesture for me to pull it out myself and takes a step back. No one has said a word since he started the task of disarming me.
I slowly lift my right hand to my hair and reach for the top of my Dutch braid where a blue pin is nudged in. I pull out the small dagger from there. What seems to be just a hairpin being actually the hilt of the dagger. With one move, I rotate it in my hand so I'm holding the blade, and offer the handle to Dean. And when he takes the last knife from me, I resume my posture with my hands clasped behind my back. "So… you like blades." he chuckles. I barely suppress my smile. He had realized that I'm not a threat to them. At least not at the moment. And he is turning on the charm. He is a player and he does the flirting without even realizing it… He is going to be а trouble. I can see how he can go under my skin really quickly. Keeping him away will be a very hard task but I'll have to do it as long as I can. "We are still not leaving her alone here!" "Ok… listen…" My patience is running out. "Like I said, I'm working for The Order…" They haven't heard about The Order… Great… "It is like the next-level Man of Letters kind of organization… I'm not here to harm you… I promise!" "You expect us to believe you?! You just threatened to kill my brother!" "For God sake! Not now! There is this prophecy that I'm going to stop a monster! And since this happened… I assume it will be your brother! But he is not a monster yet! Right!?" This is getting really frustrating… "I'm completely disarmed… And… If it is going to make you feel better… According to that same prophecy… You are going to kill me… So… Go get that car already!" "We obviously need to get the car! Do you have a better idea?" Dean grunts. "In fact, I do." Sam says not looking away from me even for a second. "Call Garth. Make him meet you at the cabin and take that damn car." "I call him?! No no no, if someone is staying with her, it's me!" "She threatened to kill you! If anyone is going, it's you!" "Sam is right." I try to stop their argument.  Fucking man… Why are they always being such drama queens! Go get the car before someone blows themselves up trying to steal it.  "I can not kill him. I'm not planning to try, but I literally can not." "Where is all of this coming from, actually?" Dean asks. "Like I said - a prophecy…" "A prophecy!? You are kidding me! Really!" "Yes really. And I can assure you, it is real. And I will tell you all I can about it, after we are back in the bunker." He rolls his eyes, looks at his brother's determined expression and pulls his phone, going back to the Impala.
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Sam is pacing, 10 meters in front of me. I'm standing still, not moving even a muscle. "So… a prophecy, huh?" "Yes." "And the bunker is broken?" "Yes." "And it bound you to itself?" "Yes." "And you can fix it?" "Yes. Duct tape or WD-40." I snark. "What?" "Nevermind! It was an engineering joke."
After almost an hour, we hear the Impala coming back and I recognize the sound of my Jeep. Earlier, I had to authorize the opening of the car's door and the start of the engine with a fingerprint, through my phone. Soon we see the two cars emerge from behind a curve on the road, followed by a third one. Garth's ride back, I suppose. When the cars stop, a tall skinny guy hops from the Jeep, looks at me and yells "Awesome ride you have there!" and he goes to the last car and leaves. Dean looks at me.  "Had she even moved?" He wonders out loud. "Not an inch." "Let's go!" Sam points with his gun for me to go to the driver side of my Jeep so I do so. The painkillers are starting to wear off. And the pain in my abdomen is getting stronger and stronger. I grit my teeth while I'm climbing into the driver's side. The Winchester brothers are quietly arguing for a moment and then Dean storms back to the Impala and Sam sits in the passenger seat next to me. He is still holding his gun pointed at me. And I'm starting to get tired of this.
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Chapter 4: The Order >>
||The Prophecy Series||
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Chapter 2: Protocol EG-64 initiated
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||The Prophecy Series||
She knew for 15 years that this day would come. She knew her destiny had already been written. That her death had been foretold.
She knew she would have to stop him. She knew she would have to kill him. And she thought she was prepared for all of it. But the day she met him she realized how wrong she was…
Set in Season 10
Pairing: MoC!Dean x Female!OC
Episode mapping: After episode 4 of season 10 "Paper Moon"
Warnings: the usual SPN, language, injuries
Note: The events of this story are following season 10 of Supernatural and are taking place between October 2014 and July 2015. I tried to make sure that all the references to weapons, tech, etc. are accurate with the time period.
AN: This is my first time writing a fanfic but the story has been in my head for too long and it just needed to get out. I hope you like it.
AN: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
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I slowly regain consciousness and I’m overwhelmed by the familiar smell of the humid air.  I’m home…  But then the memories from the cabin come back to me.  I struggle to open my eyes but I'm fully awake and I focus on hearing the silent conversation coming from the other side of the room. "What were we supposed to do? Drop her in some hospital? And say what? A bear attacked her?" Sam's voice is concerned. "She just saved our lives, Dean! She will be fine in a couple of days and then she'll be gone." "I know…" Dean sighs. "I'm just not sure if she is safer here with us... with me… or in a hospital on her own!" I'm finally able to open my eyes and start sitting up. "Hey, hey, easy there!" Sam says when he sees me and rushes to me. Dean stays in his place next to the door.  "You are safe here! We are not going to hurt you!" I managed to stop myself before responding with some sarcastic comment like "You should be worried about me hurting you!". I must not behave like the military trained special ops soldier right now. I must act like an American hunter. A little bit of politeness and a fake confusion would be the best way to go. "What happened?" I ask, looking down at my stomach. The wound was stitched up and bandaged. My jeans are covered in blood and my shirt is gone, leaving me only in my sports bra. Sam turns around and produces a plaid shirt from somewhere and I quickly put it on. It is way too big on me, so I roll the sleeves and tie the bottom to a node around my waist so the bandages are not visible. "You were injured by a werewolf while you were saving us. Thanks, for that, by the way." He smiles. "My name is Sam Winchester. This is my brother, Dean. What's your name?" My name? They have probably already found my fake ID. What was the name on it? Nadia? Natasha? "Natalie, Natalie Brooks. Where am I?" Playing 'damsel in distress' is not my favorite role. I'm far away from helpless and confused as you can imagine. But I just need to play the part and go on my way as fast as possible. "You are… ahm… Well, we live here. We didn't want to just drop you in a hospital." Sam explains. Dean hadn't said a word. Hadn't moved. He was just standing with his back against the wall next to the door, his arms crossed. Looking at me the whole time. Studying me.  I really need to go. Now! "Well thank you, for stitching me up. But I think it's time for me to go now."  Sam tries to stop me when I stand up on my unstable legs.  "I'm fine, thanks! I'll just go. I really don't want to intrude." I walk past Dean and open the door but before I run to the exit, I stop myself remembering, I was not supposed to know the layout of this place. I look both ways and turn around with a confused look. "Ahum... Can you point me to the exit? And…um… I suppose my car is not here?"
"Who are you?" I am sitting in the back seat of a black Impala. We have been on the road for about 40 minutes before Dean speaks to me for the first time. I'm looking through the window, lost in my thoughts, so I'm not entirely faking this time when I startle at his abrupt question. Sam looks at him with a scolding expression, like he is on the verge of lecture him for being impolite. I stifle a scoff and instead, put a confused look on my face. "What do you mean? I already told you who I…" Pain grips every nerve in my body. "Stop the car!" I hiss, grabbing at the door handle. "What the hell are you doing!!!" Dean exclaims. "Dean, stop the car! Something's wrong!" I can hear Sam saying. "Her nose is bleeding!"
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I stumble out of the car and start moving back down the road frantically. My mind is trying to grasp what is happening. This is not possible. Not now! Not here! When I'm about a hundred meters away from the car, the pain suddenly stops. I gasp for air and when my breathing normalizes I hear the Winchesters running toward me. "What happened?" Sam asks, the concern in his voice even more evident from when I woke up earlier. I wipe out the blood from my nose ignoring the question and dig out my phone from my jeans back pocket. I already know what is going on but I open my navigation map anyway. The exact distance from the Men of Letters bunker is… 64 kilometers…  Fuck!  Fuck!  Shit!  Fuck! "What the hell is all of that about?" Dean asks, raising his voice. I take a deep breath and straighten my back. I knew this was coming. It was inevitable. And it is just the beginning. And, of course, it has to be the renowned Winchester brothers. "I asked you a question, damn it!" Dean growls.
I slowly turn around to face the boys. I compose myself despite the panic and dread in my chest.  My feet - slightly apart… my back - straight… my hands - clasped behind my back… my chin - parallel to the ground… my face - expressionless. I lock all of the feelings in the tiny little black box inside my head. There is no point in panicking… there is no point of feeling any of this… It is what it is… I had accepted that a long time ago… "I'll have to make a call first, and then I'll explain everything." Dean tries to argue, but Sam stops him.
"Commander! Where are you? You've missed your exit window." I hear the voice of the general on the other side of the line. It looks like I'm on speaker because I can hear the usual noises of the command center. "Sir, I just initiated protocol EG-64." The line goes silent. The entire room around him is deadly quiet. They are just standing there not knowing what to say. "Em..." I hear the general's gasp. "It's right on time, sir."  Another long time of silence. "Sir, I need confirmation." My voice is monotone, drained of any emotion, like a good soldier. The man on the other side of the line clears his throat. "You have confirmation. Initiating protocol EG-64."  Silence…  "Soldier!" The general says and I hear the familiar noise of a keyboard. Everyone else is just quiet... I can imagine their faces and the looks that they are exchanging… "Can I do anything for you, commander?" "Sir, I need official permission to disclose my full identity to the active members of the American Men of Letters - Samuel Winchester, born May 2, 1983 and Dean Winchester, born January 24, 1979." The brothers are staring at me with curiosity, distrust and disbelief. "You have permission. You know the rules - only the need to know information." "Yes, sir." "And… you have permission to disclose your identity to everyone that is involved with your task as you deem needed. Call if you need anything!" "Thank you, sir!"
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There is nothing left from the confused and fragile girl that woke up in the bunker a couple of hours earlier. That was actually the thing bothering me about her. She had barged in that cabin, killing those werewolves… And when she woke up… She played… almost helpless… But not anymore… The person standing in front of me is the same small framed, 5 '7 tall, 115 pound woman, wearing the same bloodied jeans and my too big plaid shirt under her leather jacket, but she has the stand of a trained soldier.  Who, the hell, is she?  I knew something was up with her, from the moment she stormed in that cabin, but I was not able to put my finger on it until now.  I look at her closely. Her dark hair is held in a tide braid, her military boots are perfectly laced and going around her ankles, definitely not just a style choice.  It all makes sense now.  She was holding back.  She was trying to hide her training this whole time.
She is standing still like a rock the entire time she is talking on the phone. Not moving a muscle. Her expression is cold and distant, showing no emotions. "Yes, sir." …. "Thank you, sir!"
She hangs up the phone and puts it in her back pocket. Her right hand joins the left one behind her back.  "My name is Emilia Nikolova. I'm a tac team commander of The European Division of The Order." She recites with a monotone voice. "The bad news is that there is something wrong with your bunker. The worse news is that I'm going to kill one of you and the other one is going to kill me."
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Chapter 3: The stand-off >>
||The Prophecy Series||
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Chapter 1: The girl and the werewolves
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||The Prophecy Series||
She knew for 15 years that this day would come. She knew her destiny had already been written. That her death had been foretold.
She knew she would have to stop him. She knew she would have to kill him. And she thought she was prepared for all of it. But the day she met him she realized how wrong she was…
Set in Season 10 Pairing: MoC!Dean x Female!OC
Episode mapping: The end of episode 4 of season 10 "Paper Moon"
Warnings: the usual SPN, language, violence, blood, injuries
Note: The events of this story are following season 10 of Supernatural and are taking place between October 2014 and July 2015. I tried to make sure that all the references to weapons, tech, etc. are accurate with the time period.
AN: This is my first time writing a fanfic but the story has been in my head for too long and it just needed to get out. I hope you like it.
AN: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
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It's official… I hate the States.  I have been driving for over half an hour and there is nothing around.  NOTHING!  Here you can just disappear and no one will ever know. Long distances, distant people, crappy coffee…  I really miss the coffee…  Well, at least, the food was decent most of the time… I'm impatient to go back home, so I'm overdramatic. Moreover, I haven't really spoken to anyone for more than two weeks… that alone drove me crazy and irritated. Thank God this mission is over now! Take a deep breath and make a plan. That always calms my nerves. First, I have about three or four more hours of driving until I get to the private airstrip where the plane is waiting for me… that's insane… how is everything so far apart here… Deep breaths… Then, about a ten hour flight to Prague.  I'll probably sleep the entire time…  Or I can write my report…  First I’ll write my report, then I’ll sleep. After landing, I'll have my debriefing… and real coffee. Then… go to my apartment… pack a bag… and go to the airport… I have been waiting for this vacation for so long. To see my family…
I'm entering a small town and I see the local diner on my side of the road. Going through my plan in my head has improved my mood significantly. I always function better when I have a detailed plan. But I still need coffee. So with a dream of a latte or cappuccino in my mind, I park the Jeep and walk into the diner to get whatever excuse of a coffee they have. Five minutes later, with a to-go cup in my hand, I'm climbing back in the monstrous car. I really love this car. It's always funny to see the looks I'm receiving. I'm not the shortest woman in the world, but I'm no more than 1.70m (it's about 5 '7) and this Jeep is enormous. But I like driving it. And, I like all the modifications I've done on it over the years. While driving out of the town and the buildings are more and more apart from each other, a cabin catches my attention. Well, not the cabin itself, but the two figures going inside. Just before they went inside, their faces shifted. What day is it? It's not a full moon, right? I count the days in my head. It is a full moon. Great! Werewolves. I hesitate only for a second, before I stop my car down the road so they will not see me coming. Driving a car like this has some disadvantages after all. I push several buttons on the car's dashboard screen, to check my armory and a weapon is produced for me to use. When the central console on my right opens, I reach out to take the gun. I scowl at the Beretta 92 that is inside.
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"Of course!" I mutter under my breath. "I can't even use my own guns here!" I remind myself that I'm not supposed to raise any suspicions or to give any clues about who I am and who I'm working for. It's hard when you are a person of details and when you like things in a certain way. Unfortunately, my custom guns are locked in the car safe, until I'm boarding the plane to Europe. I take the standard US law enforcement gun and two spare magazines with silver bullets and I'm on my way to the cabin. "Fuck… I haven't even finished that coffee!" Engaging in those kinds of situations is not really in the scope of my operation here. Actually, it is way out of it. But I can't just walk away, keep driving and pretend I haven't seen anything. Not when there are innocent people in danger here… probably… 'Probably' is the key word… So I decide, I'll just look at what is going on in there and if, indeed, there are lives being threatened, only then I'll get involved.
Of course there are lives in stake. When I look inside the dimly lit building, I see the silhouettes of two men being tied to the pillars. Three werewolves are inside with them, the two men I saw earlier, and a younger blond woman… girl actually... It looks like she is in charge or has some authority over the others. I take in the layout of the place and make a map in my mind, all the people, the exits, the pillars, the piles of junk, the old furniture... Every little crack, every window and every beam…  And I make a plan…  And a backup plan…  And a backup plan.  I have it all laid out in my head, a perfect tactical assault mission.  In reality, this takes only a couple of seconds. My mind works in a strange way, but that's one of the things that makes me good at my job and has helped me climb the ranks quickly. I go in from the back door and immediately shoot down the two men. The girl with the long blond hair is standing in front of one of the hostages tied to the columns and puts her claws to his chest when she sees me.
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"Put down the gun, or I will gut him!" - she says to me. Another blond girl barges in and stops abruptly when she realizes the situation. "Tash, what are you doing?" she exclaims, looking at the girl threatening one of the victims. "Kate! Come here and help me!" - the girl says. Now, when I have a better look at her she looks really young, maybe just finished high school. I take advantage of everyone being distracted, and shoot. The girl hits the ground. I turn around, aiming my weapon at the second girl. "No, no, no!" - the two men yell in unison. I lower my gun and the girl runs to the body of her dead sister. At least they look like sisters.
I holster my gun and take the knife from my boot turning around to cut off the ropes of the two men. No, no, no, no…  I definitely fucked up…  What the hell…  I NEVER fuck up!  I was not supposed to make any contact with them. I was here to observe and report. Fuck, fuck, fuck… Shit! Ok… I'll just cut them down and then I'm on my way to the airstrip. I start cutting the rope tying up Dean's hands above his head. I have to stand on my tiptoes and I barely can reach the rope. "Hey, shortstack, do you need a stepping stool or something?" Sam teases and I snort at his comment. "Short or not, I'm not the one tied up by a highschool girl…" Fuck! Those boys are really tall up close!
I'm almost done when Sam yells "Watch out!!!" I press the knife into Dean's hand, so he can finish cutting the rope himself and pull out my gun while turning around.  Sharp pain stings my abdomen before I'm able to pull the trigger.  The gunshot rings in the air of the cabin followed by a heavy thump. I clench my stomach. That's bad.  That's really, really bad.  How did this all happen?  Where did he come from?  How did I miss him?  Maybe he came after the second woman… girl… My mind is racing, trying to analyze every little detail and every possibility. But it doesn't matter right now.  This must be the unluckiest day of my life! First, I stumbled on my targets, and now this!  I know this will not kill me.  This is not the way I'm supposed to go and now is definitely not the time. But it hurts like hell, nonetheless and for a moment, panic sneaks in my mind.  I haven't been in such deep shit in a long long time. I have been in far more dangerous situations, but I hadn't screwed up like this in years. Deep breaths… make a plan… "Hey! Are you ok?" Dean asks me when he is done untying his brother. "Yeah!" I say through my clenched teeth and without even turning to them I start walking to the front door. I'll just have to go to my car, stitch this up, and then…  My head starts spinning.  Shit, I'm losing too much blood. I'm not going to make it to the car…
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The woman had barged in, shot all of the rogue werewolves in a matter of seconds and without saying a word was now walking to the front door. "Wait a minute! Where do you think you're going?"  I yell and run after her.  Just when I'm reaching to grab her arm to stop her, she collapses and I manage to catch her at the last moment. "What the hell!"  I mumble but then I see the gash in her stomach. It's deep and she is losing blood too fast. "Sam! Find the first aid kit and get the car! NOW!"
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Chapter 2: Protocol EG-64 initiated >>
||The Prophecy Series||
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The Prophecy
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She knew for 15 years that this day would come. She knew her destiny had already been written. That her death had been foretold.
She knew she would have to stop him. She knew she would have to kill him. And she thought she was prepared for all of it. But the day she met him she realized how wrong she was…
Set in Season 10
Pairing: MoC!Dean x Female!OC
Note: The events of this story are following season 10 of Supernatural and are taking place between October 2014 and July 2015. I tried to make sure that all the references to weapons, tech, etc. are accurate with the time period.
AN: This is my first time writing a fanfic but the story has been in my head for too long and it just needed to get out. I hope you like it.
AN: English is not my first language, I apologize for any mistakes.
Chapter 1: The girl and the werewolves Chapter 2: Protocol EG-64 initiated Chapter 3: The stand-off Chapter 4: The Order Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Chapter 15 Chapter 16 Chapter 17 Chapter 18 Chapter 19 Chapter 20 Chapter 21 Chapter 22 Chapter 23 Chapter 24 Chapter 25 Chapter 26 Chapter 27 Chapter 28 Chapter 29 Chapter 30 Chapter 31 Chapter 32 Chapter 33 Chapter 34 Chapter 35 Chapter 36 Chapter 37 Chapter 38
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