“There are some people who could hear you speak a thousand words, and still not understand you. And there are others who will understand — without you even speaking a word.”
— Yasmin Mogahed
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“When you can tell your story and it doesn’t make you cry, that’s when you know you’ve healed.”
— Unknown
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Sometimes you just have to stay silent because no words can explain what’s going on in your heart and mind.
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If you don't like how the pieces are set, change the game.
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Diese Art von Traurigkeit, bei der du nicht weinst, sondern nur still ins leere schaust, weil dir in dem Moment bewusst wird, dass sich nichts ändern wird.
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“The most important day is the day you decide you’re good enough for you. It’s the day you set yourself free.”
— Brittany Josephina
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Wenn du in einer stark depressiven Phase bist, kannst du nicht klar denken. Dir fallen die einfachsten Dinge nicht ein, womit du dich beschäftigen k��nntest, was du dir zu Essen machen kannst. Dir fehlt die Kraft für alles. Dein Gehirn ist wie vernebelt. Ich hasse diesen Zustand so sehr.
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“self love is the only thing you need. you deserve to treat yourself with kindness.”
— Unknown
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“Sometimes the person who’s been there for everyone else needs someone to be there for them.”
— Unknown
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“You keeping your options open is another way of saying you’re too scared to settle on one person.”
Nicole Tarkoff (7 Signs You’re Running From Your Feelings Because You’ve Been Hurt Before)
More of her work (UK link)
(US link)
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when your insecurity is not being enough for someone, being with a person who is polygamous is like walking into a burning house and deciding that it's just camp fire. the sweet moments with them make you feel like you're overdosing on marshmallows. but at the end it's just your skin burning and getting sticky and icky and you are being exposed to everything you protected yourself from before. why would you do that to yourself when you know you're going to feel this way? walk the other way. if not that, then at least let him walk out. that burning house is not your place to enter. you do not need to care. you'll only be burned if you desire building a home with him. and maybe he isn't it? maybe you can simply grow a garden with him? with butterflies and giggles and dirt covered hands. maybe that can be enough? grow a garden. go in with that expectation. other wise, please, don't go in at all.
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An manchem Tagen ist alles grau und diese werden immer mehr. Würde gern drüber reden, aber jemanden zu finden der's versteht ist leider viel zu schwer.
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Innerlich da schrei ich laut, doch äußerlich bin ich so ruhig, so das niemand merkt, was in mir los ist.
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Stell dir vor, jemand sagt: Können wir das in Ordnung bringen, ich will dich nicht verlieren“.
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Ich bin ein Mensch, der so viel nachdenkt, dass sein Kopf eigentlich platzen müsste. Ich zerbreche mir über jede Kleinigkeit, jede Anmerkung, jede Tat, jedes Gefühl, jedes Wort stundenlang den Kopf.
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